Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Apparently SpaceX can do both a successful landing *and* a RUD
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<JVFoxy> uh so.. what to do with a ship in minmus orbit and 1900dv to spare...
<JVFoxy> I wasn't actually planning to have that much DV left over, just.. things went better than expected
<raptop> landing on a flat?
<JVFoxy> thought about it... but it be on the terrier bell housing
<JVFoxy> right now I'm getting low orbit crew eva observations..
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<JVFoxy> wee.. eh well figured why not, touch down on one of hte flats
<JVFoxy> oh ya.. derped. I could take surface samplse too
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<raptop> I guess you could also hang out in munar orbit if you haven'
<raptop> t already mined out all the science
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<darsie> JVFoxy: The terrier probably can take 6 m/s impact or so. If you fall over on Minmus, maybe reaction wheels can get you up again. Or press F9.
<darsie> If you want to be efficient, send a Kerbal on EVA to scout where there is a three biome meeting point.
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<JVFoxy> I landed at 2m/s
<JVFoxy> ugh.. seeing those biomes with the sunlight shining on things.. blind much?
<raptop> Hope none of your kerbals have vampirism
<JVFoxy> ...
<JVFoxy> surprised kerbals don't get chunky given all the snacks they keep talking about eating
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<JVFoxy> whelp.. time to head home I guess
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<JVFoxy> haaa....! 1297 science just from this minmus mission.. uh.. wow?
<darsie> nice :)
<darsie> gn
<darsie> Minmus is where the science is.
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<raptop> science tastes like mint
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<JVFoxy> well.. consider it is easier to land there. But ugh.. 16 day trip there and back
<JVFoxy> I could have spent a bit more time, landed on another flat basin but.. eh..
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<Althego> heh, almost 6 hours of superchat reading. all the tangents. but there is double speed
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<Althego> finally. i needed a holiday to finally collect enough spare time to play ksp
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<flayer> nice, built a low-tech SSTO spaceplane using 6 panthers and a skipper
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<Althego> that is quite big plane
<Althego> big bada boom
<flayer> i just added a few more intakes and the hotkeys to close them once the panthers peter out
<Althego> bit like blackbird
<flayer> i have absolutely no use for this plane
<flayer> but i wanted to see if i could do it with just the panthers
<flayer> i could replace the crew compartment with a cargo hold for a small satellite i guess
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<Deddly> I like Panthers. I made an SSTO with two of them, I think. Wet mode FTW
<Deddly> Pretty sure yours can manage a bigger payload.
<Althego> (local) leet time
<darsie> .
<Izaya> xfce detected
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<darsie> how?
<Izaya> I know the window decorations in the screenshot :p
<Mat2ch> more linux users! \o/
<Izaya> throwback to 2014 when the only stable KSP version with 64-bit addressing was the linux build
<Mat2ch> and it was awesome!
<sandbox> I had a dream that four people went to the moon, but one of their spacesuits was leaking
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<Mat2ch> well, that is better than one of my dreams. My brain created a new relationship status: Buying expensive art together.
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<JVFoxy> that moment when you realize you start making rockets recoverable alla SpaceX style out of habit
<JVFoxy> or just cuz you got the parts count and weight to do it.. instead of using it for extra science gear
<JVFoxy> also when your rockets start looking like dfat mortar rounds c_c
<JVFoxy> *fat
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<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> Well, for KSP2 I wish for a programmable robotics system that simulates things even I'm not looking
<Althego> no problem as long as they dont look like fat32 rounds :)
<Mat2ch> like having recoverability on all stages and it does that automatically.
<Mat2ch> Althego: out!
<JVFoxy> fat boy.. sorta
<Althego> hehe looks strange
<umaxtu> Althego, but then they'd be limited to 4gb file
<umaxtu> /s
<JVFoxy> bleh.. not enough DV to orbit the lander
<JVFoxy> take'n a break...
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<Althego> test is in progress in boca chica
<Althego> but there is fog
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<Althego> the fog is slowly lifting, there is something on nerdle cam now
<Althego> texas tankwatchers
<Althego> i'm not addicted (sings the zombie in the background)
* raptop imagines vtubers commenting on spacex launches
<Althego> there were some superchats from starship sn10 :)
<Althego> that was the only connection i found
<raptop> hrm
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<TristenKSP> guys guess what
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<flayer> TristenKSP, chickenbutt?
