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<Althego> one launch coming up
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<Althego> t-10 min an stream is still off. maybe no launch?
<Izaya> mpv says: [ytdl_hook] ERROR: This live event will begin in 10 minutes.
<Althego> and it started
<Althego> (music)
<Althego> but no second launch today
<Izaya> oh that's why it's such a reasonable time for a launch
<Izaya> it's 1AM in the US
<Izaya> haha
<minas_tirith> hey Izaya do you play the guitar
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<Izaya> starlink will be better than my home connection :|
<Izaya> hee, cute little plume at the top
<Althego> hmm, strange
<Althego> i could go up to 2 gigabits. but even my lan is only gigabit
<Althego> and all the devices are only gigabit
<Althego> just who can use that?
<Izaya> I could use that B)
<minas_tirith> Althego, sometimes the computer becomes important
<minas_tirith> They claim they have 100gbps in some places now
<minas_tirith> Can your networking stack handle 100gbps?
<Izaya> I can get up to 100Mbps and 30ms latency or so
<Althego> hehe, no. you can get normal computers with 2.5 gigabit cards
<Izaya> 150Mbps with 40ms latency doesn't sound too bad
<Althego> but not higher
<Althego> t-5
<Althego> launch
<umaxtu> I can get gigabit fiber where I live, but its AT&T
<Izaya> You can get 10Gbit cards reasonably easily, if you have the cash
<Izaya> look at that beautiful plume
<Althego> i am on fibere, but dont really feel like i need more bandwidth
<minas_tirith> Izaya, but can the computer handle it?
<minas_tirith> Can the tcp stack handle it
<Izaya> don't worry, web developers will make you need gigabit within 10 years :^)
<Althego> probably not on windows
<minas_tirith> Izaya, yeah
<minas_tirith> Izaya, you didn't answer the first q btw
<Izaya> and yes there is definitely software that can deal with 10Gbit connections
<minas_tirith> Izaya, not that one
<Izaya> pretty much any competent non-hobbyist OS can
<minas_tirith> the other question
<Izaya> that is a nice shot, damn
<Althego> hehe the second stage flame lights up the grid fins
<Althego> with city lights in the background
<Izaya> yee
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<Izaya> They need to put lights on the grid fins
<Izaya> RGB grid fins
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<Althego> lol
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<umaxtu> ooh! they're showing telemetry from both stages
<Althego> that is new
<Izaya> I feel like that sprite's probably not meant to be wigging out like that
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<Ariri> Oh, I missed it
<Althego> textbook launch and landing
<Ariri> Nice, going to watch the archive
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<Althego> deploy soon
<Althego> done
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<Althego> sad news. in 2020 the austrian village with a well known name starting with f, changed the name to fugging
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<Mat2ch> Althego: they costs for replacing the town sign got too high
<Althego> i read it in the wiki that they were replaced with stealing resistant signs many years ago
<Althego> btw with this there are actually two fuggings in austria
<Mat2ch> sounds like a party to me!
<Mat2ch> and I missed the telemetry for both stages thing. I like that
<Mat2ch> I always wondered why they didn't add that to the streams. Now they did! \o/
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<Mat2ch> Oh, look a real nail in the coffin of Dark Matter:
<Mat2ch> I really wonder how astrophysicist can still hold onto DM. Yes, there is a pile of evidence in favor for Dark Matter, but there is not a single experiment showing that it exists.
<Mat2ch> And we are talking about dozens of experiments.
<Althego> what is it then? alternatively a different gravity
<Mat2ch> If you look 30 times in a drawer for something and you don't find it, there is a point you should stark asking yourself if it is really there.
<Althego> the best was it may be a neighboring universe, and the mass in that interacting with ours
<Mat2ch> Something like MOND. The QI guy has a theory that solves many of those problems
<Mat2ch> and QI can be seen as an enhancement of MOND.
<Mat2ch> But they don't like him and I know why. He's a bugger
<Althego> but werent there a few galaxies without dark matter?
<Mat2ch> Probably a measurement error.
