Judge_Dedd changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.0 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png | Althego is doing
<packbart> the parts that were provided as part of test contracts don't have their greenish background anymore
<packbart> also, https://www.twitch.tv/backslashjack - nice builds
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<Althego> hehe they put a banana for scale next to the hypercurie engine
<Althego> the sound quality of peter back is awful
<Althego> the highs are all missing
<Althego> i just cat listen to this at twice speed, even with highs cranked up and lows cranked down
<raptop> double speed kitty
<Althego> hehe
<raptop> Apropos nothing, Kobold-60 feels like it should be the name for a band or something
<Althego> what is kobold 61?
<Althego> 60?
<Althego> looks like misspelled kobalt
<Althego> (which was named after kobolds)
<raptop> cobalt-60 is the isotope that puts out all those gammas, kobold is the mythological creature that the element is named after
<raptop> Or if you play DnD, the smol monsters that will claim that they're totally descended from dragons
<Althego> tomb raider king, 178 chapters currently... no i shouldnt start reading this
<raptop> hah
<Althego> i got through 100 chapter of gate jsdf something in december, maybe i can read this next time
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<Althego> why dont we have jet propelled zeppelines?
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<Mat2ch> Althego: because then you could just make a plane :D
<Althego> no wings, no runways
<Mat2ch> but all the hassle with blimps
<Mat2ch> they are using already the new panels for the nose cones. Nice.
<Mat2ch> and they are installing the forward flaps on the ground now
<Althego> and removed part of sn12
<Althego> it became outdated before it was finished
<Mat2ch> SN10 is being moved and SN12 was outdated, yep
<Mat2ch> they are really convinced about the 3 mm steel
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<Althego> maybe a launch today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScHI1cbkUv4
<FLHerne> Weather looks bad again though
<Althego> twitter says goes live in about 15 minutes
<Althego> stream on
<Mat2ch> didn't autostart again :/
<Althego> never does
<Althego> it used to
<Althego> but of course they improved it
<Mat2ch> Sometimes it does, most of the times not.
<Althego> remember when the seek bar thing wassnt hidden? ermember when there were no stupid buttons you never wanted to press but accidentally did because of the seek bar?
<Mat2ch> I like the hiding seek bar. But it is fiddely sometimes
<Mat2ch> but making things worse is everywhere a problem.
<Mat2ch> People always try to improve things and break things in the process, which is annoying.
<Mat2ch> In German we have a word for that: Verschlimmbessern.
<Mat2ch> Trying to make something better, but making it worse.
<Althego> there were 2 things that were actually good
<Althego> the loop option
<Althego> and the chapters on the seek bar
<Althego> all the others just annoy me
<Althego> and wish i could turn them off
<packbart> Althego: the youtube streams auto-start for me
<Althego> they never do
<Althego> a few years ago they did
<Althego> so they started, heard the music and knew i need to switch
<packbart> they do here. maybe you're holding it wrong :)
<packbart> I did click the play icon after opening the link, though
<FLHerne> T-2:30
<packbart> but that's just browsers enforcing an action
<Mat2ch> there is no play icon, if the stream is waiting
<packbart> there was
<Mat2ch> not for me
<Mat2ch> just "Stream starts in 2 hours" and so on
<Mat2ch> couting down
<packbart> and a play icon in the middle of the window
<packbart> browsers don't allow autoplay without click anymore
<Mat2ch> no play button for me :(
<Althego> 10
<Althego> bendy rocket, mustbe rolling shutter
<Althego> or ksp physics :)
<Althego> something was under the first stage
<Althego> was quite big
<Althego> maybe the fairing?
<Althego> there was even a live landing video, and didnt cut out
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<Mat2ch> aaaand the video passed 80 mio vies.
<Mat2ch> *views
<Althego> and they got image from the middle of nowhere
<Althego> deployment is starting
<Mat2ch> 18 minute deployment sequence. what
<Althego> 143 satellites
<Althego> 10 starlinks
<Althego> that's no moon :)
<Mat2ch> what is it?
<Althego> probably the moon
<Althego> but obi wan said that's no moon :)
<Mat2ch> I'm probably the only person on the planet who is annoyed by Star Wars references :P
<Mat2ch> ok, it is the Moon
<Mat2ch> "loss of coverage" - flies over Russia.
