raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Perseverance is not doing. Perseverance is landing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm0b_ijaYMQ
<raptop> ;outcome add Your scientific progress goes "boink".
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: Your scientific progress goes "boink".
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<Althego> at least there was a static fire
<umaxtu> looks like there is another one tomorrow
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<Althego> ah found some flat earth
<Rolf> locally flat earth? or flatheaded morons?
<Althego> the latter
<Rolf> too bad
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<Izaya> flat kerbiners
<Althego> in a video scott said that in the very beginning ksp players were flat earthers
<Izaya> consider
<Izaya> the surface of a planet is a plane mapped onto a sphere
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<Mat2ch> Althego: yeah, I'm surprised. Didn't look like one all day.
<Mat2ch> And it looks like they are switching an engine
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<Althego> at least your concrete has time to cure :)
<Mat2ch> well
<Mat2ch> :P
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<Mat2ch> sunday could be another Starlink launch
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<Mat2ch> is it just me or is SpaceX launching pretty much their own payload now?
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<Althego> yes, starlinki
<Althego> not much else
<Althego> and with big delays
<Alanonzander> wouldnh't be surprised it when asked they say "We are just waiting on cargo to launch".
<JVFoxy> would love to build a ham sat and have something up there...
<flayer> i'm tired JVFoxy
<darsie> JVFoxy: A relay?
<darsie> Or a sat that responds to pings?
<JVFoxy> usually they are.. some even carried sensors. CCD camera or radiation detector
<JVFoxy> some ham sats even worked as digital repeaters
<flayer> i have ham and cheese!
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<FLHerne> Mat2ch: They've got about 20 customer launches booked this year, which is more than any previously
<FLHerne> They're just *also* launching tons of their own stuff
<JVFoxy> amateur radio stuff
<FLHerne> And yeah, I'm sure they wouldn't be queuing up Starlink launches if the customers were ready now
<JVFoxy> found out there was a local connection to the mars rover that landed. Cameras were made over here c.c;
<Mat2ch> FLHerne: I know, but all others seem to aim not for the winter month to launch :D
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<Azander> Also remember the industry, until recently, was designed to handle a few launches a year, vs a few per month
<Azander> I doubt the rest of the industry has caught up yet
<darsie> How much more do we want in Earth orbit? is it ok with proper management of EOL satellites?
<darsie> Kessler, astronomy.
<darsie> global warming
<darsie> Is a big rotating space station feasible considering the impact risk with space debris?
<darsie> Would it make debris avoiding maneuvers?
<darsie> Hmm, wrong channel.
<darsie> kinda
* darsie thought he was in #space@freenode.
<JVFoxy> derp..?
<JVFoxy> starlink, internet anywhere. Sure it would be great.. but at what cost?
<flayer> i feel they started too soon with deployment
<flayer> already they've been making adjustments to the hardware
<flayer> to accommodate shortcomings
<JVFoxy> ya not surprising... cough-starship-cough
<Mat2ch> flayer: what kind of adjustments?
<flayer> reflectiveness
<Mat2ch> oh, that
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<JVFoxy> Steath!
<JVFoxy> ... stealth I mean, blah. ok coffee run now
<flayer> i'm gonna take a nap
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<JVFoxy> ah.. FLIR systems, made the cameras from here that went on the Mars rover
<JVFoxy> just a blip on the news came up again
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<JVFoxy> anyone ever made physical 3d models of their KSP creations?
<Althego> yes
<Althego> 3d printing
<Althego> i think there was some company that printed it for a price
<Mat2ch> not anymore
<JVFoxy> got wondering about a 3d digital model, ships with interiors or something.
<JVFoxy> a few designs I have use those empty fuselage tube parts and I can't help but think of what could be inside of them along with the Mk1 crew sections
<Althego> hehe kiara put up a stream for dec 16. waiting for the phoenix landing. whenever she arrives back to europe
<Mat2ch> ok, who is kiara again? ;P
<raptop> ...is it 2008 now?
<JVFoxy> forgot to update things?
<raptop> Mat2ch: the primary owner and operator of KFP, which is definitely not a cult
<Mat2ch> raptop: I'd like one ticket back to 1999 please
<Mat2ch> aaaaaaaaand what is kfp?
<Althego> kiara fried phoenix :)
<raptop> Mat2ch: anyway, for a more serious answer: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHsx4Hqa-1ORjQTh9TYDhww
<JVFoxy> oh.. she's the phoenix.. not the mars lander thing
<JVFoxy> Description An idol whose dream is to become a fast food shop owner. She is a phoenix, NOT a chicken or turkey.
<Mat2ch> raptop: I'm seriously concerned now.
<raptop> Of course not. Reine is the turkey
<Althego> hehe yes ans subaru is the duck :)
<raptop> holobirds collab when?
<Althego> yes there should be one
<raptop> (Also, like, what language would they use?)
