Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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* flayer is going to spend an afternoon casually collecting science from gilly
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<flayer> i think i added too much weight to my lander
<flayer> on kerbin the wheels pop just from the weight of it alone
<flayer> but it's intended for vall, pol and bop
<flayer> and dres and ike, eeloo, and the mun i guess
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<Althego> oh no, our ludicrous future... but kiara is already streaming
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<packbart> I'm a witcherman and I'm okay; I slay ghouls all night and hags all day *snik* *snik*
<packbart> I was going to launch KSP today, though. Just one more quest...
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<Mat2ch> so, you want to land a 150 t craft on Eve. How many parachutes do you want? - Yes.
<darsie> Fewer than on Kerbin.
<Althego> land it without fuel
<Mat2ch> yeah, but finding a flat spot is still a problem.
<Althego> there are huge areas
<Mat2ch> I need electric planes for Eve to fly around.
<Mat2ch> :|
<Althego> yes, they work well
<darsie> DLC?
<Althego> can go up to 20 km or so
<Althego> in fact i built my smallest sea level eve ascent vehicle with electri props
<Althego> since youcan just ignore all the problems if the elctric props take you up to 20 km
<darsie> Can it lift and drop a crewed rocket?
<Althego> on eve i would favor balloons. thick atmosphere so those would work well. we still dont have balloons
<Althego> it could get one kerbal back to orbit
<Althego> i remember there wasa way to create lift with ontrol surfaces because of bugged physics, and you could sort of fake a zeppelin with that, but not anymore
<minas_tirith> Hola raptop
<darsie> Does magnetic probulsion still work?
<darsie> p
<Althego> the docking ports? i never tried it but i doubt it was fixed
<darsie> that
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* raptop waves at minas_tirith
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<Mat2ch> darsie: I'm not buying the DLCs ever.
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<Althego> Possible Starship flight tomorrow afternoon
<Mat2ch> I hope so
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<Althego> weather is somewhat bad
<Althego> chance of rain and cloudy
<Althego> there is some wind too
<Althego> but it gets only worse
<Althego> in the following years
<Althego> er days
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