raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png
* raptop presses F to pay respects to the fallen flag
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<dequbed> F
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<darsie> I could hear the golf club rush through the air when Jeb swung it on Minmus.
<darsie> Umm, through the vacuum :).
<raptop> Please tell jeb to be careful not to put dents in the sound stage
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<darsie> Pity I couldn't see the ball fly. But I guess that's also hard irl.
<darsie> Did they play golf on the Moon?
<raptop> Alan Shepard hit 2 golf balls on Apollo 14
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<Izaya> Sound in vacuum? https://files.catbox.moe/ccuw92.webm
<packbart> Caddie Edgar Mitchell failed to retrieve the balls, though. Lucky they didn't get fined for littering the course
* darsie had no issues with ladders or flags.
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<raptop> Amusingly, those golf balls probably count as historical artifacts now
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<Mat2ch> Althego: launch today, yes, no? What's your bet?
<Althego> there is a high chance. however the tfr is still only up to 7200 feet
<Althego> also the wind is about the ase as yesterday
<Althego> ase? lol what is that
<Izaya> 2.2km isn't very high
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<Althego> no info from elon. aside from some grumbling yesterday about old regulations in the space department of faa
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<Mat2ch> uh, where did he do that?
<Mat2ch> And yes, the FAA may be a bit conservative. But for good reasons.
<Mat2ch> And yes, federal agencies are sometimes a bit backwords and not as modern as they could be, because, uh, money.
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<packbart> well, they were quite relaxed with Boeing certifying its own stuff on the -MAX
<Althego> they may have learned from it, but nasa didnt. hence the starliner issues
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<Althego> (local) leet time
<Mat2ch> yay
<Mat2ch> hype train stream
<Althego> it is barely dawning
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<Althego> hehe pika pika
<minas_tirith> Althego
<Mat2ch> and there was some mention that SN9 flight is cancled. I don't know what to think.
<Althego> pad cleared. not too bad, maybe in a couple of hours, he said
<Althego> it was on mute, too much talk
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<Mat2ch> I have them on mute, too
<Mat2ch> just having the stream running in the background on another screen and listening to music
<Mat2ch> whilst cleaning up aweful code :(
<Althego> why are awful and awesome opposites, while they have the same root and the same kind of modifier
<Mat2ch> this is a long discusssed question and I think we had that already. :D
<Althego> the best is still the inflammable, which is what it means and also the opposite
<Mat2ch> and I always write aweful and not awful for some reason...
<Althego> still better than writing it with full
<Althego> when did i start today? 5? ok, i think i can stop working now
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<Althego> supposedly it is cancelled because of wind
<Althego> akkording to the tfe
<Althego> tfr
<Mat2ch> I turned around in bed for a last time at 8 :P
<Althego> on the other hand the village is still evacuating
<Mat2ch> yes
<Mat2ch> I'm hearing that, too.
<Mat2ch> Weird
<Althego> not weird. just the usual mess whenever humans are involved
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, how do you remember the exact time you fell asleep?
<Althego> i remember in my first job, the product line moved from one factory site to another, other side of the city. so you have to disassemble everything and then put it back together, this means production stop for several days. up until the last minute we didnt know if the move happens or not
<Althego> one of the older technician said: i will only believe it when we are already there
<Althego> minas_tirith: he was talking about waking up. you can know when you wake up
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<minas_tirith> oh
<Mat2ch> also I'm not sure if it was really 8. But it must have been close, because my alarm went off soon after that
<Mat2ch> and from the road noises I concluded that.
<Althego> on the right side :)
<Mat2ch> Close enough.
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<packbart> President of The Memes
<Althego> that is elon :)
<packbart> a Civil Air Patrol is in the area, making sure no Mexicans sneak into the Starship. https://www.flightradar24.com/CAP4246/26b19ac2
<packbart> I hope no sightseeing pilot delays the launch again
<Althego> because of the faa advisories or whatever they are called, they will just say: instructions unclear, balls burnt by exploding rocket
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<packbart> LabPadre says Scrub
<Althego> and no flight on the weekend
<Althego> if mary returns then no flight
<Althego> even the wind seemed ok now
<Althego> this can only be because of administrative reasons
<Althego> at least they are moving sn10
<Althego> maybe 10 flies before 9 :)
<Mat2ch> I doubt that
<Mat2ch> and Elon isn't a good diplomat either. If you want something from a public agency you are nice to them, but persistent. He is persistent, but the "being nice" part is hard for nerds...
