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<Guest17626> Quick newbie question: I've brought back to Kerbal orbit a ship that was on the Mun and the pilot has a bunch of science points. The ship won't survive re-entry, so I've moved the pilot to a return vehicle. But it looks like the science (surface sample, crew report) didn't move to the return vehicle with her. I don't see anything on the PAW to tran
<Guest17626> sfer the science points... am I missing something? Or do I need to send up a ship with an Experiment Storage Unit in order to get those points back to KSC?
<raptop> The kerbals can take the points with them -- when on EVA, click on the capsule, instruments, etc
<Guest17626> Sorry, not sure I follow... I have to put the Kerbal on EVA, select the capsule PAW to pull the science, then put the Kerbal into the return vehicle?
<raptop> Yeah
<Guest17626> I'll give it a try. Thank you!
<raptop> Implicitly when you're controlling an EVAing Kerbal and select a PAW, the Kerbal is "messing with" that part
<Guest17626> I'll have to keep that in mind. So... I have to go OUTside to get the science that is INside one craft, take it OUTside, then move it INside another craft! LOL
<Guest17626> Or I guess I should just remember to pack a ESU on every ship. :-)
<Guest17626> Thanks again!
<raptop> Well, the good news is that any Kerbal that's carrying science will drop it off in the first capsule they board
<raptop> (uh, I'm not sure what happens with passenger compartments)
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<Althego> Due to unfavorable weather tonight, now targeting Monday, February 15 at 10:59 p.m. EST for Falcon 9's launch of 60 Starlink satellites
<Ariri> tch
<Althego> there is also this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TxkE_oYrjU
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<Althego> elon said 3 launches for breakeven point
<Althego> which seems almost impossible based on this
<Althego> but comparing to the shuttle is not exactly right, he says several times shuttle was human rated. so is falcon 9. no difference there. also shuttle has not flown for almost 10 years now, so comparing current prices to old prices without adjusting for inflation is not fair.
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<Althego> to be honest the 55 million per seat seems overly expensive for me too. they are still the cheapest, however that is not only the price for nasa, but for individuals too
<raptop> Given the way Soyuz prices were climbing for a while, I assume that this is cheaper?
<Althego> soyuz is 85
<Althego> adjusted for americans
<raptop> ahah
<Althego> but starliner is going to be 90 or 95 i dont remember
<raptop> I mean, technically all the capsules since at least the TMA series were adjusted for americans >_>
<Althego> i mean the pricing is adjusted
<Althego> sadly roscosmos is going to lose that income
<Althego> i dont think they can have much progress with diminished resources
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<Althego> hmm, super heavy grid fins
<Althego> but the normal flacon 9 grid fins are already the biggest titanium parts in the world. so probably they are not made from titanium
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<flayer> space communism?
<Izaya> yees
<Izaya> it's even largely automated
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<Mat2ch> Althego: didn't you post a preprint of a study about vitamin d?
<Althego> no i posted a video
<Mat2ch> oh, yeah, that study is massively flaued
<Mat2ch> and probably wont survive peer review.
<Mat2ch> *flawed
<Mat2ch> and thunderf00t about SpaceX? That's going to be a fail :D
<Althego> he did kind of fail about the first landing attempt of starship
<Althego> where he didnt even do the research about the header tanks
<Mat2ch> I hate vloggers that do this kind of stuff. Exposing stuff without doing proper research and counting on getting views by embarrassing others
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<Althego> to be honest the previous things he talked about usually were fraudulent kickstarters, and they were all overpromising and never delivering
<Mat2ch> I like proper research, showing facts and figures. But "IN YOUR FACE" is not part of a society I want to live in somehow
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<Althego> so he has a pretty good track record
<Mat2ch> He's still a donkey
<Mat2ch> or how we say in Germany: Even a blind chicken sometimes finds grain
<Althego> hehe that exact saying exists here too
<Althego> i have to go to the office
<Mat2ch> they make you go to the office in those times? Harsh
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<Althego> once a month
<Althego> for papers
<Mat2ch> then it's not that bad
<Mat2ch> still no new road closures announced
<Althego> then next week
<Mat2ch> or even later to let the cement cure...
<Althego> isnt there some special coating on it?
<Mat2ch> I have no idea. But that coating wont make the cement bind faster.
<Mat2ch> The may have binding agents in there, but I doubt that
<Mat2ch> usually that makes the whole cement worse
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<Althego> hehe, 1337 new infected here today. leet :)
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<raptop> zombies?
<Althego> no
<Althego> but it reminds me of prototype
<Althego> Fight as an Infected ally to defeat the Military.
<sandbox> I typed out 1337, but then the time changed
<darsie> Althego: Where? Your province?
<Althego> in the ocuntry
<darsie> Germany?
