raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | < Solar_Oracle> What can you do on Venus? Unless you put up a Tibanna gas refinery and casino, absolutely nothing.
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<Guest49496> Hello everyone, I have a problem that I do not know how to place the z 400 battery on a satellite in orbit, I got to the satellite well with the engineer and I took the battery in the ship but I don't know how to place this piece on the satellite
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<Guest49496> Hello everyone, I have a problem that I do not know how to place the z 400 battery on a satellite in orbit, I got to the satellite well with the engineer and I took the battery in the ship but I don't know how to place this piece on the satellite
<Althego> i think you have to switch to eva construction mode
<Althego> probably icon in the top right corner
<Guest49496> I think this video works for me thanks
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<Mat2ch> Uh, we are still helpful here. Nice
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<Mat2ch> Althego: the font or killing docker instances?
<Althego> the font
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<Mat2ch> Some people with dyslexia have an easier time reading this...
<Mat2ch> that's why Comic Sans is actually useful for something
<Althego> i always like comic sans. fight me
<Althego> liked
<sandbox> imagine fighting over typefaces
<Mat2ch> Has been done!
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<sandbox> I want to make a squids in space joke but I can't think of anything
<Judge_Dedd> I do love kraken jokes.
<Althego> the iss thing?
<Althego> see the book children of ruin
<FLHerne> Oh, those are great books
<FLHerne> (it's a sequel to Children of Time)
<Althego> is there a 3rd yet?
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<Althego> reaper with scythe action
<Mat2ch> sandbox: No squid jokes? That's all-arm-ing... get it, get it?
<Althego> guh
<Althego> after ame and ina now calli has superchat visualization in the form of falling things
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<Althego> somewhat old
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<Webchat644> what is a good way of logging flight data
<Althego> a flight data recorder? :)
<Webchat644> yeah, is there such a thing/mod you can recommend
<Althego> supposedly mechjeb has something
<raptop> Not sure if MJ outputs files, but there's some logging.
<raptop> I suppose the silly approach would be using kRPC so you can get CSVs
<raptop> (annoyingly, kRPC and python interact somewhat weirdly and you can't use numpy)
<Webchat644> too much work
<Althego> net says mechjeb saves to csv
<raptop> nice
<Webchat644> even without having the mechjeb tech unlocked?
<Althego> i guess you have to find that out by trying
<Mat2ch> Althego: Danny will try to land in the new dish and destroy Kerbin.
<Althego> obviously
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<Althego> that is the natural state of things
<raptop> . o O (Playing KSP with realism and scripting mods, and mostly looking at your craft's performance in terms of log files and graphs you made in matplotlib)
<Mat2ch> The new KSC still looks so extremly sterile. I don't like it
<Althego> i think it is work in progress
<Althego> but iu had that feeling too
<Althego> calli is louder than monitor steve. cant have two videos in parallel now
<Althego> oh wait, was there launch?M
<raptop> huh, that ame stream went long
<Althego> obra dinn
<Althego> uncharacteristically long for her
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<Webchat644> whats the x axis on mechjeb?
<Mat2ch> shouldn't it be time?
<Webchat644> doesnt seem like it
<Mat2ch> can you maybe post a bit more information? Where you see the axis and what it shows?
<Mat2ch> Maybe a screenshot?
<Webchat644> will do
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<Althego> lol what is t his
<Althego> these are not functions
<Webchat644> they are functions but what value in fnc of what other val
<raptop> o_O
<flayer> i'm barely functional
<Althego> ah yes, the classical issue, no axis labels, no units
<Althego> who knows what these are
<Althego> maybe a csv export helps?
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<Mat2ch> byeeeeee
<Mat2ch> but those graphs are really... weird.
<Mat2ch> 80000. Ok, what?
<Althego> but very nice smooth curves
<raptop> spline abuse?
<Mat2ch> I tend to abuse my spine all the time.
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<raptop> have you tried reticulating it?
<Webchat226> hold on
<Webchat226> i lost my chat log
<Webchat226> ill connect with my irc client
<Althego> only after disentangling space tape?
