Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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* raptop feels like there should be some minor cosmonautics day celebration
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<Althego> ah this is vostok 1
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<raptop> yeah
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<packbart> also STS-1
<packbart> 1981-04-12
<raptop> that, too
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<Althego> suborbital launch, but still
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<darsie> 1338
<Althego> kikkerikii
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<Althego> so proposed flight of ingenuity is on the 14th
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i would understand that over land
<Althego> but what are they doing over the water?
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<Mat2ch> v-PTM2unjxtU74j0LwMJv8TZ-z7roiu6DAIh7U6CoG_EuvW1oYX59alYwmLC4JtcohVAay18zUYf-ushaCc9FdPqRmS8NkT7mndGGQqqXOizwxLr8qtYNLBSK9FYQV1O_PbQLRj1fjL9P5zemb_TPGgh0qheRRepy7Y1cyLzEAzOIIM-XlYeIG7uEJZfU3Ps8GkPWEfgIg154kwAMUJ12K3h49rNvcHr691oN1TVA4UDANprwYubp_ZFAiezKEM1XBSDomFTJ5sJlg70nhtZSrTo4lu6ewWaAm_cPToliZeW1SsDoMtmgUXBFumbDDNcpFiIGiCuu-iKnyWfx_8atMzRu9SzDTdD6A0EtDvMtZggufwVtLcNNHhwbIdoya
<Mat2ch> pMitLpeC3uK1NcrFET9jAKO6pt5UaTSc_N6ZcZMLD5OxojjT5OVkXy9oQZbWuNX4udZnQchfIfrdXFp3e5yQg5QTOqaKUIPzPIBQze5i94QaYwUr3AvO9_jqi-a7Rh9QwbO181VLkxYjpMz0liEPvdIfkr4JFwSgzvtTr_vdRrPH6CbB3A
<Mat2ch> Oh, wow
<Mat2ch> sorry
<Mat2ch> How can you create links so broken?
<umaxtu> takes effort
<Mat2ch> the owner
<Mat2ch> umaxtu: I'm not sure if this isn't vicious
<Mat2ch> is it possible that there are sand banks? And they cartographed them there, maybe to build a wind park?
<Althego> sand banks. to hold sand dollars :)
<umaxtu> I would think that they'd get better readings from a boat
<Mat2ch> umaxtu: how, there might be sand beneath you :D
<sandbox> there's another plane from Prestwick flying near Glasgow
<sandbox> similar pattern
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<Mat2ch> Russians, I tell ya
<Althego> russian bots?
<FLHerne> Looks like they're primarily scanning over land, so probably not offshore wind...
<Mat2ch> Flying planes. Yes.
<Mat2ch> FLHerne: that side would be good for onshore wind... :D
<FLHerne> "Looks like military grade by the rivets on the tail, made to look like a standard vulcanair. Could be Russian I suppose, but considering Danish involvement it’s either subterfuge, but most likely scouting out of our bacon and butter industry. Danish govt also has a 90% stake in our onshore renewables, so could be a joint venture. Wouldn’t be surprised if it were Google and Bing in a joint enterprise. Mapping our island with military precision would be
<FLHerne> very valuable to the right country such as China. Keep watching those skies!"
<FLHerne> ^ from the article comments
<Mat2ch> lol
<umaxtu> Fedor must be involved
<Althego> hah perfect. reaper with zombie tomorrow... but in apex, sadly
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<TwistenX> I have arisen from the dead
<TwistenX> This is the perfect place to be
<TwistenX> Because everybody here is affiliated with rocketry
<TwistenX> So there's so many brains
<Althego> not as cute as the other zombie i know of
<TwistenX> ?
<TwistenX> Undead raptop?
<TwistenX> Anyways, yeah I'm back into KSP. I got distracted by playing a bunch of Roblox, Minecraft, GTA V, Friday Night Funkin, and coding things.
* raptop is not in hololive!
<Althego> yet
* raptop also is not indonesian >_>
<Althego> also not addicted?
<raptop> dunno what counts as addicted wrt vtubers
<TwistenX> Watching a video pretty much as soon as it is uploaded, maybe?
<raptop> Probably catching the streams at weird times
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<Mat2ch> oh, pressure test underway
<Althego> feel the rpessure
<Althego> i think at this point they can build the tanks correctly at least
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<umaxtu> maybe, maybe not
<Althego> tests are important
<Althego> what i mean i dont expect this to fail
<FLHerne> SN15 does have the new thrust bulkhead design
<Althego> i am worried the whole flip thing is not going to work out even with the header tanks
<umaxtu> same
<Althego> first it looked doable. but all of the prototypes failed
<flayer> i'm so tired
<Mat2ch> the flip will be done with the RCS soon
<Mat2ch> doing it with the raptors is just because they are not ready yet
<Mat2ch> aaaand the flip worked, only the raptors themselfs had problems...
<Mat2ch> they are trying to put lots and lots of new things into Spaceship and that's really a challenge
<umaxtu> but is the flip causing the raptor problems?
<Mat2ch> like pressuring the tanks with exhaust gases
<umaxtu> clearly spacex has to crease a rotating raptor test stand
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> let me think. I think Sn8 had bubbles in the fuel lines. So maybe yes, but maybe just not enough pressure
<Althego> but this is what i meant
<Mat2ch> SN9 had problems with the raptors not fireing correctly when doing the flip
<Althego> previously the raptors were ok
<Althego> yet the landing failed
<Mat2ch> SN10 had a problem with the raptors
<Mat2ch> For SN11 they had a Methane leak which burnt some cables for the avionics system and then the second raptor had a hard start and we don't know if it went through the thrust puck or if the fts got triggered.
<Althego> this last one was the only actual engine related thing
<umaxtu> raptors not firing correctly sounds engine related
<Althego> except when it is pressurization related
<Mat2ch> jep
<Mat2ch> apparently they are killing of old designs of the raptor engines there...
<umaxtu> how different are the raptors on SN15?
<Mat2ch> we don't know yet.
<FLHerne> Fuel/oxidizer connections are moved, and some of the external plumbing is tidier
<FLHerne> internal changes, who knows?
<Althego> at this point those are probably just tweaks for slight gains, lower mass or easier production
<FLHerne> Less blowing up would be nice
<Althego> so ok to blow up but make it smaller? :)
<Mat2ch> no, constant controlled blowing them up helps here!
<Althego> that would be that detonation engine thing
<Althego> that scott talked about
<Mat2ch> well, in a way it is constantly blowing up, just releasing the gases in a controlled way. ;)
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