raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | < Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
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<Solar_Oracle> Howdy howdy howdy!
<Solar_Oracle> As a warmup for my inevitable Stellaris AAR (which, unlike George R. R. Martin's conclusion to the Song of Ice and Fire Series, will actually be released before we all expire), I'm going to do an awful Let's Read.
<Solar_Oracle> Because I need the practice and I get through those things like a Bending robot goes through booze and cigars.
<Solar_Oracle> I am taking recommendations, but I advise you: I need some truly awful rubbish. Preferably science-fiction.
<Solar_Oracle> I'm leaning towards the first in a series of truly awful books: "A Hymn Before Battle" by John Ringo.
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<XXCoder> you want really shitty books? guns of twospace
<XXCoder> it has one other book, forgot name
<XXCoder> universe ideas is very interesting, but story and some stuff is crap
<XXCoder> series was killed after 2 books so some stuff is never explained
<XXCoder> that shitty enough Solar_Oracle
<Solar_Oracle> Wait, language?
* Solar_Oracle covers their eyes in horror.
XXCoder was kicked from #KSPOfficial by raptop [XXCoder]
<raptop> sigh
<raptop> John Ringo books seem like they'd be tempting to make into cheesy movies
Ariri is now known as Ariri[away]
<Solar_Oracle> I've read one of the sequels (Watch on the Rhine) but never the original: The Source of all evil.
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<XXCoder> oops heh
<XXCoder> sorry
<raptop> yeah, it might have been a bit much
* raptop hands a ticket with the standard fine for violating the verabl morality statute
<XXCoder> yes, thought cop
<XXCoder> ;)
<XXCoder> yeah usually careful enough but forgot
<Solar_Oracle> Probably doesn't know how to use the three seashells, either.
<XXCoder> guns of two space is really not great, but in least you get to enjoy really unique hyperspace type
<XXCoder> its right there in name
<XXCoder> ah yes first book is Two-Space War, second one is guns of two space
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<Solar_Oracle> Yes, but how bad is it compared to Kratman?
<XXCoder> not too familiar with kratman
<Solar_Oracle> Oho ho ho ho.
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<Solar_Oracle> He wrote a Posleen book where former Waffen SS soldiers were rejuvinated and impressed into the war.
<Solar_Oracle> It starts off as an excuse for black uniforms, ginormous tanks that would put Baneblades to shame and spirals into outright Waffen SS apologia.
<Solar_Oracle> And the Posleen are somehow a threat despite literally being too stupid to breathe.
<Solar_Oracle> The monstrous tanks on the right side also sabot discarding, fin stabilized penetrators with several grams worth of antimatter, because that's supposed to make sense.
<Solar_Oracle> The humans also design anti-Posleen antigravity mines that somehow ended up being less destructive than real life bounding mines.
<Solar_Oracle> I still don't know what this is about, but a Turian cowboy just feels right.
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<raptop> ...the only reason I can think of for discarding sabot silliness if you're launching multiple grams of antimatter is to get the projectile farther from you
<XXCoder> solar LOL yeah i read those series
<XXCoder> very low iq sci fi
<minas_tirith> XXCoder, tell me
<XXCoder> tell what?
<raptop> Like, "multiple grams" could easily be in the yield range of a B61
<minas_tirith> XXCoder, the name of the books
<XXCoder> oh uhh cant remember lol luckly you can google posleen
* raptop wonders if the Polseen drive bolos, or something
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<Althego> not zombanwa, zonnichiwa lol
<UmbralRaptop> …oh
* UmbralRaptop didn't realize why Ollie would start a stream with zombanwa until just now
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* minas_tirith inspects sandbox
<sandbox> nothing to see here
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* Deddly inspects minas_tirith
* minas_tirith inspects Deddly
<Deddly> <MINIONS_FACE> Whaaaat?! </MINIONS_FACE>
<Mat2ch> I'm so happy that you can't use memes here :P
<Deddly> It is one of the small joys of IRC.
<Althego> you can
<Althego> but people have to click the links
<Deddly> I don't completely object to them in the appropriate places, but in a chat area like this... no, that would be terribly annoying. And of course, back in the day, IRC "popups" were common.
<Deddly> Giant walls of coloured ASCII art were technically memes of the day.
<Deddly> O great bot of wonders, would you be so kind as to bestow upon your faithful follower the chanlog for his perusal?
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here: bitcoinshell.mooo.com/users/deddly/?C=M;O=D
<Deddly> I thank you
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<darsie> Kerbals can pick up more than they have space: https://i.postimg.cc/1yKL22sc/screenshot573.png
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<darsie> I'm so used to pressing TZ prior to launch, that I did it on the Mun and was surprised that the rocket instantly took off.
<Deddly> darsie, as in, you forgot that the engine was already activated?
<Deddly> darsie, how did you get Henke Kerman to pick up so much, and does it affect anything in game?
