Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.0 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Althego is doing
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<Althego> Rocket Lab 'Another One Leaves The Crust' Launch
<raptop> That's an ominious name
<Althego> maybe it is a bread themed launch :)
<Althego> lol the title
<Althego> so the outside of the bread is the crust. but what is the inside called?
<minas_tirith> raptop, the ocean is a dark, scary place
<minas_tirith> It hides many foul secrets
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<raptop> Iä, Iä?
<Althego> but there is an adorable shark there :)
<raptop> Like a blahaj, or like Gura, or...?
<Althego> i meant gura :)
minas_tirith is now known as tsundere_shark
<Althego> no, but there is a tsundereaper
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<raptop> ^
<tsundere_shark> uwu
<raptop> Callie is very tsundere
<raptop> tsundere_shark: anyway, you should check out hololive at some point
<tsundere_shark> I have heard of it
<Althego> or maybe it is better if not
<raptop> hah
<Althego> cant stop laughing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0WlGiloX0Q
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<raptop> Please be nice to the smol shark
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<tsundere_shark> UmbralRaptop, your other laptop?
<raptop> well, phone
<tsundere_shark> uwu
<tsundere_shark> raptop, it must be hard to type from phone
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<UmbralRaptop> something like that
<tsundere_shark> Hewwo Lyneira
<tsundere_shark> raptop, opinion on the C language
<tsundere_shark> ?
<raptop> All the complicated stuff with undefined behavior, datastractures/pointers, undefined behavior, readable code and performant code being opposed, and undefined behavior scare me
<tsundere_shark> UB is a thing but you should use your common sense
<tsundere_shark> C is generally quite performant
<tsundere_shark> Definitely better than something like javascript
<raptop> I mean, I mostly live in snekland, doing plots or various bits of numerical sims.
<Althego> hehe
<raptop> And, like, a bunch of the stuff that needs to be fast is using numpy, so it's FORTRAN inside
<Althego> some people hate the syntactic whitespace in python. i hate the gil
<Althego> i worked with a lot of older fortran code, mostly f77 compatible. but when i checked out modern fortran it was a surprisingly usable language
<tsundere_shark> raptop, doesn't matter
<tsundere_shark> You have no meaningful control over memory management from within python
<Althego> which you might not need
<raptop> yeah, eg: the plots don't need to be *that* efficient
<raptop> nice
<Althego> the lightsabes. and i guess the burnt toast is anakin
<Althego> stream is not starting
<Althego> Rocket Lab
<Althego> @RocketLab
<Althego> ·
<Althego> We are standing down from today’s mission to review sensor data. Fortunately we have a 10-day window for this mission, so we have plenty of backup opportunities in the days to come. Stay tuned for a new target launch date soon.
<Althego> 20s
<tsundere_shark> Althego, memory management is key
<tsundere_shark> Without it you have nothing
<Althego> depends on what you want to do. i wouldnt want to make a game in a garbage collected language, because the gc always klicks in when oyu dont want it
<Althego> i would rather manage the memory myself
<Althego> with all its flaws
<Althego> but if i just want to process things a few times, the development time is bigger than the usage time, so i would rather do that the fastest easiest way possible
<tsundere_shark> The dev time rarely varies
<tsundere_shark> I can't remember the last time I had to actually pay attention to memory management for small script type stuff
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<tsundere_shark> Althego, however I have found bash useful for certain such tasks but the key reason is different from memory management: it is that doing things like opening a set of files in a for loop, doing some text processing on them etc is trivial...memory management has nothing to do with it, it is more a matter of libraries
<Althego> hehe. louis spends more than an hour trying to fix a macbook. short doesnt go away. takes off the cpu heatpipe, and the cpu is visibly blown up
<Althego> i cant start a new career game with the flag bugged like this. those serve as a marker of what mun part i have visited
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<flayer> meh
<Althego> i guess the old ones are declining. but why upgrade it now if they want to abandon it in a few years anyway?
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<flayer> yeah, i don't know the stats, but it seems like a waste. abandon it a year earlier if you have concerns. pour money in the gateway instead.
