Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | SN15 is doing -
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<Althego> heh ina is still streaming
<Althego> there are two flat earth streams going now too
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<Althego> oh there were 3 flat earth streams in parallel
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<raptop> ~8.5 hours o_O
<Althego> that is kiara level
<Althego> still not even close to korone
<raptop> Not quite at the level of that Okayu/Korone collab, but still...
<Althego> witsit getsit is almost as dumb as hip hop hippe, but also as annoying nathan thompson
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Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: |
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<Mat2ch> wen hop?
<Mat2ch> Monday probably.
<Mat2ch> No road closure for today scheduled.
<Mat2ch> tfr is gone for today
<Mat2ch> I wonder why they even applied for a tfr on a weekend?
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<Althego> yes, saw it
<Althego> still not quite the destruction ww want
<Althego> but it is funny the driver never even slwed dowbn
<Althego> hah, cant believe it. after more than 4 months there was a gtoger video
<Mat2ch> Note to myself: Never watch an LGR episode again. This causes serious flashbacks.
<Althego> what is that
<Althego> hehe 3d blaster
<Althego> i think i remember that
<Althego> btw i hated all creative products, because gus was better :)
<Mat2ch> gus?
<Althego> gravis ultrasound
<umaxtu> lol no heatsinks
<Althego> from a more civilized time
<Althego> unly cpus had heatsinks
* flayer sighs
<flayer> still no starship in orbit
<Althego> you can wait for that fo a while
<Althego> elon wants it by july
<Althego> but still didnt stick the landing
<Althego> the catching the booster thing will be a big high risk step
<umaxtu> yeah, I bet wind will be a limiting factor
<Mat2ch> Althego: that started with the 486 I think. Before that even CPUs didn't have heat sinks iirc
<Althego> yes i know
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<sandbox> hmm, I think I might have one of those
<sandbox> PCI though
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<sandbox> Flight Unlimited was amazing back then
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<Althego> i got up to 91% in the cell cluster finding minigame, but still fail often the known result tests on the number of clusters
<raptop> cells bad; galaxies good
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<Deddly> Yay, helicopter gets a real mission
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<Mat2ch> Deddly: bringing me pizza?
<Deddly> From Mars? Not within the specified time frame, no
<Althego> not so long ago i played through dune 2 in one of t he remakes
<Deddly> I never beat that game
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<Althego> the original ai was quite dumb. it just started with a fully equipped base. in the remake it became smarter
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<Mat2ch> uhhh, SN16 is getting fully stacked
<raptop> wow, lewd
<raptop> (I assume that this means that SN15 will explode soon)
<Mat2ch> Monday
<Mat2ch> hopefully
<Mat2ch> kaboom!
<Mat2ch> 15 min hatch closing stream starts
<Mat2ch> :D
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