raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Perseverance is not doing. Perseverance is landing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm0b_ijaYMQ
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<JVFoxy> uhhhh...
<flayer> he's got a good point
<JVFoxy> or rather 'points'...
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<Althego> finally there is the scott video
<Althego> it took him so long i thought he is going to wait until monday
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<Althego> did we learn what the result of the 3 mm tank test was?
<Althego> or do they intend to continue with it? since it is still there
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<Althego> finally i am back from jita. so i can focus on the missions started yesterday
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<Mat2ch> Althego: since they are still working on SN7.2 and not scraping it, I guess they are going to do another test
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<Althego> bob came back. i got the nuke
<Althego> that can be useful for minmus
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<Mat2ch> Nuke Minmus!
<Althego> have to fit it in the 180 t limit
<Althego> spent the money on part upgrades
<minas_tirith> hey Althego
<minas_tirith> I bought a guitar pick yesterday
<Althego> and the guitar comes only later? :)
<minas_tirith> Althego, the guitar was sitting comfortably at home
<minas_tirith> Its much easier to play it with a pick vs using old credit cards and so on
<flayer> i bought some spark plugs
<flayer> i will buy a piston next week
<flayer> soon enough i will have a car
<Althego> hehe, reminds me of the joke
<Althego> (from socialist era)
<Althego> uncle joe works in the fridge factory. his friends ask him: why didnt you try to steal the parts and assemble it outside? he replies: i tries, but it somehow always turned out to be a tank
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<JVFoxy> Uh.... kerbals have to gain experience to get better skills right? Did something break in 1.11.1?
<Althego> there is something with the piloting controls
<JVFoxy> .. full suite of SAS icons for all right?
<JVFoxy> usually you only get standard hold at no skill.. then the pro and retro on the next... so on.
<Althego> i just noticed that non pilot can have them if there was a pilot before in the cabin
<Althego> heh it is not 180 but 140 t...
<JVFoxy> hmm...
<JVFoxy> FLHerne just reading on it now. Seems all probes have full SAS suite too. Mythos from forums: "That's also the only odd thing I noticed so far. All probe cores have all the SAS modes, even the Stayputnik. Hail the almighty probe! "
<JVFoxy> so its a 'in progress', but I guess no work around, just live with it for now?
<Althego> this never happened to me
<Althego> neither pilots nor probes have the full access
<JVFoxy> no idea..
<JVFoxy> I do have older versions still
<JVFoxy> I started new game though
<JVFoxy> Althego did you port saves over from previous games?
<Althego> no
<Althego> or rather they are there, but never loaded them, since i am finished with the tech tree there
<JVFoxy> someone said it happened on and off even in the same game so eh
<JVFoxy> eh well..
<FLHerne> JVFoxy: You can always just not click the button of temptation :p
<Althego> i usually only care about pro and retrograde
<JVFoxy> truth be told.. other than hold, retro and prograde.. I don't really use the others.
<Althego> the target is good too for long burns
<JVFoxy> target.. sometimes, when i'm setting up to do docking stuff
<JVFoxy> any other .. 'problems' of 11.1 I should know of before going further or?
<darsie> 1337
<flayer> nice
<Althego> oh there was an our ludicrous future yesterday
<flayer> our ludicrous past*
<JVFoxy> time is so mysterious
<Mat2ch> time just doesn't exist at all ;)
<darsie> But I have time.
<Mat2ch> No you are just not moving. ;)
<Mat2ch> I had a funny little thought yesterday just before being able to sleep.
<Mat2ch> If there was a single particle in space and nothing else and it would move somewhere, there would be no time.
<darsie> Would it accelerate?
<Mat2ch> It moves, but will never get anywhere. There's nothing to stop it, nothing to change its direction
<Mat2ch> there's nothing to measure speed, because speed is always in relation to something
<darsie> If it was a photon, would expansion of the universe/space redshift it?
<Mat2ch> If there would be two particles, there would be movement in relation to them and this would make something like "time".
<Mat2ch> But this "time" has no direction, it could be moving forward or backward.
