raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Perseverance is not doing. Perseverance is landing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm0b_ijaYMQ
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<JVFoxy> Rocket plane... actually flies pretty good, surprisingly: https://imgur.com/a/1fXIoft
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<Althego> eh launch was aborted
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<JVFoxy> try again tomorrow?
<JVFoxy> one I'm curious most is the Dragon 2 crew returning
<Althego> there should be two going up this spring
<Althego> one replacement crew and the "tourist contract"
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<JVFoxy> tourist huh?
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<Guest91006> iam new for modding
<Guest91006> anyone tell me how to do
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<Althego> installing or developing mods?
<Guest91006> developing
<Guest91006> i have programming knowledge
<Althego> i think there is a #kspmodders for that
<Guest91006> what
<Althego> an other channel
<Guest91006> did you know how to develop
<Althego> or was it #kspmodding i am not sure because at some point there was a community split over there
<Althego> most people here do not know much about modding
<Guest91006> ok
<Guest91006> thank you for that
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<hmw[at]> FPS drop heavily when I look at Kerbin. With Mun it is by far not as bad. Is there something I can do about it? I would not care, if Kerbin looked really bad
<hmw[at]> I get about 5 FPS, while in space everything is quite fluid :(
<hmw[at]> KSC is also insanely bad. I barely can't close the program
<flayer> my bet is on water
<flayer> lower your water quality
<hmw[at]> I am using no visual mods, and have set everything to mostly lowest possible. I was wondering, if I can perhaps remove the oceans completly or something
<hmw[at]> I guess there is no stock setting for oceans, right?
<hmw[at]> Also, I found that I need to change the render niceness after loading the game, or the game gets additionally slow
<hmw[at]> slower
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<hmw[at]> After so many years still the same old bugs :/
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<packbart> like any other game, too
<Althego> actually since they upgraded the graphics a bit i can hear that the video card fan is spinning faster than for anything else, including horizon zero dawn
<Althego> having lights on also doesnt help
<Althego> so i suspect they messed up something when they made the new shaders
<packbart> hm. probably depends on "anything else". KSP is one of the least-demanding games in my library
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<minas_tirith> KSP is quite heavy
<flayer> KSP just sucks my CPU dry after a few scene switches
<Mat2ch> mostly a fault of Unity.
<Mat2ch> That was the wrong choice back then.
<Mat2ch> They should've gone for the Unreal Engine or something similar. But they chose Unity
<Mat2ch> and I was a fan of the Unreal Engine. But epic has been shooty about Linux support, so I mostly dislike them now.
<Mat2ch> Great engine, stupid management.
<Althego> when they started unity was an ok choice
<Althego> today with what the game has become, unreal would be better. but i dont know much about these
<Althego> neither are too fit to hadle interplanetary distances
<Mat2ch> The problem with unity is the way objects are handled internally.
<Mat2ch> With the Unreal Engine you have to do much more yourself. So the calculation of the distance would be completely your part, you wouldn't use a scripting language for that
<Mat2ch> which means you can choose a library (or do it yourself, shouldn't be that hard) that can handle huge numbers
<Mat2ch> and then you only need a translation between displaying objects and your internal model of where they are.
<Mat2ch> And now the problem becomes easy. Since everything further away than 2.5 km isn't rendered there are only the planets and moons left
<Mat2ch> if they get too small (distance too big) don't render them at all
<Mat2ch> and then you can make a few optimizations like not using floats for the planets, but integers with a mm precision.
<Mat2ch> the orbit of Pluto would still fit in a 64 bit integer value
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<Mat2ch> People often think: Oh, we need floats here, because the numbers are big or we need the precision. Which often isn't the case at all. Floats are just there and therefore are getting used
<Althego> once i saw (and ported) asm code that was running a whole helicopter simulator in fixed point operations, running on a minicomputer from the 60s
<Althego> so it is possible
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<Mat2ch> It is not only possible, it is the way to go. You don't need precision down to the atom for a simulator :)
<Althego> and actually floats dont help you with that
<Mat2ch> and then we might be able to get a voxel based aero-dynamics model, too!