<Althego> almost as good of a diplomat as a public speaker :)
<packbart> "I can't believe people are so upset about the faa being concerned about safety..." :>
<packbart> Fanbois gonna hate
<Althego> why didnt they stop it the first time?
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<Althego> monday or tuesday still looks ok
<packbart> maybe they did, I didn't follow it
<minas_tirith> packbart, Auld lang syne
<Althego> minas_tirith: tasogare yori mo kuraki mono
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<darsie> Elon is not going to Mars because it's too dangerous. I wonder if he'll fly SS point to point.
<minas_tirith> musk is a strange fellow
<Althego> point to point flying sounds stupid to me
<Althego> think of it, it cant take off in a bit of a wind
<Althego> but it cant divert on a suborbital flight
<Althego> so if anything happens to the landing area mid flight, everybody dies
<darsie> I guess they only launch if wind is predicted to be ok in 30 min.
<Althego> oh and also it uses way more fuel than an airplane
<darsie> Renewable fuel, possibly.
<Althego> then use those for airplanes
<Althego> possible the new supersonic breed
<darsie> liquid CH4 in airplanes?
<Althego> hydrocarbon
<darsie> They make renewable kerosene for airplanes.
<Althego> produces water and co2
<Althego> methane is just one type
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<Mat2ch> Althego: CO2 in higher levels of the atmosphere is way worse than CO2 on the ground. And that's why air travel will always be a problem and if we take the climate crisis for real air travel will have to be heavily restricted.
<Althego> better have air travel than rocket travel
<Althego> oriduces less co2
<Althego> produces
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: yo, make those hands controllable! :D
<Mat2ch> Althego: #rockets < #airplanes
<Mat2ch> ;)
<Mat2ch> Much much much much smaller
<Althego> because we dont use them as local planetary transport yet
<Althego> anyway, getting to mars with starship? fine. using it for planetary hops? expensive and dangerous
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<Mat2ch> Getting to Mars is dangerous...
<Althego> yes, but there is no alternative
<Althego> airplanes are safer, cheaper
<darsie> Propellant used to escape Earth falls back on Earth.
<Althego> oh wait we have 1.11.1
<Althego> lots of fixes
<Althego> ecen some minor improvements
<Althego> scott
<raptop> video on nukular things
<Althego> hehe weapons grade waifus
<Althego> the first suggestio
<raptop> wait, what?
<Althego> he typed weapons grade into google
<raptop> ...also, is that related to the silliness in the background of the latest QC?
<Althego> first suggestion is waifus
<raptop> Ah, yes, having a B61 as a waifu. Obviously
<Althego> looks like some kind of a store
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<raptop> No, no. Notice people running in front of the store
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<minas_tirith> raptop, french is an interesting language
<raptop> oops, all vowels
<raptop> (okay, not to the extent of hawaiian)
<minas_tirith> and apostrophes
<minas_tirith> Yeah good point
<minas_tirith> Hawaiian has even more apostrophes
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<Althego> seems like sn10 is really moving
<Althego> autobots, transform and roll out
<Althego> magnificent
<Althego> two starships and a test tank
<Althego> if the launch happened today i could have watched it, not happening on monday
<Althego> de ma már semmi nem looplol rendesen
<Althego> ez mesterien tolja a chipet
<raptop> ?
<Althego> hehe, shouldnt have been here
<Althego> but two excellent chip tunes
<raptop> hm
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<Fluburtur> eh when I make articulated ones
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: \o/
<Mat2ch> Fluburtur: how's business? Your last few tweets sounded like it's running pretty well
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* darsie lacks 4.5 km/s to rendezvous with the gargantuan comet: https://i.ibb.co/bvfhmpY/screenshot355.png
<raptop> Images that preceed disaster?
<darsie> In the initial encounter I aimed at 0 km distance and had a nice impact :).
<darsie> For this pic I aimed at 0.6 km distance and had a flyby.