Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.0 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Althego is doing
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<herbert_west> raptop, I love how the deepest, darkest cosmic horror in HPL's "He" is...Chinese people
<herbert_west> lmao
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<Mat2ch> Uh, Tesla updated the interior design of S and X. And I have a feeling that we wont see this steering wheel in the EU...
<Althego> looks dumb
<Mat2ch> if you're using a self-driving feature all the time and only need it to steer away from obstacles, then it's fine.
<Mat2ch> But I don't see full self-driving yet...
<Mat2ch> But you can play Cyberpunk on it.
<Mat2ch> Which means there's a Linux version out there.
<Althego> which is a massive disappointment
<Althego> to the point they are getting sued or something
<Mat2ch> Probably a similar version as for Stadia.
<Mat2ch> But not for regular Linux users.
<Mat2ch> I hate companies who do things like that.
<Mat2ch> It's only a disappointment for console users. The other users seem to be mostly fine with it
<Althego> hehe, the "Major esthetics improvements coming" is because of a 425 megapixel picture
<packbart> there was already a (court, iirc) decision that wiper controls via touchscreen only are not allowed
<packbart> who'd want a Tesla cockpit to look like an old Boeing, anyway
<packbart> it was cool in Knight Rider, but that car actually did have autonomous driving capability
<Mat2ch> packbart: it was about changing the wiper speed and settings. Not the wiper itself.
<Mat2ch> the wiper itself goes on automatically
<packbart> yeah, but I don't see a "stalkless" steering wheel getting approval with turn signals via push buttons
<Mat2ch> https://www.teslarati.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/QE4lCLg.png wiper on off is on the left stick
<packbart> otoh, I prefer a BMW i3 over any Tesla any day. I think they're ugly. The i3 "Tron car" is weird enough, too
<packbart> e-Smarts are quite funny, though. good acceleration, too
<Mat2ch> but have very low range
<Mat2ch> and iirc they aren't built anymore
<Mat2ch> oh, they still are
<Mat2ch> my informations are incorrect
<packbart> I use car-sharing, so I get to drive and compare variety of models
<Mat2ch> For a city they are fine
<Mat2ch> But I take my car mostly on a bit longer trips.
<packbart> I use "traditional" rentals for longer trips. One day, I'll just rent a Maserati for the fun of it
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<packbart> of all the car-sharing model, I currently prefer the VW Polo
<packbart> "the standard human spaceship will be mostly rectangular with engines on one end and weapons on the other"
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<Althego> why would it be rectangular?
<packbart> Because Our Weapons Will Be Boxy in the Future. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/StandardHumanSpaceship
<packbart> fewer polygons ;)
<Mat2ch> boxy weapons. Hehehe. Why do I have to think about The Expanse here?
<Mat2ch> also the current season is so boring
<Mat2ch> nothing happens except stupid decisions that are made.
<Althego> is one season one book?
<packbart> more or less. the series diverged quite a bit from the books
<Mat2ch> I hope the season finale makes up for it. Otherwise I have not much hope for the next one
<Mat2ch> "oh, we go there and take a suborbital ship to the Moon"
<Mat2ch> Suborbital you say?
<Mat2ch> To the Moon?
<Mat2ch> WHAT
<Mat2ch> And then some bad guys appear. Who would have thought. What a surprise.
<Mat2ch> it's not exciting if you expect it.
<Mat2ch> But who am I... just a mere viewer.
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<Mat2ch> NasaSpaceflight is again hyping SN9 flight :D
<Althego> it looks like ok today
<Althego> based on the weather
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<Mat2ch> !road
<Kerbot> Mat2ch => Primary; Thursday, Jan 28, 2021; 9:00 am to 6:00 pm; Scheduled | Secondary; Friday, Jan 29, 2021; 8:00 am to 2:00 pm; Scheduled
<Mat2ch> Primary is today
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<Mat2ch> SpaceX has to be very confident. Otherwise I can't explain why they moved the crane to Pad A if they wanna fly SN9 soon
<Althego> probably because of sn10
<Mat2ch> So no launch today but moving SN10?
<Mat2ch> Or both?
<Althego> they can move it after the launch
<Althego> or just simply tomorrow
<Althego> how long did it take them last time to prepare for launch?
<Mat2ch> a bit longer, because SN9 fell over :D
<Mat2ch> what I meant to say is, that it is a huge risk having an expensive crane next to a thing that makes a continous explosion at its back
<Althego> yes
<Althego> even if they owned the crane, but they probably dont
<darsie> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5kVZlnHZ3o went live. LIVE: Starship SN9 Flight Test. NASASpaceflight
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<transit> Ahoy.