<Mat2ch> less calculations, faster, weeeeeeee
<Althego> no
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<packbart> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agqxJw5ISdk&t=3m8s - Peter Beck eating his hat
<Althego> hehe, i was waiting for it
<Althego> i thought maybe a hat shaped cake
<Althego> will it blend?
<Althego> wait, this is 1st of march, not aprli
<packbart> nah, "Beck said he's "keen for the real thing" rather than a cop-out such as a Homer Simpson-style nacho hat. "
<Althego> so they are really building a bigger rocket?
<packbart> apparently so
<packbart> reusable, human-rated, mega-constellation-ready
<Mat2ch> Ohha
<Mat2ch> RocketLab wants to do human spaceflight as well
* Mat2ch looks at ESA
<Mat2ch> nah
<Mat2ch> not going to happen
<Mat2ch> buying stuff from others is so much easier
<umaxtu> the megaconstellation angle seems smart. no details on a new engine though
<Althego> fnny that he was sitting in th fairing the whole time
<Althego> with 8 tonnes, you could put a smaller capsule in space
<umaxtu> so they have to be developing their own human spacecraft
<Althego> maybe not
<Althego> they just human rate the rocket
<Althego> altoughh i dont know if it is possible without a spacecraft on it
<umaxtu> Ariane 5 was human rated wasn't it?
<Althego> or it is just specific reduncandies, abort scenarios, accelerations and shakes
<umaxtu> they might be able to use Soyuz
<Althego> how heavy is a crew dragon?
<umaxtu> just the payload capacity is 6 tons according to wikipedia
<umaxtu> soyuz looks like it would be around the 8ton mark
<Althego> so i still dont know whether that 8 tonnes is less or more?
<Althego> oh maybe if i check the falcon 9
<Althego> yes that is 15.6 t when reused
<Althego> but i guess the 8 t is still enough for a human capsuel
<Althego> maybe not with 7 őpeople macx, justwith 3
<Althego> not the humans are the heavy things, but theiur food, life support, walls, heat shield. etc
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<packbart> Kerbal-rated rockets are easier to build
<Mat2ch> doesn't matter if Ariane V is/could be human rated if we have no capsule to fly on top of it...
<Mat2ch> "oh, look, we have put millions into a reusable vehicle for Ariane V, but lets abbandon it."
<packbart> the ATV was supposed to have a human variant
<packbart> actually, Wikipedia says it is. "Crew: 0, but human-rated"
<packbart> However, on 2 April 2012, the ESA announced that the ATV program would be terminated following the launch of the fifth ATV in 2014
<Althego> kerbal rated rockets are easier to build, because they are not rated. but it is a lot harder to find kerbals to ride them
<Althego> actually the orion service module is from the atv
<Mat2ch> Kerbal rated rockets are also very easy to build. Use duct tape, tape Kerbal to rocket.
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> hehe
<Mat2ch> when will the orion module fly?
<Althego> didnt it do once already?
<packbart> it did, a long time ago
<packbart> "At 7:05 AM EST on December 5, 2014, the Orion capsule was launched atop a Delta IV Heavy rocket for its first test flight, and splashed down in the Pacific Ocean about 4.5 hours later. Although it was not crewed, the two-orbit flight was NASA's first launch of a human-rated vehicle since the retirement of the Space Shuttle fleet in 2011. Orion reached an altitude of 3,600 mi (5,800 km) and speeds
<packbart> of up to 20,000 mph (8,900 m/s) on a flight that tested Orion's heat shield, parachutes, jettisoning components, and on-board computers."
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<Althego> hehe i dont believe it. a flat earther went to watch a spacex launch
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<darsie> Like, live, direct view?
<darsie> It's the most reasonable thing to do.
<Althego> few km from laiunc hsite. in the dark
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<darsie> only believe what you experience yourself.
<darsie> Don't believe in America.
<darsie> Unless you've been there.
<Althego> i havent. i was just on the continent :)
<packbart> so, you don't believe in space, the moon, the sun, galaxies?
<darsie> America is a continent.
<Althego> yes but people mean use when they say taht
<darsie> I mean for a flat Earther.
<darsie> packbart: Some flatters think they're just images on a screen.
<packbart> well, Flat Earthers are just images on a Youtube screen to me
<darsie> Could be. I never met one.
