QualifiedRaptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Perseverance is not doing. Perseverance is landing.
a_flayer has joined #KSPOfficial
<QualifiedRaptop> ;mission
<LunchBot> QualifiedRaptop: Wernher claims to have a plan to turn the entire astronaut complex into a rocket... Your skill at breaking KSP gets you invited to the Experimental team.
<QualifiedRaptop> The bot appears to have left out several steps, unless I'm Wernher?
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<Guest76694> I'm having trouble transfering science data from an Experimental Storage Unit to another ship. The ESU is on one of two ships that are both docked to a station on different ports, and when I click the ESU I get the prompt to click another part to transfer it to, but the command module of the second ship doesn't light up ... in fact, no other parts
<Guest76694> light up. I've tried putting a Kerbal on EVA outside the lander can with the ESU on it, but when I open the PAW I don't get an option to get at the data. Am I missing something?
<umaxtu> PAW?
<Guest76694> Part Action Window - the one that opens up when you right click on a part
<umaxtu> ah
<umaxtu> I use the mod Ship Manifest to move science around
<Guest76694> I've heard of that, but haven't loaded it. A couple days ago I had a similar situation: data in one command module that I wanted to move to another craft. I was able to park a Kerbal on the first ship, transfer the data, then moved to the second ship. When the Kerbal boarded the second ship, the data was transfered. I was expecting to be able to do
<Guest76694> something like that here, but apparently no such luck. I wonder if it has something to do with the data being in the ESU, and needing to go into another ESU...?
<umaxtu> maybe. I haven't used the ESU much
<Guest76694> I'll keep playing with it ... maybe I have to send up another ship with an ESU to take the data from the first one... oh well.
<Guest76694> Thanks anyhow.
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<flayer> /me rescues two pilots
* flayer rescues two pilots
* flayer dismisses them
* flayer rescues two scientists
* flayer cheers
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<darsie> Some contracts require pilots on board of space stations.
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<Althego> Mission Control Live: NASA Lands Perseverance Mars Rover (360 video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIooAx_GkJs
<Althego> Watch NASA’s Perseverance Rover Land on Mars! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm0b_ijaYMQ
QualifiedRaptop is now known as raptop
raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Perseverance is not doing. Perseverance is landing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm0b_ijaYMQ
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<minas_tirith> Hi darsie and pizzaoverhead
<pizzaoverhead> o/
<darsie> .
<flayer> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, flayer
<Mat2ch> Hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Mat2ch
<Mat2ch> Mod9000: My favorite bot, how are you?
<Althego> hehe
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* darsie is a bot, too.
<Deddly> Hello Mod9000
<Mod9000> How are things?
<Deddly> Good thanks
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<Mat2ch> :D
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<Deddly> I was going to make some games for Mod9000. Shame I didn't get around to it
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<Althego> what kind of games
<raptop> Obviously we should have a #KSPOfficial chess tournament or something
<Althego> lol
<FLHerne> I can add stuff to LunchBot if there are good suggestions
<Althego> against computer or pvp?
<FLHerne> Got to be pvp
<Althego> then you dont need the bot
<FLHerne> Or everyone votes for moves against the computer, "Twitch Plays" style
<Ariri> 'global thermonuclear warfare'
<raptop> Ariri: so, DEFCON?
<Ariri> It'd be cool, but I was more just alluding to War Games as a joke
<raptop> fair
<Althego> stream starts in about 2 hours
<Izaya> Would you like to play a game? [begins clicking like a geiger counter]
<Althego> that branch rebase at the end of the day was tiring. not enough concentration points remaining to play ksp
* raptop wonders if there are any games where nuclear reactors can suffer from xenon poisoning
<raptop> ...though really, the games I played most recently were War on the Sea, and, er, Baldur's Gate 1
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* raptop realizes that I havn't done any sort of tabletop roleplaying in MAX_INT years
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<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> hehe welcome back to hardware unavailable. that joke doesnt get old this year
<Mat2ch> Althego: oh, B117 is on the rise here. So "Lockdown until further notice" wont get old this year.