<TristenKSP> no
<TristenKSP> it's my birhtday
<flayer> happy birthday!
<flayer> how old are you now?
<TristenKSP> 13
<TristenKSP> Im a grandmother
<flayer> nice
<raptop> moving to a house that strides around on chicken legs soon?
<TristenKSP> no
<TristenKSP> I'm probably gonna live where I am for years
<Althego> by the looks of it, the wwather is not going to be nice tomorrow
<TristenKSP> wwather
<Althego> there is no road closure either. but both sites report the test flight for tomorrow
<TristenKSP> test flight of what
<raptop> SN... something
<Althego> starship sn11
<TristenKSP> 11th flight? Is it really gonna take them that long?
<Althego> it is not even the 11th flight
<TristenKSP> Then why is it SN11
<raptop> Something something model numbers
<Althego> because that is the 11th built by some numbering. next one will be 15, because 12-14 were scrapped halfway
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<flayer> Deddly, removed 2 panthers and some fuel tanks, added a cargo hold, can still get to orbit
<Deddly> Awesome flayer
<Althego> but turbojets would help it greatly
<Deddly> New pic?
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<Althego> i know they are far up in the tech tree
<Deddly> I think this was an exercise in mid-tech SSTO
<flayer> refresh the page:
<Althego> looks more streamlined than the original
<Deddly> That looks great!
<flayer> yeah, the point is not to use whiplashes or rapiers or anything
<Deddly> I think you could get more payload to orbit if you had less wing, but it does look good
<Althego> wings are not heavy in ksp
<Deddly> It's the drag that's the killer
<Althego> and in that wings can help, if you can point your nose directly in the airstream, you have the least amount of drag
<Deddly> It's a fine balance. But generally, less wing will help an SSTO as long as you can actually take off
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<Deddly> At hypersonic speeds, Mk2 parts themselves provide excellent lift
<flayer> it basically hopped off the runway by itself so i'm removing at least one set of swept wings
<Deddly> This is especially important for a Panther-powered SSTO, since a lot of your burn in the upper atmosphere is going to be rocket powered anyway
<Althego> i feel that to be so wasteful. it loses maybe 400 m/s delta v because of the panthers, and has to carry too much fuel
<Deddly> It's a design challenge!
<Deddly> It's fun!
<flayer> i figure if i design this ship now
<flayer> and get it to work decently
<flayer> then later i can replace the panthers with rapiers and have tons more dv on an already efficient craft
<Deddly> Exactly. I love taking an old craft and gradually upgrading it
<flayer> also, i'm playing a career game without planetary multipliers for science
<Deddly> Oooh
<Deddly> Then making good low-tech craft is very important
<Althego> that is an interesting decision. i always complain about too much science in kerbin soi
<flayer> yeah, that is drastically reduced now
<flayer> i've already done most of the mun and minmus, don't even have any 550 nodes unlocked
<flayer> i think about 4 300 nodes are done
<TristenKSP> ._.
<Althego> the gravioli detector is on an 550 node. and gives a large amount of science
<flayer> its first on the list once i have the funds for tier 3 labs
<Mat2ch> uh, venting
<TristenKSP> gravioli, gravioli, give me the formuoli
<Mat2ch> (on the fuel farm)
<Althego> and the fog is gone
<Deddly> Is it just a static fire today, Mat2ch?
<Althego> yes
<Deddly> Thanks Mat2ch ;)
<Mat2ch> yep
<Althego> but that means a flight soon
<Mat2ch> and tomorrow flight maybe
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Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship static fire
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<Deddly> I wonder how they solved the deep throttle problem
<Althego> the raptors are not behaving nicely lately. there were engine changes and second static fires
<Althego> have you solved the icing problem?
<Althego> what icing problem?
<Deddly> Heh
<Deddly> But Elon said they're going to throttle deeper and land on two engines
<Althego> maybe they originally were in a higher throttle
<Althego> and ust moved it lower, inside the engine limits
<Deddly> He previously said that wasn't possible
<TristenKSP> Things change
<Althego> raptor is already quite good if it can go down to 40%
<Althego> and the more they change, the more they stay the same :)
<flayer> is it really an ssto if you use stages to activate the upper atmosphere engines?
