Mostly_Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | SN9 is doing
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<darsie> Two Kerbals on chutes collided mid air and lost their chutes.
<darsie> KSP crashed.
<darsie> 1.11.1
<raptop> KSP splashed down har and was destroyed
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<raptop> Is it replicable? (etc etc)
<darsie> unlikely
<darsie> During ascent.
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<raptop> ah
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<JVFoxy> ... hate to say it but.. feeling a bit 'crushed' today.. deflated. c.c;
<JVFoxy> saw the launch today.. not too big a fan of SpaceX but.. sucks when see something that's had so much work put into it, come to a sudden RUD
<darsie> JVFoxy: It's sad, but not too much. Failure is part of Spacex development process:
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<Izaya> there's a reason the next prototype is already on the pad
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<minas_tirith> Hi
<Mod9000> Hello, minas_tirith
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<Mat2ch> I just watched the NSF video and read a comment that said that the shiny part that fell out of the rocket might be a part of the thrust puck
<Mat2ch> the theory is that the first engine ignited rather hard and destroyed the thrust puck
<Izaya> hate it when parts fall off your rocket and it crashes
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> the truth is he wrote that many hours before the crash
<Mat2ch> yep
<Althego> more german spreading
<Mat2ch> :P
<Mat2ch> At least we get a Gigafactory!
<Mat2ch> ;)
<Althego> with gigacasting
<Mat2ch> and judging by the rain the world is ending here as well.
<Althego> relax. the excellent workers in the simulation business are able the keep any project off track indefinitely, including the end of the world
<Mat2ch> I can do that, too!
<Mat2ch> Should be working on a project by now
<Mat2ch> but somehow...
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<Althego> scott, 1 hour ago
<Mat2ch> again?!
<Althego> as expected
<Althego> did he upload this around midnight?
<Mat2ch> probably started making the video right after the crash
<Mat2ch> so analyzing it, recording it, cutting it, a few hours at least after
<Althego> maybe not
<Althego> he has his day job
<Mat2ch> With 1.2M subs?
<Althego> yes
<Mat2ch> interesting. He could setup a patreon page and could live of it...
<Althego> Manley's current employment is at Apple Inc. He joined Topsy Labs in 2009 and in 2013 Topsy was acquired by Apple.
<Althego> (wikipe-tan says so)
<Mat2ch> ewww, Apple
<Mat2ch> I would've quit.
<Mat2ch> Just because of Apple :P
<Althego> they know what they are doing
<Althego> and programming is just programming anywhere
<Althego> as a company they are horrible, but this is close to religion or politics
<Mat2ch> maybe I'm just jealous that I'm not that good at manipulating humans.
<Althego> louis rossmann also has 1.5 million subs, dislikes apple and his day job is running his apple repair business
<Althego> so not all people handle this "youtube famous" state as a possible job
<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You head to the nearest pig farm with a bag full of M size rocket motors and stoic determination to prove a point. All hail probe!
<Mat2ch> Althego: well, Rossmanns job is it to tear down phones. And he uses his channel partly as vlog about what he has learnt
<Mat2ch> and everything else is a business where his employees are doing much of the work and he supervises them.
<Mat2ch> I'd do the same in this position.
<Mat2ch> But Scott has no business of his own, just a day job. But I think he has just too much fun at his job and the videos are a huge hobby as well
<Mat2ch> And maybe he doesn't need as much sleep as I do ;)
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<Mat2ch> I wonder how long we will have to wait until SN10 launches. My guess is two weeks.
<Althego> lol
<Althego> well, maybe
<Althego> but they are laways slower than we expect
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<Guest54522> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest54522
<Guest54522> :D
<Althego> that is a bot, ignore it
<Guest54522> ah
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<Mat2ch> you shouldn't have said that
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> and two weeks is plenty of time to clean up the pad, analyze what went wrong, install three raptors and do some static fire tests
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<FLHerne> Is it possible to make the bot not do that?
<FLHerne> It's never helpful
<Althego> yes
<Althego> and if i say hi
<Althego> it greets me
<Althego> that one is deaddly's
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<Mat2ch> Hi
<Mat2ch> :P
<Mod9000> Hello, Mat2ch
<Mat2ch> FLHerne: well, the bot says Hi, because some think that if nobody reacts to their "Hi" nobody is here
<Mat2ch> so the bot simulates talking
<Mat2ch> and makes the people stay
<Althego> it doesnt
<Althego> but it annoys me
<Mat2ch> We need to make a study about that
<Mat2ch> and different sentences.
<Mat2ch> Like "Hi $user. How can we help?"
<darsie> .
<darsie> "Hi $user. Please ask your question and be patient."
<darsie> And don't say that to regulars.
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<Althego> there is already a message in chanserv: [#KSPOfficial] Welcome to #KSPOfficial. Feel free to ask questions, and please wait a few minutes for a response. We hope you enjoy your stay.
<darsie> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, darsie
<darsie> Yeah, but many don't read that (or the topic), I think.
<Althego> the thing is, if somebody comes in, and says something, reply to them. if somebody was here, dont say something
<darsie> Don't say it to ppl who have been here in the last week.
<Althego> nobody wants to maintain a db for tis
<FLHerne> Mat2ch: I don't think it really works for that
<FLHerne> It says 'Hi', and either they don't respond and leave (having presumably realised it's a bot), or they try to talk to it, get frustrated and leave
<FLHerne> I like darsie's suggestion
<FLHerne> And Althego's :p
<FLHerne> You don't need a db, you need a list
<FLHerne> (that said, I would happily maintain a db for this, since I already have a bot with a db for even less useful purposes :p)
<FLHerne> !colloid
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Butter.