<flayer> oh well
<Althego> no, not the gateway, that is pointless
<minas_tirith> Althego, will everyone go back home?
<Althego> zubrin calls it the lunar orbit toll booth
<flayer> Althego, why is it pointless?
<flayer> we have to learn to be sustainable on the moon first
<Althego> because it constrains your operations, not helps it
<minas_tirith> It is sad the iss is being abandoned
<Althego> sutstainable moon and mars are different in too many aspects
<minas_tirith> Althego, the moon is too far away
<minas_tirith> There is yet new frontiers of size and scale to be accomplished in the iss
<flayer> nah, the moon is the perfect middle ground between the iss and mars
<Althego> the iss is oveer 20 years old. and has been running constantly, ok with repairs. an old machine that is going to fail more often and keeping it running is going to be harder
<flayer> Althego, which is why we need 30 years on the moon before we head to mars
<Althego> i hopethe commercial expansion really happens
<Althego> and then at least there is going to be a space station left in orbit
<minas_tirith> Althego, there is yet new sizes and scales to be reached in the orbital station field
<minas_tirith> Why shoot for the moon when you reach the orbit?
<Althego> i think even nasa abandoned the gateway lately. that is the problem, politics forces them to change direction all the time
<minas_tirith> Althego, the matter of budget allocation is always a political matter
<Althego> yes, but they are wasting money by not letting them finish anything
<Althego> btw the chinese also want to build a space station
<minas_tirith> I commend the Chinese
<Althego> bit smaller but completely on their own
<flayer> let the chinese build in orbit, the rest of us can go to the moon
<flayer> "completely on their own"
<flayer> they are more numerous than 'the west'
<flayer> probably also the whole 'international community' that is actually involved in the iss
<minas_tirith> flayer, an orbital station is an important project
<flayer> agreed
<minas_tirith> It is unfortunate NASA is abandoning the ISS without plans for a new orbital station
<Althego> there is also a manned indian space program
<minas_tirith> I hope they build a new station too
<Althego> there may be an orbital launch for the spaceship (automated) this year. but these things always slip
<flayer> i don't think its necessary for all the world's nations to be actively building a space station in earth's orbit
<Althego> obviously not
<flayer> china and india is sufficient, the US/Europe/Japan can do something else.
<flayer> Russia too.
<Althego> russia lately wants to go with the chinese to the moon
<Althego> there was this artemis accords or what and they didnt like it, or maybe it was just a pretext
<minas_tirith> flayer, its nice to have a space station
<flayer> build the gateway and a small outpost on the moon
<minas_tirith> flayer, the moon is an interesting place
<minas_tirith> I have seen the moon sometimes
<minas_tirith> Its quite interesting
<Althego> moon lava tubes are huge
<flayer> a chinese earth orbit station, an indian earth orbit station, us/europe/japan gateway, and fully international moon outpost
<Althego> this latter cant work, because nasa is not allowed to work with china
<flayer> they will have to get over it
<Althego> this is just so ugly. the biggest adventure of humanity
<Althego> a moon base
<Althego> and they cant get over petty issues
<Althego> by the speed things are going spacex is going to send people to mars before nasa reaches the moon with people again
<flayer> and while maintaining a manned moon base, build a robotic base on mars to prepare for manned missions
<Althego> building a moon base should be way easier than a space station. you can use materials on site to build it
<flayer> i think spacex will send manned missions to the moon before sending them to mars
<Althego> that is not elon's primary goal. and also needs a separately developed vehicle
<Althego> so if nasa pays for them they are going to do it. otherwise not that important
<Althego> the only moon thing they have is the japanese guy with some artists around the moon
<Althego> but that doesnt contain landing and can be done with the regular starship
<flayer> i'm pretty sure spacex applied to be the lunar lander for gateway
<Althego> if they are chosen
<flayer> which seems likely to me...
<flayer> because the other solutions are utter s**t
<Althego> but it will be obviously the lobby lander. the ugliest, worst performing, and most expensive
<flayer> fair enough
<Althego> the alpaca lander is so kerbal, i want to see that
<minas_tirith> Space is dark and scary
<Althego> not as dark and scary as humans
<flayer> i want to make some whacky planes
<flayer> in kerbal
<minas_tirith> flayer, do you understand mortality?