<Mat2ch> Also with the current vaccination rate we will be done in 3.5 years here /o\
<Althego> i dont know the variant, but the numbers are rising again for weeks
<Althego> lol
* raptop is wondering if I'm going to get dragged into teaching in-person in august without being vaccinated
<Mat2ch> Althego: not here, they were falling. But now, well, stagnating.
<Mat2ch> And our experts are already calculating that the more infectious variants will offset this soon.
<Mat2ch> So, we need to do a fully lockdown. Fun Fun Fun!
<Althego> i think the increase is likely due to the uk variant. i dont know if we are in lockdown, i dont go out anyway. just to get food
<Mat2ch> And no, this is not a full lockdown here. This is something very light hearted. I had to go to the repair shop today, the Autobahn was full with cars.
<Althego> and that was always allowed
<Mat2ch> Althego: it is due to the UK variant
<Mat2ch> but there are others already showing up as well.
<Althego> you said it
<Althego> i dont have data why it is here
<Mat2ch> want data or is my word enough?
<Mat2ch> the real problem is though that we are breeding a variant that has a different spike protein but is equally infectious and it will take another year to make a new vaccacine.
<Mat2ch> This is pure statistics. If we have enough people infected and wait long enough new mutations will occur.
<Althego> funny but the old style vaccines may be better for this. since they contain moe of the virus, not just the spike
<Mat2ch> Our immun system mostly works with the spike, because that is what it can see anyways
<Althego> my problem is, the chinese vaccine is shipped here in huge numbers and i dont know anything about it
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<Mat2ch> hard to know without studies from our own universities
<Althego> we are the dark alternate timeline from a scifi
<Mat2ch> the darkest.
<Mat2ch> But I'm suprised there is no looting and shooting in TX. Maybe we're not that awful as we think
<Althego> we? neither you or me are from texas
TristenYT has joined #KSPOfficial
<darsie> It's the guns that make people civil.
<TristenYT> e
<Althego> e!
<TristenYT> perseverance is landing today
<Ariri> \o/
<Althego> stream starts in an hour
<Althego> see the topic
<TristenYT> yes
<TristenYT> it's supposed to land at 12:52:31pm PST
<Althego> which is tolerable, just before 22
<Althego> i would like to go to sleep sooner but i can delay that much
<TristenYT> I don't need sleep, I need Mars landing
<TristenYT> what if the rover hit deimos as it started it's descent
<raptop> uh
<TristenYT> that would suck
<raptop> Deimos is the more distant moon
<Althego> hehe i think these things are taken into account
<TristenYT> oh
<TristenYT> what if the rover hit phobos as it started it's descent
<raptop> what Althego typed
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<Althego> i am a type of eukaryotic organism :)
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<TristenYT> Hey guys can Kerbol and Munar eclipses happen in KSP
<TristenYT> or do you need to download a mod
<Althego> they happen all the time
<TristenYT> are they possible in stock ksp
<Althego> you just cant see it, but the solar panels know it is an eclipse
<raptop> Solar eclipses happen in stock KSP every "munth", as do 'lunar' eclipses
<TristenYT> dang
<raptop> Well, the solar eclipse part is visible if you look up
<raptop> Since the mun is at 0 degrees inclincation, you don't have eclipse seasons like with earth
<TristenYT> does the mun disappear or change color in Munar / Lunar eclipses
<raptop> unfortunately no
<Althego> that is why i said, the sure way to know it is to wask the solar panels
<raptop> Since the mun completes one orbit around kerbin in ~6.4 kerbin days, I'd handwave it as roughly every other eclipse being visible from a given location
<Althego> and then they say something like 0.00 eclipssed by whatever
<TristenYT> oh
<Althego> but there is still light
<Althego> so you can only see it if you look at the sun and see something is there
<Althego> this is still great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-QSux_LU2U
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<Althego> not as complicated as the mmx, but i like it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDE0JuAlktc bonus points ofr popcorn
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<Althego> streams are onlyine
<esspapier> itś go time
<esspapier> wew, clean feed is a lot nicer to watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPrbJ63qUc4
Webchat056 has joined #KSPOfficial
Webchat056 is now known as Jovian_Oracle
<Althego> funny thing is, a starship might land there with people before the sample retrieval happens
<Jovian_Oracle> Does Perseverance have a legitimate claim to the throne of Mars?
