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<Althego> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0wkjy2dP-E stardust 1.0 launch
<Althego> comment: "Ah! There it is, the footage I've been waiting for all evening!"
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<Althego> oh no, both spacex launches moved to tomorrow
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<JVFoxy> so... SpaceX running into some regulatory problems huh? Someone wasn't happy with the crash..
<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: apparently they changed an engine on SN8 and flew with them, but the FAA wants a complete recertification if you do that
<Mat2ch> which is crazy. If you change an engine in an airliner you don't need to do that.
<JVFoxy> oh... friend threw me the verge article. Wasn't told to them why the FAA wasn't happy about things.
<JVFoxy> Mat2ch you change an engine on any plane, there is going to be paper work regardless
<Deddly> How far offshore would they need to station the converted oil rig/starport to be outside the FAA's jurisdiction?
<Althego> irrelevant
<JVFoxy> I know up here, even with ultralight aircraft, if you change anything, it has to be inspected, re-certified before it can be flown again. One person freaked out that adding a camera to a wing strut meant you had to get the FAA approval.. eh..
<Althego> since they are an american company flying american stuff, they are always under faa
<Althego> maybe outside there you can take off whenever you want
<Althego> it doesnt mean you can do whatever you want
<Deddly> People on the forum are saying that the Verge article contains a number of inaccuracies
<JVFoxy> impression I got was, the craft crashed, that in itself was making people mad
<darsie> Which people?
<Deddly> Althego, Wait... so if they set up a network of suborbital point-to-point spaceports, they would have to get FAA approval to fly from, say, China to the UK?
<Althego> no
<Althego> probably not
<Deddly> JVFoxy, there are a lot of rumours
<Althego> but the ships will have to get them
<JVFoxy> eh...
<darsie> Spain-New Zealand are antipodes.
<JVFoxy> I just said to friend who showed the article, they were being rather crytpic
<Deddly> I can't imagine the FAA objecting to the crash when Elon was very public about his expectations for that flight
<JVFoxy> you crash something, obviously people going to want to know why it happened.
<darsie> Most of all, Spacex.
<JVFoxy> some of the stuff they were quoting Elon about though, how he thinks the current system is rather 'archaic'.
<darsie> Spacex could move to Somalia.
<darsie> Space port right at the equator.
<Deddly> Also seems illogical to me that FAA would penalise SN9 on the basis of SN8. More likely would be a fine, no?
<JVFoxy> the rapid rate of their development, does make me a little concern
<Deddly> JVFoxy, Elon actually said the FAA system is great for what is was designed for, but archaic in relation to what SpaceX want to do
<Althego> spacex cant move to somalia
<darsie> Why not?
<Althego> because they are probably under itar
<Althego> and you cant export american tech to just anybody
<Althego> think of it, they can build rockets. rockets that could be used as weapons regardless of the payload
<Deddly> Somalia is also a very unstable country
<JVFoxy> Maybe it is time FAA branched off a new division to deal with just space flight
<darsie> They have teh tech. If they dissolve Spacex in USA and move to Somalia, would USA invade Somalia and stop them?
<Althego> suppsedly there is some kind of internal change in progress for the spaceflight already
<Althego> probably because of spacex
<JVFoxy> makes me wonder what they had going when the Mercury-Gemini-Apollo programs were all happening
<Althego> but as such things go, any state bureaucratic change takes time
<Deddly> darsie, the internationally recognised government of Somalia is currently in control of only parts of the capital city. Would you want to base an important multi-million dollar industry there?
<JVFoxy> cough, how much would have to spend on a small army to protect the project over there even...
<Deddly> Of all places in the world, Somalia is probably the very least appropriate location under the current circumstances
<darsie> Deddly: That's an issue, ofc. multi billion*. I guess a billion could fortify the space port.
<Mat2ch> Deddly: it's getting better.
<Mat2ch> but yeah, Somalia needs more time...
<JVFoxy> wish Canada here got more involved, besides satellites, robots.. oh wait, there was Chris Hadfield...
<JVFoxy> When I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut... at the time, parents said only Americans got to go into space. So that dream was crushed...
<darsie> I thought of NZ, initially, but Somalia has that equator east coast.
<Deddly> There are so many safe options of that were so important
<darsie> Elon is a native African, too :).
<Deddly> Indonesia, Brazil...
<Deddly> Safer*
<Deddly> Kenya
<JVFoxy> on the equator?
<Deddly> These are all on the equator, yes
<JVFoxy> isn't there a little play, because of Earth's tilt?
