raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Perseverance is not doing. Perseverance is landing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm0b_ijaYMQ
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* darsie docked in <10 minutes from the launch pad to orbit.
<darsie> 8:55, actually.
<JVFoxy> :P
<darsie> :)
<JVFoxy> I never timed mine.. usually its good as long as I don't have to hassle with orbit phase matching while already circularized
<darsie> That's a few minutes after docking, when the sun came out. I docked in the dark.
<JVFoxy> MET resets to kerbal time?
<darsie> huh?
<darsie> You can switch between MET and UT.
<darsie> By clicking on MET or UT.
<JVFoxy> ya I know
<darsie> I used UT to time my launch. MET stays at 0 on the pad.
<JVFoxy> just in the past, it would hang out, but when I clicked it to check things, it would go into a more hidden state
<darsie> Interestingly, similarly fast docking could happen irl. 15-20 minutes or so.
<darsie> "It works in KSP." :)
<JVFoxy> theoretically, you can. practicality, its good to at least have something of a breather time to sort out the ship, make sure things are running ok. Give crew a rest bit..
<darsie> Who says there'll be crew? :)
<JVFoxy> still need to sort the ship out, make sure not going to end up with a cloud of debris following you
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<darsie> hm+
<darsie> hm?
<JVFoxy> still have systems to check out, so on. Just depends
<JVFoxy> unless you chucking an inert rock at things
<darsie> Nobody's checking out the F9 booster from launch to landing on the barge. Well, ppl may check, but it's fully automatic.
<JVFoxy> its also not docking
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<JVFoxy> boost something up, spit it out. Just enough going on to get back, land if we are lucky
<darsie> We'll do that automatically, too, in 20 years.
<darsie> Dragon can dock automatically.
<darsie> Maybe it'll happen in 2 years.
<darsie> It won't be in 20 minutes. That will take a while, till we're confident it'll work safely.
<darsie> With a new dock that's tuned for quick docking.
<darsie> This fuel station ... it automatically filled up my tank.
<JVFoxy> heh.. full service
<darsie> It converts ore to fuel. The stations tanks are full, so when I dock, the ship gets refuelled.
<darsie> I didn't want that much fuel, though. Now I might be to heavy to land safely.
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<JVFoxy> oops
* darsie burns some fuel ...
<JVFoxy> heh go for a joyride
<darsie> Splashdown at the KSC beach :)
<JVFoxy> think kerbals do beach parties?
<darsie> sure
<JVFoxy> heh
<JVFoxy> knowing them, be some crazy party, a bit of a mess though
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<TristenKSP> howd
<TristenKSP> howdy*
<Althego> well well, it seems amazon expanded the capacity in europe
<Althego> can start a few instances in a placement group again
<TristenKSP> how does this have to do with ksp
<Althego> it doesnt. but i am happy the cluster could start up
<TristenKSP> :|
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<Althego> so where is the scott video? :)
<Althego> maybe in a few hours
<TristenKSP> have you ever had a dream that- you do- you- you do- you want- do- you do- you want- you- want- you- you want to do so much you can do anything?
<Althego> hehe
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<TristenKSP> Which Scott video
<Althego> the video about the landing video :)
<TristenKSP> His last upload was 2 days ago
<Althego> exactly
<Althego> that is the video about the live landing
<TristenKSP> yes
<Althego> but now he has to make one about the landing vide
<TristenKSP> has ingenuity took flight yet?
<Althego> no, they barely started out with checking the rover. in 1-2 months
<TristenKSP> MoNtHs?!