<Althego> you can look for ideas in turbo pumped's videos
<Althego> oh wait, not producing videos anymore
<flayer> minas_tirith, I want to die on some remote farm somewhere in eastern europe and remain there as a skeleton for several decades before someone discovers me.
<minas_tirith> flayer, show me your bones
<Althego> there is a skeleton inside you right now
<flayer> dammit Althego stop making me feel my bones
<Althego> i thought weather did that
<minas_tirith> Althego, in cartoons sometimes when a character is shocked or surprised his skeleton jumps out from his skin
<Althego> cursed comment of the day. "if i can say my cat is my furbaby, can i say my son is my skin animal?"
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Guest20402 has joined #KSPOfficial
<Guest20402> Double Slit shot test is proof the universe is an computer program. First how did that Scientist know to put an camera next to the test that changed the results like he must have for it was mind control or mind tricks on what he was seeing... mind control?
<Guest20402> So the universe is an computer because double slit shot test electrons pull to spots because its an advanced program 100%
<minas_tirith> The universe is scary
<minas_tirith> I hope they don't pull the plug on the server running us
<Guest20402> It is I'm ment to be the guy who created the universe and Afterlife
<Guest20402> Hopefully not
<Guest20402> I can do premonitions bro I kid you not.
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<Guest20402> Do you know about double slit shot test
<Guest20402> ?
<minas_tirith> what is shot
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<Guest20402> It fires out shoots out electrons
<Guest20402> So like chucking a ball it Chuck's electrons to hit the wall detecter.
<Guest20402> Guess what? The electrons pull together forming a pattern witch proves it's an program. I believe double slit shot test is an Form of mind control Because not many people have got it unto I explain it to them in English
<Guest20402> An Scientist must have been thinking that because he put an camrea there to record test results and they changed. From electrons pulling to 2 spot's they started pulling to 5 spots like it made it harder to crack.
<Guest20402> He just put a camera to record test results after removing himself? So he was already thinking a form of mind control
<Guest20402> You still here buddy?
<Guest20402> Buddy?
<Guest20402> What you doing boy
<Guest20402> Just read it up go up to top because there is an afterlife mate 100%.
<Guest20402> The frontal lobes take an wavelength signal and the signal goes to your body in The Afterlife.
<Guest20402> To prove this the frontal lobes make an chemical reaction inside them and an wavelength signal is an chemical clearly causing the chemical reaction inside the lobes.. proof.
<minas_tirith> Guest20402, link me articles
<minas_tirith> about this experiment
<Guest20402> What you mean bro
<minas_tirith> Guest20402, whatever you are describing
<Guest20402> Ok you just google double slit shot test
<minas_tirith> 'shot' doesn't give anything
<minas_tirith> I know of the normal double slit
<Guest20402> "double slit shot test" yes that's the one.
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<minas_tirith> The only results I am getting are self referential and nothing from a normal scientific source
<Guest20402> So you know an Scientist decided to put an camera next to test knowing it might change? That means he New about it as in it was an Form of mind control used on us.
<Guest20402> Yes CIA have taken control of story's well articles hidding test results now not saying an camera changes the results because it proves he Nestor thought some form of mind was used on him.
<Guest20402> Did you Know 2 electrons fired at the test never hit the same spot twice? As in one after another? That proves it's double slit shot is an computer program because it's sequenced not to or probibilty would exist.
<Guest20402> You still there son
<Guest20402> Lmao when you said universe is scary lol. How so?
<minas_tirith> Size and emptiness
<Guest20402> Yep huge but it's just an part computer program we don't even know if we hit an wall near the outer solar system.
<Guest20402> They lie you'd because CIA are working with Jewish in Afterlife
<Guest20402> They are hiding that the one
<Guest20402> Universe is an computer program
<Guest20402> Hidding it.
