Althego changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.2 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship is doing
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<Althego> starlink coming up
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<Althego> and closure cancelled, so hop soonest on friday
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<Althego> stream on
<Althego> strangely tehre is a starlink segment
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<Althego> t-1 min
<Althego> away
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<Althego> landing soon
<Althego> landed
<darsie> hm?
<Althego> starlink launch
<Althego> the exciting part is over. now a second engine start and deploy remains
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<darsie> Why is the part of the mvac nozzle just below the fuel cooling injection dark? Is it cooled by conduction?
<Althego> i think that is passively cooled nioium
<Althego> niobium
<Althego> that is why it is red during a burn
<darsie> The part just below the ring is dark, while below that till the end is glowing.
<Althego> ah you mean the not glowing part. i think that is still actively cooled
<darsie> Hmm, so that part is triple walled and the fuel goes down the outer channel and then turns around to go up the inner channel?
<Althego> i doubt there is any public information on its exact design
<darsie> Then we should see an edge on the outside of the nozzle, where the triple wall transitions to a single wall.
<darsie> Or maybe the exhaust doesn't fully hit the nozzle wall above the glowing part.
<Althego> there is a partially assembled merlin vacuum engine picture on the wiki. and there is nothing below that cooling pipe
<Althego> so maybe it is just not hot there anymore to glow
<Althego> which would mean conduction
<Althego> deployed
<Althego> for once i would like to see footage from the second stage as it is plunging into the atmosphere before its death
<Althego> probably not much coverage around point nemo
<Althego> oh i forgot about anton today
<Mat2ch> oh no, I missed the launch :(
<Althego> you missedn othing, it was a standard launch
<Mat2ch> The landing is important!
<packbart> only if it explodes
<packbart> norminal missions are boring ;)
<darsie> Mat2ch: You can skip the coasts.
<Mat2ch> that's true.
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<Althego> hehe mortal kombat 1-2-3 on gog is only 1.29 eur
<Althego> too bad i never played these so it doesnt really have a value for me
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<Mat2ch> any ideas why the flight of SN11 was cancled? Weather conditions?
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<Althego> today doesnt look too different from friday
<Althego> in fact it may be a bit better
<Mat2ch> yeah, that's the reason I'm wondering what they are waiting for.
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<Althego> kikkerikii
<Althego> yesterday i didnt say it because i was asleep when it started
<Althego> and of course there is a calli stream too
<Althego> anyway, lot of things going on in boca chica, some construction work too, maybe that caused the delay
<Mat2ch> looks like they finally install the overhead crane
<Mat2ch> *installed
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<Mat2ch> and lots of fog :D
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<Althego> it is actually lucky that there is no launch today. i am already watching two streams now, would be bad to add another 4
<flayer> i'm sleepy
<packbart> Stream Overload
<Althego> i dont stream, but overload is a nice game, even though i suck in it
<packbart> I just started The Witcher 3 (it was 80% off and I heard much good about it) - man, I suck at swinging virtual swords... :>
<umaxtu> combat is a bit clunky. and at higher difficulty levels, you do need to make use of the signs/potions/bombs.
<umaxtu> Witcher 3 does have its flaws, but I still consider it to be one of the greatest games ever made
<Althego> many peope think so
<packbart> yeah, I like what I see so far
<packbart> (and noticed a few bugs, too. just like any game ;)
<Althego> i still need to get through gothic 2 and 3, not to mention witcher 1 and 2 to get to 3
<packbart> I still need to finish the XCOM 2 campaign, too
<umaxtu> eh, I'd actually start with 3 to see if you find the story compelling enough to deal with the eurojank of the first game
<Althego> by the way xcom 2 2016 is hugely discounted on gog
<umaxtu> jesus, you weren't kidding
<Althego> but i havent played a single xcom game in my life
<umaxtu> thats fine
<Althego> oh wait i need to do the backups
<umaxtu> Xcom 2 doesn't perform the best, but its such a good game and the expansion, War of the Chosen, could've been Xcom 3 it adds so much content
<packbart> I like turn-based games like xcom because I can take my time or even make lunch between shots :)
<Althego> hehe
<umaxtu> it doesn't run that bad :D
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<minas_tirith> raptop, hi
<raptop> \o
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