<Mat2ch> That's what I remember
<Althego> if it was a gravitational law difference, that wouldnt happen
<Althego> i think that was when there were only 2
<Mat2ch> And iirc they only had 10 data points or so
<Mat2ch> you still think in Newtons/Einsteins law. Those formulas could be wrong, even though they partially fit what we see
<Mat2ch> and that's what is annoying me. Instead of questioning the laws over and over again they just go with them and add something to them so they fit
<Althego> am i here?
<Althego> !time
<Kerbot> Althego => 10:22:58 CET on 2021-02-04 Thursday CW 05
<Althego> apparently
<Mat2ch> !road
<Kerbot> Mat2ch => Primary; Monday, February 1, 2021; 9:00 am to 6:00 pm; Canceled | Secondary; Tuesday, February 2, 2021; 9:00 am to Feb 3 – 1:00 pm; Scheduled | Primary; Thursday, February 4, 2021; 9:00 am to 6:00 pm; Scheduled
<Mat2ch> Pressure test of SN10 maybe?
<Althego> or 7.2
<Althego> it is time to pop
<Mat2ch> \o/
<Althego> i think something happened in the office. vpn died
<Mat2ch> Russians. It's always Russians.
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Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | SN9 was doing
<Althego> hehe
<Deddly> Interesting that they are designing Starship to maximise fuel efficiency rather than Delta-V
<Althego> since orbital refueling is planned anyway...
<Althego> where did you get this info from?
<Deddly> Elon's Twitter
<Althego> I am become meme,
<Althego> Destroyer of shorts
<Althego> that is what he said :)
<Deddly> So he did, lol
<Althego> sounds logical
<Althego> if it can do the engine off thing later ot, it can still keep g loads low
<Deddly> Yeah. I wonder how 1.5 TWR would translate to g forces at low fuel for the first stage
<Deddly> Since the payload (Starship) is so heavy, it might not be all that extreme even at full throttle
<Althego> even the saturn v turned off one engine in the first stage
<Deddly> But that's gotta be an uncomfortable ride
<Deddly> It did?
<Deddly> I never knew that
<Althego> and that had a lot of mass on top too
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<Deddly> OK so Saturn V topped out at 3.9g for the first stage, but would of course have been higher if they kept the centre engine lit.
<Deddly> Mercury-Atlas started at 1.35 g and went up to 7 for the first stage, 8 for the second
<Althego> the double spike in the beginning shows the engine out
<Deddly> You and I Googled the same thing :)
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<Deddly> Wow, Mercury astronauts took 11g on re-entry
<Althego> regularly?
<Deddly> Just going by that same post
<Althego> ah i see it is down below
<Althego> but that 11 g sounds harsh
<Deddly> These were fighter/test pilots I suppose
<Althego> hah falt earth content
<Althego> it is getting rare these days
<Althego> *flat
<Deddly> It is?
<Althego> totally dying. but it was fun for two years or so
<Althego> but we have anti masker karens instead
<Althego> for a while at least
<Deddly> It's not just becoming less visible because of Youtube being told to stop recommending it?
<Althego> that too, but the usual suspects are producing less or doing other things
<Deddly> There are plenty of other things to invent conspiracy theories about, I suppose.
<Deddly> It's a mindset
<Deddly> They will always find something to latch on to.
<Deddly> Flat Earth ideas are fascinatingly ignorant, however, and I wonder whether we'll get something quite that evidently wrong again.
<Althego> there are also sovereign citizens
<Althego> i still dont quite get what they want
<Deddly> That's a new one to me. Googled. Wow
<Althego> usual videos are about police stopping them, and they are trying to get out of giving a driver's licence by stating they are not driving, but travelling
<Deddly> So if I don't consent to a law I can drive as fast as I want, kill people, steal things... sounds legit
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<Deddly> There's another word for that, no need to coin a phrase like "sovereign citizens". Just use "anarchy".
<Deddly> Wikipedia has an example of someone who has put up a sign revoking a public right of way through their land and claiming that anyone walking there is trespassing. Well, what if I don't consent to the trespassing legislation. Checkmate, n00b.
<flayer> there's various types of anarchists
<flayer> those who don't believe in private property, and those who think everything should be private property
<flayer> the latter are typically referred to as libertarians
<Althego> ah the repressed anarcho syndicalists :)
<Deddly> "We take it in turns to serve as a sort of executive officer for the week"
<Deddly> "Oh Dennis! There's some lovely filth down here."