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<Althego> i thought butter was an emulsion
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<Mat2ch> There's almost no water in butter, so it's mostly fat. :P
<Althego> yes, but it is an emulsion of fat and water
<taniwha> is it an emulsion, or just water droplets trapped in a fatty matrix?
<Althego> !colloid
<LunchBot> Althego: Fog.
<Althego> maybe emulsion and colloid are orthiginal
<Althego> orthogonal
<Althego> i though they were exclusive
<taniwha> colloid is gelatinous rather than crystalline
<taniwha> emulsion
<taniwha> n 1: (chemistry) a colloid in which both phases are liquids; "an
<taniwha> oil-in-water emulsion"
<taniwha> so nope, butter is not an emulsion
<Althego> it is
<taniwha> (mayonnaise is)
<Althego> but it seems emulsion is a subset of colloid
<Althego> i may have known that about 25 years ago, but that is a long time
<taniwha> dict :)
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<FLHerne> A surprising number of things are colloids, a discussion about that in #SpaceX is why this command appeared :p
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<FLHerne> You can have gas-liquid colloids like fog or whipped cream, gas-solid colloids like smoke or aerogel, liquid-solid like jelly or ink
<FLHerne> All emulsions are colloids by definition
<FLHerne> !colloid add whipped cream
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added colloid: whipped cream
<Mat2ch> hiiiiiighhh speeeeeeeed
<Mat2ch> \o/
<Mat2ch> Althego: there is little water in butter
<Althego> this slow motion video looks like a movie clip
<Mat2ch> I guess that's the point of it :D
<Althego> movies are made to have spectacular visuals, not realism. but this is the interesting explosion you would see in a movie and real too
<Mat2ch> that's the kind of explosion I wanna see in KSP2 :D
<Althego> with built in slow motion replay :)
<taniwha> start coding
<darsie> What's that baby/embryo rocket? :)
<darsie> two, actually.
<darsie> compressed gas tanks, I guess.
<taniwha> He canister?
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<Althego> darsie: in the slow mo explosion? left is the old hopper and right is the 7.2 test tank with 3mm steel
<darsie> Althego: Above hopper:
<Althego> lest one is starhopper with 2 succesful flights, now an instrument stand, and right is a test tank
<Althego> or what that tiny thing flying?
<darsie> yes
<Althego> probably copv for rcs, but i guess it can be helium too
<Althego> composite overwrapped pressure vessel
<darsie> Part of SN9?
<Althego> i think these have rcs too
<Althego> at least they used to have in case of the earlier low hopping models
<Althego> yes, they do have rcs
<Althego> one of the earlier prototype explosions also had such a tank flying, and those didnt have helium
<Althego> so it is more likely to be nitrogen for rcs, but helium is also possible
<Althego> takamori stream again soon :)
<Truga> lol
<Truga> ofcourse #ksp is into vtubes
<Althego> no, not really
<Truga> aw
<Truga> why not
<Althego> you have to ask them :)
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<Althego> hehe no stream because of wifi fail
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<Mat2ch> Althego: darsie: The Starship prototypes still use nitrogen for RCS, because they couldn't get the methan+lox thrusters to work yet.
<Mat2ch> But that's the plan
<Mat2ch> also when is the best time to rant about The Expanse? :P
<Althego> i couldnt find the footage where such a vessel is flying in circles after an explosion
<Althego> but i remember one
<FLHerne> There was one after the Starhopper landing
<FLHerne> Is there a wrong time?
<Althego> ah maybe that is why i couldnt find it. there was no explosion
<Althego> yes it was that
<Althego> hehe, now starlink 17 is scheduled after 18
<Althego> on the same day :)
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<Mat2ch> That means 18 will be moved back as well.
<Mat2ch> two launches a day. Preposterous
<Althego> if they cant launch 18, then there is a high chance that 17 is moved along with it
<Althego> if we are lucky they push the launch date out for a week, and then can launch 17, 18, 19 on the same day :)
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<Althego> hehe, angry astronaut about sn9: The Good, The Bad, and the ANGRY!
<Ariri> Althego, re: takamori, 'Ah, I see you are a person of deadbeat culture as well'
<Althego> hehe
<raptop> heh
<Althego> hah, elon had an interview with sandy munro
<Mat2ch> well
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<Althego> i wonder, why nobody asked elon what is the name of the starship control surfaces? they are not flaps. not exactly airbrakes. just what are they? tim dodd calls them elonerons, but probably the idea didnt come from him, so that is overkill
<Ariri> +1 for dubbing them Elonerons/Elonrons
<FLHerne> -1, it's a horrible name
<FLHerne> I liked flaperons
<FLHerne> Elon has always just called them flaps
<Mat2ch> and they are like flappers
<FLHerne> The problem is that 'flaps' is already used in aircraft for a different thing
<flayer> control surface..
<Althego> too generic
<Althego> you can call them spaceship parts tpp, not exactly useful
<Althego> *too
<Althego> hehe managed to hit the moon with the new escape trajectory burn without maneuver node. cant come close than this
<flayer> but its literally a control surface
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<Ariri> Seems their official term is also flap | >The Starship prototype descended under active aerodynamic control, accomplished by independent movement of two forward and two aft flaps on the vehicle. (SpaceX/Starship)
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<raptop> ;outcome add Handsome Ron sees your gross safety violations and shuts down your space program.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: Handsome Ron sees your gross safety violations and shuts down your space program.
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<raptop> ;outcome add You fail ISO 9000 certification due to your complete lack of formal process or even any documentation of your space program.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: You fail ISO 9000 certification due to your complete lack of formal process or even any documentation of your space program.
<minas_tirith> raptop, space is dark and scary
<raptop> minas_tirith: just remember to feed someone else to the kraken
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