raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12.1 bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/203227-kerbal-space-program-112-on-final-approach-is-now-available/ Got bugs? Verify files on Steam for instant happiness
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<raptop> well, that's a painfully long cruise phase: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/PSJ/abe6aa
<raptop> This is to be clear, just a proposal. It hasn't been selected
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<darsie> How much EC do the other arms need?
<Althego> the bigger the more
<darsie> What's science does the yellow light do? Illumination for camera?
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<flayer> .
<flayer> Althego, you're gonna miss it!
<Althego> hah i missed it
<Althego> maybe not yet
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<Deddly> channellog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here: http://bitcoinshell.mooo.com/users/deddly/?C=M;O=D
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<Althego> i didnt reach the end of the gura training stream and calli is streaming again. and there is still some accumulated flat earth
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<Althego> so 1.12.1 is really just an emergency fix. good, i want to see that ground thingie
<Deddly> Yeah
* darsie scans an olivine formation on Minmus: https://i.postimg.cc/qpJ6vj4n/screenshot38.png
<Deddly> Bit steep
<darsie> mhm
<darsie> Oddly my rover woudn't stop driving forward when I released the controls. Fixed after save/load.
<Althego> would be nice if say after 20 years they would release the source code
<darsie> Infocom released their text advantures decades later in a bundle.
<Althego> decades
<Althego> there is a falloff. after a while peopel are going to buy ksp2, not old ksp1. so pointless to even hold onto it
<Althego> but if you release the source, it is goping to live on forever
<Althego> like doom, tyrian, etc
<darsie> 1.12.1 still has inverted mouse and slow motion.
<Althego> as they stated there is actually one fix in it
<darsie> Olivine was said to be in midlands etc., but I found it while still in lowlands.
<Althego> i think each of these mentions 3 biomes
<darsie> hence 'etc.'
<darsie> The others were highlands and poles, IIRC.
<Althego> then flip them
<darsie> I also found a green sandstone in lowlands, near the great flats.
<Althego> too bad they fixed the old jpeg texture problem, where compression artifacts caused random biomes to pop up in random places in small patches. i used that
<darsie> :)
<darsie> But yeah, that rover has amazing climb capability.
<Althego> on minmus
<darsie> mhm
<Althego> on eve 30 deg slopes are already hard
<darsie> Shouldn't there be a Kraken in the depths of Jool?
<Althego> when you try to cross the surface
<Althego> the zero altitude line
<Althego> or you can turn on pressure limits in difficulty and parts give up before that
<darsie> Does anything last at 0 m?
<darsie> We could have nuclear powered airplanes there.
<Althego> you mean submarines
<darsie> It's hard to say in a supercritical fluid :).
<Althego> i thin at 0 everything is destroyed
<Althego> at least in 1.8.1 they made this jool ssto
<Althego> apparently survived 0 altitude
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* darsie feels a bit silly. He landed his arm rover in the Mun far side crater to analyze a mun stone. But there's no signal to control the rover ... :)
<darsie> First I thought ... let's wait till the Mun turns this side towards Kerbin ... :)
<flayer> lel
<darsie> Time to make those relays ... :)
<Althego> hehehe
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<raptop> So, is it appropriate to drop a large rock on Kerbin to celebrate aseroid day?
<darsie> I don't have fairing interstage nodes.
<darsie> Ahh, they only show up when I have something to attach in the mouse.
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<Althego> let's see if today it can launch https://youtu.be/sSiuW1HcGjA
<Althego> without jason statham
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<Althego> hmm delay
<Althego> about half an hour, because of weather
<Mat2ch> The fireworks can be used for weird stuff. :D
<Althego> just call it nebelwerfer
<raptop> tired: fog generator
<raptop> wired: nebelwerfer
<Althego> then call it katyusha
<raptop> heh
<Althego> as the prince was looking at the hourglass, he asked kaileena: "times is running low. you ready?" but kaileena just kept looking at the hourglass and did not answer
<Mat2ch> Perry Rhodan?
<Althego> i dont know what that is
<Althego> hmm, german space opera franchise
<Althego> interesting
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<Mat2ch> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhn02_mB_lU this is a very weird advert with Marc Rebillet...
<Mat2ch> Althego: music is on!
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<Mat2ch> also, get some Schmand!
<Mat2ch> Where is the Schmand?!
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> what for?
<Mat2ch> Click my link!
<Althego> time is really running short
<Althego> or low, as the prince said it
<Mat2ch> "Great day for a rocket launch"
<Mat2ch> weeeeeeelllllllllll
<Althego> not that great if they had to delay because of weather
<Althego> t-5 min
<Althego> 0
<Althego> liftoff
<Althego> hah, boostback burn
<Althego> entry burn
<Althego> landed
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* darsie scanned a Mun crater and a Mun large crater.
<darsie> They're nowhere near actual large craters :).
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> there are a bajillion min crater biomes already
<darsie> Mun large crater was estimated to be found in the Canyon, but I found one in the farside crater near the canyon.
