Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | SN7.2 is doing
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<Dutchy45> Is there a way to review action groups in flight?
<Althego> for the two last versions there is
<Althego> one of the icons in the top right corner
<Althego> i think it is a wrench
<Dutchy45> O ok, I haven't updated for ages to keep my game going :) Thanks Althego
<Althego> since 1.8
<Althego> so last 3
<Althego> actually these are mostly minor updates and saves probably will work
<Althego> lol 1.8 came out in 2019. and it is 4 versions ago
<Dutchy45> like I said: "for ages" :) I play in bursts. Months go by without me touching the game
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<Althego> lol flat earthers say the sn9 flight was fake. oh never mind there is video of it from multiple people from multiple angles
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<raptop> hi, Mod9000
<Judge_Dedd> hello Mod9000
<Mod9000> How are things?
<Judge_Dedd> Mod9000 is doing
<raptop> ah, there we go
<Judge_Dedd> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Judge_Dedd
<Judge_Dedd> I should remove that comma
<raptop> huh, I was expecting Mod9000 to be whiling or foring
<Judge_Dedd> I don't understand
<raptop> different kinds of loops
<Althego> hehe whiling or foring
<Althego> it was puzzling
<Judge_Dedd> What is "whiling and foring"?
<Althego> while and for are loop types
<Judge_Dedd> Are
<Althego> and if you make verbs of them
<Judge_Dedd> Aha!
<Althego> to me they sound like some ancient verbs that are not used anymore
<Judge_Dedd> Ye olde whiling and foring
Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Doge is doing
<Althego> and elon is leaking
<Althego> at least he tweeted that sn10 is going to use all 3 engines for the flip
<Judge_Dedd> Yeah. I was wondering why they didn't do that.
<Althego> and if one fails it can still do it with 2. if it doesnt fail it will just turn off the one that helps the least in flipping
<Judge_Dedd> By only using two, they are negating one of the best advantages of having multiple engines instead of one big one.
<Althego> but then for landing they want to use the least amount of thrust
<Althego> so landing needs 2 engines
<Judge_Dedd> Yeah, otherwise they'd have to throttle too deeply and would flameout
<Althego> also no starlink today, moved to sunday
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<Mat2ch> The funny part of the "using all three engines while doing the flip" is that a twitter user asked Elon this "why not start all three engines and if one fails you still have backup" and he answered: "We are dumb"
<Mat2ch> and I wondered if he really meant it or if it was meant ironically
<Mat2ch> because there could not be enough fuel to run all three engines or the pressure would be too low, etc.
<Judge_Dedd> I imagine that they are working so fast and making so many quick decisions that they are quite likely to overlook something like that
<Judge_Dedd> SN10 will have the new tripple-engine flip profile
<Mat2ch> that's one of the reasons why I think it is important to listen to voices from outside.
<Mat2ch> Sometimes the best ideas come from bystanders
<Mat2ch> and Hans Christian Andersen used a childs eyes to see the problem/truth...
<Judge_Dedd> I want to know if my copper sheet heatsink behind the ceramic tiles would work (the idea being to disperse the heat if a tile cracked or fell off)
<Judge_Dedd> But I don't know how I would find out if it works
<Mat2ch> Wouldn't the copper instantly just melt?
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<Mat2ch> you can try it. Take a sheet of copper, place it over a larger sheet of 3 mm stainless steel and get a torch that is as hot as the reentry gases.
<Mat2ch> but I fear to be effective you need a lot of copper which will add lots of mass
<flayer> i need to add some mass
<flayer> not a lot, but some
<Judge_Dedd> Mat2ch, a block of copper does not melt if you heat one spot with a blowtorch. It conducts the heat so well
<flayer> if you heat one spot of me with a blowtorch, i will get burnt
<Judge_Dedd> But as you say, perhaps it needs to be too thick to be effective
<Mat2ch> Judge_Dedd: That's what I would want to see in an experiment
<Judge_Dedd> Me too
<flayer> i don't want to be burnt by a blowtorch
<Judge_Dedd> But you've never tried
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<Judge_Dedd> Copper vs 3,200 degrees C https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faxVuzwUc-0
<Judge_Dedd> You can see how the whole thing absorbs the heat, but it does melt
<Judge_Dedd> Mat2ch, Space shuttle only face 1649 C
<Althego> dont forget starship could come back from mars
<Judge_Dedd> (depending on source, a might be a bit less than that, but considerably less than 3200 of that gas torch)
<Althego> with interplanetary speeds
<Althego> ok, probablymultiple pass aerobrake
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<minas_tirith> raptop, the solos in kathaarian life code aren't just noise solos...there is more structure to them
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<Althego> the takamori livestream that was cancelled is going to happen 04:00 cet, and they are not at the same place anymore. sad
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<flayer> picture of mars from the chinese probe
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* raptop saw the delta and mistakenly assumed ISRO >_>;;
<deadmind> well, that isrong
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