<Deddly> They could always add nitrogen to lower the throttle ;)
<Althego> yes because it doesnt discard parts
<Deddly> flayer, as long as you don't drop any parts, it's SSTO
<flayer> i've also got a spacelane that is launched on an SSTO rocket
<flayer> spaceplane*
<Deddly> You're using the staging sequence merely as an alternative to action groups
<Deddly> I often also use the Abort action group when I haven't upgraded the SPH :)
<Althego> somehow i almost never use that
<Deddly> Brakes can also be used to good effect. I often use brakes to toggle wet mode on the Panthers
<Althego> but in early probes when i dont have access to all the groups i use gears and such to deploy antennae
<Althego> and oslar panels
<Deddly> And the abort can be used to toggle something else
<Althego> ominous fog
<Deddly> It's only when I unlock level 3 SPH that I actually use the abort group for a real abort
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<Althego> hehe sph is the last building i upgrade
<Mat2ch> Runway ;P
<Izaya> abort is for crossing the atmosphere interface
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<Althego> runway is a lot chepaer
<Mat2ch> When I get to the runway I have so much money...
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<Althego> with hard settings money is constantly an issue. part unlocks and building upgrades together are quite expensive
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<Deddly> I find it fun to do a spaceplane-only career
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<Althego> zen is old. we are waiting for zen 4 now :)
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<TristenKSP> Is the
<Izaya> zen is newer than haswell and haswell is stronkest
<TristenKSP> stronk
<TristenKSP> strenkth
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<Althego> stonks :)
<TristenKSP> intelijenc
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<Althego> the split
<Deddly> Netsplit
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<Izaya> fr though what's the fastest processor I can get that uses DDR3? is it the 4790 I already have?
<Althego> an irc network is build from several servers. and people are logged into different servers. but servers communicates
<Deddly> TristenKSP, on IRC, sometimes a server gets split off
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<TristenKSP> the server committed die?
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<Mat2ch> was probably just restarted.
<Althego> if the servers lose connections among each other the network can split into two halves. in that case servers generate quit messages on both sides for the people on the other servers
<TristenKSP> oh
<Deddly> TristenKSP, it just disconnected from the server we're on. It will be back :)
<TristenKSP> oh
<raptop> oh no
<Deddly> So for them, it looks like WE all left
<Althego> not another fire :)
<TristenKSP> :')
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<Deddly> TristenKSP, I've not seen you around before. Have you come from the forum?
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<TristenKSP> I've been here awhile
<TristenKSP> a few months at least
<Deddly> Cool. So it's me who's been inattentive, sorry :)
<Althego> sound
<TristenKSP> sound
<Althego> there was no image
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<Deddly> LOL what was that? I had music playing at the same time
<Althego> not the engine
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<Althego> there is nothing on the launch ad cam
<flayer> it seems the panthers refuse to work past 800m/sec
<TristenKSP> starship is doing
<Althego> you can go up to maybe 900
<Althego> i think
<Mat2ch> great, now the live cam died or the uplink
<TristenKSP> >:l
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<flayer> yeah, they start choking at halfway through 800
<raptop> flayer: sounds about right. Should be higher in wet mode
<flayer> no, that's wet mode
<Althego> thaty is why i said it loses around 400, or even more, because you can go up to 1400 with turbojets
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<raptop> doh
<raptop> Anyway, all hail the turboramjet
<flayer> nonetheless, it is a success
<Althego> here is the launch pad cam for the time being
<Deddly> Thanks
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<TristenKSP> . _ .
<Althego> the flames are not visible from this
<Althego> what is that sound
<Althego> the death of a cyber dragon
<Deddly> This one seems to be working
<TristenKSP> They should make a Σ rocket
<TristenKSP> (Sigma)
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<Althego> and also a Δ
<TristenKSP> Alpha
<TristenKSP> Beta
<TristenKSP> Gama
<TristenKSP> Gamma*
<Deddly> Labpadre is back
<TristenKSP> Delta
<TristenKSP> Sigma
<Althego> then dock together to get Σ-Δ
<TristenKSP> That symbol actually looks cool
<TristenKSP> Sig-Delta
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<TristenKSP> α - alpha
<Althego> btw why do american universities have these 3 greek letter thingies?
<TristenKSP> idk
<Althego> ℵ null
<TristenKSP> α - alpha, β - beta, Γ - gamma, Δ - delta, Σ - sigma
<raptop> Althego: so the designated party areas look fancy
<Althego> your alpha and beta are "small" letters, the others are capital
<TristenKSP> i know
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<Deddly> A want to see Starship go SSTO
<Althego> nah
<TristenKSP> SSTOs are meh
<Althego> if it is completely reusable, doesnt matter
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<Deddly> Only for testing purposes
<Althego> maybe with nuclear rockets?
