raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Doge is not doing. Doge is coining.
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<Althego> this will have image based navigation and adjustable parachute timing
<umaxtu> so its a tomahawk with a parachute
<Althego> still the same old cpu that curiosity
<umaxtu> they sure work that poor thing hard
<raptop> TLAMs don't arrive inside a Mark 2 reentry vehicle >_>
<umaxtu> they've been launched from everything else, why not?
<raptop> heh
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<raptop> o_O
<raptop> ...when I saw that paper on arxiv, I mistook it for being entirely about instrumentation
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<raptop> huh, Nature has it as open access https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-21176-6
<Althego> not sure that it is a planet
<Althego> these direct imaging methods are mind blownig
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<raptop> Modern coronagraphs are dark magic
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<bees> ...we are doomed, right?
<Althego> why?
<umaxtu> Russia? of course
<umaxtu> you will succumb to the evils of your nuclear energy
<bees> well, planets around a Centauri
* raptop throws an akula at umaxtu
* umaxtu doesn't hear it
<bees> i hope it is not populated
<raptop> Also, it's vaguely confusing that NATO and Russia use that name for two entirely different classes of submarine
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> humans
<Althego> cant do anything right
<umaxtu> its not NATOs fault the USSR didn't tell them what the name of their top secret SSBN class was called
<raptop> heh
<raptop> ...oh, right. Nature Communications is supposed to be fast to publish and OA
<raptop> (compare with arχiv?)
<raptop> That also explains why this doesn't look like a Nature Paper(tm)
<Althego> now finally i got to the event horizon video
<Althego> hehe, elon told the designers to make starship more pointy because of the movie dictator
<Althego> so they did
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<Althego> is the eva experiments kit per biome or just per situation?
<Althego> seems to be per body situation. so landed in space low high. maybe it does something in water too
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<Althego> hehe
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<Althego> so monday is static fire or what?
<Althego> hehe starlink 19 is moved to monday now, but still before 17 since that is on tuesday now
<Mat2ch> Althego: no road closures scheduled yet
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<Althego> 3 out of 17 eva in space above on mun remains
<Althego> maybe i should land first from this polar orbit. it would need to burn a lot to reach the remaining ones, or wait for long. but then i still would need to reach the twin craters
<Althego> those are a bit south
<GlassYuri> major earthquake in northern japan 3 minutes ago?
<GlassYuri> https://www.jma.go.jp/jp/quake/ looks pretty bad
<Althego> cant read moon runes
<Althego> strangely i visited one link already :)
<GlassYuri> https://www.jma.go.jp/en/quake/ runeless version
<GlassYuri> now I know that using an empty 3d printer filament spool as a laptop riser is dumb
<Althego> it looks like they are going to be fine. with that level everything would collapse here, but they are accustomed to this
<GlassYuri> at least I was sitting right in front of it when it happened, otherwise it might have fallen
<GlassYuri> M7.1, no harmful tsunami expected https://twitter.com/UN_NERV/status/1360592853290741770
<GlassYuri> it seems that as a result of the quake the twitter trend algorithm went down
<GlassYuri> I can still see my timeline but the trending page is overwhelmed by half the country checking the news at the same time
<Althego> oh i forgot i have a contract to collect some moon rocks
<Althego> hmm, possibly twhat is near by ios the east crater
<Althego> i think i can go there
<umaxtu> I always cheat and turn of scatter
<Althego> hehe the tanks saved me from toppling the second time
<Althego> i hoped that the side tanks would work as such
<Althego> and i got the mun stone
<Althego> something like 1800 m/s remaining. that should be enough the fly over the 3 remaining biomes
<Althego> and to get home with non hohmann speed
<Althego> and it is only the beginning of day 3
<Althego> with a bit of a work i could get 3 science instruments
<Althego> that would collect me more science
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<Althego> if the static fire doesnt happen on monday, they cant launch until friday because of the weather. tuesday looks kind of ok
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