<Althego> anyway, since it was a recent event, it was probably a starlink launch
<packbart> me neither. I doubt they really exist
<Althego> so even despite watching it, he was claiming it is a balloon and your money is stolen... it wasnt since spacex was the customer
<darsie> F9 is a balloon?
<Althego> the shuttle too
<Althego> helium in the tank :)
<darsie> There's He in F9 :)
<Althego> because they dont realize 1.2 twr ad especialy from far away looks completely different than a small high twr rocket that never goes into orbit
<darsie> Noisy balloon.
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<darsie> I wonder if the other flatters believe what he saw.
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<packbart> Cancel Culture - in spaaace!
<umaxtu> of course he did, that was 70 years ago
<umaxtu> how about they wait to see if its a success or failure before they rename it
<umaxtu> if it fails, leave it named after the bigot, if it succeeds, rename it
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<Althego> something about crew-2
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<Althego> second crew-2 stream coming up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3_C91gNU4A
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<Althego> wait did that guy just revealed the landing issue?
<Althego> or was this an older one?
<TristenKSP> @Althego What are you guys talking about?
<Althego> it is just me talking to myself
<TristenKSP> Ah, yeah you do that a lot.
<TristenKSP> It's gonna be my 13th birthday in 14 days.
<sheeep> Hey there
<TristenKSP> Howdy
<FLHerne> Althego: yes
<Althego> whatever that engine boot is
<FLHerne> Althego: Flexible seal between the base shielding and the engine
<TristenKSP> I want to get this as one of my presents for my birthday. It's a Lego M.O.C (My Own Creation) of the Perseverance Mars Rover and the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter. https://www.amazon.com/Perseverance-Ingenuity-Helicopter-Educational-Building/dp/B08KZN1B4J/ref=pd_lpo_21_t_1/142-4378390-6239609?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B08KZN1B4J&pd_rd_r=5a1cdf74-1294-483c
<TristenKSP> -ba13-1bef2510c181&pd_rd_w=zsvTj&pd_rd_wg=c3nKR&pf_rd_p=16b28406-aa34-451d-8a2e-b3930ada000c&pf_rd_r=HQWNCSSFZS6622QDDPJN&psc=1&refRID=HQWNCSSFZS6622QDDPJN
<FLHerne> Like on an axle or steering column or gearstick
<FLHerne> TristenKSP: In that case, under the rules we need to ban you for two weeks :p
<FLHerne> (somehow I doubt anyone will bother)
<TristenKSP> That don't make no sense. I thought KSP was rated "Everyone 10+" by the ESRB?
<TristenKSP> (Epic Solid Rocket Booster)
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> btw dont reveal your age on the internet
<TristenKSP> But it's my birthday soon
<FLHerne> TristenKSP: There's a law called COPPA that creates massive legal liabilities if under-13s are allowed to post anything, so the KSP forums don't, and this channel follows the KSP forum rules
<TristenKSP> Ohhh
<FLHerne> As the rules point out, it's fine so long as you don't tell anyone :p
<TristenKSP> Yeah, I forgot about COPPA
<FLHerne> (because no-one knows you're a dog or a 12-year-old on the internet)
<TristenKSP> Just pretend I didn't say that
<FLHerne> But probably don't anyway, too many weirdos (of the wrong kind) online
<TristenKSP> Yeah
<TristenKSP> Isn't COPPA a relatively new law too?
<Althego> also... i am not a cat :)
<FLHerne> Not very
<packbart> enacted October 21, 1998. effective April 21, 2000
<TristenKSP> Oh
<packbart> ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Children's_Online_Privacy_Protection_Act )
<TristenKSP> Then why was it such a big deal on YouTube in, like, 2018?
<packbart> but I'm not even in the US...
<TristenKSP> Nani?!
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<Althego> omae wa mou shindeiru :)
<TristenKSP> (But you are already dead.)
<Althego> normally it is the reversed order
<TristenKSP> o
<TristenKSP> Remember when Opportunity went into hibernation and never woke up on June 12, 2018? That hit the whole world HARD. I remember seeing people who had very little interest in space itself, being sad that Opportunity went out after 14 years of service.
