raptop changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.11.0 | Rules: tinyurl.com/KSP-Rules | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: https://i.imgur.com/CHVnEeE.png https://i.imgur.com/gBoLsSt.png
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<packbart> still awake but totally missed the start of https://www.twitch.tv/ksptv
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<TommyInnit> Mum? Am I adopted?
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<TommyInnitsMom> Yeah
TommyInnitsMom is now known as TommyInnit
<TommyInnit> oh...
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<raptop> blink
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<Mat2ch> uhhh, that SpaceX video
<Mat2ch> new angles!
<Mat2ch> And SN9 already has all of its three engines installed
<Mat2ch> they are in a hurry it seems
<Mat2ch> what do they know about 2021? :D
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<Mat2ch> "hi I'm Dean and I'm a SpaceX alcoholic! Yesterday I spent two hours watching a damn crane drive down the road and today I spent nearly as much time watching as sn9 slowly maneuvered the same route."
<Mat2ch> from the "SpaceX Anonymous program"
<Mat2ch> ;)
<Mat2ch> Hi, I'm Mat2ch, and I have a problem. I think. I like space ships and I like watching them being built
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<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, what do you think about the medium of wood?
<Mat2ch> wood is great. But you can't built orbital rockets out of it.
<minas_tirith> Mat2ch, I meant for art
<minas_tirith> Such as printing
minas_tirith is now known as astolfo
<darsie> minas_tirith is also trolling ##astronomy@freenode with this topic.
<astolfo> darsie, hello
<Mat2ch> darsie: not sure if this is trolling or just a little bit of hyperactivity. Somehow cute. ;)
<Mat2ch> astolfo: well, does it matter what I think about other peoples art? As long as I don't have to care about it, it doesn't matter. It's their art :)
<Mat2ch> also please don't gift me aweful art pieces. I will throw them away. Or sell them, if they are worth anything.
<astolfo> Mat2ch, I wanna make something on wood
<Mat2ch> Then go for it.
<astolfo> darsie, why are you so triggered
<raptop> asfdljksdfljksadf
<darsie> aoeu
<Mat2ch> äöü
<Mat2ch> :P
<darsie> aeoeue
<raptop> ああああ!
<darsie> nice rectangles
<astolfo> darsie, if you don't like any topic you can leave the channel or ignore the person
<raptop> ...it's hiragana
<astolfo> Its easy
<raptop> astolfo: ...
<astolfo> raptop, I am not the one being triggered by a discussion on wood
<darsie> astolfo: I didn't say anything in ##astronomy. But you're doing it in multiple channels/networks, so I reported it and leave any action to mods.
<astolfo> You reported me for using a chat channel for chat?
<astolfo> Wow
<astolfo> Genius
<Mat2ch> but I wouldn't call it trolling.
<Mat2ch> Trolling is something different
<raptop> this is... something
<raptop> Anyway, the RT-10's casing is probably not wood
* darsie is done feeding the troll.
<astolfo> Being triggered is not good for you man. Use the /ignore feature to your advantage.
<Mat2ch> astolfo: you may stop it, too.
<astolfo> Yeah I'd prefer some random not poking into unrelated conversations other people are having
astolfo was kicked from #KSPOfficial by raptop [anyway]
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<raptop> I'm way too tired to do this properly
<astolfo> Dw I won't respond to darsie anymore
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<Althego> ignore exists for that reason
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* Mat2ch pokes Fluburtur
<Althego> fluburtur uses total immunity
<Mat2ch> I know
<Mat2ch> But I try :P
<Mat2ch> Maybe over the holidays he's got some time to have a look in here
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<JVFoxy> so.. kerbals add weight now.. any thoughts as to much they weigh?
<darsie> 94.25 kg or so
<darsie> I guess.