<Guest20402> I fucking created it and Jewish claim to me psychic the
<Guest20402> Psychic hear them
<Guest20402> So they claimed it wasn't spiritual
<Guest20402> And tried wiping me but subconscious conscious is the same as spiritual.... read up on subconscious well conscious?
<Guest20402> They tried wiping me out bro but subconscious conscious is a different form of uplode and like I said to the in the afterlife. Do you even see the harfrive
<Guest20402> Harddrive for double slit shot test?
<Guest20402> Nope they don't so if they don't uplode me I go to an different mansion dimension
<Guest20402> dimension
<Guest20402> dimension
<Guest20402> dimension
<Guest20402> So now I win
<Guest20402> They can't do Jake shit to me anymore and subconsciously consciousness I can upload them all to me
<Guest20402> I do do premonitioned
<Guest20402> premonitioned
<Guest20402> premonitioned
<Guest20402> I premonitioned the Google it Ampol petrol station at Brighton Adelaide Australia. We drove past it and me and my sister in 1993 started screaming that the petrol yhad
<Guest20402> Blown up
<Alanonzander> What does this have to do with KSP ?
<Guest20402> Mum looked back and said no it didn't unto we got home and on the news it said it blow up an hour after
<Guest20402> That petrol station is now called an Caltex petrol station with logo of star God. I sent them a message saying I am a God. I also Born myself in the city of churches Adelaide Australia. Jesus Christ was said to do premonitions I can do promotions. I'm telling them I'm a good in ever waut
<Alanonzander> moidcall
<Alanonzander> modcall
<Guest20402> This has nothing to do with kps who cares being shown that the universe is an computer program and the Scientist that put the camera there why not looking new the results would change? How did he know tha
<Guest20402> That?
<Guest20402> Double Slit shot test
<Guest20402> Why did an Scientist put an camera next to the test results removing himself? It proves he fort it was an forum of mind control or like that hidding reality or real test ad after he put camrea there test results changed
<Guest20402> Proves it's thinks and that the universe is an computer program
<Guest20402> Electrons think so do photos
<Guest20402> You still there?
<darsie> Althego isn't always here, it seems.
<Guest20402> What you mean?
<Althego> hehe
<Alanonzander> heh
<Althego> have to read back
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<Althego> at least it stopped now
<darsie> that: <Judge_Dedd> In all seriousness, you've been so helpful for such a long time, and you are always available, so it seems like the natural thing to do.
<Guest20402> Yes. Did you know how to make metal blow up troops using them? Google electromagnetic wave sensor. It has 6 lights on it that only get power once it's over landmine. You simply wire light 6 to bomb that gets power once it detects it then bang. I just told you a tppys
<Guest20402> Top secret weapon
<Guest20402> Killing troops using metal detectors... Umheard of
<Guest20402> A
<Guest20402> Are use all reading and taking in what I'm saying?
<Althego> no, not really
<Guest20402> Lmao
<minas_tirith> Its complex stuff
<Althego> Guest20402: i have seen at least one swear word, and some mention of deities. please dont do that. also we are not interested in this, basically tldr
<Guest20402> You should mum confirmed to psychiatrist that I did an premonition and he said it was an coincidence. I did one live on Facebook page called Oblique weapons fb page that come true the next day. My mum dosen't believe me but confirmed and knows I can do premonitions
<Guest20402> Speak for yourself because the other guy loved it
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<Guest20402> Go to Oblique weapons fb page scroll down to post there will be an earthquake in America tomorrow...it come trueike I said to them an rare medium sized earthquake. It also proves I caused the New Zealand volcano the day before earthquake
<Guest20402> Don't believe me? Then why on earth or how did an svymo double slit shot test results would change by putting an camera next to the test? He new a form of mind control or brain wasn't showing real results.
<Guest20402> Did an Scientist no double
<Guest20402> .
