raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | < Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
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<Solar_Oracle> "The first and most oppressive lie ever uttered was the song of freedom."
* Solar_Oracle agrees.
<raptop> sounds vaguely 40k
<Solar_Oracle> "Blessed is the mind too small for doubt."
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<Solar_Oracle> "An open mind is like an open fortress, with its gates unbarred and unguarded."
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<Solar_Oracle> I thought it'd be funny to crowdsource decisions for a game of BattleTech 2018 or let a bot decide.
* raptop feels like the decision quality would be amusingly high variance
<Solar_Oracle> It'd make for a hilarious character creation process at the least.
<Solar_Oracle> Although combat would be real odd if no one knows how to BattleTech
<Solar_Oracle> "Just fire one salvo of LRM-5s! DO IT!"
<raptop> "No, no, you should alpha-strike every turn"
<Solar_Oracle> "WARNING! Temperature critical!"
<Solar_Oracle> "Just send up the Locust 3-M to point blank range! Who CARES if it's armored in tissue paper!?"
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<Solar_Oracle> Wait, did someone say Betelgeuse three times?
<raptop> supernova! supernova! supernova!
<raptop> (hey, it's worth a shot)
<Solar_Oracle> Might not be as spectacular as you're hoping given the reduction in mass estimates.
<raptop> Eh, it's something like 500x closer than SN 1987A, and visible from the northern hemisphere
<Solar_Oracle> Plot twist: Betelgeuse is even closer and far smaller and just a red dwarf start orbiting Sol that looks irregular because an intern smudged the telescope lense.
<raptop> aaaaa
<Solar_Oracle> As it turns out, there's no Planet IX, but we ARE in a binary system! Oho ho ho ho.
* raptop never read that one
<Solar_Oracle> It's one of his very last, in fact.
<Solar_Oracle> Written back when the idea of a companion star was very popular.
<Solar_Oracle> Nowadays, Nibiru is all nonsense.
<raptop> ah
<raptop> (I mean, this would have been before anyone had properly found the kuiper belt or brown dwarfs)
<Solar_Oracle> Shhh, little Oort Cloud, we'll find you.
<Solar_Oracle> Though I still think the potential danger of cometary objects is hilariously overblown.
* raptop 's understanding is that impact risks are dominated by NEOs
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<Solar_Oracle> Objects that cross Earth's orbit within a similar plane around once a year are going to present a greater risk of impact than objects that cross on highly inclined orbits once every thousand years.
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<FLHerne> !mission add You stage an F1 race with spare Saturn V engines.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added mission: You stage an F1 race with spare Saturn V engines.
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<FLHerne> (credit to raptop)
<UmbralRaptop> yay
<dnsmcbr> "spare"
<Truga> lol
<FLHerne> !stupid fixup s/spare/"spare"/
<LunchBot> FLHerne: No recently-mentioned stupid quote found matching "spare".
<FLHerne> !mission fixup s/spare/"spare"/
<LunchBot> FLHerne: New text is: You stage an F1 race with "spare" Saturn V engines.
<FLHerne> I keep meaning to unify that
<minas_tirith> FLHerne, hey
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<Deddly> !nextlunch
<LunchBot> Deddly: Gruel of Indecision.
<Deddly> Hmm, I can't decide whether I really want that
<Althego> hehe
<Izaya> quiz: what's louder: a ZXR250 with a chopped exhaust or an F-1 engine
<Althego> i vote for the f-1
<Althego> generally rocket engines are really loud
<Izaya> this is true, but a tiny 4-pot engine with no muffler is pretty loud too
<Izaya> evidently we need to get one of both and find out
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<darsie> In space nobody can hear rocket engines.
<Deddly> In space, no-one can hear your ICE, either.
<Deddly> Touché
<Althego> stupid TLAs
<sandbox> IDK
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<Althego> what, bird? since she is on holiday, this will be only an 8 hour long stream :)
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<raptop> !mission add Today is a good day to die.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: Today is a good day to die.
<raptop> !outcome add Today is a good day to die.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: Today is a good day to die.
