raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Perseverance is not doing. Perseverance is landing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm0b_ijaYMQ
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<JVFoxy> wee.. getting back into the game. Go to VAB, looking through things. Wait.. didn't I unlock RCS? Then realizing, derp, I need a base part first before its available. >_<
<umaxtu> been there. done that
<JVFoxy> at least this time, not gone for a month. Come back to find new version out and tons more things gone haywire
<JVFoxy> messing about with rocket planes.. only they lack much in the way of 'wings'
<umaxtu> theres a mod that adds the VentureStar
<JVFoxy> seen people do version with stock parts
<JVFoxy> thanks but I'm good.. more just a flying tube in this case, messing around
<Izaya> with enough thrust, you don't need lift
<JVFoxy> fast enough, even a brick can fly
* umaxtu looks at the shuttle
<JVFoxy> has wings... it does glide, not very well but its still better thank a brick
<raptop> So M2-F2 and friends are the real bricks?
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<JVFoxy> nah.. not square enough
<JVFoxy> I recall, they had more an issue with cyclic body roll oscillations.
<JVFoxy> they did look cool though
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<Izaya> the shuttle can glide much better than the original designs
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<raptop> MMH fuel...
* raptop rolls hazard diamond yahtzee
<Althego> looks like high twr
<Althego> and they replaced the potato cameras with real ones
<Althego> oh no a calli and a kiara stream at the same time
<Althego> wait a sec, the parker soalr probe can see through the clouds of venus?
<Althego> there is also a scott video
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<Althego> what is that on scott's shirt?
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<raptop> What I'm getting from this is that we need a vtuber who does space science
<Althego> there is already a moth
<Althego> isnt that enough?
<Althego> but what is on scott's shirt? (i know, letters, what do they mean?)
<raptop> ...a moth?
* raptop has no idea what's going on with the shirt
<raptop> Hm, the bunny that does warcrimes is streaming
<Althego> still have to catch up on louis rossmann
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<raptop> ;mission add You submit a pull request so as to patch your conics.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: You submit a pull request so as to patch your conics.
<Althego> hehe
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<flayer> 35 days of snacks, 11 days to get to minmus, should leave me with a week of minmus exploration before i have to get back
<Althego> 11 days to minmus?
<Althego> what are you doing?
<Althego> going to solar orbit first?
<flayer> saving fuel
<Althego> doing it in 2 days is ok
<flayer> just burn directly towards it?
<Althego> can go lower but that really starts to get harder
<Althego> not directly, but it is an scape trajectory from kerbin
<Althego> escape
<flayer> yeah, that's too much fuel
<flayer> cause you gotta slow down again too
<Althego> yes
<flayer> i'm not even burning to adjust the inclination
<flayer> i want enough fuel for the lander to visit all the biomes
<Althego> it looks like it fit into the 140t limit for me
<Althego> although the lander is on a single nuke
<Althego> ang going to burrn some of its fuel to slow down
<flayer> err
<flayer> my trajectory has an encounter with minmus in 11 days
<flayer> a second encounter in 3 years and 131 days
<flayer> which is odd because the apoapsis before that encounter (on the green dotted line) is 50 days from now
<flayer> so, somewhere between that point and the second minmus encounter there's 3 years of floating in space lol
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<Althego> fthey are finally going out
<Mat2ch> the candles?
<Mat2ch> too much water content for candles.
<Althego> no people going out from the airlock
<Mat2ch> not candles. I see
<Althego> what, starlink 17 in 14 hours? is it finally going to launch?
<Mat2ch> well, first have a look at the weather. :D
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<flayer> *upgrades mission control to accept more contracts*
<Althego> yes, contracts are the first i max out
<darsie> If your run out of money, you can accept a bunch of contracts for the advance.
<flayer> indeed, and i ran out of money just after i upgraded mission control
<flayer> but the problem was quickly solved!
<darsie> IIRC in a 'normal' game your balance can't go negative, so you can cancel the contracts without much loss.
<darsie> If you spent the money.
<flayer> but the reputation loss is forever
* flayer launches from the desert for a polar mun landing
<darsie> How?
<darsie> DLC? Mods?
<flayer> DLC
<Althego> just normally. the dessert launch site
<darsie> dessert lunch site
<darsie> Be consistent ;)
<flayer> normally i don't buy a lot of DLCs because its hard to justify the money. but i spent such a ridiculous amount of hours playing KSP for years, I was looking for ways to give squad more money for it lol
<darsie> :)
<FLHerne> What does reputation actually do?
<darsie> I could afford DLC, but I don't like to pay for it.
<flayer> i think it influences the contracts you can receive
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<darsie> flayer: I think it gives you harder contracts.
<flayer> it does ~something~ related to contracts
<Althego> my guess you get higher "star" contracts
<darsie> Escape the atmosphere is ***.
<Althego> but that is fixed, i mean hardcoded, not generated
<Althego> the site is in the desert. but it is called dessert launch site
<darsie> rly? HMM
<darsie> hmm*
<Althego> i never noticed it until somebody pointed out to me
<darsie> egg
<darsie> Escape the atmosphere is **.