<darsie> .
<transit> Hello person
<darsie> .
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: A yellow glow-in-the-dark octopus-like creature infiltrates your Science Jr. containers. The rescue mission requires a rescue mission.
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<Mat2ch> Althego: the time the crane is already at the complex suggests that they bought it.
<Mat2ch> They will need it for years to come and it would be far more expensive to rent it.
<Althego> can be
<Mat2ch> the crane boom is lowered which means they really want to launch with it being nearby...
<Althego> lol
<Mat2ch> probably to lift SN10 onto Pad A tomorrow
<Althego> i guess they win a day with this if nothing explodes
<Mat2ch> and yes it is called "boom" and has nothing to do with the boom we hopefully wont see. :D
<FLHerne> Mat2ch: It still has Roll-Lift branding, you'd think they'd at least debrand it if purchased
<FLHerne> All the lifts and things on the pad are United Rentals
<darsie> Maybe they get it cheaper if they leave the branding on.
<FLHerne> Probably the opposite if anything
<Althego> why, it would be free ad
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<Althego> hmm, a cherry picker
<Althego> maybe they launch later
<minas_tirith> Althego, have you read "He"
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<minas_tirith> (hpl story)
<Althego> i read nothing from him
<minas_tirith> Althego, its a very unintentionally funny story
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<Althego> oh no
<Althego> if the wind is too strong now, tomorrow will be the same
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<Mat2ch> tfr is gone.
<Mat2ch> Great
<Mat2ch> I was looking forward to this :P
<Althego> at least i dont have to worry about being up late
<Althego> unless friday is a failure too
<Althego> because then the whole thing starts next week
<Althego> and we can wait for the late launch again
<Mat2ch> the streamers all have hope
<Mat2ch> I don't.
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> yes, if the tfr is gone, it is over
<Mat2ch> it is gone
<Mat2ch> and since tfrs probably can't be set up just a few minutes ahead of something this means it's over for today.
<Mat2ch> Screw you high upper winds!
<Althego> unless spacex has an experimental teleporter, and they can just directly jump to orbit :)
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<darsie> shift-F12
<Mat2ch> the FAA website doesn't seem to be made for 100000 SpaceX fans...
<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> i guess thousands od people are sitting there and just pressing refresh constantléy
<Mat2ch> The NSF stream has 60k viewers. That is insane.
<Althego> i moved on
<flayer> i used to have persistent rotation installed as an additional challenge because you couldn't use timewarp to stabilize your ship
<flayer> now i use it to speed up my very careful and slow rotations
<darsie> That's fuel/battery efficient.
<flayer> yeah, i've started building ships with far less battery power too
<flayer> i'm slowly turning into you darsie
<darsie> hehe
<darsie> If you hold at your maneuver marker and then time warp, will you still rotate, e.g. because the hold didn't stop you completely?
<flayer> yeah, but you can get to stabilize pretty well
<flayer> with small ships at least
<darsie> If not, you could rotate away from the maneuver marker and will rotate back to it periodically, then hold attitude at the marker just before you start the burn.
<darsie> Unless that unrealistic physics sphere messes up your attitude.
<Althego> hehe. gura is playing read dead 2. there is a shrimp on her head, and there is a small cowboy head on the shrimp's head
<Althego> why do i always want to write it as read dead instead of red dead
<darsie> cowboy head or hat?
<Althego> hat
<Althego> see, tehre is some typing issue
<Althego> at least more than usual
<Althego> supposedly new tfr is up
<darsie> Yeah. You need neuralink :).
<Althego> i cant even direct my own fingers correctly, after decades of use. why would i use an extra hand better
<darsie> The idea was that it reads your thoughts and sends exactly what you think :).
<Althego> the god emperor of dune had something like that. he used that for his journals
<Althego> there is a tfr up
<Althego> somewhat different than it was before
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<darsie> Are we all supposed to click that link? :)
<Althego> nothing harmful there
<darsie> DDoS
<Althego> maybe it is another tank test, if they cant fly
<flayer> i'm halfway annoyed that i'm here for all the tests
<flayer> its like... if you come in at the end, when they send the first one off to mars, you don't have to wait around so much
<flayer> i just wanna see the first payload - robotic refuel system - land on mars already
<flayer> when's that gonna be? 2030?