<Mat2ch> weeeellll
<Althego> probably after a while they convert the telemetry to starlink
<Mat2ch> will starlink be high enough for this?
<Althego> ahhmm, probably no
<Althego> and the antennase face downwards
<Althego> this is actualyl higher than the iss
<FLHerne> It does seem like a bit of a space-junk-fest
<Althego> at that altitude it is going to take a while for them to fal lbacvk
<FLHerne> >100 unpowered, hard-to-detect smallsats in an orbit where decay will take decades+
<FLHerne> Hm, maybe not that long
<FLHerne> I forgot how low the ISS actually is :p
<Mat2ch> some of thos sat have thrusters
<Althego> but most not
<Mat2ch> and some vendors even throw them actively down into the atmosphere at their EOL
<Althego> at 10 cm size they are still trackable
<Althego> the problem is, even a mm sized piece can make a hole on a spacecraft or a space suit
<FLHerne> Althego: I think the issue is that they're still observable, but it's hard to distinguish them from each other
<FLHerne> Althego: And if they get mixed up between observations the projected tracks are all wrong
<minas_tirith> Space is a harsh place
<Althego> the moon is a harsh mistress
<minas_tirith> Space debris is certainly an interesting problem
<minas_tirith> Althego, how do they watch 10cm pieces in orbit?
<Althego> probably radar
<minas_tirith> The orbit is a huge region and 10cm is tiny
<packbart> .oO(Rezonatix is such a nice sample. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hkw7l8IgM4g )
<Althego> hehe i love this
<minas_tirith> Do you ever think if some hypothetical higher species exists, and they see our comparatively primitive space technology what would they think? Perhaps space debris and similar problems are "essentially solved" for them, and they find us still at a peculiar and primitve stage.
<packbart> "just use your natural force field, duh"
<Althego> what did q say? just change the gravitational constant of the univers?
<Althego> another one of my favorites https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GLMhBE99byM
<minas_tirith> These funny nuclear armed apes
<packbart> tune your matter out-of-phase with the debris
<minas_tirith> We know with our present physics only four fundamental forces and just one kind of electromagnetic wave
<Althego> one kind?
<minas_tirith> There was a time when electromagnetic waves were unknown to us, it could be possible at some future period we discover a new communication technique/physical phenomenon
<Althego> funny, because we can literally see them :)
<minas_tirith> Althego, to the mathematician I think all waves can be treated similarly
<minas_tirith> Althego, we can see light but its electromagnetic nature wasn't known
<Mat2ch> 10 cm is tiny? Some say they need a Ferrari because of that.
<Althego> in plasma em waves can be longitudinal
<Althego> lol
<minas_tirith> Plasma is an obscure phenomenon
<Althego> Magnetohydrodynamics combines the intuitive nature of Maxwell's equations with the easy solvability of the Navier-Stokes equations. It's so straightforward physicists add "relativistic" or "quantum" just to keep it from getting boring.
<Althego> (from xkcd)
<packbart> just pay the demon
<minas_tirith> Physics is a very complex and subtle thing
<minas_tirith> packbart, I don't understand math or physics
<minas_tirith> Too high iq stuff
<Althego> not a problem as long as you dont became a flat earther
<minas_tirith> Regarding navier-stokes and so on, thinking in 3d is extremely tough
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<minas_tirith> UmbralRaptop, bro
<minas_tirith> Math is scary
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<raptop> < packbart> "just use your natural force field, duh" <-- Don't tell them about the AT fields!
<Althego> hehehe
<Althego> at least they keep you from turning into orange goo
<minas_tirith> hey raptop have you read that hypnos story
<raptop> mmm... tang...
<minas_tirith> where some guy apparently meets someone in a railway station, they do drugs and the other one vanishes one day into some eldritch dimension
<minas_tirith> raptop, creepy stuff
<minas_tirith> I was wondering what you think of it
<minas_tirith> Do you think he was real or just something that sculptor guy made up when he went nuts from drugs?
<raptop> probably something a scultpor guy just made up
<minas_tirith> raptop, there might be some weight to that interpretation. Given that the Kadath story ends much less ambiguously hinting the hero dies from a drug overdose.
