raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | < Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
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<Althego> zombanwa
<Althego> lol superchat reading was longer than the endurance stream. and vanished from archive
<raptop> pfft
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<Althego> deep voice ollie tired breathing. quality content
<Althego> after watching these ringfit streams i was considering buying the console just for this. i move a too little
<umaxtu> the switch ring fit game/thing?
<Althego> that
<umaxtu> its a workout
<umaxtu> my main complaint is that the leg strap slides down unless you tighten it down a ton
<Althego> but the tv is in the other room
<umaxtu> that could be a problem
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<Althego> hehe gamers nexus about the intel presentation: but what does that mean?
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<minas_tirith> Althego, "Urine is recycled in the station’s life-support systems and converted into drinkable water."
<Althego> only on the american side
<Althego> that reminds me, it has been a long time since cringe has posted iss urine tank levels
<Althego> supposedly the info feed is down
<minas_tirith> Althego, what do other countries do?
<Althego> i think the russian side does not drink recycled water
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<kbuck> but does the american side drink the russian urine ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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<Althego> they have separate tilets
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<Guest84900> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest84900
<Guest84900> whos in the here?
<Guest84900> i'm frist entry here
<Althego> not much is going on at the moment
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<kubi> 10 minutes
<kubi> nice
<Althego> i can understand that
<Althego> americans are sleeping, europeans are working
<darsie> .
* darsie is not working.
* Mat2ch neither
<Mat2ch> I was sleeping. :D
* UmbralRaptop is failing to sleep
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<Althego> there could be some asian activity though
<kubi> yeah
<kubi> need to talk to them
<UmbralRaptop> Obviously we need to have vtubers streaming KSP
<Althego> should have happened long ago
<Althego> if they can play minecraft, they can play ksp too
<Mat2ch> ksp doesn't scale as well as minecraft
<Mat2ch> you can't just build insanely huge stuff with the current performance :(
<kubi> where is my 1.12?!
<Althego> hehe
<UmbralRaptop> soon™
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<Mat2ch> very few Starship activities lately.
<Mat2ch> Sad :/
<Althego> but lot of activity for the ground equipmenty
<Althego> also 2 falcon 9 launches should be coming this week
<Mat2ch> the amount of F9 launches is just crazy
<Althego> not really, they are not launches the same one all the time
<Althego> launching
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<Althego> (local) leet time
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<Mat2ch> to ease the waiting ;)
<Althego> hard to tell what changed
<Althego> put a red mask on the changed parts :)
<Althego> or red for deleted green for added
<Althego> hehe rickroll
<Mat2ch> iirc the release arms are not connected to the clock thing anymore
<Althego> interesting
<Althego> because i thought that was the point
<Mat2ch> now it pushes the advance lever in
<Mat2ch> and there's a pressure release part hidden in the back
<Mat2ch> that wasn't the case before.
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<Althego> kikkerikii
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<darsie> .
<darsie> Althego: What triggers you to say kikkerikii?
<Althego> when kiara says it on the stream
<darsie> kiara?
<Althego> just as when ollie says zombanwa, or calli says guh
<Althego> basically theofficial start of the stream
<Althego> takanashi kiara, bottom left cat-birb
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<FLHerne> what?
<Althego> random stuff that doesnt make sense: vtubers
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<Mat2ch> FLHerne: virtual youtube stuff. Which is viewed by thousands or even millions of people.
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<FLHerne> ...but why?
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<Althego> and now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational internet
<raptop> ...that sounds like what someone would say right before starting a MUD
<raptop> (or I guess a DF sucession game or the like)
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<Mat2ch> FLHerne: why do people watch football games?
<FLHerne> I don't really know
<Mat2ch> see
<Mat2ch> people like different stuff, sometimes even weird stuff.
<FLHerne> You say that on the IRC channel for a computer game about launching green froggy people into space
<raptop> Watching people play X when you play the game a bit can be interesting
<raptop> FLHerne: annoying, orbfrggg isn't in this channel
<darsie> ppl here often like my creations.
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<raptop> Venus Venus Venus!
<Althego> there was some live video from the current nasa administrator
<Althego> didnt watch it
<raptop> The VERITAS and DAVINCI missions both got selected
<raptop> (I guess a Venus focus to make up for all the Mars and asteroids in previous years?)
<Althego> or because nasa would be ashamed if rocketlab makes it there sooner :)
<raptop> go.nasa.gov/NewVenusMissions
<Althego> nice to havea lander finallu
<Althego> also updated maps
<Althego> at this point mars is so well mapped that it might as well be earth
<Althego> i guess composition mapping is going to be challenging under that atmosphere
<raptop> radar magic(tm)
<raptop> Do zombies have reduced life support needs?
<Althego> probably
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<darsie> Are they alive?
<raptop> Okay, granted Ollie will mention drinking milk...
<darsie> Some need to eat.
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<a_flayer> angle at 15 degrees ..
<a_flayer> 5 km .. 425 m/s ..
<a_flayer> 10 km .. 600 m/s
<a_flayer> leveling out a bit
<a_flayer> still need too much control like that
<a_flayer> angle at 10-12 degrees this time
<a_flayer> alright now i dont need to touch until firing the reliants
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<darsie> I often figure out at which speed I have to pitch the rocket how much and wait till the prograde marker travels to the forward marker and I can switch to prograde hold and let the rocket pitch down slowly while always being aerodynamically prograde till I have to intervene if it doesn't work out perfectly.
<darsie> Like, take off vertically, at 50 m/s pitch (yaw, usually) east by 10 degrees, wait till prograde marker travels to the center of the navball, click prograde hold.
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