Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: |
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<Guest32468> testing
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<raptop> ...
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* X tests raptop’s patience
* raptop deflagrates
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<raptop> "Guh" -- a catshark, apparently
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<Mat2ch> you get a crane and you get a crane and you get a crane and you...
<Mat2ch> :D
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<Deddly> Leet time
<Deddly> Ha! beat Althego to it for once ;)
<Mat2ch> Nice
<Mat2ch> But you are in a different timezone...
<Izaya> it's leet time somewhere, several times an hour
<Izaya> up to 4 times an hour, I imagine
FLHerne is now known as FLHerne_
FLHerne_ is now known as FLHerne
<Mat2ch> Izaya: timezones come in 30 minutes, but not in 15?
<Mat2ch> Or am I missing something?
<FLHerne> There are a couple of 15-minute timezones
<Izaya> I'm pretty sure the NT is like, -15 relative to AEST
<Deddly> Mat2ch, .hu is Hungary isn't it?
<Deddly> Should be same time zone as me
<Mat2ch> there are two timezones that are not full hour or :30
<Mat2ch> Deddly: yes it is
<Mat2ch> I always thought that you'd be an us american for some reason
<Deddly> Yee-haa!
<Mat2ch> No, not a Texan :P
<Deddly> Texans don't count as Americans? Learn something new every day ;)
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<Mat2ch> Deddly: that's not what I meant. More like a New Yorker maybe
<Mat2ch> :D
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<Althego> Deddly: at 13:36 i was in the bus stop. but i managed to observer the leet tram instead
<Deddly> Congrats ;)
<Althego> i can only see that specific one from the office, but since we only go in the office once per month, i can rarely see it
<Althego> hehe texans not americans. it is like bavaria is not germany
<sandbox> it can be whatever it wants to be
<Althego> next launch
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<raptop> Althego: apparently catsharks can't swim in lava
<Althego> cant watch everythin
<Althego> but i watched the holoen country roads
<raptop> ah
<raptop> also an amusing thing from we were here too: there's a puzzle where you have to rotate a cube in your mind (sort of)
<Althego> supposedly hold on the launch. and a 40 minute window, so maybe it is not going to launch today
<Althego> scrub because of the liquid oxygen system
<Althego> better luck next time
<Althego> so maybe tomorrow same time
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<Mat2ch> I recommend playing Portal Reloaded. Yes, we are talking about time travel here. And my brain hurts from it. But it's 25 fun levels
<Mat2ch> and free, if you have Portal 2
<sandbox> I meant to watch someone playing that but I can't remember who it was
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* raptop hochos the store page
<raptop> So I went through the password reset (apparently their db got compromised), and they're rejecting the password autogenerated by firefox because it doesn't have a special character
<Althego> sure way to force users to use password they forget
<Mat2ch> well, you should use a password manager these days anyways.
<Mat2ch> Someone was at Pol.
<Mat2ch> looks nice, Kerbal still floating over the ground.
<Mat2ch> :D
* Mat2ch just looked at the weather forecast
<Mat2ch> wow
<Mat2ch> looks like there wont be any summer this year.
<raptop> Anyway, password finally reset and put into firefox on both of my main raptops
<raptop> Mat2ch: as long as we don't have fires on last year's scale
<Althego> it doesnt accept the pasword change for me too
<Althego> i wonder what is a special character to tehm
<raptop> spaces aren't !s are
<raptop> dunno about others
<Althego> finally
<Althego> - and / wasnt
* raptop 🔪
<Mat2ch> raptop: well, it's a cold air bubble above Europe
<Mat2ch> held in by hot air from all sides
<Mat2ch> a unique thing probably
<raptop> ah
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<Mat2ch> it's pretty red in the US west coast...
<raptop> fun
<Althego> red 14. now aint that cute... (2 stupid dogs)
<raptop> And by fun, I mean, I'm glad I live 3000+ km away
<Mat2ch> The smoke will come to you
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<raptop> at lesser scale
<raptop> But if I was in that area, I'd probably have a p100 by now
<Althego> p100?
<raptop> fancy mask -- oil proof, ≥99.9% of particulates filtered out
<raptop> particularly one of those reusable ones where you can swap out filters
<Althego> hwh qintergatan
<Althego> w->e q->w
<Althego> almost there
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<raptop> "w->e q->w" looks like some sort of HEP decay chain
<flayer> <flayer> meteorite on mars
<Althego> ah a new one
<flayer> nah its from 2016
<Althego> there were several found wiht the rovers during the years
<raptop> those meteorites are still one of the cooler things that the rovers have found
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Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
<raptop> Ah, it's Polish culture day on GoG
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