Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.0 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Althego is doing
<mrBlaQ> that's nice
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<packbart> I'll _assume_ this image is just for demonstration purposes and the problem is the overlooked "brakes" icon
<packbart> that does happen to me more often than I'd like to admit, too :)
<packbart> (irl, too... cars nowadays have a "release parking brake!" warning chime)
<packbart> the more modern ones without a direct brake handle just do it on their own
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<emyn_muil> Nice name fkrauthan
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<Mat2ch> oh, we had a static fire
<Mat2ch> nice
<Althego> a short one
<Mat2ch> https://electrek.co/2021/01/21/tesla-model-s-2-door-convertible-ares/ how much body work do you want? - Yes!
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<Althego> monday it is
<Althego> but there will be a regular spacex launch tomorrow
<Althego> lol 3 spacex launches for the next 5 days
<darsie> define it.
<darsie> SN9 flight?
<Althego> according to the flight restricitons it is monday and the two following days
<Althego> the sn9 flight
<Althego> also it is now there in the usual launch lists
<darsie> Maybe I can watch it in Styria.
<Mat2ch> What is Styria?
<Mat2ch> the video I can't talk about has 56 Mio views. Crazy. Almost 1 % of the whole population has seen it...
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> styria seems to be a part of austria
<Mat2ch> ach, Steiermark!
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<Althego> good. jose scott also showed hyperloop is not a good idea. not everything that comes from elon is gold
<Althego> *joe
<Mat2ch> Well, 100 mio USD for a carbon capture tech. People are posting trees in return.
<Mat2ch> :D
<Althego> yes that was my first thought
<Mat2ch> uh
<Mat2ch> static fire test?!
<Althego> refined for millions of years, works better than anything we could come up with, and it creates more of itself
<Althego> interesting
<Althego> but i saw the road closure was not cancelled
<Mat2ch> the flight could already happen on Sunday...
<Althego> i am a believer of monday
<Mat2ch> woah, siren already
<Althego> maybe they go with the full lenght static fire this time
<Althego> probably in a minute
<Althego> the nerdle cam lags about 20 seconds for me
<Althego> nsf is only 5
<Althego> looked ok
<Althego> with the noise too
<Althego> it is now a familiar noise
<Althego> that metal grinding thing
<Mat2ch> yeah, much smoother
<Mat2ch> I wonder what makes that sound. The stop of the fuel flow?
<Mat2ch> with the nerdle cam it sounds almost like usual
<Althego> and there is an our ludicrous future ep
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<Althego> intel brings back old guy from retirement. they must be really in trouble
<Althego> i landed the shuttle on the mun
<Althego> cant come back
<Althego> but if i add fuel as payload, maybe it can
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<Althego> 3000 in leo. that could technically make it to the mun surface and back
<Althego> not leo, keo
<Althego> oh a what about it
<Althego> seems cool, slowly coming out from the fog
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<packbart> I only see a static image overlaid of what could be a live stream
<Althego> rewind?
<packbart> ah, somebody clicked the image away
<packbart> hm, yeah. the EVA phantom forces are actually annoying, at least in early career. the craft keeps rotating faster and faster
<Althego> lol
<packbart> hanging on to the capsule to gather biome EVA reports does not work well
<Althego> it was usually just a about 60 degress rotation just because of going eva
<packbart> now it spins up and also changes Ap and Pe
<Althego> lol
<Althego> remember the infinite delta v ladder craft? :)
* raptop eyes 1.11.0 ladders with suspicion
<Althego> that could just climb up from eve
<packbart> Althego: I did see someone climb a phantom ladder from Minmus to orbit in a twitch stream just last week
<packbart> also in 1.11, iirc
<Althego> the original i mentioned was basically a ladder with a plate on top. as the krbal climbed the ladder an hit the plate, thre was a force without counter force, so the kerbal climbing made the ladder rise
<FLHerne> Someone get the EmDrive people on it
<FLHerne> Frankly, "just the right configuration of ladders produces magic thrust" isn't any less plausible than the frustrum thing
<raptop> ;mission add You attempt to improve on kraken drives by replacing the ladders with frustums and RF sources.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: You attempt to improve on kraken drives by replacing the ladders with frustums and RF sources.
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<Althego> time to sleep
Althego has quit [Quit: HMI Module Alpha Humana on approach to Space Station Mercury]
<FLHerne> ;outcome add It turns out you *can* produce reactionless thrust just by clipping the right parts together!
<LunchBot> FLHerne: Added outcome: It turns out you *can* produce reactionless thrust just by clipping the right parts together!
<raptop> One hedgehog, no dilemma
<Mat2ch> !mission
<LunchBot> Mat2ch: You attempt to recreate the scene in Interstellar and dock with a spinning ship. You awaken the Kraken.
<raptop> Completely accurate
<packbart> Ships dock with spinning stations in The Expanse, so it must be true!
<FLHerne> Also in 2001
<FLHerne> (and probably most other hard scifi with large-scale space infrastructure)
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<packbart> well, to be fair, Tycho station seems to spin rather slow, so just a bit of RCS should be enough to keep turning the ship while moving into the dock
<flayer> why not dock at the center of the spinning ..
<packbart> because it's got a large spike poking out of the center. also, the ring has many more docking ports. ( https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/expanse/images/6/61/S05E01tychostation08m31s.jpg )
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<packbart> ah, I see the Restock crowd goes wild. The update is out :)
<packbart> (personally, I don't care much about visuals. I copied their heatshields, though, because the stock shroud really looks like a forgotten placeholder :)
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