<JVFoxy> though I guess it depends on what you launching for/to
<Deddly> Depends where you want to go
<Deddly> LEO, equator is hard to beat
<JVFoxy> solar reference or earth/moon reference
<Althego> african, but south african
<JVFoxy> hmm.. polar launches ;P
<Izaya> in space they don't have to comply with the FAA
<darsie> Would Somalia say no if Elon asked?
<Izaya> :^)
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<Deddly> Being on the equator is only one aspect. What about infrastructure?
<JVFoxy> accessibility...
<Deddly> If you want to launch from Somalia, how are you going to get your payload there? How are you going to get the fuel there?
<darsie> Ship
<Deddly> We are talking about a state where hotels in the very safest region are still bombed from time to time
<Deddly> Where are you going to put your spaceport in that map?
<Izaya> the light blue area on the right labelled "indian ocean"
<Deddly> Where are you going to store the highly-explosive fuel, and how are you going to keep it safe?
<darsie> Ok, Jamame is ISIS. They might say no.
<Deddly> Seriously, of all the places in the world, Somalia is amongst the very worst and dangerous to base an American space company.
<darsie> No, a Somalian space company.
<Althego> or anything
<darsie> Becaus Somalian space companies don't have to adhere to ITAR.
<Deddly> It's dangerous just to sail a ship past it
<Deddly> darsie, and which companies are you going to source parts and materials from?
<darsie> aliexpress? ;)
<darsie> ok, maybe another time.
<Althego> maybe you could try sri lanka instead, almost on the equator, and a small island
<Althego> small, relatively
<JVFoxy> lol.. how you going to get your FAA approval to launch missions to orbit? With suborbital delivery rockets?
<Althego> so there must be lot of ocean facing shores
<darsie> But still, going to another country would be the ultimat finger to the FAA.
<Althego> at this point it is almost impossible to do
<Althego> the only way to do it is to go back in time and make spacex not american
<JVFoxy> if not FAA, likely some other aviation management group
<Althego> but then they wouldnt have gotten the nasa money
<Izaya> why would you? the FAA are just doing their job
<Mat2ch> They just keep pushing some politicians and the changes will come
<Deddly> It would also be difficult to convince your workers to all up and leave to live elsewhere.
<Mat2ch> the problem is: Will those changes be in place before or after SN10 static fire test? :D
<Mat2ch> And will SN9 and SN10 fly in parallel? We will see ;)
<JVFoxy> besides, FAA isn't /that/ bad... Elon just wants to push things a bit, more for his own benefit.. cuz well... its Elon.
<Izaya> rich people gonna rich
<JVFoxy> geez.. I just hope SN9 doesn't smack into SN10 or something unexpected
<Althego> regulations always lag behind reality
<Althego> law making is long and hard
<Althego> nothing new here
<Althego> hehe long and hard, a bottom left moment :)
* JVFoxy nudges a 2" steel pipe towards Althego
* Mat2ch throws some SI units at JVFoxy
<Mat2ch> ;P
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> anyway i wanted to say it takes a lot of time and effort to catch up to changed situations in lawmaking
<Althego> anyway if they wouldnt be under faa, they would be stilll under iata and icao i guess
<Althego> i dont know what these organisations do exactly but they must do something
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<JVFoxy> I recognize them, though mostly from airport identification stuff
* JVFoxy converts the 2" pipe to a 50.8mm one
<Althego> i think even to this day pipes are in inches
<Althego> because of legacy reasons
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | FAA is doing
<Althego> hahaha
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Spacex is not doing FAA is doing
<Althego> good old etng and ethb, the icao codes of geilenkirchen and bückeburg
<Althego> yes, this is the full phrase
<JVFoxy> lol... FAA is doing.... shoulda just kept it at that
<Mat2ch> Althego: and I'm pretty sure that they are 51 mm wide. :D
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<JVFoxy> 2x4 isn't exactly those measurements. something about being a bit short to make room for dry wall panels?
<JVFoxy> so.. spacewalk soon on ISS
<Deddly> Not sure if that applies to Europe though
<JVFoxy> deddly ok so extra planing. Though I could you could also say it gives 1/4" extra room for wall panels to go on top too
<JVFoxy> on both sides that is
<Althego> covid note on the page. i guess this is going to be everywhere for a while
<Deddly> In the UK, they take off 5 mm
<Deddly> So a 2x4 is actually bigger?
<Deddly> (compared with the US)
<Deddly> Very, very slightly
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<Deddly> Ah but that's not true, because it's 100 mm, minus 5, not 4 inches, which would be 101.6 mm
<Deddly> Let's just agree that it's a complicated mess
<JVFoxy> messy.. sure
<JVFoxy> welcome to life. :\
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<Mat2ch> oh, they already did a pressure test on SN10
<Mat2ch> wow
<Mat2ch> or a leakage test?
