raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | < Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
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<Solar_Oracle> That feeling when your leader in Stellaris ends up also leading your choice of factions.
<Solar_Oracle> Which also means I don't have to wait for an election.
<Solar_Oracle> "The issues are much too important for the Khemplar Commonality voters to be left to decide for themselves."
<raptop> convenient
<Solar_Oracle> I'm thinking of delaying the start of the narrative to the, ah, "streamlined, restructuring of of government" because no one wants to read yet another superhero origin story for the billionth time.
<Solar_Oracle> Though I think I'm also still a long ways away from First Contact.
<Solar_Oracle> Besides, until stuff starts happening, the only plot would be, "Sent research ship to world x 100".
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<raptop> "I'm taking over the world to find aliens"
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<Althego> zombanwa / guh
<Althego> but i just cant watch apex
<Althego> a vampire a zombie and a reaper walk into a game
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<raptop> So, you've chosen death
<Althego> and not even halloween yet
* raptop assumes that that stream would be like 70% Japanese, 30% English
<Althego> and 100% screaming
<raptop> hah
<Althego> hehe ollie dared to say nigero (run). one japanes streamer was auto-banned because of this
<Mat2ch> Althego: are you watching Martin as well? :D
<Althego> no
<Althego> i can barely watch adam savage build things when it is condensed into 1 hour
<Althego> watching building in real time doesnt work for me
<darsie> What's the demonym for people living in Niger?
<Althego> what's a demonym?
<raptop> Name for the people
<raptop> eg: Hungarians, Czechs, Danes, etc
<FLHerne> Nigerien, if wiki is accurate
<FLHerne> TIL that Niger had a coup by a "Supreme Council for the Restoration of Democracy"
<FLHerne> ...which actually restored democracy
<FLHerne> That has to be a first
<darsie> Demonym(s) Nigerien https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niger
<darsie> Demonym(s) Nigerian https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigeria
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<Althego> ah i thought it has something to do with demons :)
<UmbralRaptop> humans are the real demons
<Althego> then i was correct :)
<Althego> so instead it was with demos
<UmbralRaptop> yeah
<Althego> so wait, i didnt knwo niger and nigeria are two countries
<Althego> and both people are nigerians?
<Althego> ah nigerien
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<darsie> I guess Nigerien is french.
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<Althego> eh i forgot about a launch
<Althego> that went up fast
<Althego> spot the recovery booster? i cant https://twitter.com/RocketLab/status/1403108047191384064
<Althego> what, rocketlab sends something to mars?
<Althego> awesome
<Althego> wait, did spacex send anything to mars yet?
<Althego> i doont remember one
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<Althego> eh ollie did do the pi stream a day ago. and i didnt watch it
<Althego> heh, you could make a number station out of this
<Mat2ch> Wintergatan stream ended :(
<Althego> did he finish it?
<Althego> the build i mean
<Mat2ch> It's welded now
<Mat2ch> next tasks would be cleaning up the welds
<Mat2ch> and then probably welding some more
<Mat2ch> parts to it
<Althego> reading pi. get to a part where it is 69, suddenly laughs, then continues the numbers
<Mat2ch> wait for the 420!
<Althego> oh no and there is a broken silicon too
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<Althego> Mat2ch: wintergatan stream is on again
<Mat2ch> YAY
<Mat2ch> Althego: thanks!
<Althego> meanhile i got through the pi reading stream with double speed
<Althego> now off to broken silicon
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<darsie> .tw 1404707141102059520
<umaxtu> oh boy
<Althego> i can totally imagine somebody flying in a small drone from the outside, because the doors are soo tall
<Althego> pointless for anything else but entertainment, mostly just two tanks, the interesting part is the engine
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<Solar_Oracle> So you can IRC from a phone
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<Solar_Oracle> Though I suppose this isn't really all that far removed from two cups attached by a string
<flayer> just a few PCBs removed
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<Solar_Oracle> Chooms.
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<Solar_Oracle> So if Minas Tirith quits, does that mean Sauron wins?
<Solar_Oracle> Barad-Ur was an inside job, Sauron did nothing wrong.
<UmbralRaptop> Minas Morgul 2.0
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<Solar_Oracle> I always thought Minas Tirith could use some more spikes.
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<bees> <Solar_Oracle> I also have that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSlt8IF_a8w
<Solar_Oracle> More importantly, I must subsume more Twit feeds.
<bees> nice, a 4k version
* bees updated bookmarks
<Solar_Oracle> Upscaled with ABOMINABLE INTELLIGENCE.
<Solar_Oracle> The actual level was also kind of fun, as you were on the planet getting bombarded.
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