<minas_tirith> But of course, one can't always be justifying in using a diff story to draw parallels
<minas_tirith> *justified
<raptop> ah, I misread / wasn't picking up on this being in-universe
<minas_tirith> raptop, so yeah how do you interpret the hypnos story
* raptop would need to reread, though I have some stuff coming up this afternoon
<minas_tirith> Yeah do reread Hypnos
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<minas_tirith> Hi sasamj
<sasamj> Yellow
<Althego> mazurka
<Althego> (in the c64 game gunship, i think as a form of early drm, during landing you were prompted a password, and you needed to reply with its pair to not be shot down, mazurka had the reply word yellow)
<minas_tirith> Althego, do you think punk beats could be derived from european dances?
<minas_tirith> I have a vague feeling you can derive a d-beat from some euro dance
<minas_tirith> without too much modification
<Althego> insert meme "i have no strong feelings one way or the other"
<minas_tirith> Althego, do you know any jamaicans
<Althego> no
<Althego> but we still dont know if you have been in a turkish pprison or not
<minas_tirith> I don't think I have
<minas_tirith> Whats your opinion on racism? It is interesting to note the earlier forms of punk spawned more racists than the newer styles, which is a bit ironic given that it is said that proto-punk took from jamaican rhythms
<Althego> racism is dumb and harmful, and should not be discussed here
<minas_tirith> Yeah, I think racism is not good
<umaxtu> thats an understatement
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<Sup> How can you get your rocket into orbit and how do you know if you escaped Kerbins gravity?
<FLHerne> Go up, gravity turn until you're going sideways, when your periapsis is >70km you're good
<raptop> Yeah, horizontal speed is good (the map view gives the information in a clear way)
<FLHerne> (because lower than that air resistance will slow you down)
<FLHerne> On bodies with no atmosphere you can orbit just by going really fast sideways at ground level, but watch out for mountains
<raptop> For some speed numbers, a 70 km altitude circular orbit has a speed of 2296 m/s. A 100 km altitude circular orbit has a speed of 2246 m/s.
<raptop> (around Kerbin. Typical speeds around the smaller planets/moons can be much lower)
<FLHerne> And for why going fast sideways lets you stay up, consider 'Newton's Cannonball' https://thinkingscifi.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/newtons-cannon.jpeg
<FLHerne> Different version http://i.stack.imgur.com/rpxJd.png
<raptop> ooh, wikipedia has animations of it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton%27s_cannonball
<raptop> ;mission list
<raptop> ;mission add You buy copper from Ea-Nasir for use in the high temperature parts of your rocket.
<LunchBot> raptop: Added mission: You buy copper from Ea-Nasir for use in the high temperature parts of your rocket.
* raptop is curious as to if Sup has reached orbit
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<Guest64399> Just kind of stuck. I'm no KSP expert but I thought the proper keyboard stroke to hit was the "space" key to launch a rocket. The scenario I'm trying to run is that Apollo 13-like mission. When I hit the space key the ship shifts but does not ignite. What am I doing wrong, please?
<umaxtu> throttle up?
<Mat2ch> umaxtu: you were faster :D
<Mat2ch> What is the default key for throtteling up? Shift?
<umaxtu> which is actually a bad thing since I'm supposed to be doing homework
<umaxtu> should be shift
<raptop> left shift throttles up, left control throttles down, z is max throttle, x is no throttle
<raptop> IIRC
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<raptop> Guess we'll never know if we solved Guest's problems
<JVFoxy> I wouldn't worry about it too much
<JVFoxy> probably wasn't /that/ big an issue if they didn't want to stick around long enough
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<packbart> ah, I see new ssettings. Maybe unchecking "Kerbals stop at end of ladder" removes the EVA phantom forces for now. I'll try that
<JVFoxy> ever get them to shuffle sideways on ladders yet?