<Althego> no, curiosity is a a strong contestant :)
<Jovian_Oracle> Inquisitiveness is no match for resolve
<Jovian_Oracle> Perseverance also has organic air support.
<esspapier> what are the chances for ingenuity to survives?
<esspapier> those foam blades look so flimsy
<Althego> but according to primogeniture curiosity has the right of the throne
<Jovian_Oracle> Flimsy or as light as possible. Pick half of one.
<Althego> does perseverance have a better laser?
<Jovian_Oracle> @Althego I think a mostly-failed Soviet probe might claim right of leadership, then.
<Althego> the dead dont matter
<Jovian_Oracle> It's still there waiting for a medic.
<Althego> hehe
<Jovian_Oracle> But, obviously, no one in Battlefield Mars actually plays a medic.
<Althego> spolide the events. ok we already knew them. the uhf stable, rimu stable, tango delta nominal, these were keywords for the curiosity landing
<Althego> edl operation lead
<Jovian_Oracle> Sounds like mumbo jumbo from an aerial combat game. "Tango delta nominal. Good tone, Mars 1, Fox 1!"
<Althego> and there is the dog from everything is fine meme
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<Althego> it was chosen specifically that nobody knows that the landing happened
<Althego> yet it is still the abbreviation of TD
<Althego> as in touchdown
<Althego> they simply didnt want to have premature or wrong announcements
<Althego> and waited for all three event to happen
<Jovian_Oracle> Nah. It's just brevity codes for the U.N. ship about ready to open fire on the MCRN craft.
<Althego> what is this?
<Jovian_Oracle> It's presumably a photo of the surface of Mars by the Mars 3 lander.
<Jovian_Oracle> It sort of landed during a planetwide dust storm.
<Althego> if you squint hard enough you can imagine it
<Jovian_Oracle> And the Soviet Mars probes all sort of had serious issues.
<Jovian_Oracle> Like that time a fleet of four were sent in one transfer window and all failed.
<Althego> hehe
<Jovian_Oracle> No worries. Just call the launch failures Cosmos missions and claim they were meant to not work!
* Jovian_Oracle side eyes exploding SpaceX rockets
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<Jovian_Oracle> More successful Soviet probe https://i.redd.it/wm7fc7vebbb01.jpg
<Althego> lot harder to land there
<Jovian_Oracle> I'd argue the opposite, since you can use a parachute the whole way. The real trick is surviving for more than a few minutes.
<Jovian_Oracle> It's like landing on Eve, but if Eve also wanted to kill you after touchdown.
<Jovian_Oracle> Some of the earlier Venera missions had over-engineered parachutes because estimates of their performance and the Venusian atmospheric pressure were way off.
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<Althego> you dont even need a parachute
<Jovian_Oracle> If your probe is sufficiently robust. Some of the Venera probes had their parachutes fail during final descent, which was not good
<Jovian_Oracle> IE: Venera 7's parachute failed too soon, and it landed on hard its side as a result.
Neo has joined #KSPOfficial
* raptop recalls something where a descent (not landing) probe successfully landed anyway because terminal velocity was so low. Was that Venera 7?
<Jovian_Oracle> Venera 7 did sort of work. Being on its side meant its signal was much weaker than was hoped for.
<Althego> this is what you get from a supercritical fluid atmosphere
<Jovian_Oracle> Next stop: Jovian metallic hydrogen probe.
<Althego> hehe
<Jovian_Oracle> Where we're going, we won't need parachutes to land.
<Althego> with sample return
<Jovian_Oracle> Challenge accepted.