<Deddly> Not for an actual serious mission
<Althego> maybe it could put a single cubesat into orbit :)
<TristenKSP> nuclear is 1'000x more powerful than present day rocket fuel
<Deddly> SSTO would be a good way to test re-entry profile
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<Althego> no, just about 2x
<Althego> too bad in case of a launch accident huge areas would be contaminated
<Deddly> That's a strong case for ocean-launch sites
<Althego> it would still contanminate a huge area
<Althego> there was a fire
<Althego> or something
<Althego> heh people say abort
<Althego> maybe they can try again
<Deddly> Looks like a successful fire
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<Althego> he nerdle cam didnt show it
<Althego> the other didnt see it
<TristenKSP> It's not a crash, just an unscheduled disassembly.
<Deddly> Lappadre + sound from the pad cam is a good como
<Deddly> combo
<TristenKSP> In KSP though, it would be; "It's not a crash, just an unscheduled existence eradication." Cause things cease to exist when you crash in KSP
<Deddly> Not true. Kerbals are send to another dimension from which they eventually teleport back to KSC
<raptop> Fortunately, Kerbals respawn [needs clarification]
<Deddly> I always turn that off, though
<Deddly> I like crashes to have consequences
<TristenKSP> Wait, Kerbals are put in an unreachable place in the game before respawning?
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<raptop> Deddly: of course, you could always launch Jeb on an escape trajectory out of the star system
<Deddly> TristenKSP, Yes, they are missing for a while
<Deddly> raptop, that would have consequences, yes
<TristenKSP> but, isn't Kerbol's Sphere of Influence infinite? That's what it says on the KSP wiki.
<Deddly> TristenKSP, you can still get an escape trajectory
<Althego> kikkerikii
<Deddly> You'll never actually escape the sun's gravity, but you can get an escape trajectory
<TristenKSP> what how
<TristenKSP> that doesn't make sense
<Althego> you are on an escape trajectory but never actually escape :)
<Deddly> TristenKSP, what that essentially means is that you're going fast enough that the gravity will never pull you back, but you'll still be within the gravity well
<TristenKSP> oh!
<TristenKSP> So you'll never slow down? Or it will take quite literally forever?
<Althego> never slow down
<Althego> your remanent speed at infinity is not zero
<Althego> a hyyperbolic trajectory
<TristenKSP> oh oke
<Althego> if it goes to zero at infinigty it is a parabolic trajectory
<Deddly> You'll never slow down ENOUGH, at least
<Althego> and of course if it goes to zero before infinity then you are in a bound state, having elliptic trajectory
<Deddly> TristenKSP, sounds like you need to try it and see what it looks like :)
<TristenKSP> But, in KSP2, you'll actually be able to escape Kerbol's SOI
<Deddly> Yes
<Althego> and wait hundred years to get to the next star system? i wonder how the yare going to do that
<TristenKSP> Because we will have more star systems to visit
<TristenKSP> I'mma bout to end Althego's whole career.
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<TristenKSP> *deep inhale*
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<TristenKSP> time warp
<Deddly> There are also mods that add other star systems to KSP 1
<TristenKSP> ye
<raptop> Althego: Do you think an owl teaching a shark japanese will go better or worse than a chicken doing the teaching did?
<TristenKSP> hmmm
<Althego> well, since the owl is a professional, maybe it can go better. also less shenanigans
<Althego> or fewwer?
<TristenKSP> I think this is a trick queston
<Deddly> Who?
<Althego> what?
<Deddly> I was impersonating an owl
<TristenKSP> :O
<raptop> Yeah, if you don't keep up your practice, the big green owl will have Deddly consequences
<TristenKSP> funny, laughed
<Deddly> フクロウ
<Deddly> Owl
<TristenKSP> ural owl
<TristenKSP> Me and the boys after saying "no" in spanish in an English only Discord Server
<Althego> of course by the owl raptop meant duolingo, the shark is gura, and the chicken is kiara
<Deddly> Ah, this makes more sense
<TristenKSP> Is that a jojo reference
<Deddly> Duolingo is a language-learning app. I assume the others are too
<TristenKSP> I know
<Althego> no, kiara is an other holoen vtuber
<Deddly> Ah
<TristenKSP> Me reading my notifications on my phone; Duolingo: "You missed your spanish lesson! You know what happens now." ADT: "Intruder Alert at backyard. Proceed with caution."