<packbart> I remember Spirit, too, and when it first became a "stationary science platform"
<Althego> yes that was kind of strange way of saying they were stuck
<Althego> i remember watching the landing of the second one online
<Althego> 56k modem
<Althego> video was the size of a stamp
<Althego> was still on crt
<TristenKSP> I really hope the Perseverance Engineers made it so Percy will sing "Happy Birthday" with Curiosity on August 8, and Curiosity will sing with Perseverance if Percy will sing "Happy Birthday" on February 18, so that way Curiosity knows they're not alone on Mars anymore.
<TristenKSP> I just now found out that Curiosity doesn't sing itself Happy Birthday anymore. It also sang on August 5th.
<Althego> i think it did only once
<TristenKSP> Too many people were super sad probably
<TristenKSP> The weird thing is, we have feelings for robotic science labs on wheels that adventure for 6 - 8 months to Mars and last a few years. An example of this is Opportunity going into hibernation, people were so sad, Opportunity got short comics written about them.
<Althego> the second crew-2 stream is starting
<TristenKSP> What's the Crew-2
<Althego> crew-2 is the second crew launching to the iss on a spacex crew dragon
<Althego> actually 3rd, but the previous one was a test flight
<Althego> i mean the first one
<TristenKSP> Oh
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<Althego> she said "ashtronaout" twice
<Mat2ch> hidden ad for cigarettes!
<raptop> . o O (Hololive plays KSP)
<Althego> where
<Althego> so you got your space vtuber? :)
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<Althego> now we need crossbones
<raptop> I mean, it hasn't happened, but could be amusing
<raptop> Come to think of it, sea of thieves could make for some amusing collabs
<sheeep> does anyone know how the rover repair on minmus mission works?
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<packbart> attach missing parts, then drive the rover to a waypoint
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<sheeep> right, im at the waypoint, mission doesnt react
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<packbart> sheeep: hm. it did work for me. you could resolve the contract via the Mod-F12 menu, of course
<packbart> I think I read a post on the forum where the waypoint was impossibly placed below the surface or something like that. I only tried one rover repair mission so far and didn't have any problems. lucky me, I guess
<sheeep> ok ty
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<sheeep> Hmm
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<hmw[at]> Any of you happen to know, what's going on? I believe, I've seen this in earlier versions too, but not I use 1.8.1 - When I start the game, I get a really bad frame rate, unless I go to settings and change the renderer back and forth. This is a workaround, that actually helps me, but I am curious to know, if someone else is seeing this, too
<hmw[at]> s/not/now
<hmw[at]> no graphics mods, only things like MechJeb or Navball Docking Port Alignment Indicator and such
<hmw[at]> If I had the money, I'd buy KSP and have its bugs fixed...
<FLHerne> hmw[at]: What graphics driver? That sounds remarkably like the issue I was having in Minecraft recently (with radeonsi on Linux)
<hmw[at]> Old-ish Intel Integrated on Linux
<hmw[at]> I can play with minimum graphics settings, and I need to avoid looking at Kerbin :)
<FLHerne> And avoid letting any smoke build up?
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* FLHerne has bad memories of playing on a similar IGP
<hmw[at]> I just have no idea, what toggling the renderer setting might do to the drivers, or which part causes the problem
<hmw[at]> To be clear: This is not really a support request - I am only interested in the technical details because of curiosity
<FLHerne> Well, let me know if you find out ;-)
<FLHerne> I asked in #radeon, but didn't get any answers that were much help
<hmw[at]> I shall post any findings here :)
<hmw[at]> For the thing with oceans causing FPS drops; I tried to abuse Scatterer with its ocean config deleted, so the water was gone. Same low FPS though.
<hmw[at]> FPS on the Mün is pretty fine tho
<Izaya> haha, delete the ocean
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<hmw[at]> Read it on Reddit or something. Sounded reasonable, but didn't really do much
<hmw[at]> Perhaps the frame rate was slightly improved
<hmw[at]> I will try to use Kopernicus and clone Kerbin without oceans, who knows what Scatterer is really doing :)
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<TristenKSP> I exist
<UmbralRaptop> [citation needed]
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<UmbralRaptop> [disputed - discuss]
<TristenKSP> what
<UmbralRaptop> applying wikipedia style tags to the statement
<TristenKSP> why
<hmw[at]> I totally see the point :)
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<UmbralRaptop> silliness
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