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<Althego> heh tako still streaming. progesses way faster than kiara
<Althego> about twice as fast
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<Ariri> of course
<Ariri> ina is good like that
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<Althego> wen hop
<Althego> tuesday
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<eKyNoX> Hellow!
<Althego> he
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<Mat2ch> Althego: exactly. wen hop
<Mat2ch> no tfr for today.
<Mat2ch> well, back to work.
<Althego> it has been "in the next few days" for weeks now
<Mat2ch> yeah
<Mat2ch> for weeks already?
<Mat2ch> well, weather forecast says it's windy today. Probably the reason
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<Althego> what 34 degrees there tomorrow? still doesnt get up to 20 here
<Althego> otherwise looks to be ok
<Mat2ch> yeah, better weather next week here, too.
<Mat2ch> It's always "next week" this year
<Mat2ch> and I'm totally fine with it.
<Mat2ch> Better than having the first heatwave hitting in May.
<Mat2ch> And then having a second, a third, a fourth, a fifth, almost dying in the sixth and then finally it's September and all we did through summer was trying not to die from the heat.
<Mat2ch> I hate climate change.
<Mat2ch> and we need rain. Very badly. It's all turning to dust here.
<darsie> Mat2ch: In Germany?
<Mat2ch> yep
<Althego> the little rain that comes, you use it up
<Althego> there will be even less here
<darsie> I'm trying my best to fight it.
<darsie> kinda
<Althego> basically i run a computer 16 hours a day
<darsie> I don't buy animal products.
<Althego> that is my power consumption
<Althego> i dont even travel
<darsie> Bought an i7-3770 office PC from HP. It has an 6 or 8 pin mainboard power connector.
<darsie> going 300 km to our holiday house in Styria by train.
<darsie> But yeah, I only turn it off at night.
<darsie> Not sure what to replace our gas boiler in the bathroom with.
<darsie> Want to buy a VW ID.4, but dunno if we should get it with our without heat pump.
<Mat2ch> With.
<Mat2ch> You are in Austria, you get cold winters, you want the heat pump.
<Mat2ch> .oO( and that advice really hurt me, because I hate VW. )
<darsie> But tests with an ID.3 showed it makes no difference. Haven't got any real test data on the 4.
<darsie> BTW, ID means intelligent design ...
<FLHerne> What conditions was it tested in?
<Mat2ch> heat pump will make a huge difference in winter. Just look at the Model 3 data
<darsie> Driving on a highway in winter with two similar cars, one wiht and one without heat pump.
<FLHerne> Heat-pump efficiency is no better at very low temperatures, and irrelevant when it's warm, but there's a range where it's useful
<Mat2ch> on the other hand, the VWs could be so inefficient that they can use that heat for the cabin :P
<FLHerne> Mat2ch: It's certainly *possible* for VW to engineer a heat-pump system that makes no difference, but it would be surprising
<Mat2ch> It's VW after all.
<Mat2ch> The designed the stabilizer to go through the gearbox for an Audi
<Mat2ch> so you have to pull the whole engine if you want to replace the stabilizer.
<Mat2ch> *They designed
<darsie> VW ID.3 winter problems: heat pump fail, consumption, fast charging, preheating, cost | English subs
<Mat2ch> I hate VW from the depth of my heart. And that's very deep. They are expensive to buy, expensive to repair and expensive to drive.
<darsie> It's the most economic ecar in that class.
<Mat2ch> There should be a video from Bjørn somewhere, too.
<darsie> What's the stabilizer?
<darsie> We have charging stations in Vienna with 6.4 c/kWh at night.
<darsie> 11 kW
<darsie> That's cheaper than our own electricity.
<darsie> (renewable)
<Mat2ch> Most efficient vehicle is Model 3 SR+
<Mat2ch> Then comes the Hyundai Kona
<Mat2ch> and yes, I trust Bjørn with his tests.
<Mat2ch> ...
<Mat2ch> Althego: out! We are talking about electric cars (and my hatred against VW ;)
<Althego> i couldnt follow it just write only
<Mat2ch> also I wanted to write an invoice and stuff.
