Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.0 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Althego is doing
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<flayer> ah, the dust storms have ceased
<raptop> How are the survivors doing?
<minas_tirith> That reminds me of a certain art
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<Guest17459> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Guest17459
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<raptop> 12 seconds
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<Althego> hehe, anton about orcs
* raptop suspects that for a one-off low (level 1-4?) dungeon crawl, an orc fighter would be weirdly good (at least in 3.5)
<Althego> no, these are odd radio circles
<raptop> ah
<raptop> also, astronomers naming things strikes again
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<Althego> wait, what, are there really concave earthers?
* UmbralRaptop randomly blames francis dec
<packbart> Orc heads come off really quick
* packbart has too much fun hacking&slashing in Shadow of Mordor without even advancing the plot missions
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<Mat2ch> Nothing new from Boca Chica. Same outlook as yesterday. Maybe static fire, maybe not.
<Althego> this doesnt look good for a friday hop
<Mat2ch> nope
<Mat2ch> sadly not :(
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<Althego> hehe thought emporium made a video about radioactive "health" products. the result was, he was contacted by amazon and an u.s. nuclear regulatory organization and the products were banned
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<Mat2ch> there are still lifts at SN9
<Mat2ch> I wonder what takes so long
<Mat2ch> the connections to the Raptor engine should by now only be a few bolts and quick connectors.
<Althego> remember tim said list time they swapped engines he stayed there for like a month
<Althego> and elon replied they want to streamline the process
<Althego> let's say they streamline it, i dont expect to be less than a quarter in time
<Mat2ch> Starlink Mission video
<Althego> ah i almost forgot
<Althego> or rather i did
<Althego> but there should be two launches today
<Althego> oh i forgot about that too
<Althego> there was an electrion
<Althego> it seems this was not recovered
<Mat2ch> oh, radioactive health products. I'm glad that nobody from my wider family started with that nonsense. Moon calenders, healing stones, horoscopes, etc. are stupid enough.
<Mat2ch> Well, maybe I should take a Geiger counter with me next time I can visit ;)
<Althego> but the funny thing is, he didnt need to contact them, so somebody watched his video there
<Mat2ch> or reported it to them
<Mat2ch> maybe they sometimes get bored and just look through the videos on youtube themselfs?
<Mat2ch> Just to see if someone tries to do something stupid?
<Mat2ch> Like a series "building a nucular reactor at home" :D
<Althego> you can build one at home
<Althego> some of them are relatively simple
<Althego> you cant get the materials for the fuel though
<Mat2ch> Althego: that video I'm not allowed to post has over 22 Mio views now. Three hours ago it was 17 Mio views...
<Mat2ch> and I recommed the top comments ;)
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<packbart> oh, the SpaceX stream started
* packbart was wondering where the music was suddenly coming from
<packbart> totally forgot about that tab
<Althego> i still have some flat earth
<Althego> hmm, 8th time
<Althego> if any of these boosters make it to 10 flights and back, i hope the crew cleans them, because they look awful
<Althego> 1 minute
<Althego> hmm, strong winds
<Althego> on top of the 8th landing
<Althego> maybe another tilted booster on the ship
<Althego> it made it
<packbart> nah, they just inserted video from an old landing ;)
<Althego> this flat earther was even worse than the usual ones. but we are close to satellite deploy
<Mat2ch> 8th flight and landing. They will probably fly this thing until it breaks apart.
<Althego> that is the plan
<Althego> remember when some ceo of an other company said they would need at least 10 flights to make it worth it?
<Althego> and they just seemed it unfeasible
<Althego> deemed
<Althego> meanwhile spacex does it in 3 flights and it seems they can indeed go up to 10
<Althego> i like this kerbal deploy
<Althego> wait, no give back the camera
<Althego> and deployed
<Mat2ch> hrhr
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<flayer> i feel bad about all the applicants that i haven't brought over
<Althego> what applicants?
<Althego> oh entitled parents
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<Mat2ch> huh?
<Mat2ch> That doesn't sound nice, somehow :P
<Althego> also pro revenge
<Mat2ch> I'm all in for revenge. But it has to be creative and evil, not just an eye for an eye. Like taking your tweet and sending it back to you, when you leave office.
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> technically this is "an eye for an eye". But since the meaning is different it is not.
<Mat2ch> I should write a philosophical paper about this.
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> there are these levels. petty revenge, pro revenge, nuclear revenge, supernova revenge
<Althego> some yt cahnnels read up reddit stories
<Althego> so i dont need to read reddit :)
<Althego> but malicious compliance is the best :)
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<Althego> there might not be a static fire
<Althego> but they put out a test tank on a stand
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<Mat2ch> that's the 3 mm test tank
<Mat2ch> which will hopefully explode in a nice nitrogen cloud
<Althego> but i think they didnt reach the actual human rated safety level with the 4 mm
<Althego> ok, it tore at the seams, so maybe it is possible with 3 mm
<Mat2ch> we will see
<Mat2ch> it the welds are the problem then there's an easy fix for that: Better welds.
<Althego> dont forget these needs to be mass produced too
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<Althego> at least there is a new broken silicon
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<Mat2ch> What is it this time?
<Althego> stil la pc tech podcast
<Mat2ch> *what is is about
<Mat2ch> I meant
<Althego> i think we went through this last week
<Mat2ch> no, last week was about Intel going Fabless ;P
<Mat2ch> This time it's about nvidia cheating on specs.
<Althego> plenty of intel and amd there too
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<flayer> i'm going to halt births for a while and bring in a ton of new earth-born colonists
<Althego> why
<flayer> because i wanna
<flayer> nah but also because i have all these applicants and its sad they don't get used at all anymore lol
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> ah, those applicants
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<flayer> also, you know, fresh genes and all that...
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<Althego> road closed
<Althego> now or never
<Mat2ch> yepyepyep
<Mat2ch> will take hours :P
<Althego> and let's hope there is no need for an other swap
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<flayer> there, 240 earthborn thrown into the mix
<Mat2ch> Good for the genetic pool. :D
<Althego> the shuttle tail should be able to split
<Althego> i think it did so in reality
<raptop> Yeah, it did when used as an airbrake
<Althego> it has a deploy
<Azander> Althego, they showing a live test?
<Althego> ok it needs a new model for it
<Althego> Azander: not spacex
<Azander> oh, ok
<Azander> who then?
<Althego> Azander: but there are several organizations tracking every move they make
<Althego> probably thre will be one from nasaspaceflight
<Althego> also there is the everyday astronaut too
<Mat2ch> .oO( ... every step you take, I'll be watching you )
<Althego> quite creepy
<Althego> despite being lyrics
<Mat2ch> the whole song is!
<Mat2ch> and people are playing it at weddings! /o\
<Althego> you have fallen into an event horizon, with john michael godier
<Althego> i can listen to it in double speed
<Althego> still enough time
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<Althego> so i built a shuttle. put in an "orange tank but not orange by default" as payload. went into orbit on first try, didnt even use rcs, didnt even design its center of mass, and has 1000 m/s left in the main tank
<ns_music> nice bro
<flayer> oh damn
<flayer> elderly can work... suddenly 400 unemployed lol
<ns_music> hru guys
<flayer> *opens up all of the night shifts*
<Althego> lol one tank was fuel only
<Althego> so it is probably more than 1000
<flayer> 100%/100%/100%/100%
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<Althego> heh now i moved the external tank because i had to replace the built in tank. probably messed up the com
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<Althego> totally goes backwards after reentry
<Althego> something is happening over there but i think i would rather sleep
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<Mat2ch> Siren?
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