<Althego> and since kiara can fluently speak 3 languages she taught gura japanese once
<Althego> with a built in rickroll in japanese
<TristenKSP> "Astley-chan, you'll... never give me up... w-will you?"
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<TristenKSP> I almost broke out hysterically laughing while typing that
<Althego> hehe, scorpion shaped chocolate with a strawberry
<TristenKSP> what
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<jazzkutya> is an okto pod supposed to do all kinds of sas axis in normal difficulty career game?
<jazzkutya> also a level 1 jeb
<Deddly> SN11 detanking
<Althego> the basic probe thing?
<Althego> no
<Deddly> Well, venting
<jazzkutya> not the most basic, this is the second one after the stayputnik
<Althego> the okto2 though is quite advanced
<jazzkutya> somehow in my game both jeb1 and okto can do radial, node and stuff
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<Althego> yes it is a common bug
<raptop> big in 1.11.1
<raptop> *bug
<flayer> excellent, only 20 days from my station in solar orbit back to kerbin
<Althego> big in japan
<jazzkutya> so it's not something like an ace pilot remote controlling it from the space center?
<raptop> big in japan would presumably be coco (180 cm)
<Althego> heh, that reminds me of "bikicsunáj", when a guy tried to sing big in japan, but didnt speak english, and he became an internet star for a short while with the misheard lyrics
<raptop> jazzkutya: please ignore scott manley smuggling ansibles into the command pods
<Althego> oh and then there is the coco and haachama despacito
<jazzkutya> what is "ansibles"?
<Althego> ansible is a faster than light communication device in the sci-fi novels of orson scott card
<Deddly> jazzkutya, you could always just pretend it's an ace pilot controlling it from the space centre ;)
<Althego> or alternatively a configuration management and deployment software
<jazzkutya> will do for the moment, tho it's strange she/he is not showin up in the astronaut complex :)
<raptop> (and various other authors, so it's a semi-generic term)
<Deddly> jazzkutya, or, of course, you could pretend those features aren't there and avoid using them, if you can resist the temptation :)
<jazzkutya> already used them and i regret nothing :)
<jazzkutya> i would hate these lowlevel probe cores otherwise
<Althego> honestly the okto is ok, the hecs is fine. the only one i hate is the stayputnik
<Deddly> I'd like a tiny size 0 probe with the Stayputnik functionality
<jazzkutya> the stayputnik seems useless without also unlocking an rcs wheel. what that also goes for the okto
<jazzkutya> s/what/well/
<Deddly> I think they did it that way to encourage manned flight
<umaxtu> I also wish there were more components that could be used to offset the mass of a big coms dish
<umaxtu> batteries don't work
<Althego> yes batteries are quite light
<sandbox> batteries not included
<Althego> better start unmanned?
<umaxtu> that and they aren't physics enabled
<Althego> or what is the name of the mod
<umaxtu> better then manned?
<umaxtu> by flowerchild?
<Althego> anyway i would like more early unmanned capability and wheels
<Deddly> Early spaceplanes without wheels are pretty dangerous :)
<Deddly> Kerbals invented the rocket before the wheel
<raptop> Kerbal wheels are obviously derived from turbopumps
<Althego> yet they have turbopumps
<raptop> ...wait, didn't they also invent reaction wheels before road wheels?
<Althego> lol, experimental spaceplane slowly moves sideways on the runway
<Deddly> Not really, of course. They have wheels on all the trucks doing doughnuts in the VAB.
<Althego> oh, then it must be they didnt space rate the wheels in the beginning
<Deddly> I guess it took Kerbals a long time to have wheels approved as safe for flight. Rockets, on the other hand, are really only useful for flight, so...
<Deddly> Great minds think alike :)
<jazzkutya> i see this is literally the first bug reported for 1.11.1 altho with kerbals, not probe cores
<jazzkutya> (and later commented that probe cores are also involved)
<Deddly> Kerbals also have the same problem?
