Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<darsie> And #kspmodders or so, IIRC.
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<Althego> and my axe
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<Althego> dont forget the soyuz launch
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<Althego> and they are in a 2 hour docking
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<Althego> going up
<Althego> maybe 4 hour docking. because 11 is utc
<Althego> that looks closer to 3
<Althego> time is ridiculously overcomplicated
<Althego> we need a flat earth with no timezones
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<Althego> soyuz launches are significantly better since the appearance of these new live views
<Althego> that stage flying away
<Althego> is so lovely
<Althego> every time
<XXCoder> Althego: sorry but theres flat earth with timezones models lol
<Althego> yes, and it doesnt work
<Althego> the obvious solution is to have an artificial flat earth that rotates, but because it is flat, everybody is in the same timezone
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<Izaya> birch world with artificial lighting to provide a day/night cycle that is 26 hours long
<Izaya> (and uniform)
<Althego> bajoran day?
<Izaya> that's a nice bonus but no
<Izaya> it's to suit specifically me because if I had an extra 2 hours each day my sleep cycle wouldn't try to rotate
<kubi> nono
<Althego> then you would adapt to that and nothing would change
<kubi> there shall be a proper lighting system too
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<Izaya> in that case, extend the length of the day by two hours every month
FLHerne is now known as Guest25074
<kubi> moreover it is not about the physics, but how you perceive it
<Althego> wouldnt it be easier to fix you?
<Althego> eveyrbody else is ok with these days
<Izaya> how much mass would I need to be adjacent to to perceive an extra 2 hours each day
<Althego> you wouldnt
<Izaya> that's like, 8.3% more time each day
<Althego> even if time slows down next to a big mass, for you it would be same. you would appear to move slower. if the sun was far enough, then in fact days would get shorter for you
<Izaya> argh
<Izaya> always forget how that works >.>
<Althego> or maybe i got it wrong
<Althego> that reminds me, i havent checked pbs spaceteime
<Althego> there is sometign
Guest25074 is now known as FLHerne
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<Mat2ch> FLHerne: THAT explains why we now see more security on the site!
<Mat2ch> Althego: you weren't there anymore when I posted it yesterday. SpaceX is getting a new crane. A Liebherr LR 13000. That thing is massive in comparison to the current crane...
<Althego> i guess they need to move the booster
<Althego> so they also need a bigger crane (or boat :))
<Althego> what security for what site?
<Mat2ch> FLHerne posted a video about someone filming under SN11
<Mat2ch> and on a few videos lately I saw some security people walking around
<Mat2ch> which I have never seen before
<Mat2ch> and the crane is probably for the launch table
<Mat2ch> The booster should be light enough to be lifted by the smaller crane
<Althego> lol why would you go under it?
<Althego> the engines are on public display
<Althego> as aleon said, it only helps you, if you can already make a similar one
<Althego> so pointless to hide them
<Mat2ch> It's more about their own security. What happens if that person trips and hurts themselfs? Then SpaceX would be made liable.
<Mat2ch> and tresspassing in general.
<Althego> ok i get that, but what is the reason somebody decides to go under it
<Althego> you cant get useful info
<Althego> unless they wanted to make a selfie and post on instagram or something
<Althego> people already die because of selfies
<Althego> thatwould be nothing new
<Mat2ch> Exactly that. Self-propaganda. A dare.
<Mat2ch> Or just... well, do you Steve-O? ;)
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<Althego> so it did have some side effect after all
<Althego> it looks like under 30 you shouldnt use that, because about as bad for you as the virus
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<FLHerne> It does look quite cool
<Althego> one does not simply walk into spacex
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<Althego> eh docking happened 1 hour ago
<Althego> but the hatch is still not open
<Althego> they are coming out
<Althego> not from the closet
<Althego> but similarly sized spaceship
<Althego> eh ther was a scott video yesterday
<Althego> wata in da faia, wai? wata, in da faia, wai?
<Althego> guh
<Mat2ch> labPadre says that they are already cryo proofing SN15
<Althego> hehe i read it as crypto
<umaxtu> same
<Althego> i thought, what, encryting it? minging crypto currency with it?
<Mat2ch> mining crypto on StarLink sats, because they are up there and solar power is free
<Mat2ch> :P
<Althego> but the satellites are not
<Althego> especially in orbit
<packbart> heat is a problem
<Althego> acapulco heat :)
<Mat2ch> packbart: heat up in the sunny side, cool down on the other, win win. ;)
<packbart> Mat2ch: that leads to global warming!
<Mat2ch> In fact this slows global warming a bit down, because the sats in orbit block a tiny bit of the sunlight ;)
<umaxtu> and then we all end up on a 1000+ car train
<Mat2ch> umaxtu: I wonder what's for dinner.
<umaxtu> !nextlunch
<LunchBot> umaxtu: Bread and cheese.
<Mat2ch> On the train, I mean!
<Althego> hehe
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<umaxtu> I was trying to make a Snowpiercer reference
<Althego> it is a little late april fools
<Althego> but still funny
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<Althego> what, unplanned phonex stream
<Mat2ch> Althego: ehm, EHM, OUT
<Mat2ch> that is awful!
<Althego> i like the drawing
<Mat2ch> I know it's a joke, but somebody will take it as advice!
<Althego> you might not know it, but if you make a phone call, it is worse than this
<Althego> way worse
<Mat2ch> I know. I've worked for a small voip provider for some time. :(
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<Althego> diablo 2 alpha
<darsie> .
<Althego> they got her access in less than a day
<raptop> blood raven!
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<Althego> coming up as planned
<Althego> oh no, wait, this is on monday
<Althego> so is it one day alte?
Guest13652 is now known as FLHerne
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