raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Perseverance is not doing. Perseverance is landing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm0b_ijaYMQ
<FLHerne> ;mission You design and build a rotating-detonation engine.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: No mission found matching "You design and build a rotating-detonation engine.".
<FLHerne> ;mission add You design and build a rotating-detonation engine.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added mission: You design and build a rotating-detonation engine.
<FLHerne> (seriously, those things are a neat idea)
<raptop> boom
<FLHerne> Basically, combustion is more efficient if you can create a continuous rolling detonation
<FLHerne> ;outcome add Scott Manley explains the resulting events in great detail.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added outcome: Scott Manley explains the resulting events in great detail.
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<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You hatch an evil plot to steal some important hardware from Mission Control, for the evulz! The floating point errors result in floating kerbals.
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: The Kratholic Pope Jebediah I holds mass for the worship of Kraken. KwirkyJ removes the entry about KwirkyJ removing the meta entries. Meta-ception.
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You give the MechJeb pod the evil eye to try to make it stop staring at you. Oh well, these things happen.
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You readjust Eve's mountains' angle of repose. This results in you creating a new OS, KUNIX, which becomes insanely popular and shapes the history of computing.
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You have more of a comment than a question. Again.
<Mat2ch> Ok, that fits. :D
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<packbart> the MechJeb pod has been retired and deprecated. I liked its eye, though :)
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<JVFoxy> i sees.. or rather it saw it all
<JVFoxy> i.. the.. no 'it' sees all. >.>
<JVFoxy> coffee can't come soon enough
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<sheeep> hey hey, need to ask sth about the delta v map...
<Althego> yes?
<sheeep> the 3400 delta v to a 80km kerbin orbit. is that delta v measured in vacuum or atmosphere !?
<Althego> yes
<Althego> if you set the delta v tool in the vab to vacuum
<sheeep> i see. so always in vacuum... the whole map
<Althego> obviously you have to use engines in the lower atmosphere that work there
<sheeep> i do a challenge on my own to get to orbit with 3400 deltaV^^
<Althego> yes, because with bodies with atmosphere it would make it hard to calculate, the atmosphere, your launch profile, launch altitude would cause differences
<Althego> you can make better than that
<Althego> make it 3000
<Althego> if you have high enough twr
<Althego> you can do a shallower, mre efficient ascent
<Althego> the 3400 is a realistic value, but not the best you can do
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<sheeep> hmm
<Althego> high twr and heat resistance :)
<sheeep> but means a flat ascent more drag?
<Althego> less gravity loss
<Althego> obviously you have to keep the two balanced
<Althego> but high twr in general means you are betetr off
<Althego> so if you start say with 2
<Althego> instead of a more usual 1.2 or 1.3
<Althego> while you are going up, full 1 g is subtracted from taht
<Althego> which causes less delta v
<sheeep> ill try and let you know^^
<darsie> If there's no atmosphere I ascend as shallow as possible.
<darsie> Unless it's Gilly :).
<Althego> there you just do whatever
<sheeep> yea but ill try an kerbin orbit
<Althego> you need rcs to land :)
<sheeep> as less as possible
<darsie> On Kerbin you usually overheat if you fly too shallow, so I tend to fly so shallow that I just don't overheat. Or a bit steeper.
<Althego> use the landing gear on the nose trick :)
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<darsie> Haven't heard of that before. Going too shallow is suboptimal, too, though, due to drag.
<Althego> there is a specific landing gear that has the highest heat tolerance in the game
<Althego> that can soak in all the heat on the nose
<darsie> Maybe that's useful for Eve entry.
<Althego> or specific challenges
<darsie> Taking a surface sample of Jool ;).
<Althego> 2700 K
<darsie> mhm. LY-99, too.
<FLHerne> ;mission add You are tasked with obtaining a surface sample from Jool.
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added mission: You are tasked with obtaining a surface sample from Jool.
<FLHerne> ;mission fixup s/tasked with obtaining/accept a contract to obtain/
<LunchBot> FLHerne: New text is: You are accept a contract to obtain a surface sample from Jool.
<FLHerne> ;mission fixup s/are //
<LunchBot> FLHerne: New text is: You accept a contract to obtain a surface sample from Jool.
<FLHerne> bleh
<Althego> you accept
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i dont fix my typos, unless they can be misunderstood for something else
<Althego> exactly because of this. a fix would still have a typo
<Althego> lol youtube. -2 dislikes
<Althego> -2
<Althego> how is that even possible
<Althego> overflow?
<darsie> :)
<Althego> also
<Althego> *wenhop
<Althego> #wenhop
<darsie> sheeep: Simple two stage orbital rocket: https://i.ibb.co/KNdbNT0/screenshot350.png
<darsie> sheeep: If you fly shallow so the apoapsis is over the next peninsula when it reaches 70 km, this is an efficient ascent: https://i.ibb.co/xfGxZnw/screenshot351.png
<Althego> it seems the sls t est failure was bigger thanthey thought
<Althego> another delay
<Althego> this makes it hard for the europa clipper to launch on sls
<Althego> although congress forced nasa to launch it on sls. but even they cant change the law of physics
<sheeep> hmm got a orbit with about 3100dV.. but rocket is too big
<sheeep> ty darsie
<darsie> I reached orbit with 539 m/s left in that rocket.
