Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<Mat2ch> Oh, I hate Eve so much.
<Mat2ch> And the tools we get to conquer it.
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<Mat2ch> and the stream started. :D
<Althego> reaper in 87 minutes
<Althego> and since elon said, in the afternoon, we dont need to look at that stream for at least 5 more hours
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<Mat2ch> I let it run in the background while I do nothing, since my customers aren't calling back to give me work
<Althego> there is also a holoid stream, i think i will skip this for now
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<Althego> boom de yada boom de yada boom de yada boom de yada
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<Althego> btw why is eve purple?
<Althego> there is a possibility that earth was purple at some point to instead of green, because of some bacteria that have that color
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<raptop> archean eve is the fun hypothesis
<raptop> (We all know that it's because it looks cool and contrasts neatly with green)
<Mat2ch> I hate Eve!
<Althego> it is still an interesting place
<Mat2ch> it is.
<Mat2ch> I feel like I've never really explored it fully
<Althego> i know i never did
<Althego> too many biomes
<Mat2ch> And with the robotic parts I'd probably built a return rocket on site...
<Althego> ... i love when raptors fly, boom de yada boom de yada boom de yada boom de yada
<Mat2ch> Like landing a flying "rover", exploring the place and when I've found a good launch location directing all the parts for a launcher there
<Althego> i find tlanding on a specific mountaintop is really hard
<Mat2ch> think about it: A whole rocket built on docking ports that are attached to decouplers.
<Althego> especially that the really high ones are slightly off from the equator
<Mat2ch> and since we can place struts now this could really work
<Mat2ch> would be a crazy project to try, but it could work :D
<Althego> sounds like a reasonable project
<Althego> makes it harder though
<Mat2ch> harder than landing a 150 t rocket on Eve? :D
<Mat2ch> yes I need that big capsule!
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<Althego> there used to be a mod where you start on eve :9
<Althego> pain peko :)
<raptop> That was at least post-souposphere, right?
<packbart> there was a series on Youtube, something The Purple Space Program
<packbart> with the KSC located on Eve
<Althego> i think you could choose duna too
<Althego> guh
<Althego> "stan said there is a tanuki living on the roof" lol
* raptop wonders how you deal with a tanuki infestation
<Mat2ch> looks like they are unhooking the flaps
<Althego> i dont need to. but i dont do livestreams either
<Althego> and even if i did, i am several floors away from the roof. and nobody is allowed there anyway
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<Althego> welcome back to hardware unavailable, with monitor steve in the shed
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<Althego> that marketing segment in the beginning was amazing
<Althego> and it is not even first of april yet
<umaxtu> Althego, you referring to a video?
<Althego> yes
<Mat2ch> umaxtu: Althego is fanboiing. ;)
<Mat2ch> They are testing the flaps now.
<Althego> Mat2ch is fanboying :)
<Mat2ch> But it's a space-thingy!
<Mat2ch> I have an excuse :D
<Mat2ch> and yes, it is still 90 minutes until they can close the roads. And then we will see how long they take.
<Althego> the second time today i heard a notification sound and there was nothing
<Althego> but too many videos running in parallel
<Althego> maybe it is coming from one
<Althego> have you seen the updated m87 image?
<packbart> y'all can stop watching now. Elon blames the FAA again
<Althego> lol
<Althego> couldnt get t here in time
* darsie brings 400 ore from Mun to Kerbin surface.
<Althego> i doubt it launches tomorrow
<Althego> maybe on wednesday
<packbart> and all the replies are crypto-scams
<Althego> opportunistic crypto negotiation :)
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<flayer> darsie, did you use kerbal EVA to push it from mun orbit to Kerbin re-entry?
<darsie> no :)
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<bruh> !mission
<LunchBot> bruh: You attach a retroencabulator to your payload. Everyone's !weapons spontaneously become real.
<bruh> !outcome
<LunchBot> bruh: Danny invents a dozen ways to spectacularly bork your mission and makes a video about it.