<darsie> yes
<darsie> I just let him pick up two things.
<darsie> In the thing menu.
<darsie> Pick up part
<darsie> idk, I put it in the rocket storage.
<darsie> I wanted to get my crew back to Kerbin and do Minmus surface science next, but I accidently had too much dv, so I'm going straight for Minmus.
<Deddly> Do you know if the kerbal could walk with all that load?
<darsie> I have to try ...
<darsie> Walks fine with 60 l and 90 kg.
<darsie> Jumps much lower, though.
<darsie> That's on the Mun. Haven't tried on Kerbin.
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<Deddly> Sorry I got disconnected. That's interesting, Darsie. I haven't actually played around much with that functionality yet. Is it just the lower gravity, I wonder?
<Mat2ch> there is a weight limit and it has something to do with the local gravity
<Mat2ch> there are parts you can move in Kerbin which you can't move on Eve for example.
<Deddly> That sounds right, but doesn't the Kerbal's weight limit change, or is that a fixed number?
<Mat2ch> it changes, yes
<Deddly> Darsie, Q&A say there is a cheat that allows kerbals to carry more than their limit. Do you have it activated, maybe?
<darsie> no
<darsie> Not me. Maybe some other entity.
<darsie> But also the volume limit is exceeded.
<Deddly> Which version are you playing, and do you have any mods?
<darsie> Where's that cheat?
<darsie> (linuxplayer)en-us
<darsie> 1.11.1 Making History
<darsie> 1.6.1 Breaking Ground
<Deddly> darsie, it's in the normal cheat menu under Kerbals>Inventory
<darsie> KER, dated quicksaves, EER
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<darsie> I don't see Kerbals/Inventory
<Deddly> Checking...
<darsie> EEX*
<Deddly> You're on Linux?
<darsie> Yeah. I'm not running linuxplayer in a Linux VM in Windows or so :).
<Deddly> Wow OK. I am so curious as to why you would choose to run the Linux version instead of the Windows one. My impression from other people's comments is that the Linux version has more bugs
<darsie> Because I don't have Windows because Windows is evil.
<Deddly> And yet you do
<darsie> Where?
<darsie> My washer?
<Deddly> Oh wait... I missed the important "not" in your sentence above
<darsie> :)
<Deddly> So that makes perfect sense. I actually thought for a moment there that you were running Linux in a VM on Windows and I had so many questions...
<Deddly> Most of those questions were repetitions of "But why??"
<Deddly> darsie, turns out that cheat hasn't been released yet. Consider this an accidental feature reveal, LOL
<minas_tirith> Deddly, hi
<Deddly> minas_tirith, hi
<darsie> ok :)
<darsie> Ahh, I did a messy landing twice ... because I had orbital navigation.
<darsie> Normally it switches to surface navigation, automatically, IIRC.
<darsie> Minmus
<Deddly> Yeah it usually does
<Deddly> But I find that if you manually switch between them at some point, the game sometimes interprets that as you wanting full manual control over its function
<Deddly> darsie, seems like your heavy-lifting kerbal is a bug
<Deddly> Well, he's a kerbal, but also a bug
<minas_tirith> He's getting superkerbals
<Deddly> Seems to be limited to Linux. Anyone else here with a Linux install who can check it out?
<Deddly> Here's your opportunity to file a bug report entitles "Superkerbals on Linux". Don't let the opportunity go to waste!
<Deddly> entitled*
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<minas_tirith> GlassYuri, hi
<darsie> Hmm, I need an impactor for Minmus.
<Deddly> Jeb makes a good impactor
<darsie> heh
<darsie> I could "rescue" Kerbals from Minmus orbit :).
<Deddly> Hmmmmm!
<darsie> I mean, would you rather die in orbit or impact?
<darsie> Well, we know little about Kerbals. They don't need food ...
<Deddly> ...or life
<darsie> Yeah, but if you see it that way, that's true for humans, too.
<Deddly> Shhh! Don't give away my secret plans!
<minas_tirith> ,google sims psychopathic gameplay
<Deddly> !nextlunch
<LunchBot> Deddly: Permadongled water.
<Deddly> That sounds nutritious
Deddly has quit [Quit: Uh oh...]
<minas_tirith> !nextlunch
<LunchBot> minas_tirith: Tacos.
<minas_tirith> !nextlunch
<LunchBot> minas_tirith: Doritos Mountain Dew AMP Game Fuel Battle Chest (with chance for rare cosmetics!)
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<packbart> Wolfhound and Clydesdale are not exactly what I would expect from your usual minimalistic builds ;)
<darsie> :)
<darsie> Well, I didn't know how much impact I needed :).