<Mat2ch> And then it hit me. The direction of time is only defined by us moving to or away from something.
<Mat2ch> And this makes it impossible to go back in time and change things.
<darsie> What if the universe is a movie and god rewinds it?
<Mat2ch> Because the past is defined by the current state we are in. If we go back, we have to take ourselfs out of the equation, our particles out of the "now". When time is turned back then, our particles would be missing and the past changes!
<Mat2ch> darsie: then it would just replay. Probably, depending on how much real ranomness exists.
<Mat2ch> But the rewind is done from the outside, no particles take out of the equation
<JVFoxy> just one of those things... or is it all of it? -shrug-
<darsie> Hi, I'm the FSM. Here's a time machine: Enter time (negative only): [ ] [submit]. Please note this only works once.
<darsie> See, we can go back in time.
<JVFoxy> smell a trick
<Mat2ch> Going back in time would mean taking everyone with us :D
<Mat2ch> but then we wouldn't know that we went back in time.
<darsie> mhm
<Mat2ch> So we need to think of some kind of information that can go back without changing anything of the past
<Mat2ch> or the change of the past has to be so carefully crafted that we still exist there and it's all plausible, but we have the message somehow in front of us
<Mat2ch> but it has to be very very careful. Like eliminating some particles of a very old stone wall from the past, so there is some writing on it.
<Mat2ch> but this could alter the whole thing, when people take pictures of it. We are talking about particles that just don't exist anymore and never existed from the beginning
<Mat2ch> oh, this has such a "All Good Things..." vibe to it. :D
<darsie> Remember the present.
<darsie> Or some of it.
<darsie> Or the message.
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<hmw[at]> lol channel rules only available via archive.net??
<hmw[at]> .org that is
<hmw[at]> I have finally made RO work on my computer, but I am stuck right at designing a rocket. I can't figure out how to use the Procedural Interstage Fairing - did't find any instructions that helped me so far - I don't get the engine shroud, only a few blue lines. Please advise -
<hmw[at]> search terms so I can find instructions, or perhaps direct instructions. Do I need more than one part to use it? Someone on the web wrote, I need to rotate the part, but it makes no sense to have a separator above the engine. I don't know, what I am missing.
<Mat2ch> huh, that's weird
<Mat2ch> the channel rules are still on the address the webarchive has archived
<hmw[at]> Yeah, it seems a little odd to have the topic link to archive.org
<hmw[at]> Maybe the forum was down and someone updated the link temporarily
<Mat2ch> UmbralRaptop: ping!
<hmw[at]> Those fairings drive me nuts
<Althego> ah i think it was from the time when there was a forum outage for several days
<hmw[at]> If you have ideas, where I can go ask for help, please let me know those too
<darsie> hmw[at]: They're not even channel rules. They're forum rules.
<hmw[at]> heheh darsie once more
<hmw[at]> Greetings!
<darsie> :)
<darsie> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, darsie
<hmw[at]> Holy Mün
<hmw[at]> You need to add fairings to the fairings thing
<goblin> > the helicopter, which will remain attached to the rover for 30 to 60 days
<goblin> WAAT... that's like over a month! How can they wait so long ;-)
<Althego> not waiting that long
<Althego> they have to change software for ground operations, deploy instruments, check all of them, do drive tests, etc
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<raptop> yeah, they're like that because of a forum problem
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<raptop> Ə
<Althego> ű
<darsie> .
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* raptop should get up to more unicode shenanigans
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<JVFoxy> weee... sorta
<JVFoxy> just something a little creative
<JVFoxy> second and third launch career...
<JVFoxy> not happy the little thrusters in 1.11.1 aren't work'n but eh well..
<darsie> Rendezvous? Docking?
<JVFoxy> the first..
<JVFoxy> didn't have enough to get the docking JR.. otherwise it would have been docking
<JVFoxy> 8 RCS linear ports. M Equals 1... or meet up in less than an orbit ^.^
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<darsie> M Equals 1?
<JVFoxy> back in the Gemini days, it was what they called launching from the surface to meet with the ship in orbit within one orbit. A requirement for the moon landings with Apollo
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