Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<Izaya> I'm only like 12 hours late but I saw a russian rocket engine on ebay a month or two ago
<Althego> hehe
<Izaya> wasn't even that expensive
* UmbralRaptop imagines Energomash with an Etsy style storefront
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<flayer> Deddly, i found 180/220 liquid fuel/oxidizer in the nose tank that wasn't getting drained
<flayer> i got like 800 dv maneuverability in orbit now
<Deddly> Oh nice! That translates to a healthy payload to orbit
<Deddly> How did it go with reducing the amount of wing, flayer?
<flayer> stayed on the runway a little longer, but gained some DVs
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<Deddly> Nice.
<Deddly> So mow much cargo can you get to LKO?
<Althego> low kermit orbit :)
<Althego> did you just draw this? :)
<Deddly> No, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to search for it after you mentioned it :)
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<darsie> 1337
<Althego> i noticed
<darsie> :)
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<Althego> so no test for the time being. elon is silent on the matter
<JVFoxy> Eh.... so there's a new term to go with RUD... but .. not sure its safe to say here
<JVFoxy> oh fun
<Mat2ch> Althego: probably replacing a raptor then.
<Althego> no swearing, religion, politics, drugs, etc
<Althego> is spacex a religion at this point?
<JVFoxy> the words are swears but the resulting acronym... eh..
<JVFoxy> ....
<Althego> so if elon is the technoking in tesla, is he the pope in spacex?
<JVFoxy> words aren't swears I mean... ugh. not enough coffee I think
<JVFoxy> starting to wonder if downing a XL in an hour isn't enough for me now
<JVFoxy> eh.. Elon, trying to be one man army in regards to changing the world..
<Mat2ch> Some people run on 6 coffees a day.
<Mat2ch> I stick to none.
<JVFoxy> what was he said.. laws on Mars won't be same thing we have here on Earth?
<Althego> i think they cant be the same
<JVFoxy> I mean... if he does something that works in the long run, then cool. Just be careful when you start making big claims very early on
<Althego> first of all there are no laws yet for pressurized environments
<Althego> and all the hazards that come with it
<Althego> also it will be a kind of frontier, wild west
<JVFoxy> Mars in the Expanse: everyone works towards one single goal
<JVFoxy> that was until the ring was formed
<Mat2ch> spoiler!
<Mat2ch> ;)
<Althego> heh two streams playing, and there is a gamers nexus video too
<Mat2ch> Most exciting thing we will see the next days is stacking of BN1!
<Mat2ch> I really wonder why there is no crane inside of the highbay
<Mat2ch> a portal crane I mean
<Althego> yes that is strange
<JVFoxy> Mat2ch meh.. if you hadn't seen it by now, considering that season has been out for.. what.. a few years now?
<Althego> but tankzilla went there is think
<JVFoxy> besides... just said 'ring', I didn't actually say what it was
<Althego> i am still waiting for the final book
<Althego> at least it has a title now
<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: it was a joke!
<Mat2ch> I've seen the last season and it was partially pretty bad.
<JVFoxy> ugh... I'm sad they only did so many episodes for the last season.
<Mat2ch> Also the spinning ship thing. No no no, that's not how it works!
<JVFoxy> well.. that depends... spin rate vs how much thrust?
<Mat2ch> The whole season was a bit slow. But the book apparently wasn't much better
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<JVFoxy> derp
<TristenKSP> e
<JVFoxy> there was some 'ugh' moments.. ya
<JVFoxy> fortunately, amazon, could just skip ahead instead of watching a scene get dragged on
<TristenKSP> that moment when
<Mat2ch> now waiting for the last season
<Mat2ch> and then the 29 year jump
<JVFoxy> maybe The witcher will come out in mean time
<Mat2ch> and since the last time I checked it seems they are open to make a show out of the newer books as well
<JVFoxy> I remember back in the days when a new sci-fi series came out, that wasn't starwars or startrek...
<TristenKSP> lol u guys are old
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<Mat2ch> Stargate!
<Mat2ch> I feel a bit offended.
<Mat2ch> But just a bit. :P
<JVFoxy> Sadly actor for Ba'al passed on a week or so ago from a kitesurfing acciddent.
<JVFoxy> but ya.. SG-1 was filmed close to where I live
<Althego> eh
<Izaya> For All Mankind has been enjoyable so far
<sandbox> I just watched Red Letter Media's TNG review
<Althego> chicken vs computer, bird is losing
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<Althego> hehe bird lost and started mc isntead
<Althego> and it is quite cold outside, my ears are still uhrting
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<Althego> and i totally fail with the panther ssto
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<minas_tirith> Hey raptop
<raptop> \o
<raptop> Althego: ...did kiara let all the humans die or something?
* raptop should play nier automata at some point
<Althego> i dont know, because i went outside, and was listening to calli on the phone :)
<raptop> ah
<Althego> but she had some stability issues
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<Althego> lol firefox ate all the ram. i have never before run out of ram
<sandbox> download more
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<darsie> Althego: Did you run out of swap, too?
<Althego> cpu was high too
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<Mat2ch> patch!
<Mat2ch> interesting
<Mat2ch> it's not patched that low tier Kerbals have full control over crafts
<Althego> out of nowhere
Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
<Althego> hehe rcs port thrusting in wrong direction
* raptop presses F to pay respects to the best version number
<Althego> that would have been 1.2.3 but that never happened
<raptop> hah
<Mat2ch> We still can get 2.4.6
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> If 2 ever gets released.
<Althego> in that case the 2 is part of the name
<Althego> it may have separate versioning
* raptop doesn't want to think too hard about KSP2 because of how easily it could mess so many things up
<Althego> i'm not afraid
<Althego> you will be
<raptop> I mean, the promises of interesting spaceflight and interstellar travel and all those fancy propulsion systems and basebuilding and rask/rusk without n-body...
<Althego> too big
<Mat2ch> Since the devs are going the ULA and not the SpaceX way of developing things, I'm gonna say, uh, expect the worst, hope for the best?
<Althego> you could argue not even ksp1 is finished
<Mat2ch> well, the performance issues are the main problem
<Mat2ch> and there's no clear path in the stock parts
<Mat2ch> some things are just random.
<Althego> ula just might make the vulcan and it would be great. but blue origin and the invisible rocket is really getting on my nerves
<raptop> Hopefully they manage a bunch of lessons learned from KSP1's problems, but a KSP2 that's effectively a KSP2.0 will obviously disapoint regardless of quality
<raptop> s/manage/learn/
<raptop> 英語は難しいですよ
<raptop> er
<raptop> grammar hard
<Mat2ch> raptop: well, we will know next year
<Mat2ch> or 2022. Who knows
<Mat2ch> or when they run out of money
<raptop> hah
<Mat2ch> (not sure if that's gonna happen, KSP probably still gets sales)
<raptop> yeah, the delays so far have been completely unsurprising
<Althego> it is a race
<Althego> starship to orbit or ksp2 first?
<Althego> starship seems to be winning
<Althego> eh i should be sleeping
<Mat2ch> o/
<Althego> i was too tired to go to bed :)
<Mat2ch> tfr for 19th
<Mat2ch> So, Friday maybe flight
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