<Althego> if you have smaller fuel tanks but same engines you can even go lower than 3100 then
<darsie> I reached orbit <3000 m/s (vacuum dv).
* raptop inserts a generic rant about how vac Δv is not quite the same as actually expended Δv
<darsie> I flew even shallower, the Pe was behind the next peninsula and I had only 531 m/s left.
<raptop> whelp
<darsie> For a lower drag rocket this might be better, though.
<darsie> Graming Kerman jetpacks to Jerdo Kerman, who is stranded in Minmus orbit, to tell him to jetpack to Kerbin: https://i.ibb.co/YjXp7js/screenshot352.png
<darsie> Graming collided with Jerdo's crew cabin and exploded.
<darsie> She aimed for it.
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> At 111 m/s, IIRC. If the speed had been higher, she might have tunneled through it.
<sheeep> darsie with your rocket model.. 3400dV but not perfect
<darsie> sheeep: ok. How high is your orbit?
<darsie> I usually go for 70-71 km orbit.
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<Althego> Ride and fly high, high, high, high
<Althego> Very very high, in the sky!
<sheeep> 75
<sheeep> km
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<Althego> by the looks i can really believe it took 4 months
<Althego> oh a what about it
<Althego> and there was an our ludicrous future too hours ago, i have to watch that tomorrow
<sheeep> engine-porn
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<Althego> !road
<Kerbot> Althego => Primary; Monday, February 22, 2021; 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Scheduled | Primary; Tuesday, February 23, 2021; 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Scheduled | Secondary; Wednesday, February 24, 2021; 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Canceled | Secondary; Thursday, February 25, 2021; 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Scheduled | Primary; Friday, February 26, 2021; 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Canceled | Secondary; Monday, March 1, 2021; 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Schedu
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<TristenKSP> Howdy
<TristenKSP> I'm gonna make a scale model of the Kerbol System.
<Althego> 3d printing?
<TristenKSP> Nope, physical model,
<darsie> How large?
<TristenKSP> I'm not sure yet.
<darsie> What's the smallest body you'll model?
<TristenKSP> I want Gilly to be in it.
<darsie> ok
<TristenKSP> All major bodies.
<Althego> but then you dont want it to be to scale
<darsie> Well, you could pick a size for Gilly and see if it's too large, or vice versa.
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<TristenKSP> The smallest moons might be too small. Considering if 10km = 1mm, then Kerbol has a diameter of 532 meters...
<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> that is why i said in general nobody makes scale models
<Althego> for solarsystems
<Althego> because the plaents are simply too small
<darsie> People do along hiking trails.
<TristenKSP> Hmmm
<darsie> And yeah, some bodies are very small, then. Or missing.
<TristenKSP> I could do it the same way I make NORMAL solar system models.
<Althego> yes, with mere cm size balls you need to be like hundreds of meters away
<TristenKSP> Earth is about 8mm in diameter with our system's models.
<TristenKSP> I should make it so 100km = 1mm
<darsie> If you make Gilly 0.1 mm (just visible), then Eloos Ap is 869 m.
<Althego> some single celled organisms are bigger than that :)
<darsie> I have 0.08 mm wire (plus enamel). It's very visible. An 0.1 mm sphere is different, though.
<Althego> excellent channel btw https://www.youtube.com/c/microcosmos/videos
<TristenKSP> However, Gilly isn't a sphere.
<TristenKSP> It's lumpy.
<darsie> The diameter of human hair varies from 0.017 to 0.18 millimeters
<darsie> Fine, an 0.1 mm lump, then.
<darsie> I have a microscope. I could estimate the diameter of small sand grains.
<TristenKSP> I'm using Diameter, Star/Planet Semi-Major Axis, Atmosphere Height (If there is an atmosphere), and Sphere of Influence.
<darsie> You're gonna model the atmosphere, too?
<TristenKSP> Most likely.
<TristenKSP> I might use transparent sheets of paper.
<darsie> Or transparent lacquer.
<TristenKSP> What's lacquer?
<darsie> The term lacquer is used for a number of hard and potentially shiny finishes applied to materials such as wood or metal.
<TristenKSP> Oh
<Althego> you can make lacquer really thin, and it still remains hard, so actually a good idea
<Althego> oh no wintergatan
<Althego> i wanted to sleep like 40 minutes ago
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<Althego> oh no
<Althego> excellent marble gate
<Althego> but, he is already thinking about a new one. looks like a clock escapement
<TristenKSP> Do I need a permit or to be a certain age to use lacquer
<Althego> you do need a permit to visit the prison colony in the ross 128 system :)
<TristenKSP> what
<Althego> (in elite 2)
<darsie> TristenKSP: How old are you?
<Althego> also for yz canis minoris
<Althego> and i dont remember the 3rd one
<TristenKSP> Turning 13 on March 15th this year.
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
<darsie> I guess there are many different kinds.
<TristenKSP> Is it non-toxic?
<darsie> They are probably more or less toxic.
<TristenKSP> That might not work then
<darsie> Did you pay the KSP DLCs yourself?
<TristenKSP> Yes
<TristenKSP> gtg
<darsie> bye
<TristenKSP> bye
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<umaxtu> kids these days
* umaxtu shakes head
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