<bruh> !weapons
<bruh> >:(
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<Althego> not weapons?
<FLHerne> I guess that was a kmath thing?
<FLHerne> Lunchbot isn't a weapons dealer yet
<Althego> i have never seen !weapons
<Althego> must have been a really old thing
<Mat2ch> Althego: why no launch tomorrow?
<Althego> because of high winds
<Mat2ch> The FAA inspector can stay there overnight ;)
<Althego> that is my guess
<raptop> weapons weren't a kmath thing
<raptop> different bot
<raptop> !nextlunch
<LunchBot> raptop: ラメン
<Althego> ramen
<raptop> ...but I had that for dinner yesterday
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> did you have it with a spider?
* raptop is not australian, so no
<raptop> (Haachama counts as australian, right?)
<Althego> funniest thing would be if spacex makes the flight successfully but on thursday. and nobody would believe it was a success
<Mat2ch> is it already 1st april again?
<raptop> Successful flight, but someone crashes a truck into it
<Althego> realistic
<Althego> there was a pickup passing through last time? or before that?
<Althego> hehe, the ula sniper :)
<raptop> bees: stop working for ula
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<packbart> Go Local Space Agency and/or Rocket Company! :) ( )
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<Althego> lol
<Althego> i love you too random citizen
<raptop> packbart: and that's why the washington football team is the football team with the best name
<Mat2ch> that once is nice!
<Althego> yes
<Althego> in the options
<Althego> you can turn on a circle or something
<Althego> that shows the range of th satellites
<Althego> oneweb is funny, they are bankrupt but launches still happened because they were already paid for
<Mat2ch> oneweb was bought by the british government iirc
<Althego> yes i knwo
<Althego> hehe, old mccoco had a farm... and on her farm she had a duck...
<Althego> it went bottom left fast after subaru. i wonder in which other company you can get away by making fun of the ceo, as long as it generated income
<Althego> hehe, dumpster fire support plush, this is what the world needs
* raptop gets the impression that hololive bottom left would be seiso by the standards of, say, nyanners
<flayer> *takes a step on gilly*
<Althego> flies away
<flayer> hmm
<flayer> how to deploy the eva science bits
<Althego> hehe, i never tried that on gilly
<Althego> you take it, and deploy it
<flayer> yeah but it tries to deploy before it lands
<flayer> and it goes "not on planetary surface"
<Althego> hehe
<flayer> like, when you drop them on kerbin or duna they fall down in that period of time
<flayer> but takes a little longer on gilly
<Althego> must be a bug. maybe stand close to a bump?
<flayer> uh, if i get to a bump the kerbal simply lifts it higher to put it down
<Althego> lol
<flayer> oh, if i load it gets deployed automatically
<flayer> ... but it also sent my spacecraft shooting up into the air
<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> maybe go a bit farther that it is outside the physics bubble
<flayer> thats problematic when it comes to having to carry all parts back and forth tho
<flayer> oh boy
<flayer> this is a mess
<flayer> i jumped to try and catch the spacecraft
<Althego> lol
<Althego> and this is when x kerman knew he ... up
<flayer> pffft
<Althego> what if you leave the ship falling
<Althego> jump out
<Althego> rcsa down faster
<Althego> deploy the thingie
<Althego> and the ship is still up
<Althego> it cant shoot away
<flayer> thats what i did on minmus
<flayer> just hover above the surface lol
<Althego> lol
<flayer> problem is
<flayer> i can't carry the jetpack AND a science part
<Althego> you totally can
<Althego> i never did it any othr way
<Althego> but if it is not enough
<Althego> you can remove the parachute
<flayer> nope, not enough space
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<flayer> alright, well this looks like it will work
<flayer> but like everything on gilly... it takes time
<Mat2ch> Eve and Gilly... the perfect couple.
<Mat2ch> On one everything is death on the other... well...
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> You need rockets that fire downwards to land faster!
