raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Doge is not doing. Doge is coining.
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* Mat2ch yawns
<Mat2ch> are we gonna see a static fire today?
<Mat2ch> Road is still scheduled to be closed
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<Althego> will martin defeat all the moles? tune in next time on wintergatan 2!
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<Mat2ch> Althego: :D
<Mat2ch> I had a bad feeling when he tried his pressure relieve system
<Mat2ch> and now he has to adjust the marble heights, again
<Althego> pressure relive system? burst disk :)
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<Guest22564> русс есть?
<Mat2ch> то́лько англи́йский
<Mat2ch> Guest22564: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/91-russian-%D1%80%D1%83%D1%81%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9/
<Guest22564> у кого есть дс по ксп
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<Althego> a scott video not on his channel. i just noticed this now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oLELoroqhbI
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minas_tirith is now known as fire_extinguisher
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<Althego> around 1 week from now: 7 minutes of terror https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LK6uWFl4KkU
<Althego> (local) leet time
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<xon> hi all
<Althego> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Althego
<Althego> oh no
<Althego> as always it greets the wrong person
<xon> hi
<Judge_Dedd> Hi xon
<xon> I am new the game community
<Althego> maybe make it so it doesnt gereet me, i would be satisfied
<Judge_Dedd> Warmly welcome :)
<xon> thx :D
<xon> can I ask a question
<xon> about game
<Judge_Dedd> Of course :)
<Althego> just collected some eva science around the mun, first in this career
<Judge_Dedd> nice
<xon> thx
<xon> by
<xon> :D
<Judge_Dedd> by ?
<Althego> i think it is because of kthx bye
<xon> almost 8 hours I spend my time new part round mun orbit z 400 batter attach I can't find a place to attach just I found and close to satellite almost 4 m but it docent fittet
<darsie> xon: What is your native language?
<xon> turkish
<darsie> merhaba :)
<xon> :D
<xon> do you know turkish
<darsie> no :)
<xon> :D
<xon> dosent matther
<xon> :D
<Althego> is this a contract? battery around the mun and have to get it?
<darsie> I don't really understand what you're saying. Mybe post a screenshot.
<xon> yes contract name is
<xon> I try to finish contract
<xon> contract name is
<darsie> recover item from orbit around The Mun?
<Althego> do you have this or its smaller variant? https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Advanced_Grabbing_Unit
<xon> attach new part to satellite in orbit of mun
<Althego> ah this is a new kind of contract
<darsie> You need a docking port.
<Althego> i havent seen this yet
<darsie> hmm
<Althego> i guess it is for the new eva construction thing
<xon> no its part attach
<darsie> Screenshot of contract and satellite?
<xon> munite
<darsie> Do you have expansions or DLC?
<darsie> Press F1 for screenshot.
<darsie> Then it is hidden in many directories.
<Althego> and F for respect, X for doubt :)
<darsie> :0
<darsie> :)
<X> X
<Althego> hehe
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<xon> how I will sen pciture
<darsie> upload to image hoster like imgur.com or https://imgbb.com/
<darsie> Then post link.
<xon> same contract but part is different part is z 400 battery
<darsie> Do you have expansions or DLC?
<darsie> Like "Making History"
<xon> no I haven't
<xon> it doesn't required I think
<darsie> ok
<xon> satellite docent allow to or no place to add the that par t
<xon> satellite doesnt alow
<xon> satellite doesn't allow to or no place to add that part
<darsie> I could put a solar panel in the cargo space of the Command Pod.
<xon> I tried
<xon> I pop all satellite part
<xon> assemble it again
<xon> :d
<darsie> Maybe do an EVA with the panel in your Kerbal cargo place and try somehing.
<xon> :D
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<xon> I don't know what ever
<xon> thanks
<xon> all
<xon> I am done \
<Guest44026> I need help with launching a space station
<xon> so what all doing here
* darsie gives Guest44026 a match.
<xon> I am leaving thanks again
<Guest44026> what is a match
<darsie> xon: stay here
<darsie> Guest44026: A small piece of wood to make fire.
<Althego> oh no i dont have any relay sat around the mun yet
<darsie> With phosphorus in the head or so.
<darsie> xon: Maybe we find a way.
<Guest44026> how do I launch a station
<Althego> unless it is a regex match :)
<darsie> Guest44026: wiht a rocket.
<Althego> you launch a station as anything else
<Althego> but it becomas a station because of the docking port
<Althego> becomes
<darsie> Guest44026: Anything that has space for Kerbals is a space station.
<darsie> It needs everything required in teh contract.
<Althego> there are usually other requirements: power generation, antenna, and some other things, like fuel or cupola module, etc
<Guest44026> I know but I tried to launch it and the rocket starting pitching down and then boooom
<darsie> Guest44026: Balance it.
<Guest44026> also it is too heavy
<darsie> Make it lighter. Or use a stronger rocket.
<darsie> Or make it more aerodynamic.