<raptop> (It works for both, see)
<Althego> hehe she burned the noodles. also moved the holiday one day
<Althego> kikkerikii
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<raptop> green floofy cat
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You attempt to do a return flight from Jool. The launch vehicle is too large for the lander and your craft overheats.
<Mat2ch> What do we learn from this? Never launch too fast from Jool.
<Althego> cat lag generator
Guest04134 is now known as stupid_chris
<stupid_chris> Jesus this is a blast from the past, had no idea this server was still alive
<raptop> IRC is immortal
<stupid_chris> Death, Taxes, and IRC
<Althego> will be here even when facebook is gone
<raptop> see eg: how someone tried to launch a hostile takeover of freenode and now libera.chat exists
<Althego> maybe even after the end of civilziation
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<jgkamat> irc is a protocol, fb is a service. So of course irc will last longer
<Althego> but somebody needs to run the server
<Althego> and in that case it is a service
<jgkamat> and that someone can be you :)
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<Althego> hehe constant tangents for an hour, no superchat read yet
<Deddly> Oh hey stupid_chris is here :)
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<Deddly> Whacha up to these days?
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<Deddly> As in, what else could you possibly be doing that doesn't involve IRC? ;)
<Deddly> I find it surprising that relatively few people actually know about this channel. There is a direct link to it on the forum, but I guess people just go where they are used to going
<stupid_chris> Deddly I was mostly wondering if this was still active, haven't actually been in here in like... 5 years
<stupid_chris> Not too long after I left the mod team basically
<stupid_chris> .... Uh okay yeah more like nearly 7 years
<stupid_chris> I forget how long ago early 2015 was
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<Deddly> Hehe. Time flies when you're having fun, eh?
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<stupid_chris> If by that you mean suffering in university
<stupid_chris> Sure
<stupid_chris> *pain*
<Althego> why did the orange stop? because it ran out of juice
<Althego> (2 stupid dogs)
<stupid_chris> But to answer your question Deddly, I'm actually making a return to KSP and modding in general
<stupid_chris> Having a career and free time does wonder for your mental health
<Althego> because of the end of development or because of ksp2?
<Deddly> That's nice to hear, stupid_chris
<stupid_chris> That's mostly coincidental
<FLHerne> wait, what end of development?
<Althego> 1.12 is the last minor update for ksp 1
<stupid_chris> I got my job last October, and I only have one uni class left
<Althego> only patch releases after that
<FLHerne> Really? That's a shame :-(
<FLHerne> Oh well, there are always mods
<stupid_chris> So free time came through in May, I've had RealChute 2 on the backburner for years, so it kinda fell on my plate again
<stupid_chris> Got some good progress in, been streaming dev a bit on twitch as well
<stupid_chris> Amongst other goodies, dynamic parachute deflection: https://imgur.com/a/g4F4cLv
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<Deddly> Althego, last *major* update
<Althego> no, minor, since the last major update is 1.0
<Deddly> They call it the last major update
<Althego> which increases the minor version
<Althego> so it is a minor update :)
<Deddly> Minor updates are mainly bug fixes
<stupid_chris> If you want to be technical about version numbers, yes 1.0 is major. But in the real world, software is what matters, and a major update is defined as something that causes changes large enough to break stuff<
<Althego> and that is why major numbers are used for that
<Deddly> OK so, semantically, it's a minor number update, but it is a major update
<stupid_chris> ^
<stupid_chris> It's all been major updates yes
<Althego> let's call it the last content update
<Deddly> We don't know if 1.12.1 will have any content :P
<stupid_chris> 1.0 was more of a "feature complete" flag
<Althego> yes in this case you could feel they were rushing the version numbers toreach 1.0
<stupid_chris> Nah, they simply reached the original scope of the game
<stupid_chris> Everything that came after was simply expanded scope, it's fairly common
<Althego> from 0.24 went to what, 0.7 i cant remember
<Deddly> It went to 0.9
<stupid_chris> 0.90
<sandbox> hello there :)
<stupid_chris> 0.9 != 0.90
<Althego> obi-wan?