<Althego> then orbit is 3
<darsie> Orbit Kerbin is ***.
<darsie> mhm
<FLHerne> darsie: I'd be unhappy about paying for DLC if Squad has stopped adding stuff to the base game
<FLHerne> Or made modding more awkward to force you to get paid extensions
<FLHerne> As it is, there are plenty of other mods that add parts and game mechanics, so paying for the Squad ones is basically an optional donation
* darsie couldn't 'launch our first vessle' by bouncing the pod with its RWs.
<darsie> Usually works for getting 'science from space near x'.
<Althego> up to two parallel streams, 3rd one starting soon
<packbart> what's coming up? I just watch someone playing XCOM 2
<Althego> there is an iss spacewalk, calli is on and kiara just started
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<flayer> i have 3 pilots, 5 scientists, but only 1 engineer
<Althego> good
<Althego> i had to change 2 to scientists, because i had only 2 from 11
<flayer> i'm going to launch my first station science/research lab soon
<flayer> needs a minimum of 3 scientists for optimal use
<flayer> then a mission to duna
<flayer> which needs one scientist as well
<Althego> i never get to the mission to duna in career
<Althego> because i finish the tree way before that
<flayer> i've modded the science multiplier for planets to a flat 1
<flayer> the mun alone won't be enough
<flayer> i've got a pretty low tech science mission designed for duna
<Althego> i can go there with pretty much anything :)
<flayer> but i have yet to unlock the parts - i need about 500 science from my minmus mission.
<flayer> i think i get about 40-60 science per biome depending on how many experiments are possible
<Althego> somehow i like the smaller simpler parts
<Althego> so i use them whenever i can
* darsie built a 5 stage orbital rocket. 4x Hammer, 1x Flea.
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> Solid only
<Althego> how did it come down?
<darsie> not :)
<darsie> 3857 VF
<darsie> Not sure if I could buy EVA.
<Althego> it would be nice if solids had a stop function. in real life there was such a thing for missiles. they basically disintegrated the rocket and and all the fuel burned out harmlessly without thrust
<Althego> i learned this from scott
<darsie> LF SSTO costs 4857 VF.
<flayer> but before i collect science from minmus... *rescues two more kerbals and does two tourist missions to the mun as the minmus mission is enroute*
<flayer> gotta fill those coffers before i can send my 4x200k duna mission
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<darsie> 81x590 km 5 stage solid
<darsie> Hmm, let's see how much decoupling decreases Ap.
<darsie> 79.6
<darsie> Yeah, more than enough money to buy EVA. Could jetpack deorbit, or push the capsule.
<JVFoxy> remember back in the day when radial decouplers would cause huge amounts of drag and slam boosters into the core states if you not up out of the atmos far enough. :\
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> Must have been before my KSP days.
<Althego> which versin was this?
<flayer> that still happens to me sometimes
<flayer> you have just gotten better at designing rockets JVFoxy
<JVFoxy> flayer usually my second launch from career I can hit 70km orbit no problem. Read: launch, not science while landed
<JVFoxy> ground science from launchpad, runway. quick up into the air to hit some science, then gives me enough to build two stager to orbit
<Althego> i usually roll to the side of runway and to the crawlerway for more science
<JVFoxy> ya but sometimes it doesn't think you've even left the runway in some cases
<Althego> and with the dlc i can collect more science from other biomes (grasslands, highlands, desert)
<JVFoxy> just remembering back when someone said the radial decouplers had a problem with their code. Infinite drag or something? Instead of the stages getting pushed away, everything would instantly explode
<umaxtu> that reminds me, I need to figure out how to best use the scanning arm
<JVFoxy> been flipping back and forth on getting both DLC...
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<flayer> umaxtu, stick it on a rover
<Althego> technically a lander is good too if you are precise enough
<Althego> once i did it on minmus, but even there it was a pain
<Althego> hehe
<FLHerne> I can't see what the picture on the round bit is
<Althego> these must be part of a secret message :)
<FLHerne> chicken?
<Althego> may be a rooster
<JVFoxy> round part?
<Althego> on the top thick pipe there is a picture
<Althego> and a bit towards the center and lower there is a text
<Althego> at least for the last 3
<JVFoxy> ah ya.. toon rooster
<JVFoxy> thunder chicken
<JVFoxy> Althego as for text a bit center and lower. eh?
<Althego> if you look at the engine from an other direction the pipe is to the left, the text is in the xcenter
<Althego> in this case wen hop? much wow
<JVFoxy> oh on the box
<Althego> the previous two had a box there too
<Althego> hiding or protecting something?
<JVFoxy> either its parts box, or there to support the flex pipes before they get connected up into the underside
<Althego> the spacewalk is ending
<JVFoxy> certainly a lot of plumbing though
<FLHerne> JVFoxy: Believe it or not, this is a lot less plumbing than the early ones :p
<FLHerne> Those had the little sample? pipes *everywhere*
<JVFoxy> data sensors
<JVFoxy> engine regulating and control Although, I suspect some could be to do with engine shutdown and restart too
<FLHerne> Yeah
<FLHerne> Up to SN20-something? had a separate sensor pipe for pretty much every bit of plumbing on the engine
<FLHerne> You could barely see anything else underneath
<Althego> didnt they start to dismantle some higher numbers too?