<FLHerne> Or add more fins toward the back, to move the centre of pressure behind centre of mass
<Guest44026> how to I make fairing be last to open
<Guest44026> I tried fins
<Judge_Dedd> xon, I hope you come back again soon :)
<darsie> Move the fairing symbol in your staging sequence.
<Guest44026> how I am on xbox
<xon> I don't know bu ti will maybe
<xon> :d
<xon> :D
<xon> I will work on it
<xon> more hours
<FLHerne> Huh, KSP console players really do exist?
<xon> I have to fix it I dint miss any contract
<Judge_Dedd> Best way to launch a station, Guest44026, is like the did it in real life: send up smaller parts one at a time and dock them together :)
<darsie> Hmm, I have no clue how to attach a solar panel to the command pod on the launch pad.
<Judge_Dedd> Sorry I can't help right now, xon. I hope you find a solution soon!
<xon> thx bye
xon has quit [Quit: webchat.esper.net]
<Guest44026> I did try do it like real life but I don't know how to build good orbital veicle
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<raptop> Judge_Dedd: *angry Skylab and Salyut noises*
<Althego> hehe
* darsie built a space station: https://i.ibb.co/yQfXR4b/screenshot324.png
<Althego> lol
<darsie> :)
<Althego> i dont like the extendable antenna
<Althego> breaks easily
<Althego> i usually use the fixed thing
<darsie> Good enough for space.
<Althego> same range
<darsie> Can withdraw it for entry.
<darsie> Good enough for The Mun.
<Althego> i would have put the fixed on top, and the docking port on top of the probe
<darsie> mhm
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<darsie> Balanced space station: https://i.ibb.co/wz1LKzP/screenshot325.png
<kuzz_kaldrin> anyone have any idea how to execute burns in orbit
<kuzz_kaldrin> that's good darsie but I need a payload
<darsie> Turn to maneuver marker. Start engines.
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<FLHerne> If it's a long burn, you'll have to start a bit early
<kuzz_kaldrin> oh was the person who asked about stations I just switched names
<FLHerne> (you should pass the node roughly in the middle of your burn)
<kuzz_kaldrin> but I am on console and Idk how to execurte burn
<Althego> the new indicator thing shows you a timer until burn, and it is purposefully early
<FLHerne> Not sure if anyone here plays on console
<kuzz_kaldrin> idk but on xbox I set a new mender and the when I pressed the button to execute it it just stayed still
<kuzz_kaldrin> menuver
<Izaya> darsie: put a mini docking port on the bottom
<Izaya> real station tm
<FLHerne> https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/146073-drakaus-guide-to-xbox-controls/ might be relevant
<kuzz_kaldrin> I wanted to make station but when I done making it I don't have good rocket to launch it on
<kuzz_kaldrin> thanks flherne
<Izaya> oh
<Izaya> that's not a decoupler
<FLHerne> The PC version doesn't have a "button to execute", you have to align to the target and throttle up/down yourself
<Izaya> never mind that's a station
* Izaya nods
<darsie> Izaya: I have picoports, but for this demo I used stock a port.
<FLHerne> I don't know if the console version is different or if you've misunderstood something
<kuzz_kaldrin> anyone know how to make the strongest rocket
<Izaya> refer to the flowchart
<kuzz_kaldrin> flherne i alined and id exactly that
<kuzz_kaldrin> so no-one knows how to make strongest rocket
<darsie> Althego: Ahh, it seems the advanced execute time thing doesn't need 'advanced tweakables' any more.
<Althego> hehe
<FLHerne> It's not really a one-answer question
<Althego> originally it is with wd40 and duct tape
<Izaya> the strongest rocket for your usecase is when your boosters balance your struts
<FLHerne> In career, it depends on your tech and budget
<packbart> darsie: I remember it to have its own option "advanced burn-time indicator" or something like that. or is that a different thing?
<FLHerne> In sandbox, you can just keep making it bigger until it works :p
<kuzz_kaldrin> I do sandbox
<Althego> or make it smaller until it works :)
<kuzz_kaldrin> what is the bst rocket design for heavy payload that requires minimal manuvering
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<raptop> In ge-
<raptop> bah
<darsie> kuzz_kaldrin: Big tanks/engines or booster and fins.
<packbart> one with large control surfaces, I'd think
<raptop> Probably with some big reaction wheels too
<darsie> gone
<darsie> New people. We're talking KSP again :)
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<darsie> kuzz_kaldrin: Big tanks/engines or booster and fins.
<Guest78015> anyone know how to land rocket
<raptop> ^probably with a big reaction wheel or two for ease of maneuvering while the engines are off
<raptop> Wings, or parachutes
<darsie> Parachute.
<raptop> Or if you're really fancy, suicide burns
<Guest78015> I don't get what a reaction wheel is
<darsie> Or rocket engine burns.
<darsie> It turns one way so your rocket turns the other way.
<Guest78015> where do you put inline stabilizer and for what
<darsie> All hail conservation of angular momentum :).
