Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.0 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Althego is doing
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<umaxtu> oh yay! editor extensions redux is updated for 1.11
<raptop> \o/
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<flayer> 1500 dv on aerospikes to get off the surface and 1000 dv on the dual nervs should allow me to get all science from duna i think
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<flayer> lol
<raptop> That one's good
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<XXCoder> ;mission
<LunchBot> XXCoder: You hire a Pierson's Puppeteer to run your safety department. A relevant XKCD is made shortly thereafter.
<XXCoder> perfect
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<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You call the copse to report an orchard burglary. You sleep through your launch window.
<Althego> copse?
<Mat2ch> yes
<Mat2ch> and it doesn't match :(
<Althego> match with wath?
<Althego> what
<packbart> I'll take one, too
<packbart> !mission
<LunchBot> packbart: You visit Project Rho to get ideas for your next mission. You went bankrupt!
<packbart> well, it happens
<Althego> still two days for a launcg
<Mat2ch> Althego: the mission and the outcome don't fit well together :/
<Mat2ch> Althego: SN9 on Friday?
<Althego> happens
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<Althego> no, i meant this day, and the next
<Mat2ch> Ah, ok
<Mat2ch> But today SN10 is probably moved to Pad A
<Althego> ah
<Mat2ch> Not sure if they will launch tomorrow then
<Althego> 3 test articles there
<Althego> maybe they could do a double launch and landing just as with heavy :)
<Mat2ch> and https://www.cameroncounty.us/spacex/ looks totally hand written. Crazy.
<Mat2ch> Only one landing pad. :D
<Althego> eh
<Mat2ch> So either they and very precise or one has to get stacked.
<Althego> the best would be a double landing with the test tank exploding just the moment the starships touch the ground
<Mat2ch> hrhr
<Mat2ch> they stopped testing yesterday, didn't they?
<Mat2ch> Without a rupture
<Althego> tank still there
<Althego> at least i found some flat earth
<packbart> !nela
<Kerbot> packbart => Starship Prototype - SN9 High-Altitude Test Flight (Suborbital) - Jan 28 (estimated) - https://rocketlaunch.live/launch/sn9-high-altitude-te for info/stream
<packbart> tak
<Althego> haha lhc collisions open a demon summoning portal
<Althego> hehe, the sane guy says hilarious things with a straight face, like... we catch up with the dictionary people during the secret nasa moonbase meeting, it is on every first tueasday of the month, coming up
<Althego> hail hydra collider :)
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<Althego> blackout
<darsie> Where?
<Althego> at my location
<Althego> must have been wider because some other people in the company complained too
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<Mat2ch> I just understood the GameStop stock thing. And it's evil. And funny to watch.
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<Althego> see louis rossman in the topic
<Mat2ch> who?
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<flayer> i need about 1000 science to unlock all the stuff for my duna rover, and i can get about 50-60 science per biome on the mun/minmus (vry low science settings)
<flayer> i think with the research lab i can do it
<flayer> i got 90 days before the duna window
<flayer> if i can't do it, i'm sending just a single apollo style expedition
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<RoboFreak> this is not a diagram
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<Mat2ch> Diagram?
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<Mat2ch> oh
<Mat2ch> well
<Mat2ch> yes
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<umaxtu> my copilot. https://imgur.com/a/aN1VBtF
<raptop> voidkitty!
<herbert_west> Who
<umaxtu> mostly, shes a tortie though, so there are splashes of orange
<Althego> eyes the screen with suspicion
<raptop> Alternatively, it's good that your crew has a ship's cat
<umaxtu> until she hits the wrong button
<herbert_west> Cats are important
<Althego> hehe, dark matter hunters come in two breeds, the experimentalist and the theorist. and there ism old crt showing one or an other character behind him at the right time
<herbert_west> Whats a dark matter hunter
<umaxtu> I miss that show. its was cheesy but good
<Althego> was this a reference to something?
<umaxtu> not really. but there was a show called Dark Matter
<Althego> ah, too new for old folks like me
<herbert_west> Althego, hi
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<Mat2ch> .oO( Darm Matter does not exist ;P )
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<Althego> heh, there is a broken silicon, and i also have to check out this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QR4guNpcU68
<Althego> cant be that bad if the two guys who think it is real are in it
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<raptop> ;outcome add Fortunately, help arrives on mighty toaster wings.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: Fortunately, help arrives on mighty toaster wings.
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* raptop still has no idea how the KSP2 devs are going to handle interstellar travel and the associated distance/time/Isp issues
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<Althego> probably the easiest way. they dont
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<raptop> Are you thinking something like: handwavy FTL, absurdly close distances, the game not getting released, or something else?
<Althego> i think in game dev you can just get around problems, you dont need to actually solve them
<Althego> maintenance
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<Izaya> the kerbol system is actually one of several stars orbiting a black hole
<Izaya> in relatively close proximity
<Izaya> the radiation is why the kerbals are so resilient
<raptop> And that's why they don't need excessive shielding on the LV-N
* raptop wouldn't mind the nearest star being like 1e12 m from kerbol, which actually gets you plausible trajectories in terms of ΔV and travel time
<Mat2ch> FTL drives. All bets on FTL drives.
<raptop> That is plausible
<FLHerne> Magic portals, Expanse style?
<packbart> why go FTL if you can time-warp?
<FLHerne> That would be some spectacular timewarp factors
<flayer> i hope they do both
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<packbart> let's do the time-warp again!
<packbart> Rocky Kerman
<raptop> Long time-warp would suggest that you'd want some sort of automation of various other missions and/or stopping to focus on relevant things
<raptop> (compare with KAC)
<Izaya> base-game KAC would be nice
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<raptop> ;mission add In your hunger for power, you devour a Yatagarasu.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: In your hunger for power, you devour a Yatagarasu.
<raptop> pun intended
<raptop> ditto the 2hu reference
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<raptop> ;outcome add Your fuel runs out of Phlogiston.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: Your fuel runs out of Phlogiston.
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<raptop> herbert_west: how goes the reanimation business?
<herbert_west> raptop, excellently
<raptop> yay
<herbert_west> The obtainment of fresh subjects always remains a difficulty of course
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<herbert_west> Hi Ikari
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<raptop> I'd assume that the current plague would make things much easier than usual
<herbert_west> It is more difficult to work on corpses decayed by disease rather than those suffering from natural or accidental death
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