Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing | Helicopter is doing!
<JVFoxy> uh...
<JVFoxy> plasma off the re-entry heating blocking signal.. if you have that feature turend on
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<Althego> hmm, 2 robot dogs? zeus and apollo lol
<XXCoder> fun
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<Althego> or
<Althego> the spacex one (second) seems to be ahead by about 20 seconds
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<Althego> the omnipresent pad ninjas
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<Althego> about two hours until launch
<Mat2ch> still
<Althego> there is some partial data and video from the second flight of ingenuity
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<Althego> less than an hour
<Althego> wait, is that concrete that peels off?
<Mat2ch> looks more like some kind of mat
<Althego> then just lay it out again and it is fixed
<Mat2ch> it even rolls up nicely.
<Mat2ch> maybe not that easy
<Mat2ch> there's a plastic foil beneath it.
<Althego> the issue here was i think it didnt land on it, but next to it, so the flow was not pushing down ot it, but blowing over it, creating a low pressure zone
<Althego> and it could peel it off from the side, which would not have been possible from the center
<Mat2ch> all shredded to pieces.
<Mat2ch> But now they might get a concrete pad.
<Althego> a solid, concrete solution :)
<Mat2ch> if that thing would've landed there, it probably had crushed it due to its weight.
<Althego> yes. but expert pilots can land while hovering
<Althego> keeping most of the weight off
<Mat2ch> not sure if you can do that with an Osprey.
<Althego> it can land in full heli mode
<Mat2ch> yes, but can you hover it?
<Mat2ch> Or are the controls so slow that you can't do the guide rail trick?
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<Althego> why would the controls be slow?
<Althego> the only difference is that you dont have a cyclic but some strange cyclic-throttle thing that functions similarly
<Mat2ch> well, usually you control the pitch of the rotos
<Mat2ch> *rotors
<Mat2ch> and that has to be very fast so you can responed to small drops
<Mat2ch> that's why it's usually linked directly
<Mat2ch> I guess in this case it is done by hydraulics
<Mat2ch> and they have some delay
<Althego> it functions as a cyclic in full helicpterm ode
<Mat2ch> Oh, wait, I think I remember a picture of an Ospray touch the ground only with the back gear at a slope
<Mat2ch> or was that a CH-46?
<Mat2ch> not an Osprey.
<Mat2ch> file.
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<transit> Soon.
<Althego> tm
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<transit> It may say I left but I’m just going to another app on mobile
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<Mat2ch> 10 minutes left!
<Althego> are you from the future?
<Mat2ch> why? :P
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<transit> Here we go
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<Althego> what, no countdown?
<Althego> liftoff
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<Althego> i guess it flew up into the sunrise
<Izaya> I appreciate that only the commentary has american customary units and everything else is in standard units
<Althego> yes spacex made the right choice
<Izaya> are those full space suits?
<Althego> so it was basically a textbook launch
<Althego> no, those are IVA spacesuits
<Althego> and the life suport system is in the dragon
<Izaya> those are mostly to protect against unexpected depressurisation rather than for any amount of EVA activity right?
<Althego> yes
<Althego> i doubt they could leave the chair
<Althego> seat
<Althego> what is the difference between a chair and a seat?
<Izaya> one of them is spelled chair and one of them is spelled seat, as far as i know
<Althego> manned reflight of the capsule and the booster
<Izaya> pretty impressive
<Althego> my only issue is, this should have been the standard 30 years ago
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<Mat2ch> Althego: there are so many things that should've been standard 30 years ago. But that would be politics ;)
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<Althego> yes this is what i said partial data and video
<Althego> there should be more today
<Althego> next we can wait for the sound too
<Althego> maybe on the 3rd or 4th flight
<Althego> somehow they are afraid of turning on the mic because of electromagnetic interference
<Althego> did they just pull us the dont use the phone on the plane lie on us this time too?
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Althego> new stream for the cruise
<Althego> they have snacks on board
<Althego> they are kerbals!
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<Althego> Crew-2 is currently in orbit and is expected to autonomously dock with the International Space Station on Saturday, April 24, at approximately 5:10 a.m. EDT, 9:10 UTC.
<Althego> (local) leet time
<darsie> .
<Althego> elon is there in the live conference
<Althego> so that is why he is not tweeting :)
<Althego> oh no, phoenix is coming up too
<Althego> hehe cant move the cat to start the stream
<Althego> kikkerikii
<Althego> i still hate how elon talks
<Althego> makes it hard to understand at double speed, and also sounds annoying
<sandbox> how does he talk?
<Althego> he has these small pauses often
<sandbox> indeed he does
<sandbox> the mask doesn't help
<sandbox> probably keeps sucking it in
<Althego> he always talks like that. at double speed with kiara talking over him, he is about as comprehensible for me as the japanese guy
<sandbox> yeah, I always watch at 2x speed
<Althego> so is there a static fire today?
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<Mat2ch> again no static fire today.
<Mat2ch> What's the hold up?
<darsie> Fire is an inherently dynamic process ;).\
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> but a tfr for Monday. Weird.
<Althego> what happens if you double free a fire?
<Mat2ch> California AND Australia burns down.
<Mat2ch> *burn
<Mat2ch> Both in winter.
<Althego> it turns out, if the battery is swollen and removes the back cover, you can easily remove the battery in a matter of minutes
<Althego> also somehow s7 batteries are still available
<Althego> and i dont need to completely assemble it anyways
<Althego> maybe i buy a battery and fix the backplate with electric tape, because i dont have a heat gun
<Mat2ch> go for it
<Mat2ch> a new battery should cost you in the 10 EUR range
<Althego> yes it is around that
<Mat2ch> I replaced the battery on my N9 once
<Mat2ch> had to buy a very small torx bit, too :D
<Althego> atfer this picture it took me an hour to remove the sticky black goo
<Mat2ch> more alcohol
<Althego> i actually have a 64 bit (lol) screwdriver set
<Althego> didnt need to use it for this
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<minas_tirith> Althego, Groeten
<Althego> there is nothing cruvis with me
<flayer> minas_tirith, i don't suppose you have a fetish for eye sockets?
<minas_tirith> flayer, why?
<flayer> i used to know someone on irc named silmukopaaanen or something
<minas_tirith> thats a finnish sounding name
<flayer> it is, but the person is dutch
<Althego> but where are the images from today's downlink
<Althego> heh another full length documentary from everyday astronaout. this time about the starship landing. he mentioned this several times. it took quite a while
<Althego> hehe a small kerbal rocket is in it
<Althego> oh and there is a what about it too
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<Mat2ch> where do you see the kerbal rocket?
<Mat2ch> Das eine ist ja Zivilrecht, das andere Strafrecht
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<Tsar_bomba> Am I a bot?
<Althego> doesnt look like it
<Althego> still can be a robot arm typing through htte webchat
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* raptop beeps innocently
<Althego> there is the joke when the robot arm checks the i am not a robot box in the captcha
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