Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<Althego> the gamers nexus 11900k review is quite funny. basically a 20 minute roast
<Althego> wow, scott helped to make a movie more scientifically accurate
<Althego> looks like quite hard scifi
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<Althego> UmbralRaptor: it took me more than a month to notice the message about lousy border guard shark
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<UmbralRaptor> oops
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<Althego> i hope rgv aerial photography makes a pass above boca chica soon
<Mat2ch> I second that
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<Althego> yay, the zombie is coming
<FLHerne> Althego: He did one?
<Althego> there was no new video on yt
<Althego> heh, unarchived stream and it is not working
<Althego> elon said the crater is in he right place, so i wondered about the landing pad
<FLHerne> I think he deliberately delays public release for a bit to encourage Patreon subs
<Althego> ah
<Althego> i can understand that
<FLHerne> 70+ images and the video on Patreon apparently, otherwise video later today
<FLHerne> Yeah, planes aren't cheap
<Althego> how about drones?
<FLHerne> There's a 7200ft flight restriction over the site, which is higher than you can fly a normal drone legally
<FLHerne> (and also too far to get decent pictures with the size of lens/camera they can carry)
<Althego> ah yes i forgot about the forever tfr
<Althego> so you need a big camera and a big plane
<FLHerne> right
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<Mat2ch> and what do we learn from that? Don't land over production buildings.
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<Althego> dont launch over production buildings
<Althego> ok i get it, they didnt want to move it around
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<Althego> top quality content
<Mat2ch> well, really looks like the FTS was used to shred it into pieces...
<Althego> that big piece in the picture which was caught on the nsf camera
<Mat2ch> and almost knocked them all out.:D
<Althego> and tim's cameras are probably safe
<Althego> i thought as much, they were all in one place
<Althego> and a piece fell in the center
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<Althego> there is a reason people cant go there
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<kubi> that is actually a nice line on one's stone
<kubi> "killed in a space ship accident"
<kubi> one can be famous in the village
<Althego> at the moment dying in a spaceship accident is slightly more likely than being hit by a meteorite
<Althego> less than 20 people died in a flying spaceship. there are a lot more which are related, like apollo 1 during ground testing, or training accidents
<Althego> oh wait, actually less, in related fatalities
<Althego> hah there is a separate block of non astronauts
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<FLHerne> no
<Althego> hah there it is. thanks
<Althego> that piece is rather far off. but it may have been moving horizontally when it exploded
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<Althego> welll..... thunderf00t pulled this out of a dark place. even if he is right, he, just like anybody else in the public, doesnt have the faintest idea if the common bulkhead between the two tanks broke or not
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<FLHerne> I think the sharp detonation and the way the midsection just doesn't exist anymore do strongly imply it
* FLHerne hasn't seen the thunderf00t thing
<FLHerne> His last SpaceX thing had a lot of errors
<Althego> this one was on voice of thunder
<Mat2ch> tbh: Almost everything landed in such a way that almost nothing major was damagaged...
<Althego> which was just a stroke of luck
<Mat2ch> unlucky with the landing, lucky with the RUD.
<Althego> there shouldnt be a place for luck
<Althego> move it far away from the facilities
<Althego> probably not enough space, somebody mentioned some animels that cant be disturbed
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<Mat2ch> well, they would have to fly inland probably and nobody wants that...
<Althego> or just move at least the landing site a bit along the shore
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<Mat2ch> Probably everything there is bird sanctuary.
<Mat2ch> Land it on the water! ;)
<Althego> that would be a solution
<Mat2ch> A mobile amphibious landing plattform.
<Althego> just few hundred meters away, not that much
<Althego> what they actually have
<Althego> it is just not ready
<Mat2ch> don't say it.
<Mat2ch> We take a few of those heavy lift vehicles, build a landing plattform ontop of it
<Mat2ch> and for every landing it gets moved to the beach.
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> If they stick the landing they can then immediately return it to the launch pad
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<Mat2ch> how long do you think it'll take to finish SN15? I say at least a month
<Althego> heh
<Althego> he said a few days
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<Althego> they finish them quite fast
<Althego> but the launch still takes a lot of time
<Althego> static fires, engine changes
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<flayer> damn, i think this is going to work
<flayer> i'm at 1100 ms on the whiplashes alone
<darsie> m/s?
<flayer> ye
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<FLHerne> What is it? SSTO?