<Mat2ch> write only?
<Mat2ch> what you mean?
<Althego> i was on the phone
<Althego> so i could paste but couldnt read
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<darsie> Mat2ch: We want to go 300 km from Vienna (170 m) to Ramsau (1150 m) without charging and or with my telescope (31 cm dia, 118 cm long), a paraglider, 4-5 ppl ...
<darsie> In winter.
<Althego> doesnt seem to be impossible
<darsie> Sure. Not sure if the Model 3 SR+ is the car for that, though.
<darsie> Kona doesn't have the range, IIRC.
<Althego> you could take a small diesel generator with you too :)
<darsie> hehe
<darsie> Diesel generators are not small. A petrol generator maybe.
<darsie> Or my solar panel :)
<darsie> I want it on the roof ...
<Mat2ch> darsie: if you don't want to creep with 90 km/h with the ID4 you will have to recharge it, too.
<Mat2ch> solar panels aren't that great on the roof. If you only move your car once in a week for max 40 km, yeah, maybe. But otherwise, nah.
<darsie> Well, the idea is to go 200 km highway at 100 km/h and 100 km overland road at 80 km/h.
<Mat2ch> darsie: have a look at the spreadsheet I pasted. Bjørn did some extensive tests
<Althego> you could take a stick with you and use it to angle the solar panels :)
<darsie> I mean on the roof of the house in which I rent a flat.
<Mat2ch> ID4 goes around 450 km at 90 km/h. On the way to Ramsau you will need a 15 min charging stop
<Mat2ch> on the way back maybe not if you can charge it up to 100 %.
<Mat2ch> And you should never charge to 100 % if not really necessary.
<Mat2ch> so just plan in a short stop and you are going to be fine.
<darsie> What's worse, 100% charge before leaving or a quick charge stop?
<Mat2ch> darsie: I forgot about
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<Mat2ch> A Better Routeplanner suggests an 8 min charging stop.
<darsie> mhm
<darsie> Will the battery be warm enough to quick charge?
<Mat2ch> after 90 minutes of driving: Yes.
<darsie> In a test it stayed at 14 C when driving 90 km/h.
<darsie> ID.3
<darsie> Going faster heated it up more, but that causes more drag.
<darsie> Maybe that was fixed in software, so the heat pump properly heats the battery.
<darsie> maybe ...
<Mat2ch> If you start at 100 % you can go with one charge
* darsie needs food ...
<darsie> That's the idea.
<Mat2ch> well, where the heck can I tell a better route planner to use proper metric format?
<darsie> I noticed miles, too.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> was it in miles?
<Mat2ch> oh, wow, you have to activate "detailed" things and then you can select it. Worst way to hide important options
<Althego> these are not important options. should be in km. no miles needed. ever. for anything
<darsie> Where?
<Mat2ch> darsie: how heavy do you think the other people and the luggage will be?
<Mat2ch> darsie: go to settings
<Mat2ch> then there's a small slider "Detailed"
<darsie> yeah, I found that.
<darsie> but hten
<darsie> Can't find it.
<Mat2ch> I just did a quick comparison of the ID4 and the 2020 Kona. With the 2020 Kona you need one charging stop for 7 minutes, but since you can driver faster you only lose on minute...
<Mat2ch> darsie: screenshot plz :D
<darsie> of what?
<Mat2ch> you said you can't find it. Show us what you see and maybe we can point you in the right direction.
<Mat2ch> if you only go 100 km/h with the Hyundai it will make the drive also without recharging and 13 % left.
* darsie gets breakfast muesli ...
<darsie> .
<Mat2ch> darsie: you need to scroll down to get to the Unit stuff
<darsie> To where?
<darsie> I looked everywhere but the app settingns.
<darsie> ahh, got it.
<darsie> I thought app means android/iphone app.
<darsie> Can't set temperature.
<darsie> Ohh, I can.
<Mat2ch> have fun playing around. :)
<darsie> 9 min charge at -10 °C.
<Mat2ch> now change with and without heat pump
<darsie> 13 min without heat pump.