<JVFoxy> oh derp.. about 100lbs
<JVFoxy> Watch'n Raize space on youtube, threw a kerbal into the pod, DV dropped about 100-200 or something
<darsie> https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Kerbal As of 1.11, a Kerbal in an EVA suit, without jetpack nor parachute, has a mass of 45.0 kilograms (99.2 lbs.), which is 0.045 in-game Mass units.
<JVFoxy> ah.. wait..
<JVFoxy> without jetpack or other stuff. But...
<darsie> How can it not have a jetpack?
* darsie doesn't have 1.11.
<darsie> When including the parachute and jetpack, a Kerbonaut has a mass of 93.875kg.
<flayer> inventory
<Althego> you can remove parts of the suit
<Althego> say you dont need jetpack for surface operatons
<darsie> k
<packbart> or you need the inventory slot for parts
* darsie waits for 1.11 to stabilize.
<JVFoxy> ya.. guess I'm more used to kerbals being suited and such as one whole unit.. never the barebones sort of speak
<Althego> stable in lyapunov sense? :)
<darsie> what? :)
<JVFoxy> I haven't gotten 1.11 yet.. so suit and parachute takes up slots?
<JVFoxy> er... maybe not suit. meant jetpack
<packbart> yes. a Kerbal has two inventory slots
<darsie> JVFoxy: Weight also depends on gravity ;).
<packbart> you can remove jetpacks or parachutes to carry other stuff
<JVFoxy> darsie was thinking under standard gravity
<Althego> parachutes are mostly useless anyway, because you need 3 stars to use them
<packbart> 3? 1, I think
<JVFoxy> ah ok.. I played with inventory a bit, but it was through a mod. Gave seats inventory spaces even
<packbart> yeah, thats's KIS/KAS
<JVFoxy> chutes... seems sorta silly in space if you ask me, unless you do'n something Gemini like, or When the Russians did those early flights, ejected after re-entry
<packbart> or to deorbit a rescued kerbal without a pod :)
<JVFoxy> or.. for messing about, Kerbal shuts for wings
<JVFoxy> packbart MOOSE
<packbart> (although they *can* survive landing from orbit even without a parachute - just point them helmet-first at the ground ;)
<JVFoxy> or this case.. I guess it be more KOOSE
<JVFoxy> suppose could do a 'head first landing' but.. that seems like abuse of the game to me. :P
<darsie> Kerbals survive horizontal attitude terminal velocity impacts at low Kerbin altitude.
<JVFoxy> ragdoll.. or is that 'rubber man' physics when they hit?
<JVFoxy> I still remember that 'rubber man' effect from Halo when someone slammed an Elephant tank on a team. Physics engine just pukes all over the place
<Althego> poke 53280,1
* JVFoxy checks Althego for C64 emulation
<bees> do jetpacks consume monoprop from capsule now?
<packbart> not without mods
<Althego> so still infinite fuel
<JVFoxy> KIS/KAS did at one point have it consume mono, even gave extra tanks to carry around for inventory. But I think at some point that was flipped off for some reason?
<packbart> - Kerbals in EVA use EVA propellant from EVA cylinder parts and Jetpacks that they are carrying.
<packbart> - EVA cylinder parts and Jetpacks are refilled when they are transferred back into a vessel from a kerbal.
<JVFoxy> was reading wiki on kerbs. Some re-balancing was done. Items with seating had some weight reduction now that crew adds mass
<packbart> JVFoxy: Kerbalism does, too. and some other mods
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<JVFoxy> flaky net
<JVFoxy> I've not played KSP in over a month or so. Been crashing at a friend's avoiding some chaos at home.. the whole virus thing just added to the issues.
<JVFoxy> I have been wondering, if anyone's done a sort of simplified KSP game that isn't mobile based
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<astolfo> The virus has attained new forms now
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<Althego> this is not even my final form!
* JVFoxy kicks router.. though suspecting interference over wifi
* Mat2ch kicks the virus
<Althego> the more infectious form is in the uk for now. but i guess you cant stop it
<Mat2ch> quiet. We know that you're always mutating!
