raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Doge is not doing. Doge is coining.
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<Mat2ch> Althego: the real answer is: If the software breaks in orbit around Proxima Centauri you don't have to wait years for the update. You just have to fix it yourself.
<Althego> i wouldnt let a ship there without an ai
<Althego> that should be able to come up wioth a solution
<Althego> provided it doesnt kill everybody on board :)
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<Mat2ch> oh, new mutation found in the Amazonas region!
<Mat2ch> Althego: AI will probably never work with todays computers.
<Althego> obviously
<Althego> you are not going to program it
<Althego> it would still have shortcomings
<Althego> just as humans have
<Mat2ch> Althego: we aren't even close to have something like an AI...
<Althego> also not close to sending a ship to proxima
<Mat2ch> tbh, I'm waiting for the next big breakthrough. Should happen the next few years
<Mat2ch> either fusion or ftl or maybe both?
<Mat2ch> I guess a good fusion drive will have something to do with a good ftl drive
<Althego> fusion lol, that is always decades away
<Althego> ftl requires a new paradigm to work
<Althego> which can happen, we dont know dark matter, dark energy and quantumgravity. maybe these are related
<Mat2ch> there is no Dark Matter ;)
<Mat2ch> that's what I'm guessing. Some old dark matter scientists will die, their assistents take over, take in new ideas and figure finally out, why the formulas are wrong
<Mat2ch> and from then on it's going to go fast.
<Mat2ch> and it looks like there might be soon a Cubesat that will test a QI horizon drive in space...
<Mat2ch> sooooooooooon(tm)
<Mat2ch> how long will it take to build? 2-3 years?
<Althego> dark matter is the placeholder name of the effect
<Althego> whatever it is
<Mat2ch> But you can't call something "matter" if it doesn't exist at all.
<Mat2ch> Then call it "dark effect" or "unknown gravitational effect"
<Mat2ch> I'm really looking forward to that QI Horizon drive test. If it works then Starship will loose 3 of it's 6 engines ;)
<Mat2ch> also travel time will be a lot shorter...
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<Althego> we have heat and electric capacity, yet there is no heat or electric fluid
<Althego> these are just names
<Althego> for historical reasons
<Mat2ch> The problem with dark matter is that they really believe that it is matter!
<Mat2ch> It just doesn't interact with anything else than gravity
<Mat2ch> and now for something completely different:
<Mat2ch> we talked about housing in the US and why it's so flimsy. Well, it's even worse in Japan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpxLLCdW_Gc
<kubi_x> who pays for this kind of content?
<Mat2ch> looks like this is a tv channel and the youtube part only a small section of it
<Mat2ch> so it's paid by the broadcast viewers, I guess
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<Althego> (local) leet time
<darsie> .
<Mat2ch> yay
<Mat2ch> oh, wait
<Mat2ch> was too late
<Mat2ch> No static fire today :(
<Mat2ch> and the flight has to wait until the concrete of the landing pad has dried.
<darsie> Will they use concrete landing pads on the oil platforms?
<Althego> why not
<Mat2ch> maybe as abrasive material
<Mat2ch> But it takes 28 days to cure concrete to a level where you can put load on it
<Mat2ch> there are probably better materials
<Mat2ch> so, if they are really pouring new concrete on the landing pad we will have to wait a month for the next flight test.
<Mat2ch> I somehow can't believe they will wait so long
<FLHerne> They didn't before SN8's landing
<FLHerne> It was patched about a week before
<Mat2ch> they are still patching something
<Mat2ch> But from this photo here you can see it's just a small patch
<Mat2ch> so stick the landing next time and everything will be fine. :D
<Althego> hmm, another kikkerikiiii. but i wanted to sleep
<Kalpa> Oh no, not a kikkerikii
<Kalpa> How do you even know such words
<Althego> because kiara says it :)
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<Mat2ch> who is Kiara?
<Althego> the multilingual bottom left phoenix
<Kalpa> Dunno but they make a powerful drink https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Kiara%27s_Determination
<minas_tirith> Althego, are you a furry
<Althego> no
<Althego> i take my nap now
<Mat2ch> minas_tirith: why do you ask?
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, he spoke of some phoenix
<Mat2ch> minas_tirith: it's probably a video or something
<minas_tirith> It could be, idk I havent played that game
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<Ariri> Althego, second round of EN auditions announced yesterday if you didn't hear
<Ariri> May finally see another chicken or hen since it's 'gender irrelevant'
<Althego> i didnt, but kiara said it anyway :)
<Ariri> Oh lol
<raptop> More holo-birbs?
<Althego> or somethings
<Althego> rock or something
<Ariri> Yis
<Ariri> I like how Walfie requested for simple designs for the next gen so they're easy to animate, lol
<raptop> heh
<umaxtu> scott
<Althego> intersting adventures of soho
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<Mat2ch> Ariri: Althego: What are you talking about?!
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<Althego> hololive vtubers
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<Ariri> filthy weeb-youtube culture
<Althego> oh no there was an event horizon 21 hours ago
<Althego> i have to watch that tomorrowe
<Althego> two guests? this is better than i expected
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<Althego> and a what about it
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