Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Got bugs? Verify files on Steam for instant happiness.
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<FLHerne> !outcome add Your efforts are misdirected and fail to address the underlying problem. Everything explodes.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added outcome: Your efforts are misdirected and fail to address the underlying problem. Everything explodes.
<FLHerne> !mission
<LunchBot> FLHerne: No mission for you. You get Carth. GreeningGalaxy explodes, becoming an improbably-colored quasar.
<FLHerne> !mission
<LunchBot> FLHerne: You try to fly the Aeris 4A to orbit. Your escapades catch the eye of Hollywood and they make a film, unfortunately it is directed by Uwe Boll.
<raptop> !mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You go to war with the tardigrade colony. The crystal sphere holdiing up the Mun shatters. You're gonna have to pay for that, buddy.
<raptop> oops
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<Solar_Oracle> Alright, Chapter 5 is up and now it's on to the first human expedition to Not!Dagobah.
<Solar_Oracle> So spacecraft can be spotted while flying on a planet, but not in orbit. Huh.
<raptop> uh
<raptop> Okay, granted, 2001 predates a lot of fancy large scale surveys
<raptop> And, like, commercial CCDs I think were often in the low single digit megapixel range. Maybe 1ish?
<Solar_Oracle> Radar then could spot small satellites into far out orbits and ICBM reentry vehicles.
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<Solar_Oracle> Even if you discount interplanetary range sensors, you'd still have little excuse to miss a spacecraft in orbit unless your radar net is World War II vintage.
<Solar_Oracle> And even then, people in 1969 were able to observe the Apollo spacecraft after translunar injection with over-the-shelf telescopes! Sure, they know where they had to look, but we also have a book with sentient AI that fit in the space of an iPhone!
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<raptop> Sounds almost like asimov era "yeah, this AI is really advanced, it can do triple integrals"
<raptop> (Might not be the exact quote, but it's from one of the short stories in "I, Robot")
<Solar_Oracle> Hey now, Asimov predicted wired chromebooks!
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<raptop> Prediction: if you stick a bunch of detection, orbit prediction, and fire-control algorithms in a TI-89, you'd end up with a computer more usefl for this than the AI
* raptop hopes to be amusingly wrong
<Solar_Oracle> I mean, if something's emitting exhaust in space, it's probably a spacecraft or a comet.
<Solar_Oracle> And if it's not following an existing flight plan, chances are it's probably hostile and worth shooting at.
<Solar_Oracle> And you could probably remove comets from consideration if only for the simple fact that a target with an orbital period of decades or centuries probably isn't a hostile unless they're exceedingly patient.
<Solar_Oracle> Though Ringo does not go into any detail on how FTL works in this universe. There's mention of jump points, but this could mean anything.
<Solar_Oracle> Ringo does believe, however, that meteors can do turns and barrel rolls.
<Solar_Oracle> Another chapter complete, another bit of my soul lost.
<raptop> Maybe he confused space rocks with Gloster Meteors?
<Solar_Oracle> Well, Ringo was Army and not Air Force, so I can totally see that.
<raptop> hah
<raptop> Weirdly I'm reminded of when Rico (no, the book one) was complaining about wild maneuvers before being launched.
<raptop> Though in that case I think it was about getting information as fast as possible and possibly evading enemy fire?
<raptop> s/information/in formation/
<Solar_Oracle> While I'm not sure if this one discusses it, later books firmly establish that Posleen ships are able to shoot down anything that flies. The franchises' excuses for getting around this strength are pretty weak.
<Solar_Oracle> And, as it is, modern anti-aircraft weapons are not so much evaded by fancy flying and more by outrunning them and/or hoping they hit your chaff and/or flares.
<Solar_Oracle> Slowing down to turn to, "dodge" a radar guided missile would be suicide.
<raptop> ah
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<Solar_Oracle> Hence why the USAF isn't really keen on keeping the A-10 around, as any Tom, Dick and Harry with a MANPADS or something more powerful than a 20mm AA round could kill it.
<Solar_Oracle> Speed is life!
<Solar_Oracle> And vehicle mounted or towed SAMs are extraordinarily large, fast and long ranged.
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<Solar_Oracle> Alright, I'm just labeling this planet Purple Dagobah.
<Solar_Oracle> So the Posleen are indeed too stupid to know how to cross rivers with anything other than bridges.
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<Solar_Oracle> So they're smart enough to know how to use guns, they have officers that coordinate the efforts of countless millions in wars that encompass multiple star systems at a time, and they can't cross bridges.
<Solar_Oracle> Another chapter posted.
<Solar_Oracle> Was it really necessary for Ringo to call the supercomputer in this book AIDs?
<Solar_Oracle> And a man just got cut in half because some idiot was playing around with a shield generator.
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<minas_tirith> Solar_Oracle, hi
<Solar_Oracle> The White City has returned!
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<Solar_Oracle> And I'm up to Chapter 10 now.
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<minas_tirith> Lyneira, SynMonger hi
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<darsie> If I use a chute to land an experiment storage capsule and decouple everything else to lower impact speed, it is no longer controllable and I'd have to send something to pick it up for recovery. If I leave a computer on the bottom, which explodes on impact, I'm still switched to the capsule and recover it.
<Althego> why would you need to send something. generally anything on kerbin is recoverable
<darsie> ahh :)
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<darsie> Is there an option so I can switch to nearby uncontrollable objects?
<Althego> only []
<Althego> but that is for closer than 2.5 km only
<Mat2ch> you can recover objects from the Tracking Station...