<packbart> "Spooky Navigation Markers" - I wonder what that does
<JVFoxy> But ya.. also hate that weird 'invisible force shoves kerbal along ladder' issue... while in space. :(
<packbart> JVFoxy: no, but now in early career on a light craft, the EVA'd kerbal causes the pod to rotate faster and faster
<packbart> otoh, I could reactivate the patch that swaps biome-specific experiments of EVA Report and Crew Report
<packbart> let them report their biome sightings from the safety of the capsule
<JVFoxy> I know with the Mk1 pod, just the pilot, goes EVA, hangs on the side. Sometimes slides, but also ends up putting pod in slow rotation. The rotation I don't have quite the issue with. I'm usually not out long enough for it to build up if it puts that sort of force on things
<raptop> I swear, the force will alter orbits in lots of cases
<JVFoxy> lol.. reading up Gemini space program. Why can't you have kerbal standing outside the door? Oh wait.. n/m, not designed that way
<raptop> So hanging out over Kerbin or the mun collecting EVA reports gets a bit fraught
<JVFoxy> ... outside.. or standing in the doorway.. or ugh whatever
<packbart> raptop: it does - but they mostly cancel out after a rotation
<raptop> 'mostly'
<JVFoxy> by the time I get to orbiting Mun, I'd be using the 3 person crew pod.. I guess having a solo going out that far just seems a bit too.. isolation-ist
<packbart> yeah, not greate if you have a maneuver node planned
<JVFoxy> tiny little force -> pushes orbit miles off projections.. oops
<JVFoxy> seem to recall some cases, reaction wheels trying to null things out would also mess with things
<packbart> "// Swap Crew report and EVA report biome-dependence in space low" - ah, there it is
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<JVFoxy> I started thinking about a mod that adds some real world early experiments the crew would do from inside. Although, would probably also have to make research cost a bit more to balance things out a little
<raptop> Hrm, the longest duration Mercury mission was only 34 hours
<packbart> JVFoxy: the Mun isn't that far away and they've got radio to chat with KSC ;)
<raptop> Yeah, it's what, a 6 hour transfer orbit?
<JVFoxy> Gemini 8, sea urchin experiment in 0g. Trouble was, one of the crew snapped the handle off by accident. Turns out, the setup was different on the ground than the one that was sent up. :\
<packbart> I just started a new career without Kerbalism. The freedom of going to the Mun and back on a single pod charge
<JVFoxy> 6 hours is like 1 day on kerbin, isn't it?
<packbart> also might just send an interplanetary expedition on command chairs just for the lulz
<JVFoxy> we going to mars, in a ... shack with a rocket motor
<packbart> I've been playing with life support for so long, it feels odd not to pack supplies
<raptop> Hrm, misremembering I guess. More like a 15 hour transfer?
<packbart> I might go back to TacLS or look at one the mods I didn't test yet
<JVFoxy> TacLS one of the mods I played with, though sometimes I feel its a tad over powered?
<raptop> Looks like a 3-day flight was considered for the Mercury program at one time
<JVFoxy> raptop ya.. though when they got the last flight back, found the pilot had some blood pressure issues from sitting in the chair for so long
<packbart> a round-trip to the Mun takes about 2 Kerbin days ( old example https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/kspmn1.mp4 )
<packbart> not very efficient ascend or landing. but eh, it worked
<JVFoxy> meant to have fun, not spend hours optimizing things.. I'd think
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<raptop> OTOH, yes. OTOH, Kerbal Excel Program can be fun
<JVFoxy> Ferram mod, while made things more realistic, was in the early days a nightmare to get things working
<packbart> I have a personal rule not to use spreadsheets for games. Every time I think "I could make a table..." I say "No! You're getting in too deep!" :)
* raptop >_>;;
<packbart> I've seen people making extensive spreadsheets for Ingress. Even in Fishing Planet, there are detailed logs about lake terrain mappings and which fish bites where in what weather, etc
<JVFoxy> I've made a few notes on ideas I wanna do in KSP but that's as far as it went. Sometimes I wish I had kept more notes for when I hadn't played in a while. Forget what I was originally doing in a career
<raptop> Oh, different Ingress
<JVFoxy> Ingress... the pre-Pokemon Go game? (But uses same database)
<packbart> yeah, the Google Game that makes people go outside for a change
<packbart> I haven't played in years, though
<JVFoxy> I keep forgetting what its called..
<JVFoxy> last I heard, there is now a Harry Potter type thing that uses the same database too
<raptop> Yeah, that Ingress
* raptop also hasn't played since, uh, before that revamp
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* JVFoxy just knows of it.. was on a drive with a few friends. They wanted to stop at Canada's last railroad spike for an Ingress portal
<raptop> hah
<raptop> back when I lived in the KC area, I played fairly regularly and submitted a bunch of random statues etc
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