<Guest20402> That's proof a crazy people's
<Althego> i can see one
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<Althego> that was tmecube level weird
<Althego> timecube
<Althego> we are unlucky to live in a universe with quantum mechanics, that creates a classical mechanical macroscopic physics. there is an infinite amount of pseudoscientific babble floating around because of that
<minas_tirith> Fuck the universe
<Althego> minas_tirith: language rule
<minas_tirith> Oh right
<minas_tirith> Sorry
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<Althego> "I will make a signal and my adoptive father, Veritasium will jump in, fully clothed, to save me." - Kyle Hill, 2021
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<Guest49787> Hey do use know how to make an 100% stealth fighter jet? An Scientist test used crystals and lasers to trap light energy inside the crystals. So I put it together that radar light is light energy also so photons energy can be trapped so can radar energy.
<Guest49787> That means it would be an 100©% stealth fighter jet
<Guest49787> Anyone here?
<Guest49787> Hello what country are you from?
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<Althego> huh, safe
Guest00984 has joined #KSPOfficial
<Guest00984> Hello
<Guest00984> Anyone here
<Guest00984> ?
<packbart> I don't think so
<Guest00984> Haha
<Guest00984> What country you from bro
<sandbox> the moon
<Guest00984> You want to know an top secret Afghanistan war strategy?
<packbart> no
<Guest00984> Fake Taliban checkpoints
<packbart> do they confiscate ham sandwiches?
<Althego> hehe like the dutch from the british?
<Althego> i thought that to be really petty
<packbart> well, it's ze law
<Guest00984> All you do is put signal beacons at checkpoints and drones fly around looking at checkpoints and if they don't have a signal coming from it then you surround it and blow them up
<Althego> understandable law, since the uk is now not in the eu, it does not need to harmonize for example meat quality control with eu
<Guest00984> That's a top secret Afghanistan strategy to counter fake Taliban checkpoints
<packbart> it can't be that secret if you're telling us, no?
<packbart> anyway, time to head out
<Althego> imma head out meme
<Guest00984> Yes I did them in 2006/7 Iraq war turn around. Go to Facebook Oblique weapons fb page and watch the video's. I made a recording of the cement wall of Sadr city and they did the same strategy 2 weeks after. The psychiatrist called it an coincidence again that it was made before they did it.... bribed basted
<Guest00984> I'm the creator of the universe and life aparrntly.
<Guest00984> The universe is an computer program proof of that is scintifict exprement double slit shot test
<Guest00984> The test fires electrons at the wall screen detector and they pull to areas. Probibilty dosen't exist because it's sequenced because two electrons never hit the same spot twice
<Althego> ok, stop this
<Guest00984> So computer program 100% pulling to spots.
<Guest00984> Ask yourself this. Why or how did an Scientist know to put an camera next to the test results of double slit shot test? It proves he New it was an computer program trying to out smart it and proves he thought it was some kind mind control tricking the brain because if you removed an human brain it changed the results. So instead of it pulling to 2
<Guest00984> spot's it started pulling to 5 spots and seen 1 electron turn into two electrons.... crazy that that Scientist new the results would change
<Guest00984> Anyway 100% proof we live in an computer program universe
<Guest00984> The Afterlife
Guest00984 was banned on #KSPOfficial by Althego [*!*@139-216-253-46.sta.dodo.net.au]
Guest00984 was kicked from #KSPOfficial by Althego [Guest00984]
<Althego> well this is not going to work
<Althego> maybe i have to type the domain by hand
<Althego> and block the whole web client
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<Guest44040> So do people understand there's an afterlife? Scintifict test double slit shot test proves that because it's a. Coded program that's beyond intelligent. Two electrons Never hit the same spot twice proving there is no probibilty meaning it's sequenced = an computer program 100%. How about the crazy parts of the test ? Very suspicious that an Scienti
<Guest44040> st put an camera next to the test seeing the results change? How did he know it would change the results? He new the test was a form of mind control or same thing but New reality was being blocked out as in he new real results were going to be different for some reason. It's because he knows it thinks and that it's an computer program universe.