<Deddly> 0.9x was "Beta Than Ever"
<Deddly> Good point, stupid_chris
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<Althego> yes, he is right, i missed a 0 there
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<stupid_chris> Common mistake made is to assume version numbers are numerical
<Deddly> Yeah
<stupid_chris> They should really be treated as text
<Deddly> It would be nice if it was something like 1v12 instead
<sandbox> I felt they rushed the version numbers too
<Deddly> They totally rushed 1.0
<Deddly> It went from alpha -> beta -> release in no time
<stupid_chris> Probably, but I think Felipe wanted to release it and move on at the point
<Deddly> stupid_chris, as someone who almost exclusively lands things on wings, what does the video you linked to above showcase?
<Deddly> Oh wait, there are more videos
<stupid_chris> Parachutes not clipping into each other
<Deddly> That's pretty sweet
<stupid_chris> Dynamically, so not like stock that lets you just put a deflection angle
<stupid_chris> Requires a very minor setup at the part level, but nothing insane
<stupid_chris> Just adding a trigger collider to the canopies and animate it along
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<Deddly> Interesting. So on yours, what happens if you spam parachutes?
<stupid_chris> They move out of the way
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<stupid_chris> The best they can at least
<Deddly> I mean, there has to be a limit
<stupid_chris> Not really
<stupid_chris> I tested it with 8 way symmetry, went nicely
<Deddly> I think you underestimate the number of parachutes people put on their heavy Eve landers ;)
<stupid_chris> And you underestimate the concept of RealChute :P
<Deddly> I'm imagining numbers where the parachutes would end up almost horizontal, or more
<stupid_chris> Stop spamming the number of parachutes, and just put a handful of appropriately sized parachutes
<Deddly> Oh I agree with that. I was just wondering what would happen. I have seen some crazy stuff
<stupid_chris> They'd get out of the way, theres no upper limit to the logic
<stupid_chris> It just detects all those around and moves out of the way from their common center point
<Deddly> Sounds very useful.
<Deddly> I would love to see what it looks like with 30 parachutes vying for the same space
<stupid_chris> Probably a big circle
<stupid_chris> It's a greedy algorithm, it doesn't find an optimal solution, just the easiest one
<stupid_chris> Ain't about to do sphere packing lmao
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<Deddly> :)
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<stupid_chris> But it's overwhelmingly unlikely to happen because of the core purpose of RealChute
<stupid_chris> Which is to reduce parachute parts required to a minimum
<Althego> why?
<Althego> because they are unrealistic? or too heavy on the cpu?
<stupid_chris> Because that makes no sense realistically
<stupid_chris> Ever seen a spacecraft spam like 30 chutes?
<Althego> yes
<stupid_chris> Like?
<Althego> that is not even that many
<Althego> i mean in ksp
<raptop> Well, granted, realism would involve a tweakable for parachute size
<stupid_chris> I did specify *realistically*
<Althego> real ones probably no more than 4 mains
<stupid_chris> raptop in other words, RealChute
<raptop> yeah
<stupid_chris> And that's my point, RealChute aims to make it *realistic*. Realism doesn't spam standardly sized parachutes, they custom make them for every craft
<stupid_chris> So it's very unlikely that the deflection algorithm will have to deflect like 30 parachutes
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<stupid_chris> Ngl, a little disappointed that most of the moderation team doesn't use RealChute ;)
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<Solar_Oracle> Betelgeuse have a champaign supernova yet?
<Althego> hehe
<raptop> hm
<Solar_Oracle> Watch out for the bubbly radiation.
<Althego> i dont know about that. but i remember the wobbley sidekick from tyrian. (yes, the output was wobbley radiation forward)
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<Althego> not bad for a public outreach instrument :)
<raptop> Making the voyagers look bad?
* Solar_Oracle sobs in Galileo.
<raptop> high gain antenna, what's that?
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> didnt galileo used some magnetic tape for storage?
<Solar_Oracle> Yeah, but that was common in that era.