<astolfo> Althego, theres one in africa too
<packbart> that one is in UK now, too
<Althego> in reality mos viruses mutate to be less deadly. because not killing the host means they can be around longer and infect more hosts
<Mat2ch> the brits always knew how to throw a party
<Althego> until the americans threw a tea party :)
<JVFoxy> what was that one game.. you play as the infection or virus trying to kill everyone?
<packbart> Plague Inc.
<astolfo> Thats the scary thing
<JVFoxy> ya.. one of the comments he made about it, its not exactly real. A virus can't collectively act on things like they did in the game. Oh, time to flip the switch, kill mode all over the world sorta thing ;P
<astolfo> Developing cures for virus might be forcing it to get better
<JVFoxy> geez.. if this situation doesn't get better soon. Might be looking at 2020-21 being the worse time ever
<Althego> it is highly unlikely this new virus ever goes away
<sandbox> 2022
<Althego> but the situation could get better. we will just have seasonal small peaks lioke with the flu
<sandbox> it came to me in a dream
<Althego> since most of the population will be immune
<JVFoxy> hopefully immune and not dead.. 'I am Legend' sorta stuff
<sandbox> survival of the fittest
<JVFoxy> granted. its the 20 and 30-somethings that been gathering, making a mess of things. At least over here anyways
<JVFoxy> party like its 999?
<JVFoxy> or was it 666?
<packbart> true. I'm more worried for my 80-year old parents than for myself, tbh
<JVFoxy> mine are in their 60s and 70s
<JVFoxy> they kept pestering me to come over earlier on. I told them, with things getting worse, a visit may not be the best thing right now.
<JVFoxy> ... even if it means being alone this year. such is life
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<astolfo> packbart, you never know
<astolfo> They say this new strain is affecting younger people too
<sandbox> they say a lot of things
<astolfo> sandbox, viruses are scary
<Althego> humans are scarier
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<astolfo> Althego, you must understand. The virus kills without thought.
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<packbart> humans are easily scared. that's a problem, too
<astolfo> packbart, do you know any humans?
<Mat2ch> ewww, humans, I thought they went extinct?
<packbart> fhtagn. I give up on Kerbalism. it's just not my cup of bugs, I guess. it's fun for short-duration single-mission games but really falls down hard with multiple vessels on longer missions. and now it started throwing NullRefs out of the blue
<packbart> I almost made it to Duna this time. well at least I got to Eve
<packbart> maybe restarting the game makes the NullRefs go away. something about crew count (on an uncrewed vessel)
<packbart> even before, I had to cycle through vessels to remind their fuel cells to dump excess water or else they would stop producing EC
<flayer> it was a problem for me too
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<packbart> I probably could just ignore the Minmus base that starts NullRefs whenever I try to detach the rover and at least see the DunaScience probe reach orbit
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<darsie> KSP2 teaser tonight?
<Althego> why
<darsie> 0 UTC
<Althego> i fyou mean the developer stream that happened sime 18 hours ago
<darsie> ah
<darsie> url?
<Althego> and it was never ksp2
<darsie> ok
<Althego> on witch
<Althego> twitch
<Althego> just not in the garden tool section
<darsie> I never twitched.
<raptop> Is horizon zero dawn good?
<raptop> hrm, gog's email says that, but the website doesn't?