<Althego> no, takamori is the perfect couple, change my mind
<Althego> (actually dont)
<flayer> aww and off i go
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<darsie> Oh my, this Mun ore return took some tries to land well.
<Althego> harder than it looks
<Althego> heavy
<darsie> Espcially if I want to land close to KSC :).
<JVFoxy> missions to return mun or back to KSC now too?
<JVFoxy> ... or-ore
<darsie> ore
<darsie> 400 ore
<Mat2ch> Mission: Transport 450 ore from Eve to Gilly
<Mat2ch> have fun.
<Mat2ch> :D
<darsie> :)
<JVFoxy> uh...
<darsie> Someone asked for a hard mission, admitting he was kinda new. I suggested an Eve water sample return :). He picked a Minmus base :).
<JVFoxy> contract thing sent me a minmus base thing too. Though I kinda missed something in it..
<JVFoxy> I think it was the room for 5 people or something. I saw it needed 2 pilots at least.
<JVFoxy> I avoid the stations needing 5000 fuel or something of the like
<darsie> Check your contract on the launch pad.
<JVFoxy> 5000 fuel though.. that just LF.. or accounting for both LF and OX?
<darsie> LF, I think.
<FLHerne> Just LF
<FLHerne> It's not really hard with ISRU
<darsie> It probably explicitely says 'liquid fuel'.
<FLHerne> 5000 fuel *delivered* would be a bit of a megaproject
<darsie> That's just one Kerbodyne 14400 tank :)
<darsie> I once did a single stage Mun and back mission with kerbodyne tanks and Mammoths, IIRC.
<FLHerne> Would be nice if all tanks had a fuel-only/fuel-and-LOX toggle
<FLHerne> And avoid a lot of part duplication for the spaceplane stuff
<darsie> Yeah, the LF only tanks are too small sometimes.
<FLHerne> I think I used the Mk3 spaceplane ones
<JVFoxy> reason I also avoid sending 4000-5000 LF up into orbit.. what would you do with it? Unless I've unlocked the NERV engines..
<darsie> Ahh, I missed those.
<darsie> I have the NERV.
<darsie> And chose to get big ore tanks instead of a gazillion Mk1 LF tanks.
<Althego> nerv. in two lines and under a half of a leaf
<FLHerne> !mission add You accept a contract to remove all asteroids from the Kerbol system.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added mission: You accept a contract to remove all asteroids from the Kerbol system.
<FLHerne> !mission fixup s/accept a contract/are contracted/
<LunchBot> FLHerne: New text is: You are contracted to remove all asteroids from the Kerbol system.
<FLHerne> !outcome add They don't make big enough fuel tanks for this.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added outcome: They don't make big enough fuel tanks for this.
<JVFoxy> never a big enough fuel tnak
<JVFoxy> ... tank
<JVFoxy> mind you.. make it big enough, some people start to wonder when you'll be building colony cylinders
<Althego> kanno yoko - tank!
<darsie> O'Neil cylinders
<darsie> l
<Althego> hehe exactly
<JVFoxy> bah.. O'neil... ugh I get the spelling wrong sometimes. I got one of them 'neilson' names on SL .. keep forgetting if its ei or ie
<JVFoxy> ok woah.. was looking up Richard Dean Anderson in recent times. Uh ya.. I would have never recognized him. c.c
<Althego> yes he is getting ol
<Althego> d
<JVFoxy> just started into his 70s
<JVFoxy> his look now.. I don't know. Maybe I miss how he looked back during the stargate days
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<Solar_Oracle> What might cause a conflict between ClickThroughBlocker and MechJeb 2?
<Solar_Oracle> The newest versions of either conflict with each other.
<Solar_Oracle> And it appears older versions of ClickThroughBlocker conflict, too.
<Solar_Oracle> Hypothesis: ClickThroughBlocker violates causality.
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<StormpilotKERBALKIND> hello
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<darsie> .
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