<Althego> space tech and magnetic tape. especially at jupiter. sounds strange to me
<Solar_Oracle> They had troubles with it properly cycling, and there were times in which data was lost.
<Solar_Oracle> Well, it'd probably be more more resilient than solid state memory.
<Solar_Oracle> That Galileo was able to send as much data as it did is something of a miracle, and NASA had to significantly improve its deep space comm network to facilitate greater downlink with the probe than what was thought possible at the time.
<raptop> Vaguely looking through some galleries of Galileo images, there's lots of Io and Europa, not much Callisto, and even less Ganymede
<Solar_Oracle> I think that's explicitly mentioned in some of the histories. It's not like they had an abundance of bandwidth for photos, too!
<Solar_Oracle> Good book on the subject with TONS of technical information https://history.nasa.gov/sp4231.pdf
<raptop> nice
<Solar_Oracle> It even details particular flybys and their objectives.
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<Solar_Oracle> More dimming of our favorite red giant star.
<Althego> looks like some kind of activity to me
<raptop> tempted to kick the star and see what happens, given the connection weirdness
<raptop> unless, like betelgeuse is having wifi problems?
<Althego> heh i never saw the new solar panels unroll
<Althego> on the iss
<Solar_Oracle> Huh, there's a Xibalba in Elite Dangerous. Wonder if I'll find a tree floating in space there.
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<Althego> what did the intel people think when they came up with the name "rambo cache"
* raptop assumes that they're designing a memory system for COIN operations, especially in jungle environments
* raptop pokes betelgeuse with a cat-3 cable
<Althego> could have named it tango cache, dunnier :)
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<Solar_Oracle> It's gonna blow, get to the storm shelters!
* raptop ducks behind a petal of xeelee structural material and plans to surf away
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<Solar_Oracle> Surfing a supernova shockwave is pretty metal.
<darsie> Solar_Oracle: Are you referring to elements beyond helium?
<raptop> That feels unintentional but appropriate
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<Solar_Oracle> The only thing that could improve this is actually playing some death metal while your board starts descending down the periodic table from the impact.
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<raptop> Note to self: make sure to unban him in a few hours
<kbuck> I guess that's what happens when you say "betelgeuse joined the channel" 100 times
<raptop> yeah
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<darsie> I'm an idiot. I found the Minmus ion experiment again, saved, and launched again ... without accepting the contract.
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<darsie> Hmm, OTOH, I can accept the contract later.
<darsie> It's not like a satellite that has to be built after accepting the controct. Idiot!
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<TwistenX> Should I make a Starship-esque or a Shuttle-like rocket
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<raptop> X-33 inspired VTHL
<raptop> ...
<raptop> oh, come on
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<TwistenX> matt lowne is beating elon musk
<raptop> consider: X-33 inspired VTHL
<TwistenX> what is that
<TwistenX> what kind of a x-wing lookin' thing is this
<TwistenX> it looks weird as freak my dude
<TwistenX> Actually, it's a comet apparently
<TwistenX> So I can confirm, Class-F and Class-G exists in Stock KSP
<raptop> nice
<TwistenX> Doesn't Class-H exist as well?
<darsie> IIRC I have a class I comet.
<TwistenX> So, the current KNOWN classes are Classes A-J. Class J's are captured asteroids. (Gilly, Bop, and Pol.)
* darsie finished the Surface Deployed Ion Collector contract: https://i.postimg.cc/ZJ8tgxzS/screenshot542.png
<TwistenX> Nice! Do you plan on returning to Kerbin or are you gonna strand Bob on Minmus?
<darsie> Bob will stay on Minmus with the lab. The lab could fly him and Graeming (the other 2* scientist) back home. My 2* Engineer Cristiano, who set up the solar panel, will fly back.
<TwistenX> You could put escape pods just in case, like if you're doing a Space Station and you have impending impact on a craft without fuel or an asteroid
<darsie> Kerbals could just go on EVA.
<TwistenX> yes but how would they get back to Kerbin
<darsie> Jetpack or rescue mission.
<TwistenX> well, yeah
<TwistenX> no because i do probed missions usually