<darsie> single stage to orbit
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<raptop> single stage to ocean
<Mat2ch> cameron county has a Debris Hotline on the SpaceX page now. :D
<raptop> nice
<Althego> hehehe, i am evil. a coworker above age 50 had an issue with our communication client, constant crashes. i said "insert unravel sung by ollie here" as a response. he looked it up and cant stop listening to it
<raptop> Apparently zombies are good at singing
<flayer> hrm, can't manage more than 2150 m/s
<Althego> if they try to eat cabbage
<darsie> flayer: how?
<darsie> I got 1750 with a Rapier.
<flayer> darsie, by switching to the nervs and burning the skipper in the cargo bay
<flayer> i think i should dump some oxidizer
<Althego> at least now we have the dump valve thingie
<packbart> it might even give you some additional mm/s :)
<Mat2ch> some birds are whistling that we might get a Wintergatan video today...
<FLHerne> darsie: Thank you, I know what SSTO *means*...
<darsie> yw :)
<darsie> ahh, ok :)
<Althego> Mat2ch: it is wednesday after all
<raptop> (granted, the typically early attempts are Single Stage To Oops)
<Althego> hehe, when it cant get past the sound barrier :)
<Althego> or explodes because of overheating
<Althego> or the nuke just doesnt have enough thrust to pus it into orbit
<raptop> And sometimes it can't get off the runway or has early stability issues
<Althego> hehe zigzagging on the runway
<Althego> and then crashing into a building
<flayer> i didn't even design this as an ssto
<flayer> its supposed to be a carrier ship to duna and jool
<flayer> with the capability of landing as a space shuttle more or less
<flayer> but then i slapped a pair of whiplashes on it to give it some manueverability
<flayer> and then i added another pair to see if i could get to orbit on laythe
<flayer> and now i'm trying to get to orbit on kerbin by replacing its cargo with fuel and a skipper
<Althego> 4 turbojets should be plenty for a middle sized ssto
<flayer> its a mk3
<Althego> that is quite big
<flayer> it was 130 ton fully laden with fuel
<Althego> fat boy
<flayer> its got heavy mining equipment on it
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<kubi> start to use some life support mod, then you will see how fat a kerbal is :)
<Althego> can they get fat with food?
<flayer> kubi, i'm using snacks
<kubi> the amount of food, water and air you need to carry for them is enormous
<kubi> I have not used that
<flayer> snacks just requires snacks
<kubi> is it just food?
<flayer> and you can make snacks out of ore
<flayer> yeah its a nice simple life support mod
<kubi> ah
<flayer> too many resource types is so unnecessary imo
<kubi> yes
<kubi> unless you are into colony building
<kubi> but food-water-oxygen-waste combo is good enough
<flayer> oh damn
<flayer> i made it into orbit
<flayer> but i forgot i had fully loaded the crew compartment
<flayer> so now i have nobody back at base
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<flayer> this is epic tho
<Althego> oh no phoenix incoming
<raptop> ...did she burn down a village?
<Althego> i am not sure. but now there is a repopulation program for the village
<flayer> only 200 days worth of snacks tho.. i'll need to add a habitat for the jool mission
* raptop recalls something about needing to do mass murder to visit callie
<Althego> hehehe, get into the boat shinji
<darsie> Wow, KSP is just 10 EUR on gog now.
<Althego> that is even cheaper to what i bought it for
<Althego> herding villagers seems to be as impossible as herding cats
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<Althego> with a boat into a stairway
<Althego> yes i need to go to sleep instead of watching this
<darsie> Alas, the pay order now button doesn't work :(.
<Althego> i dont recommend the gog version, they delay the upgrades
<darsie> why?
<darsie> That doesn't make sense.
<darsie> Beachte bitte, dass du Kerbal Space Program auf besitzen musst, um Kerbal Space Program: Breaking Ground UND Kerbal Space Program: Making History kaufen und spielen zu können.
<darsie> :(
<Althego> lock in
<darsie> Still cheaper adding KSP for 10 EUR than buying the DLCs on steam.
<Althego> some batman games are 75% off
<Althego> oh no, tomorrow is 1st of aprli
<Althego> maybe intel admits its 11900k was a joke
<Althego> sn11 without fog
<Althego> eating ina voice
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<Mat2ch> So, either it internally blew up or the FTS triggered
<FLHerne> As opposed to it externally blowing up?
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<darsie> Oh, tourists no longer can get out of command seats.
<darsie> They also leave behind chutes and RCS I gave them in the VAB.
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* darsie pours water in sandbox.
<flayer> i'm going to make an ore delivery to the station
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