<Althego> hehe
<Deddly> "Listen, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government!"
<Deddly> I'm ashamed to say I accidentally memorised that entire scene at an age when I didn't even understand what most of it meant.
<flayer> lol
* flayer tickles Deddly
<Deddly> I wasn't expecting the Spanish inquisition!
<Althego> nobody expects the spanish inquisition
<flayer> didn't they used to give 30 days notice before coming to interview?
<Deddly> Lots of people on the internet say so, but no authoritative source stands out
<Deddly> Looks like a half-truth
<Deddly> They issued a so-called "Edict of Grace", which would be read at church after mass. Anyone coming voluntarily and confessing their "heresies" had the opportunity to essentially be forgiven without being severely punished. They were encouraged to tell on others.
<flayer> on the other hand, what is our source for 'nobody expects them' ?
<FLHerne> This is my favourite soverign-citizen thing I've seen recently
<Deddly> But later on, after the year 1500, there was no grace period
<FLHerne> It might only be funny if you've been stuck working on compilers
<Deddly> flayer, do we need a better source than Monty Python?
<flayer> i think for historical accuracy, yeah
<Deddly> Monty Python are doing
<FLHerne> You're telling me Monty Python aren't historically accurate?
<Deddly> flayer, I don't think we have any definite historical records that conclusively prove that they tied people to dish racks and made them sit in comfy chairs, either.
<Deddly> But these facts are indisputable
<Althego> ah yes, the famous comfy chair
<Deddly> From what I gather, the closest to "nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition" in real life is that someone could denounce you anonymously, and based on their word (true or not) you could be arrested and punished.
<Deddly> But perhaps that would nevertheless be expected if you had managed to gather some enemies
<Deddly> Basically, it was a pretty rotten time to be alive.
<Deddly> Although the same thing happens today in some cultures, but we can't stray into that because that would be against the rulez
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<llcooljayyy> I wonder when we will see KSP 2.0 !!!
<Mat2ch> Next year. Maybe.
<Althego> what happens sooner, ksp2 or starship orbit?
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<llcooljayyy> Starship orbit! KSP will happen when James Webb is operational :D
<Althego> lol
<llcooljayyy> Heres to hoping JW works as planned first time... otherwise... yikes
<Althego> no service missions planned, it is going to be at a lagrange point
<llcooljayyy> EXACTLY
<Althego> so if it breaks, or doesnt work, game over. unfortunately this also means only a few years of maximum lifetime
<Althego> or maybe a starship can go there, repck it and bring it back :)
<llcooljayyy> Lets hope we get "space pens" out of it or something... Hope it makes super discoveries!
<Judge_Dedd> I also think we'll see Starship in orbit before KSP 2
<Judge_Dedd> I could be wrong, but I would imagine orbit is easier than recovery
<Judge_Dedd> llcooljayyy, don't we already have "space pens"? :)
<Althego> if there is no major redesign
<Althego> currently that flip seems to bea hard problem
<Althego> i think that can be overcome
<Althego> but the heat shield seems to be even worse. nobody made a heat shield for mars and earth atmospheres
<Judge_Dedd> Use all three engines on low throttle, do the flip earlier, shut one down if all three light
<Althego> and it looks like the notoriously problematic space shuttle tiles
<Judge_Dedd> They aren't exactly the same, are they?
<Althego> probably not
<Althego> it wouldnt be spacex if they just did the same
<Judge_Dedd> For redundancy, could they have some kind of ablative, single-use material behind the tiles?
<Althego> more mass
<Judge_Dedd> Well, redundancy usually does mean more mass, but for transporting 100 people, maybe a worthwhile tradeoff for additional safety?
<Judge_Dedd> I mean, how much additional mass is the 8x SuperDraco escape system in Dragon 2 that will hopefully never be used?
<Althego> it was originally a landing system too, so actually that design i could understand
<Judge_Dedd> That's true.
