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<raptop> !mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You attempt to brew some coffee over the exhaust of a mainsail. This Science is only applicable for western rocketry!
<raptop> Hrm, does Russia count as western?
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<bees> raptop: You put on the Gravity soundtrack to make your aerocapture maneuver even more intense. As you are about to cross the gravity well, you see an long bearded man screaming "YOU SHALL NOT PASS" at you.
<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> a nanowar of steel song with serious alestorm wibes. too bad it is completely in italian
<Althego> *vibes
<Althego> the story still comes through, not the jokes though, which i assume are there
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<Althego> (local) leet time
<Mat2ch> time to make lunch
<Althego> make -j44
<Mat2ch> I bought fresh stuff to make. But I'm not really in the mood to make it :/
<Mat2ch> the pandemic is getting to me. Slowly, but steady.
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<Althego> kikkerikii
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<Mat2ch> wen lift?
<Althego> wen: 1. a boil or other swelling or growth on the skin, especially a sebaceous cyst.
<Althego> what
<Mat2ch> wat
<Althego> tried to look it up if it meant something
<Althego> i thought maybe chinese name
<Althego> but it is some rare english word
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<Mat2ch> I want to know when they lift SN15 :P
<Mat2ch> They are currently pouring concrete over the wall
<Mat2ch> or however that thing is called
<Mat2ch> and building at the shore has some advantages, because you can't drop rockets on land. But on the other hand there is always so much wind
<Mat2ch> there's going to be strong winds for days now.
<Althego> there might be a wen venus starting for rocketlab
<Althego> probably not this year, but maybe in 2023
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<kspgamer> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, kspgamer
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<raptop> *boing*
<umaxtu> I need to find the time to write a bot that times and announces how long people stick around
<raptop> The distribution of times could be interesting
<umaxtu> yeah, I don't think it would be that complex of a bot to write. I just haven't tried to write one before
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<raptop> !mission add You decide to save weight on your fuel tanks by replacing them with plastic bags.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: You decide to save weight on your fuel tanks by replacing them with plastic bags.
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<Mat2ch> raptop: no. NO
<Mat2ch> Just no.
<raptop> Mat2ch: I mean, a great many of the outcomes result in death and/or destruction
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<Mat2ch> raptop: Texas. You mean Texas!
<raptop> Ah, yes, south Ohio
<Mat2ch> that's Kentucky.
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<umaxtu> whenever I've got a gas can in my car, I drive with the windows open
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<raptop> (it's from 2 years ago)
<FLHerne> neat tool
<raptop> Unlike google reverse image search, it actually works
<FLHerne> Your !mission isn't dated, so it's valid anyway ;-)
<raptop> fair I guess
<raptop> !mission
<LunchBot> raptop: In lieu of launching, you begin lunching. The crystal sphere holdiing up the Mun shatters. You're gonna have to pay for that, buddy.
<Althego> holdiing
<Mat2ch> FLHerne: I know! It's horrible!
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raptop is now known as deadraptop
<Tank2333> !mission
<LunchBot> Tank2333: You re-roof the SPH in solar cells. You crash into one of the millions of trees at the space centre.
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You murder a microwave for its magnetron and install it in your rocket. Boom!
<Tank2333> is that bot new?
<Althego> no
<Althego> but not too old either
<Tank2333> ah ok
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<deadraptop> Some of the missions are from now dead bots
<Tank2333> RIP Kmath
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<Mat2ch> after it's death by fire it sits in Valhalla
<FLHerne> Last iteration of LunchBot died by fire, if that happened to kmath I didn't hear about it
<Althego> yes, dont confuse the bot deaths
<Althego> that suborbital launch just doesnt want to happen. for days now
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<TwistenX> This
<TwistenX> is a bucket
<deadraptop> dear god!
<TwistenX> There's more...
<flayer> how long before there will be worker drones on mars prepping to build a refueling station, habitation and greenhouses?
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<flayer> i'm hoping for 2028ish
<Althego> while blasting surviving mars soundtrack
<deadraptop> FLHerne: it'll take a while to probably CRISPR up the bee-human hybrids
<FLHerne> not me
<Althego> there was some news about an even better thing than crispr
<Althego> but i dont remember the name
<TwistenX> There's nothing crispr than potato chips
<FLHerne> !stupid bees
<LunchBot> FLHerne: "Maybe we can combine these two ideas. Exhale a bunch of dead bees as well as a gas which reanimates creatures, then you breath zombie bees."
<TwistenX> !mission
<LunchBot> twistenx: You are tasked with extensive testing of thrust plates. The result of your actions is later called "The Great Kesslerization".
<TwistenX> !outcome
<LunchBot> twistenx: The United Nations confiscates your SCRAM cannon.
<TwistenX> ok
<TwistenX> PrefixCactus
<TwistenX> My mission: You discover mountain dew in the seas of Eve. Contract successfully completed. My outcome: There is a long silence.
<FLHerne> twistenx: !mission still includes an outcome
<TwistenX> !mission
<LunchBot> twistenx: You use Mainsails as RCS thrusters. Internet Explorer pops up invasive adverts across your screen and viruses invade your system before you can complete your mission.
<TwistenX> ok
<FLHerne> what
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<Althego> finally the missing flip
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<Mat2ch> Althego: but not the full flight. As if they didn't have any sd cards on board...
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<flayer> Althego, ideally, it would happen with the first or second successful starship landing on mars
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<Solar_Oracle> Like a Pullman sleeper, but in space.
<Solar_Oracle> Nice and comfy for when the landing legs on the upper stage give way
<Solar_Oracle> Then again, assuming Starship is ever finished, the end design will have to have a lot more kibble added to it anyway.
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