Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<Mat2ch> With a ship like the Enterprise I might just not give a damn thing about regulations :D
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<Althego> hmm, zombie eating cabbage, this will be interesting
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<Althego> very sad singing, because she hates cabbage
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<Althego> high visibility lol
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> no wind, because with wind there wouldn't be any fog. ;)
<Althego> nerdle cam is similar too
<Althego> what already at engine chill
<Althego> guess the mystery vent
<Althego> cant see anything
<Althego> there is an official stream, but not yet live
<Althego> the ship may be able to operate in this fog, but this is a test program, data is important. visual information is one such thing
<Althego> and i was afraid of the wind, didnt think of fog
<darsie> Spacex stream streaming
<Althego> but no sound
<Althego> sneaky
<Althego> visibility seems to be slowly restoring
<darsie> countdown
<Althego> 3:30
<Althego> at least if there is an engine issue they can try again today
<Mat2ch> well
<Mat2ch> and if something happens, they can clean it up fast and place SN12 on the landing pad. :D
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> wait, is that even there?
<Althego> isnt it sn15
<Mat2ch> Hm
<Mat2ch> now that you say it, yeah, should be SN15
<Althego> T-1 min almost visible
<Althego> i like the tenth display in the countdown
<Althego> sn11 is doing
<Althego> that flame looks nasty
<Althego> the fog must be a countermeasure against industrial espionage and media making fun of them because of explosion
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<Althego> doesnt look right
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<Althego> doesnt sound right either
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<Mat2ch> well
<Mat2ch> they should have waited for the fog to clear
<Mat2ch> and one of the engines didn't look quiet right
<Mat2ch> way to orange plume
<Althego> i think it didnt reach the ground
<Mat2ch> *too orange
<Althego> not in one pievce at least
<packbart> it sounded explody on the labpadre stream (but no views)
<Althego> one stream mentioned the flight termination system
<Althego> we didnt see all engines light up
<Althego> maybe that is why it exploded
<Mat2ch> yeah, as I said one of the engines didn't look very well :|
<Althego> we also didnt know how they solved the header tank pressure issue
<Mat2ch> helium.
<Mat2ch> I hope they get the RCS thrusters ready soon. The raptor flip doesn't work very well.
<Althego> no, the helium caused the last crash
<packbart> "tim dodd the everyday astronaut lost his 20000$ worth of cameras"
<packbart> don't stand in the way of science
<Althego> one nsf camera took a hit
<Althego> maybe just shockwave
<Althego> how do you lose 20k worth of cameras?
<packbart> put up a few cameras, drop starship debris onto it, badger Patreons for new equipment
<Mat2ch> several cameras, automatic tripods and lenses...
<Althego> ah those close ones
<Althego> those areprobably all in one place
<Althego> so the nsf cam is probably next to it too
<packbart> so that was a big boring nothing. 0 rating, won't watch again
<packbart> next!
<Althego> the left engine didnt move closer to the camera as the others
<Althego> hydraulic failure?
<Mat2ch> there were things burning on the way up
<Althego> yes
<Althego> but that also happened before
<Mat2ch> could have been hydraulic fluid
<Mat2ch> yeah
<Mat2ch> well, we will never know, because SpaceX doesn't tell much :D
<Althego> so if hydraulics failed and it wasnt sufficiently under control it really could have been the flight termination system
<Althego> i really hoped that it can land now
<Mat2ch> or a raptor blew up on ingnition
<Althego> at least i have malicious compliance and entitled people lined up
<Althego> where does the engine gets the hydraulic pwoer from?
<Mat2ch> electric pump maybe
<Althego> probably from its own turbopump
<Mat2ch> two tesla battery packs should provide enough power for them
<Mat2ch> well, now we have to wait for Elon to tell us what happend.
<packbart> blame the FAA, probably
<Althego> at this point it starts to look like a money waster
<Althego> i want it to succeed so badly
<Althego> because at this point it is clear only spacex can go to mars, nobody else is close
<packbart> well, a lot of equipment has gone to Mars already
<Althego> yes
<Althego> but i am talking about humans
<Althego> huge pieces fell down in a wide area
<Althego> at least there is no hypergolic stuff in it
<Althego> is there a way to see through fog?
<Althego> some other wavelength?
<Althego> letting those raptors explode is such a waste
<Althego> add an ejection system :)
<packbart> aren't they just 3D-printed?