<darsie> But how real is this model? What's their data source?
<Mat2ch> and the interior will heat up quicker with the heat pump
<Mat2ch> you have to ask them. I guess they do tests on their own, but aren't sure yet, hence the lable "Alpha" at the vehicle selector
<darsie> I even opted for the 'Life' model to get heated seat and steering wheel.
<Mat2ch> they are working with Teslabjørn afaik
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<darsie> Mat2ch: With heat pump, -10 C, 100 SOC departure, max 100 km/h I need a 9 min charge. Without heat pump 8 min charge. Unless I messed up.
<Mat2ch> that doesn't make sense.
<darsie> Hmm, no ... with heat pump: 8 min. Without: 8 min.
<darsie> I agree.
<darsie> So I don't get a heat pump.
<Mat2ch> ah, yes, they are using the same reference consumption.
<Mat2ch> But there has to be differences.
<darsie> no ... <FLHerne> Mat2ch: It's certainly *possible* for VW to engineer a heat-pump system that makes no difference, but it would be surprising
<Mat2ch> :D
<darsie> :)
<darsie> Maybe the 'heat pump' is just a speaker that makes some noise.
<darsie> VW has cheated before.
<Mat2ch> I know. But since the data from a better route planner is still marked as "alpha" I wouldn't count too much on it.
<darsie> yeah :). I was jk :).
<darsie> And maybe it's alpha because VW hasn't published real data about the heat pump.
<Mat2ch> well, I wouldn't be suprised if they did cut corners somewhere and the cars will fall apart in 3-5 years and require expensive repairs...
<Mat2ch> after all it's VW...
<darsie> At least the software seemed to have been rushed initially.
<Mat2ch> that's because nobody asks the people who KNOW how to develop software.
<darsie> What's the stabilizer?
<Althego> what, anybody knows how to?
<Mat2ch> Everyone who made a "hello world" tutorial thinks they are the best developers in the world.
<Mat2ch> And if somebody tells them to do things the right way and that it will take time, the managers will ask someone else
<darsie> I made a hello world KSP tutorial ;)
<Althego> solution: fire the managers
<Althego> this looks fully passive
<Mat2ch> Althego: that's what we would do. But since they are the managers they will increase just their wage.
<Mat2ch> Just a piece of metal. But needs replacement sometimes
<Althego> while i was working in factory, i always thought quality people are useless. because they never noticed actual defects, but stopped production for no reason. so without them production would be faster and with the same amount of defects
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> lunchtime!
<Althego> lele time too :)
<Althego> anyway that part is simple yet useful
<Althego> i would have created a computerized feedback something that keeps the vehicle upright, too complicated. they solved it with a metal piece
<darsie> Well, the id4 is RWD and has only one small, simple gear, so I guess this problem doesn't exist here.
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<Althego> (local) leet time
<darsie> 1337
<darsie> dang
<darsie> I prepared it ...
<darsie> But then got carried away chatting.
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> darsie: probably not. :D
<Mat2ch> But the Audi shows what they are capable off. ;)
<darsie> mhm
<umaxtu> speaking of EVs, I test drove a Chevy Bolt this weekend.
<Izaya> gotta try one of those electric bikes some time
<Izaya> all torque, all the time sounds kinda fun, even without gears to manage and the wonderful scream of approaching the end of the rev range
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<Mat2ch> umaxtu: how was it?
<umaxtu> I liked it.
<umaxtu> rode nice, seemed well built, etc.
<Mat2ch> EVs are really nice to drive. Almost all of them
<Mat2ch> few noises, few vibrations, much power
<umaxtu> apparently the base model 3 is in the same price-range so I guess I should try that too. not that I'm actually buying anything at the moment
<Mat2ch> me neither
<Mat2ch> I have a Model 3 reserved for four years now... well, some day, maybe.
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<Althego> hehe
<Althego> the longer you wait the better it will be
<Althego> somehow tesla does what no other automaker, constantly improving. sadly the berlin gigafactory is not going to produce model 3. but what they are going to produce, is going to have front and back gigacasting
<Althego> coco continues on the yagoo pixel art
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<Mat2ch> well, a Model Y would be nicer anyways, because of the trunk space...