<jazzkutya> yup
<Deddly> Wow. I'm surprised that one got throught
<Deddly> through
<jazzkutya> and i thought i ruined my gameplay expertience with just installing mechjeb (not using) :)
<Althego> doesnt seem to happen all the time
<jazzkutya> better take another 5 year leave from ksp maybe there will be less bugs by that time :)
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<REZDAWG> im using PS$ im stuckk im in space i do up my nods and stuff but idk what do i push too activate my throttle on time or what do i do i get stuck at that spot cant control my ship is ther a good site or sombody could explaine plz
<REZDAWG> i understand about how my noods work it after i put it on do i have too press anything too get the gass going
<REZDAWG> ill go tru your tutoral
<raptop> noods?
<REZDAWG> i know im saying it wrong sr
<REZDAWG> ill figure out the words and be back soon hahha
* raptop is mainly just trying to understand the question
<REZDAWG> me bad English
<raptop> Ah, afraid I only know the controls for the PC version
<jazzkutya> it could be about jeb's noodles :)
<raptop> You'll need to activate the throttle manually at the time listed by the maneuver node
<raptop> jazzkutya: A delicious ramen recipe, with hydrazine added for extra spice
<REZDAWG> wen your in space
<REZDAWG> afte you put your line up too know were you want too go
<Deddly> REZDAWG, can you access KSPedia in the game? It should have a list of controls
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<REZDAWG> what buttons on ps4 do i push too get my throttle going
<Deddly> REZDAWG, does this help?
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<raptop> ^
<Deddly> REZDAWG, throttle up/down should be the up and down buttons
<REZDAWG> yes but i hit x and nothing happens
<Deddly> Not x. Up :)
<REZDAWG> cant get back home
<Deddly> Up on the D pad
<REZDAWG> and just wait
<Deddly> That should start your engines
<REZDAWG> it should mouve me towards were i wanted it too go
<Deddly> If you're pointing in the right direction, it will get you where you want to go :)
<REZDAWG> i know L1 and up is tlevel
<Deddly> L1 and up is full throttle, yes
<Althego> this plane is getting uglier each minute. and not going to fly soon
<REZDAWG> ok ill figure it out 65 days in space right now
<REZDAWG> guy is starving
<Deddly> REZDAWG, you'll get there, don't give up
Eddi|zuHause2 is now known as Eddi|zuHause
<Deddly> Kerbals pack plenty of snaks, he'll be fine
<REZDAWG> thanks yea been using sandbox for practice
<Deddly> Good idea
<REZDAWG> ohh yea i just got the game couple days ago and made it too space finely yesterday night and now got too figure the way home lol
<raptop> Althego: KSP grossly violates Lear's Law, so it's fine
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<Deddly> REZDAWG, Hey that's really great, well done!
<REZDAWG> i got in too this becasue i seen a video on youtube one day and just check it out qA LIKE HUMM LOOOKS INTERESTING
<REZDAWG> sorry caps
<raptop> :D
* X wakes up out of his sudden coma. I feel awful, like someone was hitting me.
<Deddly> REZDAWG, KSP is an amazing game that can give you years of fun. It can also awaken a love of space exploration
<Althego> a zomrade?
<Deddly> X, good morning/afternoon/evening/night
<Althego> x for doubt :)
* raptop presses X to doubt
<X> Good ... time period? Deddly
* X was doubtfully pressed.
<raptop> good standard rotation angle of your planet with respect to its star, Deddly
<Althego> lol
* X repeats raptor
<Deddly> Heh
<Deddly> I get the feeling X will be woken from a deep slumber every time a PS4 player comes asking for advice.
<X> It’s literally the only reason I still have IRC at this point—to make odd comments when people say my name.
<Althego> "say my name!"
<raptop> TETSUO!
<sandbox> my name was said too ;p
<Althego> hehe
<jazzkutya> X is the new W
<Deddly> jazzkutya, Undernet?
<sandbox> I remember there was a crazy person named "the" once
<jazzkutya> dunno
<Deddly> LOL.
<Deddly> I heard there's someone who gets pinged every time we talk about museums
* Deddly waits for it
<sandbox> there's someone who gets pinged when it's cold weather
<umaxtu> I haven't seen him on lately
<raptop> Imagine if we brought up various insects like bees
<umaxtu> museumboi I mean
<Deddly> museum
<Althego> snow
<REZDAWG> ok im in space i got my stuff set up and it says burn time what do push too get the burn going
<Deddly> up
<Deddly> D pad up
<REZDAWG> ok now wait
<Deddly> Wait until you've burned long enough and there you go :)
<Deddly> REZDAWG,
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<jazzkutya> a contract wants an orbit that interferes with the mun. now what?