<dequbed> Sample return while keeping the hydrogen metallic that is :p
<Jovian_Oracle> It'd be pretty funny if someone replaced the initial footage of Perseverance landing with this instead. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hha5VQ2q41g
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<Althego> i slept through curiosity's landing. i remember i was in geilenkirchen and working hard on something. only next day noon i realized it happened already
<Jovian_Oracle> You missed the aliens that NASA had to edit out in rebroadcasts then
<Althego> hehe jpl and the peanuts
<esspapier> solar ejected, we are nuclear nao
<Jovian_Oracle> RTGs is nuclear energy for peasants
<Althego> it is more like a slowly rechargin battery
<mrBlaQ> yayayayayayayayay there's gonna be a helicopter on marsss sooooooon
<Althego> and microphone too
<goblin> cruise stage separated
<Jovian_Oracle> #Althego Like the Energizer Bunny, but if it got really old and slowed down because of plaque buildup in its arteries.
<Althego> i am not a channel :)
<Jovian_Oracle> You're the channel now.
<Jovian_Oracle> Much like I'll be the Senate with the next Stellaris release.
<Althego> lol
<Althego> btw no mohawk guy this time
<Jovian_Oracle> Or I suppose I could be teh Crisis.
<esspapier> >preserverance is accelerating
<esspapier> kek
<esspapier> what a lie
<raptop> 5.4 km/s at entry interface
<Althego> i am egypt, the morning of the evening star
<raptop> I mean, it'll be speeding up until it's a bit into the atmosphere
<esspapier> na, space time is bending
<esspapier> preserverance is just cruising
<Althego> hehehe
<goblin> I can't figure out if the touchdown is scheduled 20:55 UTC, or the information about touchdown reaching earth at 20:55 UTC
<Jovian_Oracle> Yeah
<Jovian_Oracle> I mean, did it already land?
<Althego> could you see the plasma from earth with a big enough telescope? that there is something landing?
<Jovian_Oracle> Depending on its angle off of Mars, maybe. It'd be awfully bright
<Jovian_Oracle> Stop shaking your leg
<Jovian_Oracle> Inners always messing things up.
<Althego> will they try to image the parachutes from orbit this time too?
<raptop> THe 10 G peak sounds like how I deorbit kerbals
<Althego> hehe
<raptop> I think so? Given that MRO was getting data
<Althego> that was one critical point
<esspapier> chute!
<raptop> \o/
<Althego> machine vision go go go
<Jovian_Oracle> So it either landed or crashed by now. Or crash landed.
<Jovian_Oracle> Or landed awkwardly on its side and ended upside down like a tortoise on its back.
<raptop> Technically Curiosity's first images were of a crash (of the skycrane)
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> cant really
<esspapier> power descent go go go
<Althego> ohohoho
<Althego> ok
<esspapier> looking good bois
<Jovian_Oracle> Technically, a crash landing is a descent powered by gravity.
<raptop> \o/
<Althego> hehe
<Jovian_Oracle> Or retained velocity from the orbital transfer.
<goblin> \o/
<Jovian_Oracle> This is why they really should use a portal gun.
<mrBlaQ> yayayayyayayaayay
<Althego> what's going on :)
<Jovian_Oracle> How many experience points is that?
<Althego> oh no that is heyeyeye
<Jovian_Oracle> Is there an achievement?
<Althego> none, didnt kill anything
<esspapier> maybe some mars microbes?
<Jovian_Oracle> Well sometimes you get them for using skills. IE: Picking your nose increases the lockpicking skill by one point per booger.
<goblin> come on, it's not D&D ;-)
<esspapier> so who's going to scoop up the poop from preserverance?
<Jovian_Oracle> The use of retrorockets should count towards the Acrobatics skill, unless they removed it in this version
<Jovian_Oracle> @esspapier Probably no one in the near future.
<Althego> and btw there will be a full internal movie of the landing
<esspapier> :/
<Althego> with sound
<Althego> and several cameras
<raptop> hazcam images!
<Jovian_Oracle> Sample return from Mars is expensive, and I'm not really confident SpaceX is getting there anytime within the coming decade.
<Althego> but also not sure they can do it this decade
<Althego> the sample return
<Jovian_Oracle> Dear Kraken, the Shadows are on Mars!