<Althego> reaper is coming
<Althego> guh
<Althego> hehe, 65k people watching, everybody wants to see the new clothes
<darsie> KSP?
<Althego> somebody somwhere probably livestreaming that too
<darsie> what?
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<Althego> pay no attention to the man behind the curtain
<Althego> (just the usual hololive spam, i try to keep it to a minimum)
<darsie> You didn't post a link or even mentioned what ppl are watching.
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<UmbralRaptop> I think
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<Althego> yes, that. i intentionally dont post links. guh pretty much settled the channel for those who knowledgeable
<Mat2ch> whenever I see hololive I'm wondering if I did something wrong in life.
<UmbralRaptop> Mat2ch: How so
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<Mat2ch> UmbralRaptop: because they are making money of this. And I'm sitting here wondering if I will have enough money when I'm old or if I ever can retire at all.
<Mat2ch> F9 launch tomorrow. They are probably not going to have two events in one day. So hop on Wednesday maybe?
<Mat2ch> And I wish they would post times in UTC, too
<Althego> different teams working on them, so totally possible
<Althego> probably yagoo is making the most money off it
* UmbralRaptop half expects that Google is making the most
<Mat2ch> they do.
<Althego> i think google takes 1/3 of the superchats
<Althego> then i suspect the company takes another 1/3
<Althego> so at best 1/3 is remaining for the streamer
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<packbart> but there can be a lot of superchat contributions per stream
<packbart> Twitch takes half of the subscription payments
<umaxtu> wow
<Althego> that is kind of insane
<raptop> Also not sure how the splits are with merchandise
<Althego> that reminds me
<Althego> will there be any update for ksp?
<Althego> dlc or otherwise?
<Althego> there is no word
<Althego> i think the planet revamp is finished too
<Althego> lots of features were added
* raptop shrugs
<Althego> shrubbery
<umaxtu> go play Disco Elysium. I hear its amazing
<raptop> At some point probably
<raptop> so many games...
<umaxtu> Yeah, I'm trying to motivate myself to finish Divinity Original Sin before I start another game
<packbart> and every game that's been around for a while has its share of disgruntled players
<raptop> let's see, the last game that counts as finished for me (mostly) would be mobius front 83
<packbart> I read lots of "FDev don't care about players and they never fix bugs!11" in the past weeks ;)
<raptop> It's fun how there are games where that is a problem, and there are games where people just say that despite lots of ongoing bugfixes and development
<umaxtu> I'm almost done with FFVII remake on the ps4. probably just in time for the Mass Effect Lengendary edition to come out. and of course I keep getting side tracked with Stardew Valley
<raptop> And by fun I mean WTFy
<umaxtu> packbart, you talking 'bout Frontier?
<packbart> no, Elite Dangerous developed by Frontier Developments
<umaxtu> thats who I meant
<Althego> at least it is a playable game
<raptop> Hm, Unconnected Marketeers is out
<packbart> ah, I see
<Althego> i still regard star citizen as a scam
<umaxtu> eh, they provide a lot of status info
<packbart> and now that they are adding a first-person shooter, people complain more about unfixed old bugs. business as usual
<umaxtu> can't be as bad at fixing bugs as Bethesda
<raptop> Heh
<Izaya> > be bethesda
<Althego> hehe
<Izaya> > have 10 years to fix your game
<Izaya> > introduce new bugs
<raptop> I feel like for sufficiently old Bethesda games the consensus is "don't play the actual game, but this rebuild of the engine with more features and fewer bugs"
<umaxtu> hopefully Microsoft will make them be better about that
* raptop is specifically talking about Daggerfall and Morrowind
<Izaya> openmw is looking neat these days
<umaxtu> raptop, yeah, TTW is far more stable for me then actually playing Fallout 3
<raptop> heh
<umaxtu> one of these days, I need to go back and playthrough all of the fallout games. now would be a great time since I can't get an upgrade for my GPU
<raptop> Play the 2D fallouts!