<Rokker> Deddly: museum?
<Deddly> \o/
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<Althego> just a satellite contract?
<Deddly> Just felt like I was missing you Rokker :)
<Rokker> who wants to play a game of guess the thingy?
<Althego> you can fulfill it on the opposite side
<jazzkutya> Althego: yup
<Rokker> guess the thingy
<Deddly> Ooh pretty
<jazzkutya> but i can't set up the node that would give the neccessary new periapsis without being capture
<Deddly> Rokker, Fuel nozzle?
<jazzkutya> d
<Rokker> no
<Deddly> Looks like the inside of some kind of combustion chamber
<Rokker> yes
<Rokker> keep going
<jazzkutya> well let me try again
<Deddly> Afterburner?
<Rokker> no
<Rokker> it's more spacey
<Rokker> hint 2
<Deddly> I thought the little holes behind the bigger holes might be the fuel atomiser
<Rokker> it's not airbreathing
<Althego> x-15
<Rokker> well just the engine
<Deddly> Oh wow, awesome
<Althego> are those tiny pipes in the nozzle?
<Rokker> hold on, lemme go get a pic of the x-15
<Rokker> yes
<Deddly> So I was right about the atomiser
<Rokker> yes but not for an afterburner
<Deddly> True
<Deddly> Do you work there, Rokker?
<Rokker> yes
<Deddly> Such a cool place to work
<Rokker> yeah I'm on my break right now
<Althego> that reminds me, have to check copenhagen suborbitals
<Deddly> You should wear the space suit for protect you from COVID-19
<Althego> nothing new, but last video was about fuel injectors
<Deddly> Thanks for sharing the pics, Rokker
<Althego> or just dont ever bath and people will avoid you anyway. fight biological hazard with biological defenses :)
<Deddly> Interesting theory. Must be tested
<Deddly> V2 engine? Wow
<Rokker> we have 2, 3 if you count the one attached to the V-2 we have
<Deddly> That's quite a treasure
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<Rokker> Deddly: we actually just added 2 new space artifacts within the last 2 weeks
<Rokker> this
<Deddly> I don't recognise either of those. What are they?
<Rokker> the second one is an Aerobee
<Rokker> without the solid stage
<Rokker> based sounding rocket
<Deddly> Oooh
<Deddly> Really early history
<Rokker> the first one is much more interesting and less well known. It's called the X-17 and it was a heat shield testbed
<Rokker> it would launch up to 150 km
<Rokker> with the first stage
<Rokker> then point upside down and use the other 2 rockets to propeller itself into the atmosphere at like 4400 m/s
<Rokker> yes
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<Deddly> Amazing stuff
<Deddly> Mach 14.5
<jazzkutya> Althego: i don't understand how could i fulfill it on opposite side. target orbit is circular a bit inside mun's orbit
<jazzkutya> and 180 degrees inclination
<Althego> just be with the satellite where the mun isnt
<Althego> you dont need to keep it there after the contract is done, which is just 10 seconds of inactivity
<jazzkutya> but how can i reaise the periapsis if capture happens before the raised periapsis.
<jazzkutya> i can get to a poin on the target orbit
<jazzkutya> but then i don't know when to stop burning prograde because calculated periapsis goes haywire due to a calculated capture
<jazzkutya> what would be the final circularization burn
<jazzkutya> s/what/that/
<jazzkutya> if i could turn off prediction of the capture i could do the final burn
<jazzkutya> hoping it will satisfy the contract too :)
<jazzkutya> in other world, i can get my Ap on the target orbit but not he Pe
<jazzkutya> s/world/words/
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<jazzkutya> okay did it by ignoring the numbert and matching the curve nearby only
<jazzkutya> i hate ignoring the numbers
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<Mat2ch> uh, I like the gear pods
<darsie> yeah? :)
<darsie> Unfortunately I couldn't tend to the plane before the rocket reached orbit.
<darsie> Hmm, maybe I could, by driving Ap further away.
<Mat2ch> there's a mod for that. ;)
<darsie> Does it fly automatically?
<Mat2ch> Nope, but creates a save game when you stage and then you can fly both missions
<darsie> Interesting.
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<darsie> I can't trim my airplane.
<Alanonzander> then you need better scissors
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<darsie> Odd thing. Comes with fuel, too.
<raptop> ah
<flayer> nice, an 'expand station' contract
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