<Mat2ch> Even debris, when it's landed on Kerbin
<Althego> the nice in that is you dont need to switch to the object
<Althego> altough you need to switch to the tracking station
<Althego> but you can recover more in just one switch
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<Mat2ch> Need a steampunk rocket? Glue some gears on!
<Mat2ch> :D
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<Tank2333> nice
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<Althego> upcoming launch
<Mat2ch> Did you see the marble test?
<Althego> there was some many hours long test around midnight
<Althego> i didnt watch that
<Mat2ch> the one he made an hour ago!
<raptop> huh, kiara will be playing plug&play
<raptop> [bottom left intensifies]
<Althego> as usual, that doesnt appear on the channel
<Althego> because youtube hates creators and viewers alike
<raptop> stabitty
<Althego> start at 10
<Althego> like ina
<Althego> i am goig to sleep isntad
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<Mat2ch> About time!
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> bbl
<Althego> yes i was surprised when i found that out onsite too
<Althego> elon is 50. has to hurry up if he really wants to die on mars
<Althego> music on
<darsie> He can die on Mars when he's 80.
<Althego> as king elon 1 of mars
<darsie> Mars is a free planet or so he said.
<darsie> Made it ppl accept in the Skynet TOS or so.
<packbart> legally, that's not his decision
<packbart> otoh, who's going to bomb his Mars base?
<darsie> It's anyone's decision.
<Althego> t-6 min
<packbart> there are international treaties about itt
<darsie> Countries can enforce laws on Earth. Maybe on Mars, too, if they send police/soldiers there, too.
<Althego> you can enfore anything with... force. but legally no country owns mars
<Althego> or moon
<darsie> Nobody has to accept these treaties.
<darsie> It would be wise, though, given the dependency of Martians on Earth.
<darsie> Or the ppl who set up bases there.
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<Althego> so essentially the trace gas orbiter is useless for methane
<darsie> Maybe it's a sensor glitch :).
<Althego> at this point it seems unlikely
<Althego> supposedly methane accumulates near the round during the niht
<Althego> not detectable during the day
<Althego> but tgo needs light
<darsie> Will we leak enough methane with SS/ISRU to make natural occurance unmeasurable?
<Althego> no go
<Althego> countdown stopped
<Althego> i heard range
<darsie> url?
<darsie> ahh, there.
<Althego> i can listen to the distraction dance for a while then
<Althego> so launch tomorrow
* packbart continues watching Real Football
<Althego> hehe
<packbart> wake me if anything explodess
<packbart> ah, ok
<flayer> ffs its so hard to do a cost-effective 'suborbital high-g tourists' contract
<Althego> apparently the bot deems the 3 letter acronym unworthy
<flayer> for fancy's sake?
<Althego> full flight sim
raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Got bugs? Verify files on Steam for instant happiness
<raptop> Surprise!
<Althego> hah
<Althego> patch notes?
<raptop> probably a ground anchor, no offical announcement that I've seen yet
<flayer> for crying out loud
<flayer> one of the tourists can take 1.63G
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i hate thos contracts
<raptop> I hope they like losing conciousness a lot
<Althego> you cant fulfill it by spinning them around
<Althego> and they are really cheap
<flayer> i need insane levels of thrust
<Althego> but need unrealistic g forces for that price
<Althego> so basically you can fulfill them most of the time by twice the price
<flayer> the engines exploded on re-entry, and the turbulence caused them pass out, but it was in the atmosphere so no contract completed :(
<Althego> yes, ridiculously unbalanced
<Althego> and you need to hold the high g for several seconds too
<raptop> ...not sure what AOORE is and why it breaks saves
<raptop> * Fix AOORE breaking saves without Making History DLC installed
<raptop> That's the only line in the changelog
<Althego> lol
* flayer removes all snacks and ablator to save weight
<Althego> i doubt that helps you
* flayer glares at Althego
<Althego> what would happen i you send up the tourists separately?
<flayer> i just got one in the pod now
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<flayer> omg it worked
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<flayer> only BARELY, but i got it done lol
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<flayer> wasted a ton of kerbucks tho
<Althego> oh no, marcus house. ok i watch the video tomorroe
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* darsie did the arm scan.
<darsie> The animation was pretty cool.
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* raptop flips sign. Zero [0] days since someone called a craft that gets off the ground and disposes of a bunch of SRBs an SSTO because it has wings
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<packbart> Radial decouplers don't count as stage ;)
<raptop> This summon the wrath of Korolev's ghost
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<Solar_Oracle> Huh, my quote was taken down. I must strive to become more memorable!
<raptop> hrm
<Solar_Oracle> Coincidentally, verifying files has never worked for me.
<raptop> 1.12.1 has exactly one entry in its changelog, and it's related to compatability with the DLC
<Solar_Oracle> Still better progress than some Bethesda games.
<raptop> Hey, now, a huge fraction of Daggerfall's and Morrowind's bugs have been fixed ( engine rewrites by fans)
<Solar_Oracle> Morrowind's even playable now!
<Solar_Oracle> Skyrim honestly also had many very well documented bugs that should've been fixed when the special edition was being developed.
<Solar_Oracle> I can only imagine what Bethesda's foray into space will entail.
* raptop assumes that they're going to avoid real physics
<Solar_Oracle> Honestly, though, it looks like it's going to be Diet No Man's Sky
<Solar_Oracle> I really wouldn't mind an approachable offline space game like Freelancer at this point.
<raptop> yeah, that sets the mood
<Solar_Oracle> All Bretonnian ships but their freighter were ugly as sin, though.
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