<Althego> but either way it would have had parachutes
<Althego> so no mass gained or lost there
<Judge_Dedd> Yeah, so the parachutes would have been the "extra" mass
<Althego> i guess it can replace the parachutes even today in an emergency
<Judge_Dedd> I was wondering that. It would have to be programmed to do so. I somehow doubt they have done that without any testing.
<Althego> and the mass would only matter if used an expendable launch system
<Althego> if it is heavyer but reusable, it is totally worth it
<Althego> it can hover if need to be, and that was tested
<Judge_Dedd> My point about ablative material behind the ceramic tiles, reallo.
<Althego> yes,that is true
<Judge_Dedd> really*
<Althego> on the other hand the dragon probably doesnt have much delta v
<Althego> but starship still needs to get to mars
<Althego> yes, refueling
<Althego> we will see what they come up with
<Judge_Dedd> How about a thin, highly-conductive material that could lead heat away from a small area if just a few tiles came loose?
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<Judge_Dedd> Not enough to shield the entire surface, but enough to lead the heat from the exposed area.
<Althego> never heard of such an ideea
<Althego> a kind of heat buffer or something
<Judge_Dedd> For example, if you point a blow torch at a block of steel, a molten pool will form. But if you do the same with copper, it would gradually heat up the entire block without forming a molten pool beneath the flame, because even though copper has a lower melting point, it conducts the heat away so efficiently.
<Judge_Dedd> So a kind of heat sink
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<Mat2ch> Althego: that flip will be not necessary with decent RCS thrusters.
<Althego> ah yes
<Althego> i forgot they wanted to upgrade them to methalox
<Mat2ch> and technically they should be able to recover almost any satellite with a refuel in orbit
<Mat2ch> which would be rather cheap compared to launching a new sat...
<Althego> lol i didnt know this. 6 people were arrested for changing the hollywood sign to hollyboob
<Althego> the satellites are not really designed to be packaged back, and who know how they would handle the g loads on the way down
<Althego> but with a reusable ship it is obvious to just steal them from orbit and put theme back after a repair
<Mat2ch> well, a special sat repair Starship could be built. Grab and repair in orbit.
<Mat2ch> There's enough space in those things for an army of engineers
<Althego> orbital repairs can be expensive
<Althego> you require a lot of training for the spacidif task
<Althego> and you have to take everything you need
<Althego> *specific
<Althego> maybe if you could take it into the starship and repressurize it
<Althego> then you could do the repairs in zero go, but without a space suit
<Mat2ch> interesting thought
<Mat2ch> also the repair itself would mostly be replacing parts
<Mat2ch> nothing to special
<Mat2ch> refueling maybe
<Althego> lot easier to do without the suit
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<Mat2ch> PRESSURE!
<Althego> but it is venting
<Althego> where is the glorious pop
<Mat2ch> when the venting stops the tank goes pop!
<Mat2ch> they probably wanna fill it to the top
<Mat2ch> and it's not at the top yet
<Althego> at least now we have sound
<Mat2ch> and it sounds scary!
<Mat2ch> is it getting angrier?
<Mat2ch> the other cam shows the dome icing much better
<Mat2ch> almost full
<Mat2ch> .oO( And some day I will understand why people cling to nuclear power plants. Some day. )
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<Mat2ch> Sooooooon!
<raptop> The whole lack of CO2 and ash emissions?
* raptop hochos a certain plant in Kingston Tennessee
<Althego> until we come up with an actually good energy storage we cant use renewables
<Althego> coal is just pure murder
<Althego> so i guess temporarily natural gas is ok until we come up with something better
<raptop> And I can't speak for other countries, but the US is sort of out of good rivers for dams and has been for >50 years
<umaxtu> theres a nearby dam that has room for another turbine. idk why it wasn't ever installed
<Mat2ch> raptop: they create a lot of CO2 during build, because of the cement and processing the Uran generates lots of CO2 as well. The water vapors are in fact a climate gas. They heat up rivers and pose challenges to the local fauna. And then there's the final storage thing
<Althego> 7.2 is doing
<Mat2ch> also we only have around 65 years of Uran left. Then maybe another 70 years for some that has the be mined even more laborious
<Mat2ch> alsmost fully frosted over. Now we wait for the valves to close.
<Althego> we have practically limitless amount of thoriuim
<Mat2ch> is there any thorium reactor that works?