<Althego> faa annoyance level test?
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> maybe?
<Mat2ch> but they didn't even clear the pad
<Mat2ch> so no real pressure
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<Althego> i think i overcame the yt not playing livestreams problem. although there is no button or surface to interact with, you just need to click in the empty space where the video will be
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<Althego> that week when calli and kiara go on a holiday. so they go in hotel room and stream together from there...
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* raptop wonders if that would imply something like that one time fubuki streamed into the void
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<Althego> so this is the battery upgrade that was postponed
<Althego> (iss spacewalk)
<Althego> the solar panel upgrade is going to be interesting
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<Mat2ch> are they folding them in and replacing them completely?
<Althego> no, they put them over the originals, partially occluding them. but only 3 pairs instead of 4, so one remains unchanged
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<Mat2ch> interesting
<Mat2ch> leaving the structure in place, just adding new panels over the old
<Mostly_Deddly> chanlog
<Mod9000> I keep channel logs here: bitcoinshell.mooo.com/users/deddly/?C=M;O=D
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<Mat2ch> starlink launch postponed to Wednesday
<Mostly_Deddly> :/
<Mostly_Deddly> Still in February?
<Mostly_Deddly> 2021?
<Mat2ch> yes
<Althego> this deal is getting worse all the time
<Mat2ch> bad weather
<Althego> they might as well wait until spring at this pace
<Mat2ch> rough weather in the recovery area: https://twitter.com/SpaceX/status/1356279692202897408
<Mat2ch> I want spring, too.
<Mat2ch> We're having grey days for at least two month now
<Mat2ch> I need some sunshine
<Mat2ch> at least for a few days
<Mat2ch> but it's grey and rainy.
<Mat2ch> In previous winters we had at least some sunhine every few weeks. But this one is harsh. And it has something to do with climate change as well :/
<Althego> i decided to take vitamin d supplement. generally on these latitudes everybody i vitamin d deficient in the winter, but this time it somewhat helps to prevent infections, including covid
<Althego> you have to take 4000 internation unit pills each day
<Althego> international
<darsie> I made 1000 IU drops and take 4 each day.
<darsie> Since before cv.
<sandbox> my body is like "vitamin d, what's that?"
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i never cared for it, since i survived anyway, but this time i thought better to e sure
<Mat2ch> I really wonder why there are no quick tests for vitamin d
<Mat2ch> it's so essential in the northern and southern countries to supplement that it would be great to know when and how much...
<Althego> you can just build a sun yourself
<darsie> When I adopted a mostly vegan diet I was told I need B12 and should take D, too.
<Mat2ch> I saw that, but does it just look like a sun or really feel as the sun as well?
<Mat2ch> There's a lot to real sunlight. The color, the intensity, the warmth...
<Althego> i think it was a led, so it just look like it. for real feeling you have to have a 5700K black body
<Althego> yesterday i managed to get up yo 45 minutes in a new career
<Althego> to
<raptop> yay?
<Mostly_Deddly> Vitamin D deficiency can cause depression and cancer. Take Vitamin D
<Althego> eating fried bacon can cause cancer
<Althego> but who would stop eating bacon because of that
<umaxtu> vegans
<Althego> that is not their reason
<umaxtu> they seize on every excuse :P
<Mostly_Deddly> There is an extremely minor correlation with processed meats, yes. But that has been thoroughly debunked. Correlation is not causation.
<Mostly_Deddly> Well, part of the source
<Mostly_Deddly> "This is not available to you"
<Althego> always
<Althego> twitter does that for the first time
<Althego> just refresh
<Mostly_Deddly> Huh
<Mostly_Deddly> OK I don't have sound on, but that was worth it
<Althego> tetris music playing
<Mostly_Deddly> LOL
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<sandbox> existing causes cancer
<raptop> Especially in mice
<Althego> for kerbals, existing causes launch :)
<darsie> Althego: I stopped eating most animal products to stop anthropogenic mass extinction of species.
<darsie> Not because they are unhealthy.
<Althego> yes, as i said most vegans have a reason for it. for example moral reasons for decreasing suffering of animals
<Althego> can the next two starlinks launch on the same day?
<Althego> if the wednesday slips to thursday
<FLHerne> In principle, yes
<FLHerne> They've had two launches for the same day scheduled before
<FLHerne> (although that time one got scrubbed on the day by weather)
<flayer> Althego, for me, existence causes lunch
<Althego> somebody please tell thunderf00t that algorithm is not written with a y
<Althego> unless maybe a joke on his part
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<Mat2ch> Althego: whoever planned that kitchen should be fired.
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<nomalraptop> Althego: ...what does it mean if a フブキ video has as the thumbnail her saying "no waifu"
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