<Jovian_Oracle> They said we die if we went to Z'ha'dum!
<raptop> If a rover sees its shadow, does that mean 10 more weeks of winter?
<Althego> hehe
<Jovian_Oracle> If a rover sees its Shadows, we should probably call Ambassador Kosh.
<Althego> hehe
<Jovian_Oracle> But then he would just be all cryptic like and speak in stupid riddles.
<umaxtu> B5 really?
<Althego> really nice landing system, too bad it cant be used for bigger loads
<Jovian_Oracle> Would you prefer something more obscure? Like Battletech?
<Jovian_Oracle> Sadly, Mars doesn't figure much into BattleTech, where much of Season 4 of Babylon 5 took place on Mars.
<Althego> i was close 20 seconds in the future compared to others during the landing
<Althego> use the double speed people
<Althego> it eliminates buffer and puts you to closer to real time
<Jovian_Oracle> Just use a wormhole and eliminate the time lag next time.
<Althego> yes, open it right next to the landing point and watch it with my eyes
<Jovian_Oracle> That's what I'd do if it weren't for the severe gravitational redshift giving me cancer.
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<Althego> how does redshift give you cancer?
<Jovian_Oracle> It shifted so hard to red it went back to gamma rays.
<Althego> hehe
<Jovian_Oracle> The electromagnetic horseshoe hypothesis is real.
<goblin> lol through an integer underflow? :-D
<goblin> or maybe it's cause it's 5G frequencies now?
<Althego> i can understand why they are on martian time for a solar powered vehicle, but why for the rtg?
<raptop> The cameras need light
<Althego> hehe i didnt think of that :)
<Althego> actually they do earth like colored images during the night with white leds
<raptop> And so while they're not doing real time per se, my understanding is that the actual delays tend to skew to hours
<Althego> because then the red haze doesnt interfere
<Althego> do they know where it landed?
<Althego> or have to wait for an orbital pass?
<Althego> i mean the orbiters were there so could have take nan image
<goblin> I heard 35meters from a rock
<Althego> ah they figured that out from the hazcam?
<goblin> you know, that one which was there when they did that other thing
<goblin> I think so, yeah
* raptop heard someone saying that they recognized the location a bit ago
<goblin> yeah, that was funny
<Althego> eta for landing movie? :)
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<raptop> Not sure, MRO only has so much bandwidth
<darsie> Can we communicate with Ingenuity from orbit?
<Althego> hehe, did they get the rights for the song?
<darsie> From David Bowie?
<darsie> :)
<raptop> JPL crashes a crane on mars containing ~96 kg of highly toxic propellants
<Althego> also bombs the surface with with tungsten weights
<darsie> We don't know what's toxic to Martians.
<darsie> Was there a jojo despin?
<Althego> it wasnt spinning too fast to begin with
<darsie> Was there a jojo despin?
<raptop> AFAIK, yes, but very early on. Before the straighten up and fly right maneuver
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<darsie> Stream breaking up?
<Althego> there was a time when there was a list of things happening
<Althego> maybe it is there
<Althego> spindown mentioned
<Althego> after rcs
<goblin> looks like the stream's ended
<Althego> yes
<Althego> anyway i never heard about yoyo despin for curiosity or perseverance
<Althego> so maybe stopped by rcs
<Althego> Communications with the rover are through a radio link using low-power Zigbee communication protocols, implemented via 900 MHz SiFlex 02 chipsets mounted in both the rover and helicopter.[12] The communication system is designed to relay data at 250 kbit/s over distances of up to 1,000 m (3,300 ft).[12]
<Althego> i dont think it can communicate with the orbiters
<darsie> ok
<Althego> and it runs linux on a qualcomm snapdragon
<Althego> which is gunny, because that may be more powerful than the rover cpu
<raptop> penguins on mars!
<Althego> i think even the rover runs linux implicitly
<darsie> But we have directional antennas in orbit.
<Althego> since vxworks is not a self hosting os
<darsie> Maybe not for 900 MHz.
