Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Apparently SpaceX can do both a successful landing *and* a RUD
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<raptop> Althego: how do you feel about an owl teaching japanese to a tako?
<Althego> havent watched it yet
<raptop> ah
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<Althego> already two livestreams on :)
<Althego> i hope i dont go up to 3
<raptop> Well, one of the birbs is livestreaming, so...
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<flayer> i want to design a craft with a cluster of like two dozen ion engines lol
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> and how are you going to power it?
<Althego> obviously we need a nuclear reactor in stock
<Althego> should be highest in the tech tree, and really expensive
<Althego> calli is going the play oni? the oni? i played that several times
<Althego> meanwhile ame is torturing herself with donky kong country. there is a reason i cant stand platformers
<flayer> such fussy kerbals
<flayer> i'm literally on re-entry, and they complain about lack of snacks
<Althego> hehe
<flayer> i will power it with those lox to electric converters! Lol
<Althego> fold up the table in front of you etc
<flayer> no i will use solar panels and the high tech thingie
<flayer> that i have never ever used
<Althego> the rtg does almost nothing
<flayer> well maybe i will actually use lox to electric converters then lol
<Althego> it is an infinite source of energy, good forthe darkness, but basically just poweing a probe
<flayer> i will have to test various things
<Althego> a relatively small amount of fuel can provide a lot of power with the fuel cells
<Althego> as usual everything always happens in the dark, including injection burns, so all the solar panels of the world dont save you when you are using ions
<flayer> yeah i was thinking that too
<flayer> i am just wondering how much i can get out of batteries
<flayer> but i suppose with over a dozen of them..
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<flayer> 6 minute burn time to the mun ._.
<Althego> that is doable
<Althego> had worse with nukes, so i guess it is ok twr
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<Guest70562> KSP!
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<Althego> lol
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<Althego> zombie is playing tetris against yagoo clones
<UmbralRaptor> o_O
<flayer> ahhh, hopefully done with work for today
<flayer> back to my space program!
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<UmbralRaptor> priorities!
<Althego> (local) leet time
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<JVFoxy> huh.. old bug seems to be rearing itself no me.. anyone run into the 'go to target a thing, only to have it instantly unselected' bug?
<JVFoxy> oh wait.. it thinks Minmus is the main body now even though I'm barely even half way out to it.. eh..
<Althego> heh holoen collab. at midnight. i am going to skip on that. in fact i am going to take a nap now
<flayer> nice
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<flayer> in my mind, kerbal bodies are made out of fluid-filled sacks that they can fill and drain at will, thereby allowing them to move through rocket parts from habitation to habitation module despite there seemingly being no room for them to cross
<Althego> originally they could never move inside the rocket :)
<nate> Yeah I was about to say last time I played, unless they were modules that had explicit door points between modules, they had to climb out and crawl to another module to get in lol
<Althego> i was trying to find an old video
<Althego> i think it was a video
<Althego> kerbals want to go into another module of the shi
<Althego> new guy says he is going to go inside
<Althego> others say, no we do it from outside
<Althego> guy tries to go inside but all kinds of stuff go around inside, flames, moving parts, and cant move
<JVFoxy> plane cockpit on mk1 crew module.. wanna get a passenger outside, have to kick the pilot out, put passenger into pilot's seat before they can also go out. eh..
<JVFoxy> I recall there had been talk about putting a door on the mk1 crew thing
<Althego> yes i know, annoying
<Althego> or maybe add an inline airlock
<Althego> there is an inflatable one
<Althego> but you have to hind it inside a bigger thing to make it realistically aerodynamic
<JVFoxy> I tried to experiment with using the service bay as a way to add 'doors' to the back end of the thing. Turns out its not big enough, keeps complaining about hatch being blocked
<flayer> yeah, that only really works in the shuttle cargo bays
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<Althego> ah coreteks video
<JVFoxy> flayer ya nice if I was do'n something that sized
<flayer> *attempts to land in the water on laythe*
<flayer> *breaks the docking port, air intakes, and engines
<flayer> that is not ideal...
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> water landings are usually not easy. in ksp or in real life
<flayer> this seemed to go better on kerbin tho
<flayer> i think i had more lift for a slower landing
<Althego> yes probably,. not as much pressure on laythe
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<Althego> hehe a fast network ban
<flayer> well, i only destroyed the docking port this time -- i put the wheels down XD
<flayer> but i'm going to add some lift for this one
<flayer> before i take it out of the sandbox into my career game
<Althego> more wings? lifting engines?
<flayer> i'm going to hide some square wing pieces in the hull.
<Althego> like on duna, there are 2 ways to land. slowing down just above ground suddenly with parachutes, or with vertical landing
<flayer> yeah, i just tested my duna lander as well
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<flayer> the drill doesn't reach the ground lmao
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> happened to me too
<flayer> at least i found out during testing, rather than after sending it there
<flayer> i'm just using the cheat menu to get there straight out of the hangar
<Althego> that or hitting the ground and shaking the whole craft around while operating, to the point it is almost impossible to switch away from the vehicle
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<Guest88574> owouwuowouwu
<umaxtu> yes?