<umaxtu> yeah
<umaxtu> I'm trying to limit myself to having 1 game in progress in each genre at a time
<Althego> i am too exhausted because of some reason. havent played anything for a while. all i do in the last few days is play that cell clustering science game in eve
<umaxtu> I didn't know you were a spreadsheet captain
<raptop> I mean, Kerbal Spreadsheet Program is also a thing
<umaxtu> not like EVE
<Althego> i dust off e:d from time to time too
<Althego> but havent actually played eve for a long time
<Izaya> could I interest you in my ARK spreadsheets
<flayer> oh that looks like an interesting game Izaya
<Izaya> what I bought: ARK: Survival Evolved
<Izaya> what I expected: [jurassic park]
<umaxtu> does it still run terribly?
<Izaya> what I got: LibreOffice Calc
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> how is space engineers doing?
<Izaya> it's improved since 2015 but I can't really say nowadays
* flayer sighs
<flayer> i am reminded of the time that i first got into EVE Online
<Althego> oh now what have i done. "space engineers is not doing..." :)
<flayer> that was a really epic game
<packbart> I have a rule for games: I don't do spreadsheets
<Izaya> I don't think it's fair to compare performance on a 750Ti on Windows vs the same game on WINE on an RX580 on Linux
<packbart> I use external sites like, though
<Izaya> but for what it's worth, it still maxes my GPU well below max settings, even with a significant overclock and a high-end GPU
<Althego> yes eddb is great
<Izaya> but it manages 30 FPS stably now so that's... an improvement?
<umaxtu> eddb is still a thing? awesome
<Althego> always looks like a german icao code to me :)
<umaxtu> how many times have you done the run to the other end of the galaxy? I forget what the system was named
<umaxtu> Colonia?
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* raptop runs across a clip from For All Mandkind
<raptop> ...are they showing white LEDs in the 1980s?
<Althego> jrjr
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> I remember when I got my first blue LED.
<Althego> and we cant get rid of them eveer since
<darsie> Thought it was cool :).
<Althego> they are in everything and blind you with bright light
<Althego> also apparently cause sleeping problems
<darsie> You can turn most of them off.
<darsie> But yeah, I have a cheap amp from aliexpress with a blue power LED. I covered it with black rubber. Still leaks some light.
<Althego> i either cover them or paint them over
<Althego> and that finally turns them back to status lights
<kubi> hehe
<kubi> the very first LEDs were blue-ish
<kubi> not for mass production, but lab stuff
<kubi> a nice black tape hides the light
<Althego> i use black marker or black tape
<kubi> alternatively, you can use a drop of black nail paint from your gf
<kubi> emos are good for something :)
<Althego> are there still emos?
<kubi> well
<kubi> nail paint does not rot for a long time :)
<raptop> Black is a nice color because it goes with everything
<kubi> wellnot too good with brown
<darsie> I have black nailpolish.
<Althego> hok i am not sure if spacex can stream two launches at the same time. what about nsf?
<Althego> lol what is hok
<raptop> Hearts of Potassium, a very confusing Paradox game
* raptop stares at my hands uneasily
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<Guest93778> kerbal space program is awesome
<darsie> yeah :)
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<darsie> How long do you play it?
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<Guest93778> sense jan this year
<darsie> Completed the tech tree, yet?
<Guest93778> ye
<Guest93778> done like 8-10 duna missions
<Guest93778> none crewed tho
<darsie> Duna is easy :).
<raptop> Ah, stay-at-home kerbals
<Guest93778> what if asteroids had soi
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<darsie> ask xkcd ;)
<Guest93778> i want hyper edit but it breaks my game xd
<darsie> They kinda do. They have undefined shape, mass and ore content till you get <2.2 km.
<darsie> So you can save just outside that and approach till you get what you want :).
<darsie> Sometimes you find pretty magic ones :).
<raptop> Something something gilly something dres (for "asteroids" with SOIs)
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<_> hi im back
<_> is ksp 1.12 ever gonna exist?
<raptop> probably, but we don't know the exact date
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