<Althego> zigbee is more for short distance low power mesh networks
<Althego> so i dont think an orbiter would be able to get anything
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<Jovian_Oracle> Linux? They should be running on COBOL
<goblin> with line-of-sight I think it should be able to, if it really wanted...
<goblin> Linux can run cobol
Ezriilc has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.Kerbaltek.com)]
<Jovian_Oracle> Soviet probe telecoms weren't far removed from semaphores.
<goblin> but they should be running kOS
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<Jovian_Oracle> REAL space probes should communicate with hand signals.
<Jovian_Oracle> Like wetwork operators, that way the Martians can't intercept their signals.
<Jovian_Oracle> Stealth science.
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<goblin> they should also get a kerbal engineer there in case one of the wheels breaks
<Althego> there are plans for an rtg powered drone on titan
<Althego> and that will be standalone
<Althego> maybe direct to earth communications
<darsie> RTGs are heavy.
<Althego> titan is small
<Althego> with thick atmosphere
<Althego> it can be heavy
<darsie> That sounds like a contradiction.
<goblin> well they're thinking about a 150mg RTG for the Breakthrough Starshot, so I guess they can also be light
<darsie> Well, even a small one can charge a big battery.
<Althego> the rtg can be heavy since the other properties of the environment favor a flying probe
<Althego> the only place in the solar system where humans would be able to fly with their own muscle power
<darsie> We can do that on Earth.
<darsie> Not sure if we crossed the English channel.
<Althego> not with wings
<Althego> i mean flapping wings
<darsie> Muscle powered airplanes.
<Althego> like birds
<Althego> yes that was pedal powered
<Althego> !road
<Kerbot> Althego => Primary; Monday, February 22, 2021; 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Scheduled | Secondary; Tuesday, February 23, 2021; 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Scheduled | Secondary; Wednesday, February 24, 2021; 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Scheduled
<Althego> static fire?
<Mat2ch> ok, there are people doing KSP speedruns. Full science in under an hour...
<Althego> lol
<Althego> if you go to minmus early
<Althego> i guess
<Mat2ch> with the third ship-
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i can go into orbit with the first
<Mat2ch> After that he has the science lab and takes it to minmus and farms science out of it.
<Althego> so probably the second is realistic
<Althego> i never use the science lab
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<Althego> it just pumps out science for free
<Mat2ch> He didn't. He just took all the science points necessary from the KSP in the first and second launch to get better engines and more science
<Mat2ch> yeah, the balancing is off in some places ;)
<darsie> Althego: It's probably faster to go to orbit with the second.
<Althego> ah i still have to collect seizmo and atmo analyzer thingie data from all over ksp
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<TristenYT> poggers
<raptop> helicopter test flight soon, I think?
<goblin> I'm wondering what happened to the front left cam image... was it interrupted intentionally just to see the horizon line? https://mars.nasa.gov/mars2020/multimedia/raw-images/FLR_0000_0666952977_663ECM_N0010044AUT_04096_00_2I3J01
* raptop has no idea
<TristenYT> We better hope so
<TristenYT> Or else Perseverance is in danger of nearby hazards
<darsie> Eddi|zuHause: It's a simulation of what happened after it happened.
<TristenYT> I found a video of a Kerbolar/Solar Eclipse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPyEN6INGz4
<TristenYT> So, when there's a Munar/Lunar Eclipse, the Mun doesn't turn red or anything? Kerbin's shadow doesn't affect it?
<raptop> videogame lighting is often a bit limited in features
<TristenYT> Someone made a scattering mod where the sky will actually dim during a Kerbolar Eclipse
<TristenYT> In stock KSP, the sky doesn't get any darker
<esspapier> raptop: after copter is dropped it'll take another 2 hours before it boots up
<TristenYT> wow
<esspapier> they'll try to keep flights to mars mornings, before midday (so it has enough time to recharge, but before the air gets too thin in the afternoon)
<TristenYT> ah
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<raptop> interesting
<TristenYT> yes
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<Izaya> Eddi|zuHause: wouldn't be surprised if they're using a game engine for visualisation
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<goblin> MAH*
* flayer shows goblin some briefs
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