<raptop> Reaction wheels are a way to turn without having to interact with the outside environment (mostly). They use gyroscopes
<Guest78015> wdym not having to interact
<raptop> Spin the wheel one way, and the rest of your craft goes the other
<darsie> What's an inline stabilizer.
<raptop> I mean you don't need to fire thrusters, or move fins (in an atmosphere)
<darsie> Guest78015: Type /nick kuzz
<raptop> The inline stabilizer is another set of reaction wheels now, IIRC
<packbart> darsie: the KSP part, I guess. "The Advanced Inline Stabilizer is a toggleable reaction wheel that provides torque to a craft."
<darsie> ic
<darsie> Guest78015: It magically makes your rocket turn.
<Guest78015> oh I was an idiot and thought it stabilized flow of propulsion and I put it under engine and I now know why it always fell off
<packbart> (or tear itself apart :)
<Guest78015> so it is like tvc
<packbart> if that means "thrust vector control", then yes, similar but different
<Guest78015> yea is there something more like tvc
<packbart> no thrust and KSP reaction wheels are magically enhanced
<darsie> Guest78015: Just read the instructions ;)
<darsie> I mean the item description.
<packbart> "If a spacecraft has rotating parts these can be utilized or controlled as CMGs" - huh. imagine steering space station with a hair dryer
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<FLHerne> Guest78015: Most liquid engines in KSP have thrust vectoring
<FLHerne> Oh, they've gone again
<Althego> why is it that rare events always have to happen at the same time. 10 second burn for a rescue craft and a 20 second flyover of a tiny mun crater (but with biome)
<Althego> i had to start burn early and correct radially to have time to switch tothe flyover
<Althego> and before all this i collected a 3rd thermal merasurement point for a contract, luckily the last. had to stop after the second because of the mun ship circularization and pole biomes
<packbart> probably for the same reason that docking always happens in the dark
<Althego> hehe, yes, always
<darsie> We now have fancy position lights.
<darsie> And we can set target to the target docking port.
<Althego> yes, position lights. with 30 parts limit :)
<Althego> ok now i am on 255, so not an issue, but i didnt buy the lights yet :)
<Althego> the random airplae parts cost a lot
<darsie> Why do I have all SAS buttons with every computer?
<darsie> Did I cheat?
<packbart> because of a bug in 1.11.1
<darsie> ic
* raptop was wondering
<Althego> once i got sas buttons with engineer in cockpit
<Althego> but couldnt move back valentina because of the pipe design of the ship (capsule on top, 2 passenger thingie below)
<packbart> well, it's in the "Assigned" state. so maybe there's a chance for 1.11.2
<packbart> otoh, you could also just ignore those options and pretend they don't exist. so it's not a "totally unplayable!!1" category bug
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* darsie rescues a Kerbal from orbit. He's entered the atmosphere ...
<packbart> "Random Kerman, here's your rescue plan: Leave the capsule, then fire your jetpack retrograde. In case you didn't bring a parachute, try to land helmet-first."
<Althego> hehe
<darsie> No. Assume vertical attitude for maximal aerobraking and land at a low spot for high atmospheric density for maximal drag.
<raptop> it's probably fine
<packbart> from their very low orbit, it usually is
<darsie> He has a chute, though.
<Althego> random kerman. in hhgttg there is a character with the first name random :)
<packbart> Random Frequent Flyer Dent
<Althego> i didnt remember the frequent flyer part
<Althego> weather is not so great in boca chica
<darsie> Dandorf Kerman on chute above KSC at night: https://i.ibb.co/hWk77rz/screenshot330.png
<Althego> you got that close from orbit?
<Althego> nice
<darsie> Well, I flew a bit with the chute, too.
<darsie> I have experience with that :).
<packbart> I learned from darsie to start the burn just over the last desert peninsula before the KSC. the low orbit rescues start from a 70-80km orbit, so already have quite low velocity
<darsie> 70.5ish km
<darsie> Burn 3.1 EVA fuel retrograde.
<darsie> Low orbit has high velocity.
<packbart> uh. hm. right. low energy? they don't burn as much as an interplanetary return
<packbart> have you tried the method for a Minmus rescue?
<darsie> Later adjustments can be done with varible drag by variable attitude.
<packbart> from Minmus surface to Kerbin reentry should easily be within the jetpack dV range
<darsie> Maybe. Would require lots of shallow aerobraking entries to avoid burning up.
<darsie> You need 3.1 EVA fuel for entry.
<darsie> Fortunately the orbit is littered with pods to refuel.
<umaxtu> isn't there an extra eva fuel backpack now?
<darsie> yes
<darsie> 3 EVA fuel in it
<darsie> I don't think stranded Kerbals would have that.
<darsie> Fell down at touch down.
<FLHerne> darsie: Low orbit has low velocity for a given altitude :p
<darsie> Well, you're slower at Pe with a circular orbit.
<Althego> i need healing
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