<Althego> maybe
<Althego> because of elon time
<Althego> if we are lucky, starship makes into orbit this year
<Althego> but there are always issues
<Althego> after that it needs to be used
<Althego> a lot
<Althego> and the orbital refueling needs to be developed
<Althego> maybe they can send a test ship to mars in 2022, but i think it is unlikely
<darsie> A foreig... umm, interstellar asteroid could be on collision course with Earth with no way to deflect it.
<Althego> doesnt need to be interstellar to become deadly
<Althego> there is no money even for the detection of these
<darsie> No, but those are more likely to be discovered when it's too late.
<Althego> much less any kind of deflection research
<darsie> OTOH there are fewer of those.
<darsie> A simple impact can do the trick.
<darsie> if it's done in time.
<Althego> there supposed to be a mission to shoot an asteroid moon to see if w can deflect them such way
<Althego> didymos and its moon didymoon
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<darsie> I wonder how it could fail. We could miss or graze it. If we hit, there'll be debris scattered. I don't think it would break up in large fractions, so most of the momentum would be transferred to the remaining asteroid.
<Althego> to small deflection, if asteroid is too heavy, too small if it is too fluffly and goes through, too small if it just breaks apart
<Althego> this is like digging a probe in martian soil. seemed simple enough, but failed completely
<minas_tirith> Althego, you must understand
<minas_tirith> Its very difficult to make a machine perform such tasks from home
<Althego> i didnt say it was a dumb design. it was a design. nobody knew what to expect. now it helped to show that there needs to be an other way
<minas_tirith> Remotely operated robot vehicles are a very difficult and complex thing
<darsie> minas_tirith: Are you a moon or an ancient greek horned creature?
<Althego> that's no moon
<minas_tirith> darsie, why?
<darsie> Your name
<minas_tirith> Its a location in middle earth
<darsie> I guess it makes me think of minotaur.
<minas_tirith> What were your interpretations?
<darsie> k
<minas_tirith> There are many ancient horned gods
<darsie> horny gods
<minas_tirith> Veles, Satyrs et
<minas_tirith> Veles, Satyrs etc
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<Althego> after all these recent events, will 2021 be worse than 2020? i think so
<darsie> Nature might die a bit slower in 2021.
* raptop is hoping to see fewer deaths in 2021
<Althego> the new variants are spreading
<darsie> Umm, I meant, it might resume dying at a more faster pace.
<darsie> idk
<raptop> The good news is that so far none of the variants are actually able to overcome the vaccines
<raptop> Also, masks work
<raptop> Ignore CDC; acquire N95*
<raptop> *KN95, KF94, FPP2, etc are fine
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<Althego> it is venting a bit
<Althego> Mat2ch: it is venting
<raptop> Quick, put a surgical mask over the vent
<Althego> hehehe
<flayer> i just want to see the transport route be opened up, so to speak
<flayer> having reliable transport is going to do a lot for establishing any sort of presence
<Althego> do you need that route for something?
<flayer> to build my mars colony
<Althego> glory to arstotzka
<Althego> wait, different game :)
<raptop> Cheap Reliable Access To Space(tm)
<raptop> Althego: suddenly I'm reminded of when Korone was playing Papers Please
<raptop> (something something guard dog)
<Mat2ch> Althego: woah
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raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png
<raptop> The best numbered version has come out!
<darsie> 1.11.1 yay
<darsie> time for me to upgrade.
<darsie> If only I hadn't run out of motivation.
<raptop> This darsie^Wartoo unit has a bad motivator!
<darsie> artoo?
<raptop> Well, I've seen it a lot in eg: older writings, but also R2
<darsie> ic :)
<flayer> raptop, crats is key. we need whole fleets of rockets ready to depart at every transfer window
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<packbart> ooh, update
<packbart> Steam had it scheduled for end of next week. noway
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* darsie upgraded to 1.11.1.
<darsie> I wish mouse wheel scroll would be "normal".
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<Mat2ch> darsie: normal?
<packbart> there is no normal
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<darsie> like, 3 lines per mouse wheel click instead of 10 clicks per item in the vehicle load dialog.
<darsie> Mat2ch:
<darsie> I have 24 clicks per full rotation of my mouse wheel.
<darsie> Or 3-4 motions with my index finger per rotation.
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<packbart> hm. in 1.11.1, I get odd lags in the VAB. no reaction for a few seconds
<raptop> oh no
<raptop> If you can figure out what's causing them (something bad related to the animations?), please post more
<JVFoxy> just in 1.11.1?
<JVFoxy> maybe something in the background.. -shrug
* raptop assumes so, but we'll see
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<packbart> I didn't notice it in 1.11.0. I'll try and test
<packbart> but first I need to get that relay sat into orbit
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<raptop> fair enough
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