<flayer> they are everywhere
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<raptop> biomes are a bit wonky
<raptop> and have been since they were added
<Guest66709> my rocket keeps rolling
<packbart> add winglets
<Guest66709> i did
<Guest66709> but it keeps rolling
<Guest66709> making it imposible to fly it
<raptop> Switch from static to the moving ones? Turn on SAS?
<Althego> roll as in longitudinal axis?
<packbart> and maybe upload a screenshot to imgur.com and post the URL
<Althego> engine start coming up
<raptop> I assume so, otherwise they would have said pitch or yaw?
<Althego> not obvious if you lack the vocabulary
* raptop confused cawing
<Althego> am crow
<Althego> now comes 88 deploys
<Althego> i should be sleeping but still not finished the comics
<raptop> (obviously this stuff is intuitive to a typical corvid)
<packbart> KSP rockets are usualy flip-stabilized ;)
<packbart> hm. looks normal enough (unless the boosters are not centered on their decouplers)
<raptop> hrm, not sure on the staging, but it's quite possible that it's only running SRBs initially and so doesn't have much control authority. Also, those are the fixed fins
<raptop> packbart: yeah, I'm also somewhat concerned that those don't look like they were placed with symmetry
<Guest66709> i only have fixed fins
<packbart> I'd try to get some clearance between booster exhaust and fins. but other than that, I don't see anything obviously wrong about it
<Guest66709> it worked
<Guest66709> thanks
<Althego> i guess it is rolling because of the booster rockets flexing on the decouplers
<raptop> ...but we didn't do anything?
<Guest66709> i checked the staging
<Guest66709> and replace the booster
<raptop> possibly also from the 2x vs 3x symmetry meaning that forces are completely symmetrical aroudn the long axis of the rocket and getting a net torque?
<raptop> ah
<raptop> huh, the AV-R8 is now way up the tech tree from what I remember
<darsie> Guest66709: Rolling can be caused by boosters that are twisted by air. Try struts.
<packbart> oh, I missed the 1.12.1 update
<Guest66709> i got the game a few days ago
<Guest66709> and its awesome
<Althego> 1.12.1 is a hotfix
<Althego> if you dont have any problems you can skip it
<Althego> 1.12.2 is coming shortly
<packbart> yeah, I just saw the forum post. I'll have to check that "auto-struts no longer cross docking ports" thing in my save, too
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<packbart> Guest66709: well then, welcome to the league of orbital mechanics :)
<Guest66709> i got to orbit once
<raptop> ^
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<Guest66709> im trying to get to the mun
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<packbart> getting to Minmus is easier, though
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<Althego> spacex could out on one of the free musics from ksp once :)
<Althego> landing on minmus is easier. getting there is harder because of the inclination
<Guest66709> ok
<Guest66709> im just trying to get an orbit
<Guest66709> so i can get some science
<Althego> getting the in space science does not requires orbit
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<Althego> -s
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<Guest66709> well ill have more time
<Guest66709> and getting to moon orbit will be fun
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<packbart> oh, it sure is. (inefficient spoiler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQKREmvilm0 )
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* darsie scanned the Baobab tree: https://i.postimg.cc/ZJjqT3w7/screenshot48.png
<darsie> Hmm, I forgot to land the Kerbal in Minmus orbit ...
<raptop> oops
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<darsie> Landed
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<Solar_Oracle> Is it time to consult the oracle yet?
<darsie> ksp crashed
<raptop> Solar_Oracle: will this program halt?
* raptop hands over a stack of punch cards
<Solar_Oracle> Only if you forget to keep feeding me punch cards.
* Solar_Oracle begins to loom patterns.
<packbart> it would be cool if Squad/Taketwo would change the ToS on KSP EoL to allow injecting/overriding code in stock classes with Harmony
<packbart> that way, modders could try and fix issues going forward
<Solar_Oracle> I'm actually surprised at the level of readership my Let's Read got.
<raptop> hrm
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<packbart> I take it that web troll was the author's avatar wishing to be a badS military type?
<packbart> the thumbnail for linuxgurugamer's latest KSP play-stream shows the crash reporter. ominous
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<packbart> "I improved my framerate from 3-4fps to 10-12" - and over in the Elite forums, people bawl over 30fps :D (granted, E:D is not modable at all and lgg runs some 200+ mods)
<Guest66709> on a plane do you want the COT to be behind or infront of COM
<raptop> That shouldn't matter too much, though you'll want them to be in-line. CoL, however should be behind CoM
<Guest66709> ok
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<Solar_Oracle> I should get several chapters uploaded tonight . . . But at what cost?
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<packbart> if you already read the book, the damage to your sanity (I assume there's some left ;) is already done
<packbart> if not: get out while you still can! :)
<Solar_Oracle> [Chaos Space Marine Voice]SANITY IS FOR THE WEAK![/Chaos Space Marine Voice]
<packbart> there are even sequels?! ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Ringo )
<Solar_Oracle> Oh yeah, there are a metric crap ton of sequels, though many are not written by him.
<Solar_Oracle> The worst belongs to Tom Kratman.
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<raptop> I still want to know why you'd put *multiple grams of antimatter* in a discarding sabot
<raptop> Are you fighting bolos?
<raptop> And, like, does your cannon have a muzzle velocity >11 km/s?
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