<Althego> birb
<raptop> heh
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<Althego> hah broken silicon. meanwhile time to start day 4
<Althego> of career
<raptop> Dawn of the 4th day. 7500 science remaining
<raptop> (until the tech tree is fully unlocked)
<minas_tirith> raptop, hi uwu :3
<raptop> \o
<FLHerne> So this is a thing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCrS52sM3Zs
<Althego> hmm, it seems april is going to be the iss month
<Althego> lol that fliees
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<Ronillon> Hello everyone. I just noticed on https://kerbal.curseforge.com/ that links in "Projects" submenu (Mods, Shareables, Missions) result in message: "Module Disabled
<Ronillon> We're sorry, but this module is currently disabled." The main "Projects" menu link works, so I believe it is just a matter of broken links leading to https://kerbal.curseforge.com/ksp-mods instead of https://www.curseforge.com/kerbal/ksp-mods and should be an easy fix. Is there some place to report this other than here? "Suggestions & Development Discussion" section on forum perhaps?
<Althego> there is a link there in the error message
<Althego> i think that is the way to go
<Ronillon> That link leads to curseforge support, and while they might help, in case it was their fault the links got broken. I believe it should be someone from KSP who is in charge of the curseforge page to either fix that in their administration or ask curseforge support to fix it for them.
<Ronillon> I might contact curseforge support in the end, but I thought it right to go through some official KSP channels first.
<Althego> raptop: you know anybody that can do something about the curseforge projects submenu?
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<raptop> huh, curseforge apparently still exists
* raptop does not
<Althego> then i dont think we can do anything about it
<flayer> raptop, i thought you were saying you no longer existed
<Althego> hwhw
* raptop >_>
<Althego> all cretans are liars :)
<raptop> Therefore Idomeneus is a liar
<Ronillon> I was surprised CF existed too (been a looong time since I used it for WoW mods). So maybe just change the ksp forum link "Get mods!" to CKAN forum post eh?
<FLHerne> (zoom in)
<FLHerne> s/C//
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> on top of the engine
<Althego> there is even a face
<umaxtu> is that on the engine? or on the building behind it?
<Althego> the engine
<Althego> i guess it is a cover for a pipe
<Althego> probably because the smaller pipes look like some evil tentacles
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<Althego> eva something
<Althego> or rather about evas
<Althego> probably the solar panel thingies
<Mat2ch> ehehe
<Mat2ch> FLHerne: at least the workers are having some fun ;)
<Althego> without the starship spacex would be in an excellent position
<Althego> but all the construction of the site and the ships and soon on phobos and deioms is going to cost a lot
<Althego> so i really hope starlink works out and supplies them with money
<Althego> they are better than anybody in that field, but that doesnt mean starlink cant fail
<Althego> tthey have a nice animation about the eva
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<Ronillon> Althego: Just to be clear, do you think I should push the link issue to CF support? Or just forget about it and let you handle it if anyone of you ever feels like it?
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<Althego> Ronillon: nobody here can do anything about it
<rickricksn> ?
<rickricksn> ask: Kerbal jetpacks doesnt need EVA Prop anymore in 1.11? I dont see a bar for that on right klick...
<Althego> i think they should. there is even extra fuel tank for t hem
<Ariri> They do, 5 units iirc
<Althego> it is even working
<Althego> consumees fuel
<rickricksn> ok, where can i see how much is left?
<Althego> a checked in the usual menu in the top right
<Ronillon> Althego: I understand. Do you think it is worth trying to post about it on forums or will it likely be the same result? BTW, you guys are part of the KSP team, or just mods of this channel?
<Althego> i think umbral is forum mod too. i am just some random guy here.
* raptop is a wiki mod, though not a forum one
<Althego> you can t ry to get more people interested in this module issue, and if there are enough, maybe there will be a change for the better
<Ronillon> Althego: I guess I will post it in the suggestions section on forums and see what happens. Thanks for your responses and have a lovely day.
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<rickricksn> Althego right, ty
<Althego> i didnt even know there was an other readout than the resource menu or whatever it called
<raptop> well, they never used monoprop in stock
<raptop> It was somewhat planned out, but never implimented
<raptop> They "claim" to, but you get infinite refueling without mods
<Althego> i always thought of it as monoprop, even though it says eva fuel
<Althego> and yes that infinite refueling annoys me
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<Ronillon> I have read about it somewhere. This refueling of EVA suits was the reason why command pods got MonoProp tanks integrated. But then the whole physics of it was dropped for gameplay reasons (Kerbal EVA suit could not realistically hold enough fuel to make it practical gameplay wise.) At least that is what I remember. I think the article that lead me to it was https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/developerarticles.htm
<Ronillon> l/111-weighing-in-on-some-changes-r212/
<raptop> yep
<Ronillon> * https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/developerarticles.html/111-weighing-in-on-some-changes-r212/
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<TristenKSP> yeahhhhhhhh
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<raptop> okay
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<darsie> There he goes ...
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<raptop> ;outcome add Your outcome has been stolen by a Horrible Goose.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: Your outcome has been stolen by a Horrible Goose.
<raptop> ;mission
<LunchBot> raptop: You establish a Munbase. The only transmissions you can receive are the words "john madden" repeated over and over again. You lose the contract and demand a recount.
<raptop> I...guess...
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