<packbart> maybe just use crushable engines instead of landing legs
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> regenerative cooling, crashed nozzle is basically sure way for an explosion
<Mat2ch> Funny how easy it is to spot that...
<Mat2ch> they really should do a full static fire test before they fly
<Mat2ch> but that probably needs cooling and a flame diverter.
<Althego> full duration
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<Althego> so spacex took failure up to 11
<Althego> did starhopper become tilted a bit or is that just the camera?
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<packbart> I see nothink
<packbart> ah. hm. I see something
<Althego> but it loks like the camera is movable
<Althego> and aside from that it may have moved during the explosion
<packbart> the blast blasted blubber beyond all believable bounds
<Althego> i want metal shine on ksp too
<packbart> there's a mod for that
<packbart> ( )
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<Althego> oh yes, broken silicon with hardware unboxed
<nate> I like how twitter can auto/'AI' heuristically nuke tweets on any variety of 'standards' violations but elons tweet there is literally just chock full of scam spam that a simple word filter would easily prevent lol
<Althego> ah the btc spams?
<nate> Yeah, more of that than there seems to be actual normal responses
<Althego> ai is unreliable
<Althego> at least for now
<Althego> but may be so that they handle people differently
<nate> Well it's not real AI which is a big part of it (which is why I put emphisizing on it :P)
<Althego> it is almost politics but we know that youtube and twitter changes behavior with people
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<Althego> oh no, chicken on route c. no, i cant watch that, the last nier stream was 7.5 hours too
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<darsie> Dust or water clouds?
<Althego> these look like clouds
<Althego> dust wouldnt tbe this bright
<Althego> there are sometimes clouds on mars
<darsie> mhm
<Althego> almost deployed
<Althego> how big is easter in the usa? are they going to continue with this?
<Althego> or only on tuesday?
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<raptop> look like cirrus, really
<raptop> Lots of things are closed on Easter, so that might be a 1 day delay
<Althego> on the other hand typically in the beginning of a mission they are on mars time
<Althego> later as they get better with the vehicle they go back to normal time
<Althego> and there is no easter on mars :)
<raptop> heh
<Althego> so no holiday on friday, that is good
<Althego> just on monday
<Althego> if i understood correctly
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<raptop> Anyway, wasn't the important holiday the evening of the 25th?
<raptop> Hrm, I'm definitely losing track of time
<raptop> That was the 27th
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<flayer> oh bugger
<flayer> the ion thingie blew up!
<Althego> how
<Althego> jumped up?
<flayer> i guess
<flayer> oh well it's not necessary for the contract
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<flayer> ugh, and some of the solar panels aren't connected to the main thing
<flayer> even though they're all right besides each other
<packbart> "SpaceX team lost connection to SN11, they couldn’t see so unfortunately FTS had to be activated for Safety." - don't they have radar?
<Althego> lol
<Althego> so it would have been better to launch without fog
<packbart> the wind forecast was unfavourable and the next test article is ready to roll out. so I guess they would have scrapped SN10 anyway if they'd postponed the launchc
<packbart> 10? 11
<packbart> only no press is bad press
<darsie> packbart: source?
<packbart> Internet
<packbart> not an official account but connected to "insiders".
<flayer> lol... oops, burned the wrong way to get an intercept
<flayer> oh well.. its just gilly, i can turn around XD
<flayer> if i hadn't seen the 170 degrees ascending node i might not even have noticed
<FLHerne> packbart: Grepping my IRC logs, I have literally never seen anyone mention this twitter account before
<FLHerne> So insert skepticism here
<packbart> I only trust Scott Manley, anyway ;)
<Althego> hehe
<packbart> "Joined March 2021" - well that would explain why you never saw that account mentioned before
<FLHerne> Well, yeah, but that means it has no history of posting non-made-up information :p
<FLHerne> Going through the history, I can't find anything else that wasn't public information at the time, and there are a couple of photo captions that are just wrong
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<flayer> 6 mainsails, 2 pollox
<flayer> this is a crazy contraption
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<raptop> That sounds like a job for the size 3 engines
<flayer> i need to collect more science first
<flayer> if this doesnt work then i will have to use smaller rockets and more boring designs
<raptop> heh
<flayer> as an alternative plan, i think i could theoretically launch this spaceplane with a big fuel tank and one mainsail as cargo, rather than its actual intended cargo, and then launch the actual cargo with a smaller ssto spaceplane
<flayer> i think i'll do that instead
<flayer> this is just a waste of big orange tanks
<flayer> and struts
<flayer> and mainsails
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