Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
<raptop> !mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You code an IRC bot that spews random lines when prompted. Your dual-fusion 1500-megawatt heavy-duty super-colliding pneumatic-diversified quantum space tape untangler fails.
<raptop> Okay, that technically works
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<minas_tirith> raptop, can you read tengwar?
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<raptop> I cannot, why?
<minas_tirith> raptop, just curious
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<Althego> hmm, hardware unboxed. on 1st of april. even in the previous one they were joking about marketing with a total serious face
<darsie> Furthermore, the games from Steam and GOG platform are not compatible, thus even if you'd be able to buy the DLC, you won't be able to combine it with a Steam base game.
<darsie> from gog support
<darsie> Someone here said I could simply copy some folders.
<Althego> if you can extract it from the installer
<Althego> say they are some form of sfx
<Althego> then you probably can just copy them
<Althego> otherwise you would need to fake a destination for it
<Althego> and copy from there
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<Althego> wait a sec, i thought that shiny virgin galactic plane was a spaceshiptwo, but it is spaceshipthree
<Althego> it seemed to me like 2.1 at best
<Althego> there is a scott manley comment on top on the rocketlab video
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* flayer is tired
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* Mat2ch too
* raptop same
<raptop> 🦈?
<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> tako
<darsie> nice rectangle
<Althego> a shark
<raptop> Althego: 🐙
<Althego> isntall fonts
<raptop> The emoji are showing up for me fine in *checks notes* LXterminal / irssi
<Althego> yes it doesnt really depends on anything else just fonts
<Althego> basically everything is unicode capable now
<flayer> sigh
<flayer> always dark when trying to dock
<Althego> always
<Mat2ch> flayer: bring some lights in the storage compartment and install them ;)
<Althego> i usually dock with the navball
<Althego> but still annoying to have complete darkness
<darsie> There's the galactic shine.
<darsie> And parts light up when you put the mouse over them.
<Althego> yes you can use it as a backdrop of two siluettes
<Izaya> use planetshine to set the global illumination
<darsie> And you can set docking ports as target and navigate wiht the navball.
<Althego> but it is always dark
<Althego> dark when landing on the mun
<Althego> dark whemn rescuing kerbals
<Althego> dark when you need to do an ion burn
<Izaya> the mun really should be hi-vis, glow-in-the-dark green
<Izaya> for convenience
* raptop eyes Minmus
<Althego> green but not glowig
<Althego> glo-wig, a wig that glows in the dark
<Izaya> pretty sure they sell those for halloween
* raptop is reminded that kerbal names can include munwig and munbald
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> scott
<flayer> despite the incredibly awkward angle, i made it work
<Althego> is that the ssto?
<flayer> the thing i launched yesterday yeah
<flayer> calling it an ssto is technically false
<flayer> since i dropped the cargo-booster
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<Althego> haha well done scott
<Mat2ch> flayer: the cargo booster helps pushing it up?
<flayer> yeah, half an orange tank with a skipper
<flayer> open the cargo bay at ~25 km to give the ship that extra push to make it to orbit
<Althego> if i want an almost ssto i normally go with drop danks
<Althego> tanks
<Althego> or maybe solid boosters to get the jets going
<Mat2ch> SSTOs with MK2 parts are easy
<Mat2ch> I fail at creating one with MK3 parts.
<Althego> once i did an ssto to laythe and back
<Althego> now that was hard
<Althego> you can make that work better with gravity assists
<flayer> this vessel was supposed to be carried to orbit and then act as a carrier for interplanetary missions
<Althego> but that would be largely guesswork for me
<Althego> carrier has arrived
<flayer> gravity assists on manned missions are very difficult if you require snacks
<Althego> even without it, you just dont have the tiem constraint
<flayer> that is disturbing
<Althego> yes, disturbs the air
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<Althego> every space youtuber wants to be on dear moon
<Althego> even though starship doesnt look so good at the moment
<Althego> including scott of course
<Althego> tim, etc
<Althego> you know what, i want to be on it too :)
<Mat2ch> I go if they provide artifical gravity
<Mat2ch> :P
<Althego> i dont want gravity
<Althego> my spine is not in good enough condition to constantly endure gravity
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<darsie> Can I kick a tourist out of a command seat? Or destroy the seat?
<darsie> Found a scientist willing to test it, hrhr
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<darsie> Lufred Kerman practicing yoga:
Guest61832 is now known as FLHerne
<FLHerne> Yay, OpenTTD made the frontpage of Steam
finch is now known as Ariri
<FLHerne> I thought you couldn't put tourists in those anymore?
<darsie> You can put them into command seats, but they're not allowed to leave. But I destroyed the seat :).
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<FLHerne> I see
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* packbart uses the Kourageous Tourists mod
<packbart> a properly trained tourist may EVA but not use jetpacks
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