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<darsie> Hmm, first impact far away gave 100% science on the seismometer. https://i.postimg.cc/DvqSz3QS/screenshot581.png
<darsie> 2* scientist, 45% science rate
<darsie> Hmm, maybe I should get a seismometer contract first? :)
<darsie> Let's see how 'later' works :).
<darsie> Hey, I have some science, wanna buy it? :{
<darsie> :)
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<Althego> til the past tense of yeet is yote
<Althego> i saw it as yeeted everywhere
<Mat2ch> uhm
<Mat2ch> :D
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<Guest16235> I'm ready!
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<Althego> unit ready
<Althego> yes sir
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<raptop> 1.12: not available in the store yet
<Althego> unit lost
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<Althego> raptop: it is there for me
* raptop does another hard refresh
<raptop> yep, there now
Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | < Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
<raptop> ah, I was too slow on the /topic
Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.12 bit.ly/ksp112update | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | < Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
<Althego> oh no i forgot about the calli karaoke
<Althego> i guess i will have to console myself with the ame heyayay
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* a_flayer downloads the latest KSP
<Althego> whould we wait for the usual .1 patch?
<packbart> did we ever?
<a_flayer> i should probably wait for mods
<Althego> sometimes i did
<Althego> because it usually comes out in a week
<packbart> my mods seem to be working so far
<a_flayer> you've just convinced me to paste them right in
<Althego> there was some unity upgrade too
<a_flayer> hopefully less CPU usage
<a_flayer> i've gone very mod-lite ever since the expansions came along
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<Izaya> 1.12 eh
<Izaya> guess I'll have to do a new mod setup in a month
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<Althego> but you dont need to do it ever again :)
<Izaya> but it's part of the Experience™
<packbart> I just copy them over from the previous version
<a_flayer> oh, is there a built-in alarm clock now?
<Althego> yes
* a_flayer deletes triggertech
<Althego> as things go the stock versions are usually at least slightly inferior to the mods
<a_flayer> the mod was laggy
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<packbart> I only have 93 mods installed. nowhere near LGG levels
<a_flayer> Althego, it has all the function I need
<Althego> i still miss the torque value from ker
<Althego> the stock delta v tool doesnt have that
<a_flayer> I have 8 mods now, half of which are tiny alterations of convenience
<a_flayer> two add parts/function - station science and snacks - and two are graphical mods
<Izaya> wish I had more RAM so I could run more mods B)
<packbart> I removed the graphical mods. I found them to be too buggy or weird
<Althego> i remeber how i waited for the stable 64 bit version for graphical mods
<packbart> EVE's clouds would rotate with the ship, not the planet
<a_flayer> i got clouds and engine effects
<Izaya> 64-bit was always stable
<Izaya> on linux :3
<Althego> and then they looked kind of ugly, for example the missing antialiasing of the far away hills on the horizon made it unbearable
<raptop> All hail the penguin
<Althego> so those were out. i used to have chatterer
<Althego> which adds quite a lot of atmosphere
<a_flayer> packbart, i used to that problem, but it doesn't seem to apply anymore
<Althego> but since after ker was mostly replaced by the stock tool, that was the last remaining mod, so i jus got rid of it
<raptop> stock kRPC wen
<packbart> I need my KER HUDs
<darsie> With a complete tech tree I'm entitled to KER's landing mark, right?
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<minas_tirith> UmbralRaptop, hi
<raptop> was messing with my phone wifi
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<Mat2ch> when did 1.12 drop?
<raptop> few hours ago
<Mat2ch> Nice
<Althego> it is not even 1.69 :)
<raptop> Also, there was never a version 0.69
<Althego> there was never a 1.2.3
<raptop> There was at least a 1.1.1 and a 1.11.1
<Althego> heh i am an hour late to bed
<packbart> there needs to be a 1.12.1 - I already broke the fireworks ;)
<packbart> the launch button disappeard and the PAW sliders no longer work
<packbart> hm. or maybe that is the intended behaviour. I'll try again
<Althego> test your might! mortal kombat!
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<packbart> oh, me stupid. I guess the probe core ran out of power. everything ok
<darsie> Do all pilots still have all SAS directions?
<darsie> all Kerbals*
Azander has quit [Quit: Smile! IT makes people wonder what youa re up to.]
<packbart> maybe
<Althego> cant find it in the fixes
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
<darsie> My mouse wheel is reversed in 1.12.
<darsie> I'll remove mods.
<Mat2ch> nah, could be to a Unity update.
<darsie> yeah. still.
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<a_flayer> indeed, it will take some getting used to if i can't get it reversed
<darsie> This has happened before.
<darsie> RMB turning of scene is slower. I need 8 RMB swipes for 360 deg in hte VAB and 6 swipes on the launchpad.
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<Mat2ch> For KSP there's a config option to invert the mouse
<Mat2ch> maybe editing the config necessary.
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<Guest06457> Hello all
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<raptop> 124 seconds
<darsie> gn
<raptop> \o
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