<Althego> one command session per sol
<Althego> the planning alone is a full work day for each one
<Althego> or even more
<TristenKSP> wow
<TristenKSP> oops
<TristenKSP> wrong image
<Althego> no harm
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<TristenKSP> It was supposed to be a Minecraft armor meme but it's a kerbal
<TristenKSP> Here's some KSP Memes that I found https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DlHkHA380jI
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<TristenKSP> me when the
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<Althego> hehe while i was searching for the image it really became end of transmission
<raptop> Nice image
<raptop> Unfortunately, we're in the mirror universe
<Althego> but but zefram cochrane hasnt even built the ship yet
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<TristenKSP> me when the
<Althego> that wasthe last line we got
<TristenKSP> what
<Althego> some half an hour ago
<TristenKSP> what is the last line
<Althego> the last message
<TristenKSP> oj
<TristenKSP> Oh*
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<TristenKSP> hey someone stole my name butmade it backwards
<Ariri> [thonk]
<raptop> I have news for you about hostmasks
<TristenKSP> ok
<TristenKSP> what is the news
<Ariri> *end transmission*
<TristenKSP> they died
<TristenKSP> i guess they don't
<raptop> 23:23:23 -!- PSKnetsirT [webchat@c-24-16-251-13.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #KSPOfficial
<raptop> 23:24:15 -!- TristenKSP [webchat@c-24-16-251-13.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #KSPOfficial
<raptop> ie: we can tell when someone is connected twice
<Althego> technically it could be a house behind a router, but unlikely
<raptop> yeah
<TristenKSP> what is a house behind a router
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<Althego> housea: building where people live. it wouldnt be strange for a family home to have a single internet connection, with multiple people connecting through that same ip
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<Mat2ch> w00t. They asked for a TFR for today without having done a static fire test?!
<Mat2ch> I mean, yeah, wednesday could be possible if they have a successful static fire today, but a flight?!
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<Guest80012> hey hey
<Guest80012> am i able to play a savegame from a modded 1.8.1 version into a stock 1.11.1?
<Mat2ch> Depends on the mods used.
<Mat2ch> If you only used viewing mods like KER then it might be fine
<Mat2ch> if you used mods with additional parts in it, then it wont work
<Mat2ch> but your save file is in a text format so you could go in and try to delete everything from the mods by hand. Though this can be very tedious depending on the save
<Guest80012> ok ty
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<Althego> so there was no static fire yet
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<Mat2ch> nope
<Mat2ch> and today the road isn't even closed yet
<Mat2ch> so maybe tomorrow?
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<sheeep> heh there
<Althego> uh oh thunderf00t contines with spacex
<Mat2ch> for some reason he seems to hate SpaceX
<Mat2ch> and then makes fun of the not powered landing, which was a wish by NASA, not SpaceX
<Althego> wait a sec, the dragon v2 can hover even today. they just dont land it propulsively because of administrative rasons
<Althego> raisins
<Althego> if anything lands on mars it is going to be propulsively. just as today
<Althego> i thought of inflation. then i checked, and it is basically negligible
<Althego> and just as i cant refute the reusability not profitable claims in the first video, i cant refute these in the second either
<Althego> on the other hand we know the shuttle required a ot of work to prepare for flight, so they must have gotten some profit out of reusability if they are better than then shuttle, and the flacon 9 is a lot simpler
<Althego> also he didnt mention that the dc-1 exploded too
<Althego> because of a landing leg issue
<Mat2ch> you mean the Douglas DC-1?
<Althego> that
<Althego> that was his example of hey rockets landed more than 20 years ago
<Mat2ch> That's a plane?
<Althego> no, a rocket
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> at least i think it was dc.1
<Althego> dc-x
<Althego> whatever
<umaxtu> kinda weird to see rl-10s used at ground level
<Althego> and then he bashed spacex about a prototype exploding
<umaxtu> how -bout he go bash P&W instead
<Althego> so these things are biased. just when the first explosion happened he didnt know about the header tanks. taht was biased too
<Althego> but the numbers, i cant refute the reusability numbers
<Althego> also i dont know what costs so much in sending humans to space
<Althego> ok, you have to have training, maybe increased safety, so more work
<Althego> but all that cant possibly make it that much more expensive
<umaxtu> compared to cargo dragon, or launching a sat?
<Althego> whichever you would like
<Althego> at least the road si closed
<Althego> and there is the new scott video i waited for
<Althego> about 20 minutes ago
<Althego> at least i launched a retrograde probe
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<sheeep> is it right that in 1.11 the time warp limits have changed?
<flayer> some recent patch, yeah
<sheeep> which patch?
<raptop> I hadn't noticed, and thought that the last big changes were circa 1.0
<sheeep> i can set time warp to 100'000x in a 80km orbit
<sheeep> dont like it
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