<Althego> wormsign!
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<Althego> so they are really doing a static fire
<Althego> picked up the pace
* JVFoxy pokes guest, "you ok there?'
<flayer> nice, i can achieve stable flight in my overly complicated duna explorer
<Althego> i could never do t hat
<flayer> and hopefully with an extra pair of liquid fuel tanks i'll also be able to reach orbit
<Althego> i tried the bigest wings, lot of many blade rotors
<flayer> i use 2 x bobcats to gain lift, and 2 x nervs to gain speed
<Althego> it could just barely move at low altitudes, but couldnt even lift up
<flayer> at first i'll fly a bit with the nose pointed at 45 degrees towards the surface, but then i pull it up as i gain altitude
<Althego> if possible i would go with a single nuke, they are already quite heavy
<flayer> and eventually i simply turn off the bobcats
<flayer> i need the second one, really
<flayer> its a big craft
<flayer> research lab and all
<flayer> mining equipment, habitat, etc
<flayer> but i feel confident i can get every last bit of science from duna in this craft
<flayer> which, in my super low science game (no science multipliers for orbital bodies), will allow me to unlock about 3 or 4 of the 550 nodes
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<flayer> i will just have to be able to mine enough ore to be able to process it into sufficient snacks for survival
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<Mat2ch> Hm
<Mat2ch> oh, I have to upgrade Mission Control as well
<Althego> aha aha aha
<Althego> (da da da)
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<Althego> scott
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<TristenKSP> e
<TristenKSP> when the impostor is sus!!! 😳
<raptop> it's all fun and games until everyone is simultaniously an impostor
<Althego> hehehe
<TristenKSP> That's kinda sus
<TristenKSP> There are 9 impostors among you.
<TristenKSP> Among Us' quick chat update is kinda weird.
<Althego> you play among us in ksp? :)
<TristenKSP> I haven't tried yet
<TristenKSP> I'm not sure if I'll be able to give different color suits to my Kerbals.
<Althego> what, you can already do that
<TristenKSP> Oh, well I also have to figure out how to make tasks, doors, sabotages, and vents maybe.
<Althego> i think you can even have them custom suits
<TristenKSP> Does that require a DLC other than Making History/Parts or Breaking Ground?
<Althego> i dont know, i think not
<Althego> there should be a coat hanger icon next to the kerbals in vab
<Althego> if it is not there, then it is a dlc
<Althego> hehe i realized why i cant go to mars
<Althego> because the entry to the rocket is on the top
<Althego> and it is too high for me, i wouldsnt feel comfortable
<Althego> imagine the starship, how tall it is. i dont want to go that high through a small corridor with windows
<TristenKSP> Make it land like the space shuttle, sideways.
<Althego> for the launch you have to enter when it is already assembled
<TristenKSP> Give it small heat shields on its sides.
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<Althego> maybe if it was mounted on top when i was already in
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<TristenKSP> Maybe land it like Perseverance with a skycrane
<Althego> my problem is not the landing
<Althego> but the lauinch
<TristenKSP> hmmm
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<flayer> is it a crazy idea to use twitch engines on a servo as my rcs thrusters?
<raptop> It presents additional complications, but is plausible
<raptop> on the other talon, the spider may be sufficiently capable
<flayer> i mostly plan on using them as forward-pointing thrusters, but i think there may be some scenarios where it might be convenient to have them as orientation thrusters
<flayer> (forward-pointing to slow down in both docking and to aid breaking in atmosphere)
<flayer> braking*
<flayer> i'm only putting a pair of them on the front
<Althego> spacewalk again tomorrow
<flayer> if i can use a button to switch them around, that would be good enough i think
<Althego> no static fire today after all
<darsie> flayer: I don't think the RCS will use them.
<flayer> yeah that's fine
<flayer> i can action group it
<darsie> ok
<darsie> There are those white oval ones.
<darsie> Both are 80 kg. Twitch has more thrust and Isp, Vernor is controlled by RCS.
<raptop> (reminder not to replace monoprop with Vernor's soda. Or vice-versa)
<Althego> rocket fuel and drinks
<darsie> 75% ethanol?
<Althego> i dont know what robots would drink. some kind of distilled oil sounds realistic too
<Althego> anyway dont shake the rocket fuel cans :)
<raptop> Well, according to the documentary Futurama...
<Althego> big holoen collab, but i am going to sleep through that
* raptop wonders if Ollie playing zombie games has as many amusing moments as Ina playing games with lovecraftian horror
<Althego> she can play apex in mc
<raptop> hm
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<darsie> That's a nice introduction to KSP:
<darsie> Current game version.
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