raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Doge is not doing. Doge is coining.
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<raptop> spot the rounding error: https://photos.app.goo.gl/cH1fGUfndXz885JS8
<raptop> Izaya: ...did you light up a planet from orbit?
<Izaya> Yup.
<raptop> @_@
<Izaya> Love to be able to flash some of those when brotrucks with LED bars blind me at night
<raptop> consider: that power output as coherent light
<Izaya> A bigge laser?
<raptop> yes
<Izaya> That would be quite effective at removing brotrucks that slight me
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<umaxtu> oooh! Kopernicus stable is now 1.11.1 compatible
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<Althego> If there's something weird
<Althego> And it don't look good
<Althego> Who you gonna call?
<Mat2ch> I wonder how many new variants will emerge, just because people are vaccinated...
<esspapier> people (and some media) are already talking about covid-21 due to all the different mutations
<esspapier> fun times ahead
<flayer> there's going to be a wildly mutating virus at one point that eradicates humanity
<Althego> the uk is alarming but not that bad with the vaccines happening. i dont know about the brazilian variant, but i knew for a while that some of the vaccines are down to 60% with the south african
<Althego> so if we can do the vaccinations fast enough, then the parallel mutation routes of the virus go down and we can avoid selection pressure, since there will be almost no virus remaining
<Althego> but with speed vaccinations are going to take many months
<flayer> by that time the disease will have run its course
<Althego> does it have a course?
<flayer> infect all of humanity
<Althego> there is always a few percent natural immunity
<flayer> sure
<flayer> and most people will recover just fine
<flayer> just like with the spanish flu, it will largely vanish and become irrelevant
<Althego> does anybody know what the actual death rate is?
<flayer> unless the mutations keep going
<Althego> of course they are keep going
<flayer> but its unlikely the mutations will reinfect everyone
<Althego> i think it is here to stay. but once the total mass infections go away, since you are either vaccinated or already had it, it will be like the flu
<flayer> the spanish flu came back a few years ago
<flayer> it was barely even noticeable
<flayer> that's how covid19 will go as well
<Izaya> on the upside, the new tech they've been using for the vaccines
<Izaya> it should allow faster responses to new strains
<Mat2ch> Althego: https://covid19tracker.cc/ they say 2.2 %
<Mat2ch> Izaya: the new tech allows so much more. It's great :)
<Althego> the problem is how do they knwo the number of people who were infected but didnt have symptoms?
<Mat2ch> But still a new vaccacine takes a year to make.
<Althego> because of the regulations and research trials
<Izaya> which is a long time, but also a significant improvement
<Mat2ch> you should be able to estimate this at least
<Mat2ch> take enough people, test them and see. Then extrapolate the numbers
<Mat2ch> (which was already done btw)
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<Mat2ch> uhhh. SN10 has heat shield tiles on one of its flaps
<Althego> somehow you must protect those too
<Althego> but doesnt matter if it explodes on landing :9
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<Althego> (local) leet time
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<Mat2ch> when is local yeet time?
<Althego> whenever that is, not decided by the looks of the digits. maybe by local traditions passed on through generations
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<UmbralRaptop> when you throw the clock out the window
<darsie> I wouldn't litter with clocks.
<Althego> i wouldnt even throw an old christmas tree out the window
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<Mat2ch> littering with clocks? Ain't nobody got time for that!
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<Althego> less than a day until the uae hope mission arrives to mars
<Althego> at least they have this handy status display
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<Althego> heh, the chinese had to choose the same date for their landing as perseverance
<Althego> dont tell me it will be a dual stream
<Althego> no wait, i just misread that
<Althego> hmm, pad clear? maybe a static fire
<Althego> or they are not at that point yet
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<Althego> hehe, the return of the wide kiara
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<Mat2ch> Althego: pressure test maybe
<Mat2ch> but the flaps are unhooked :P
<Althego> yes, more likely
<flayer> 10 days until the NASA rover landing
<Mat2ch> I'd say: Today pressure test, if that goes well, tomorrow static fire
<Mat2ch> and if that goes well flight at the end of the week
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<Althego> with this weather they could do flight envelope expansion :)
<Mat2ch> I figured out that I can control my firefox over mpris. Now I can make it stop playing music over ssh. Which is quiet useful.
* Mat2ch is getting even more lazy
<Althego> i dont go far from the computer :)
<Althego> so i am even lazier
<Althego> more
<Althego> no, it doesnt need more
<Althego> anyway
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<Mat2ch> Althego: I usually work on my laptop and have my pc running. Well, I should get a music player somewhere that doesn't need that much power...
<Althego> they prepared in advanced https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm0b_ijaYMQ
<Althego> -d
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<umaxtu> scott
<Althego> yay
<Althego> 11 minutes ago
<minas_tirith> Althego, thinking is tough
<minas_tirith> Math is tough because thinking is tough
<Althego> yes and it is getting harder each day
<minas_tirith> Yes
<raptop> math is usually tough because you get a non-constructive proof that a solution exists during lecture, and then need to find the solution entirely on your own
<minas_tirith> Math is tough because you have to prove shit
<minas_tirith> Proofs are tough, especially on abstract structure
<minas_tirith> Proofs are tough, especially on abstract structures
<Althego> minas_tirith: no swearing
<minas_tirith> Sorry
<minas_tirith> raptop, math seems to require a lot of thinking
<flayer> i don't do sums that i have to think about it
<minas_tirith> flayer, sum is a very general concept
<raptop> just do quick hacks like gauss
<kubi_x> sum is everything
<kubi_x> you do not need anything else
<minas_tirith> You can sum reals, complex numbers, vectors, matrices, functions
<flayer> i don't know what any of those are
<kubi_x> also, multiplication is just some sums
<minas_tirith> kubi_x, its not that simple. Even in case of reals, once you get into fractional numbers multiplication becomes complicated
<minas_tirith> Reals themselves are peculiar and complicated
<kubi_x> it is not about if it is complicated or not
<Althego> martin is pumping out videos on the second wintergatan channel as if there is no tomorrow
* raptop slaps kubi_x around with a ring
<Althego> hehe
<minas_tirith> Does ring have multiplication defined
<Althego> yes
<minas_tirith> Generalization of fields apparently
<minas_tirith> So yes
<Althego> i hate that we were never taught the english equivalent of all the words of mathematics and physics
<minas_tirith> What
<Althego> it is really hard to look up what is what. ok i could have taken both courses in english, but at that time i thought it was hard enough to pass even without that
<minas_tirith> What language did you learn math in
<Althego> so if i think of the words that are used, ring was equivalent, but for field i would translate that to english as body. and lattice, as a net. a lattice sounds like a grid to me, not at all a net. really annoying
<minas_tirith> Same
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