<Althego> from the ships?
<FLHerne> Presumably they've learned which areas actually need measurements now
<FLHerne> Althego: Talking engine SNs, not ships
<JVFoxy> ever figured out what was causing their fuel starvation issues on the 'belly flop'?
<FLHerne> Ship-wise, they've dismantled SN5/6 and 12
<FLHerne> (12 was never fully assembled in the first place)
<FLHerne> 13 and 14 had a few bits and are skipped
<JVFoxy> I've a funny feeling flipping something over that fast is bound to mess with internals a bit
<Althego> maybe but not unreasonable loads
<FLHerne> JVFoxy: "low pressure in header tank", with a temporary mod on SN9 being high-pressure helium tanks
<Althego> i wonder how they are going to solve that
<FLHerne> Ullage collapse was an interesting speculation
<JVFoxy> they didn't have any N2 pressure on those headers before?
<JVFoxy> .. er helium. whatever
<Althego> it is designed to be self pressurizing
<FLHerne> (when you slosh liquid around, it cools and condenses the ullage gas, which then drops the pressure dramatically)
<JVFoxy> ok so ... wasn't happening fast enough then
<Althego> everybody is laughing about flat earthers saying the perseverance landing is fake
<JVFoxy> I guess, tank within a tank, then having to figure out thermal dynamics between things can be a little tricky
<JVFoxy> Althego Ya..was wondering about that. At least one 'fake landing' video made it through friend's youtube recommend
<Althego> they did that with curiosity too
<Althego> but this time it made videos
<Althego> cant really say CGI (i always hear it as creaky blinder says it)
<JVFoxy> ... had someone I know personally once said, 'all pictures from space are done with a fisheye lens'
<Althego> may. not all
<Althego> many
<JVFoxy> something about how it fakes the curve of the earth
<Althego> but even if it was all, you can know wat curvature it adds
<Althego> under the center and any curvature is lessened
<Althego> so if there is still curve...
<flayer> i'm having broccoli+cheese and baked potato slices for dinner
<Althego> !lunch
<Althego> .lunch
<Althego> what was it
<JVFoxy> eh well... I know space is a thing. Just a little sad I didn't get a chance to take that career path in life
<Althego> very few can
<Althego> at keast today
<JVFoxy> think partly cuz of being Canadian, and parents being a little paranoid about me getting into 'dangerous work'
<flayer> nothing dangerous about building satellites
<Althego> not too dangerous since the shuttle stopped :)
<raptop> Depends on the satellite
<JVFoxy> I once asked dad about being an astronaut back in the early shuttle days. Response was: only the Americans get to be that
<raptop> (don't fill the hydrazine tanks)
<flayer> when is the last time someone died engineering a rocket?
<raptop> uh
<Althego> dont empty the hydrazine tanks :)
<Althego> dont play in the hydrazine pool, children
* raptop is pretty sure that there have been Canadian astronauts before Chris Hadfield
<Althego> apparently two
<Althego> oih even moere
<JVFoxy> there's been a lot of us Canadians, even our own CSA. But I'm talk'n back in the 80s
<JVFoxy> think back then, we did quite a lot of work on satellite related proejcts
<JVFoxy> two ships near each other.. what to do...
<JVFoxy> could land in teh dark but eh..
<JVFoxy> wow.. not too far from the center
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<Althego> !road
<Althego> what
<Althego> am i invisible
<Althego> anyway it may as well hop on monday
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<Althego> no, thunderstorms
<Althego> maybe tuesday ot wednesday
<Kerbot> Althego => Primary; Monday, February 22, 2021; 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Scheduled | Primary; Tuesday, February 23, 2021; 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Scheduled | Secondary; Wednesday, February 24, 2021; 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Canceled | Secondary; Thursday, February 25, 2021; 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Scheduled | Primary; Friday, February 26, 2021; 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Canceled | Secondary; Monday, March 1, 2021; 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Schedu
<Althego> man that was long
<Althego> !inf
<Althego> !info
<Kerbot> Althego => pinkloli1 5.4.79-v7l+ armv7l | Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) | ARMv7 Processor rev 3 (v7l) | 43.3'C | uptime: 76.4088 days
<Althego> doesnt seem to be problematic
<Althego> maybe i should add load and ram too
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<FLHerne> Althego: It's still listing last week's
<Althego> yes they didnt update it over the weekend
<FLHerne> "it" ?
<Althego> th elist
<FLHerne> Which list does it use?
<Althego> the one on the cameron county page
<FLHerne> Make the bot drop dates that are in the past?
<Althego> no, handling dates is for the fools
<Althego> it can do that with the launches because there is a timestamp in the data, not with this text
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<Althego> !nela
<Kerbot> Althego => Falcon 9 - Starlink-20 ("Starlink L-17") - Mon Mar 01, 2021 01:37:00 UTC (L-06:10:26) - https://rocketlaunch.live/launch/starlink-20 for info/stream
<FLHerne> There are some libs that do a reasonably good job
<FLHerne> e.g. Python's `dateparser` handles the one they're using currently
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