Guest44040 was banned on #KSPOfficial by Althego [*!*webchat@*.sta.dodo.net.au]
Guest44040 was kicked from #KSPOfficial by Althego [Guest44040]
<Althego> this was what i wanted
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<Althego> not again
<packbart> sorry, I just wanted to know what IP address the webchat thingy used. apparently the user's address, which is good
<Althego> i liked the is doing bot better
* minas_tirith pats packbart
<packbart> I really should go shopping now, the fridge is rather empty and the store closes in less than an hour
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> go go go
<Althego> dont forget the mask eetc
<minas_tirith> packbart, the beers should never run short
<Althego> you can actually create beer since bacteria do it for you for free
<Althego> or wait, was it yeast
<minas_tirith> Yeast
<packbart> don't give Gwynteh Paltrow any ideas
<minas_tirith> But I think it is hard to know your home made stuff only has the good microbes and not the shit that makes it stale and bad
<minas_tirith> I'd leave that to the experts
<Althego> another language violation
<minas_tirith> Oh
<minas_tirith> Correct
<Althego> hehe noctua is going to release not brown fans
<Althego> and that is on the roadmap
<Althego> i think their color choice is as ugly as it can be, but since i dont loot at them, i still use them
<umaxtu> Noctua is the shit
<Althego> umaxtu: fined 2 credits for the violation of the verbal morality statute
<umaxtu> good. I'm down to the sea shells
<Althego> supposedly you can find the seashell in cyberpunk 2077, but i didnt play it
<Althego> seashells
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<Althego> Hot Fire Engine Test for the Artemis Moon Rocket
<Althego> this is probably the 4 engine fire
<Althego> would be funny if the engines propelled the tank up
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* raptop thanks Althego for his work
<Althego> gentlemen, start your engines!
<Althego> i want to see the flames
<Althego> hehe some guy in the chat thinks there will be a hop. no such thing planned for sls
<Althego> ok i cant wait another 40 minutes
<packbart> is there a difference between static fire and hot fire?
<packbart> what would a cold fire test be?
<Althego> i dont get this hot fire
<Althego> at least spacex doesnt seem to use the same terminology
<packbart> #elsewhere it is suspected that while static fire is just a short burst, the hot fire test runs for a full ascend duration
<Althego> they said it in the stream
<Althego> potentially 8 minutes
<packbart> I only just tuned in
<Althego> these strange setups, people sitting 2m from each other in a wide angle shot
<Althego> 50 years later people are not going to know why this happened
<raptop> hrm, no masks
<packbart> only if we lose all other historic records
* raptop is vaguely bitter at discovering that the standard/definitive study about the value of facemasks is from 1910
<Althego> i think there was some study that showed they are poor at protecting you
<Althego> so they only work as a vaccine, most people hae to wear them
<Althego> because they protect others from you
<raptop> cloth ones are eh at protecting you and variable (but usually decent at protecting others)
<raptop> surgical are really good at protecting others
<raptop> N95/KN95/FPP2 are good at protecting you
<raptop> (and others)
<raptop> Anyway, AFAIK, this is the latest review of the research https://www.pnas.org/content/118/4/e2014564118
<packbart> (and, frankly, who in 50 years is going to watch a recording of a fire test of a rocket that never launched? ;)
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<raptop> packbart: probably a spaceflight or rocketry historian
<Althego> hehe
* raptop imagines a late 21st or early 22nd century amateur historian talking about how wild early spaceflight was
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<Alanonzander> or an exec at Boeing trying to figure out what they did wrong
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<Althego> there was a joke. that lockheed martin decided to by boeing, but thy didnt have money, so they used boeing's money. effectively infiltrated them with bad company culture leading to the 737 max and starliner
<Althego> or maybe o remember the ocmpany name incorrectly, but it was like this
<Althego> and when i cant type this badly, i should be sleeping. but maybe rockets
<raptop> McDonnell Douglas, not LockMart
<Althego> ah yes
<Althego> i just remembered the two names
<Althego> that there were two names
<raptop> Defence contractors love having double barrel names for some reason
<packbart> thos Rockomax tanks look a bit larger than just 2.5m
<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> light t hat fire
<Althego> come on
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<Althego> ok, i will watch scott's commentary on it tomorrow
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<flayer> hmm, so for every remote expansion, basically i want to leave one lot free for an apartment building when the first crew that arrived there retires lol
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