<darsie> Hungary
<Althego> no, hungary
<Althego> nobody said anything about the new super heavy grid fins
<Althego> now that i am speculating about the materials (possibly aluminium or steel for the grid fins), i dont get why carbon composite is not good for the booster. it would make it light. and it does not need to endure a full speed reentry. it is good enough for falcon 9
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<Althego> ok there is still the fact that the stainless steel is the strongest in those cryo temperatures, while the composite is weaker. also easier to make it into a shape. but probably still heavier than the coposite
<FLHerne> Falcon 9 is mostly aluminium
<FLHerne> Only the interstage is CF
<Althego> ah
<Althego> that is still lighter than steel
<FLHerne> Booster fins are stainless steel, F9's current ones are titanium
<Althego> but maybe not that much
<FLHerne> (F9 used to have coated aluminium fins, but they caught fire a couple of times)
<Althego> yes those melted
<Althego> and had to be replaced
<Althego> maybe the super heavy grid fins are made in multiple parts and welded, then there is a chance they are titanium
<FLHerne> Carbon booster would mean a whole second set of designs/tooling/workforce
<FLHerne> (given the ship being steel)
<Althego> yes that is a drawback
<Althego> but only the second stage needs to be steel
<FLHerne> And booster dry mass isn't actually that big an impact
<Althego> and you can always just make it bigger since it is reusable anyway
<FLHerne> It's already 98% or something fuel, and at cutoff it still has a fully-fuelled ship on top
<FLHerne> And that
<Althego> oh no a takamori event, but even i will not be awake at 3
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<Izaya> Got the MaterialKits to the Mun so I could inflate Bill's house. https://social.shadowkat.net/media/452ffed7853ea68a41c9103e5bfaf4562a038ee019d79a42bc2036da74901caa.jpg
<Althego> hehe inflatable mun house
<Althego> i like that
<Izaya> They're like 30k funds including the launcher
<Izaya> It's not the cheapest thing I've ever done but it houses 4, has a comfortable dV budget and is cute
<darsie> It's so dark.
<Althego> ksp. it is always dark
<Izaya> Only downside is the access is from the bottom, so you have to crank the suspension way up until you empty the monoprop tanks.
<darsie> Why does it have solar panels? ;)
<Althego> although you can now set how dark it becomes in the dark
<darsie> I wonder how much humans can see in lunar night.
<Izaya> Because it's designed for independent usage
<darsie> With starlight.
<Althego> earthshine
<darsie> far side
<Althego> hehe, not much probably
<Izaya> Though I end up leaving a rover hooked up to it because the rovers have RTGs
<Althego> because the surface is dark
<Izaya> Gotta keep your engineers warm and comfy
<Izaya> Though I suspect landing the cargo pod with an atomic rocket engine made sure of that for a while.
<Izaya> Tomorrow I'm going to experiment with building cheaper habitat modules using the non-rigid inflatable thingos
<raptop> BEAM?
<Althego> heh today i cant get to playing ksp
<Althego> watched soem curious marc stuff
<Althego> other space stuff is coming on yt
<Izaya> something like that, if I forego the top docking port, I can make the overall size of the module much smaller - roughly the size of two airlocks and landing gear. Actually landing the thing is the biggest problem then, need to fit enough fuel on it to land and fit engines that don't interfere with the airlock
<darsie> marc?
<darsie> ah, nm.
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<flayer> i just don't understand how spacex boosters can land on the same place where they took off from
<darsie> They don't exactly. They launch at the launch site with a tower and land at the landing pad.
<darsie> The booster turns around in space for that.
<packbart> uses just a little bit more fuel for the boost-back burn than going for the drone ship, I imagine
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<flayer> yeah but to turn around.. you need so much fuel in kerbal
<packbart> the booster on its own is very light
<darsie> I guess it's about 95% fuel.
<umaxtu> especially with most of its fuel gone
<packbart> https://i.stack.imgur.com/mojf8.png - so the boost-back would look similar to the ascend. steeper, probably, because the landing site rotates during the flight. probably depends on launch inclination, too
<darsie> You could try to land on the runway.
<darsie> Or the lawn.
<Mat2ch> flayer: since KSP has only 1/10th of earth gravity the first stage usually goes very high up and forward. But in reality the booster just helps the second stage to get out of the atmosphere more or less...
<flayer> yeah my boosters typically bring the second stage to ~1900-2000 ms/sec at 75 km
<darsie> Kerbin has 1 g, but it's much smaller, so when you get away gravity drops much faster.
<Mat2ch> flayer: on earth it has mostly upwards motion not much forward. So the turning back manouver doesn't take that much dV. Also in reality engines are way more fuel efficient ;)
<darsie> Highest stock vacuum Isp is 350 s.
<darsie> Highest ASL Isp is 295 s.
<UmbralRaptop> meanwhile, the SSME was what, 353 s ASL, 453 s vac?
<darsie> I'd believe that :).
<darsie> not x53 twice, though :).
<darsie> They could have made the KS-25 a hydrolox engine. But using the same density as kerolox is unrealistic.
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<packbart> some of my best friends are visitors
<raptop> I mean, a *lot* of Mars missions have failed
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<flayer> Mat2ch, this is why 're-entry' is not a problem for the booster, i reckon?
<flayer> in terms of heat and all that
* darsie designed a rocket that's neither over nor underpowered, meaning I have to apply full thrust most of the time to arrive at the Ap when it is ~70 km: https://i.ibb.co/nCy4LvY/screenshot332.png
<darsie> And be in orbit.
<darsie> Cause I think that's how it's done usually irl.
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