raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.1 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png
<raptop> nice
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<raptop> boom
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<darsie> That's the rocket (without fairing): https://i.ibb.co/7bNSb6D/screenshot315.png
<darsie> Maybe with refuelling and optimized flying it can make it.
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<raptop> ;mission add You explain how the SAS knows where it is.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: You explain how the SAS knows where it is.
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<Althego> heh starlink 17 launch date moved again
<Althego> possibly 2 spacex launches on monday
<Althego> and starlink 18 is also coming up
<raptop> "Wait, what if we just stuck the later starlink payloads on a spaceship?" -- hopefully no one until the testing gets farther
<Althego> you could put a few of the starlink sats on the dragon, in the external trunk
* raptop imagines that for an ISS mission
<raptop> "Hang on, we need to drop off a few sats before we dock"
<Althego> iss is in 51 deg, some starlink sats are in 53
<Althego> maybe it can be done, i am not use how much plane change those ions would be able to do
<raptop> hrm
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<Althego> no launches, no flat earth videos, sad day
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<Mat2ch> Althego: and rain and grey and bad weather overall
<Althego> hehe, welcome back to hardware unavailable
<Mat2ch> Althego: you can do some plane changes just by using earths not uniform magnetic field...
<Althego> and non uniform gravity too
<Mat2ch> one or two degrees should be possible in a decent amout of time
<Althego> but it would still be a pretty kerbal launch, because timing is an issue, and you have to time to get to iss and to be in the correct requirement plane for the sats. double restrictions
<Althego> and you could only take a few of them anyway
<Althego> not worth it
<Mat2ch> nah, not really
<Mat2ch> but would make a nice tech demo
<Althego> so the first totally space tourist flight
<Althego> is not going to have tom cruise
<Mat2ch> not?
<Althego> instead 3 rich guys and the actual commander
<Althego> think of it how rich they must be to pay a ticket
<Althego> does the iss even have accomodations for this many people?
<Mat2ch> How long is the stay?
<Althego> few weeks
<Mat2ch> they could all sleep in the capsule
<Mat2ch> there's enough space there
<Althego> ah yes it is not the soyuz
<Mat2ch> even got a toilet
<Mat2ch> well, not a nice one, like the soyuz tbh
<Althego> i think they went up to 12 people once? so maybe the iss is enough
<Mat2ch> There should be a list of beds somewhere ;)
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<Althego> at least after this they can move out the crane to safety
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<Mat2ch> I wonder why the crane is still attached
<Mat2ch> I thought they have a system that holds the rocket down
<Althego> probably stability
<Althego> must make our rocket lyapunov stable :)
<Mat2ch> almost every car driving by the cam is a huge inefficient pickup truck
<Mat2ch> crazy
<Althego> americans
<minas_tirith> Althego, are you a mathematician
<Althego> no
<Althego> that is why the cybertruck, as ugly as it is, going to be a huge success
<Althego> because most people dont use pickups to actually transport things
<Mat2ch> now a Tesla is going by
<minas_tirith> Lyapunov stability seems like a mathematician thing
<Althego> technically right, but it is the basis of the control theory of nonlinear systems
<Mat2ch> and now a jeep, which looks rather small compared to all the F150s...
<minas_tirith> Althego, whatever you said is very mathy too
* raptop vaguely recalls seeing something about lyapunov time in predicting planetary orbits
<Althego> the original application was for that
<raptop> ah, makes sense
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<darsie> If people shared cars they could use the right car for the right job. Since they don't, they have to use a car that fits most jobs, but not ideally.
<raptop> Families do, and theoretically buses/trains can provide "cars" for some purposes
<raptop> (in practice of course, buses and trains somewhat unreliable and have very limited temporal and spacial coverage)
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<raptop> ;outcome add For some reason, subsequent modifications make your designs increasingly crab-like.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added outcome: For some reason, subsequent modifications make your designs increasingly crab-like.
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