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<Althego> if the new firefox has enough space in the tabs to have a second line, it should continue the title instead of useless things
<Althego> a single icon would be enough for playing status
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<betelgeuse> alright i managed to make my client work
<Althego> we didnt even say the name 3 times
<betelgeuse> im the guy who posted the weird plots
<Althego> thought so
<Althego> same ip
<betelgeuse> i lost my chat log, please do resend the questions
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<raptop> It's mostly that we're confused about the plots, and the unlabled x-axis
<betelgeuse> yeah me too
<betelgeuse> here's the csv if anybody wants to play with it and find out what the x axis is
<Mat2ch> the only question was if the csv data is simmilarly weird
<Althego> you can plug it into a spreadsheet and do a diagram
<Althego> few clicks
<betelgeuse> this is what libreoffice could do me
<betelgeuse> makes perfect sense imo
<Althego> yes looks fine
<raptop> the x-axis might be downrange distance?
<Althego> hehe i realized i havent used any spreadsheet program for years
<Althego> i cant make a diagram
* raptop has been using TOPCAT
<raptop> Though the y-axis is, uh, using different scaling for each
<raptop> yeah, it's downrange distance
<betelgeuse> what does that mean
<Althego> hehe maybe it chose a wrong dataset for the x axis, and plots it against one of the data not time (which is also an impliocit data)
<Althego> maybe it is selectable with something on the ionterface and just the default is wrong
<Althego> hehe you managed to get it back
<raptop> huh, I messed up the labels somewhat
<raptop> Meh, you can see the shapes
<betelgeuse> yeah its downrange
<betelgeuse> bit weird choice as an x-axis
<Althego> in the screenshot
<Althego> downrange is displaeyd on a button
<Althego> maybe it is changable thre to time
<Althego> in the top left
<Althego> but this is actually useful
<Althego> if you can select both axes
<Althego> maybe i could find the optimal altitude for an airplane for this
<Althego> if it goes higher it consumes less fuel, but also slows down, so there is a balance
<betelgeuse> ah i see the button now
<betelgeuse> thanks
<raptop> yay
* flayer slaps raptop
<raptop> ow?
<Althego> what's up, slappers?
<Althego> i dont even play a bass
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<Althego> stream on
<Althego> it was o before, but there was no music
<Althego> lol out of sync audio
<Althego> t-4 min
<Althego> t-1 min
<Althego> liftoff
<Althego> the booster camera image is different
<Althego> there is some kind of cover visible that wasnt there before
<Althego> or is it a different, wider angle camera?
<Althego> not exactly center, but there was video all the way down
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<Althego> those solar panels are quite big
<Althego> but this curled up transport is really clever
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<Mat2ch> And they missed the opportunity to make a joke about them when talking about Dragons solar panels.
<Althego> what joke
<Mat2ch> Althego: that they have bigger solar panels on board this time. They just can't get rolled out :D
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<betelgeuse> mechjeb csv data export is amazing
<betelgeuse> i made a 3d graph with plotly (you will have to download and open with browser) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/531944364554059778/850096670674780250/ksp.html
<Althego> wow
<raptop> fancy
<betelgeuse> heres the whopping 7 lines of gnu r code if you wanna make your own https://paste.gnome.org/p0xxiwgf7
<raptop> Somehow I should have known that R would be like that
<betelgeuse> this is quite a disservice to what it can do
<betelgeuse> but i like the simplicity, same with python
<betelgeuse> also i think plotly has a python package that also does this
<betelgeuse> i guess i only used r because its ide is nice
<raptop> Not saying "like that" as a complaint, but the whole libraries make the plot only 7 lines
<Althego> what is this... samsung virtual assistant. oh no rle 34
<raptop> o_O
<deadmind> betelgeuse, neato!
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<Mat2ch> you all know what is going to happen. :D
<Mat2ch> " Or you could just cover your spacecraft in them and have them set off fireworks during liftoff like a normal person "
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