<Mat2ch> and we have storage solutions. They just have to be built in bigger numbers
<raptop> Mat2ch: Okay, but the CO2 from cement argument applies to housing and train stations
<raptop> And the uranium "shortage" is from using U-235 with no reprocessing. Presumably because we know that the US would launch a first strike if they ever acquired weapons
<Mat2ch> raptop: it does. Train stations can be built mostly out of wood.
<Mat2ch> Houses, too.
* raptop is under the impression that wood framing is only popular in the US
<Mat2ch> In fact there's a big building built near me that is concrete just at the bottom and on top has wood segments.
<Mat2ch> In Germany we got a big cement lobby and they are lobbying against wood :(
<raptop> Certainly I constantly see people in eg: UK, DE, etc commenting on how weird it is that things aren't made out of concrete and brick
<Mat2ch> but there's a growing number of wood frame houses here. Most come as prefabricated buildings and are often better at insulating than some made out of stone
<Mat2ch> Lets say: The wood houses here are built much much stronger than US wood frame houses. ;)
<raptop> (also, you constantly yell at us for using wood because of a comparative lack of insulation)
<Mat2ch> Well, let's face it, the US is big, has several climate zones and therefore different requirements
<umaxtu> and 5 of them are in San Francisco
<Mat2ch> but it is possible to build houses that are huricane proof. We would do that here, but it's expensive.
<Althego> i never understood americans, they live in tornado and hurricane areas and build vheap wooden houses instead of something durable
<Mat2ch> because the probability of being hit by a hurricane is rather low
<raptop> Florida houses that were built after some time in the 1990s are supposed to be able to take a direct hit from a cat 2-3 hurricane
<Mat2ch> and cheap wood homes are cheaper to build a second time...
<Mat2ch> in German we got lots of half-timbering houses. Because wood was rather rare a few centuries back and we have lots and lots of stone and mud...
<Mat2ch> Valves closed!
<Althego> and open
<Mat2ch> Cycling for load test?
<Mat2ch> and closed
<Mat2ch> pop!
<Althego> yes
<Mat2ch> I guess that was a weld.
<Althego> all according to keikaku*. (*: keikaku means plan) :)
<Althego> man this is like a decade old dank meme
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<Althego> what is happening now?
<Althego> cant they just drain it?
<Mat2ch> top vent maybe
<Mat2ch> but why?
<Mat2ch> It's safe now. ;)
<Mat2ch> and time for lunch break probably ;)
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<Althego> a falcon heavy in march?
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<Judge_Dedd> Didn't read all of the scrollback, but about hydro-electric dams, water vapor is only a problematic greenhouse gas in the upper atmosphere. The CO2 from dams comes from construction and the destruction of forest and plant life below the water level of the reservoir. However, over the long lifetime of the average dam, CO2 emissions are so negligible as to not have an impact at all. The actual problem with dams is that they
<Judge_Dedd> often disrupt the migration of fish and eels, and some designs kill a lot of water life because it lets them into the turbines. Not insurmountable problems by any means, but that's the only major ecological concern.
<Judge_Dedd> Summary: Dams produce remarkably clean energy, but there is room for improvement.
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<deadmind> doing HWAT?
<deadmind> wow
<deadmind> it is doing, for sure
<Judge_Dedd> :)
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<Mat2ch> Did they plug the hole?
<Mat2ch> It went pop almost 3 hours ago
<raptop> ;outcome add Your projects force most spaceflight technologies to be downgraded to TRL 0.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: Your projects force most spaceflight technologies to be downgraded to TRL 0.
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<packbart> what is TRL 0?
<packbart> "Technology readiness levels (TRLs) are a method for estimating the maturity of technologies during the acquisition phase of a program, developed at NASA during the 1970s." - I see. but it starts at 1
<raptop> That's the joke
<raptop> Somehow you do something so bad that the technolody ceases to exist even in the lab (if not as an idea)
* raptop has added a lot of physically impossible outcomes >_>
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<FLHerne> packbart: TRL 1 is "the physical principle exists"
<FLHerne> packbart: Thus a reset to TRL 0 is "you broke physics", which in KSP happens all the damn time