<Althego> quite good
<Althego> i wouldnt say it is revolutionary or absolute best, but really good
<Althego> just as soon as you can get the hardpoint arrows and the triple shot skill
<Althego> i also liked the weapons from the dlc, really high alpha damage
<raptop> ah
<Althego> i struggled for a while because i didnt have a purple bow. i avoided the main quest for too long. with that i would have gotten to merchants with purple stuff
<Althego> purple bow: hardpoint arrows. and the lack of triple shot was my oversight
<Althego> i somehow struggled through a huge part of the dlc with the blue bows. when i got the dlc weapons it was like wo hoo how easiy it is now
<Althego> but i wasp laying only on hard since it was my first try. it turned out that is not too hard. there are 2 levels above that
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<Althego> biggest drawback of the game: constant struggle to have enough inventory slots for looting
<Althego> it would have been enough to have quarter of the inventory slots, if there was some kind of chest where you could put not immediately used but important stuff
<Althego> because i sure as hell never going to try to find racoons again for some skin and bones, once i have them i am keeping it
<Althego> fish are so rare in the early gme i didnt even know they existed
<raptop> eep
<raptop> Do you get stuck with diablo-style inventory tetris?
<Althego> no
<raptop> yay
<Althego> you can put more of the same stuff from the same things in one slot, number vaires
<Althego> but even with the hoarder skill (120 slots) i had problems
<Althego> because 1 skin and 1 bone still takes 2 slots
<Althego> and all the wildelife you randomly come through, sometimes drops these
<Althego> so as i went along shot stuff
<Althego> because who knows what it is going to be good for
<Althego> and all rea good for something
<Althego> but when you want an upgrade, you cant just conjure eacoon bones out of thin air
<Althego> you cant buy it, however many shards you have
<astolfo> What game
<Althego> you have to find it, hunt it down, and if you are lucky it is going to drop the loot. most of the time not
<Althego> astolfo: horizon zero dawn
<Althego> so anyway, you end up carrying all this random junk because you might find some weapon or something for which you are going to need an inventory upgrade and that requires random animal stuff
<Althego> otherwise i liked the shoot down parts of the robots and even use the weapons against them
<Althego> mechanics
<astolfo> The game looks pretty
<Althego> the character closeups looked amazing
<Althego> the environment sometimes was breathtaking
<astolfo> Nice landscapes
<astolfo> Does the walking/exploration feel "claustrophobic" or "inviting"?
<astolfo> For example Oblivion is very "inviting"
<Althego> one i was climbing around the frozen wilds, and it was night, i saw the moon shine on some fog, i had to stop for seconds just to watch it
<Althego> i never played oblivion. how can exploration be claustrophobic?
<astolfo> The tones feel a bit too colorful for my liking
<astolfo> Althego, as in
<astolfo> Sometimes game devs "half ass" it and essentially are selling you a railroaded experience
<astolfo> Other times, it is legitimately meant to let you walk and climb anywhere
<Althego> only the main quest is a railroad, but you can do whatever you want
<astolfo> I meant the exploration
<astolfo> Like sometimes you can see the cheap tricks in use that ruin immersion
<Althego> in a few cases i got a message that said i cant go there or aloy said something along those lines
<astolfo> Such as the use of nodal points and so on
<astolfo> Althego, the only places I would prefer that being said is extreme edge of map
<astolfo> As I said, using the example of Oblivion
<Althego> there or in specific cases where the game wanted me to solve an issue instead of climbing on the mountins
<astolfo> It is truly meant for roaming
<astolfo> If your athletics permits you can go anywhere
<astolfo> jump from anywhere
<astolfo> You are free to die from jumping from too high etc
<Althego> you are quite athletic here too
<astolfo> No
<astolfo> Athletics is a stat in Oblivion
<Althego> can climb a lot of places, with almost vertical cliffs
<astolfo> You choose to level it or not as per your wish
<Althego> the drawback here skills almost give you nothing here
<Althego> most development are in the weapons you can get
<Althego> ad the farther you go from the stareting area, the better they get
<astolfo> I have been getting more and more sick of fake choices and cheap tricks in video games
<astolfo> I really want to get the trve kvlt experience of Morrowind now
<astolfo> The nice thing about Morrowind is that it has no gps and starts with an empty map
<astolfo> No fucking quest arrows or anything
<Althego> wrong word
<Althego> (backseat modding)
<astolfo> Listen to the descriptions of landmarks given to you and find your way yourself
<astolfo> Oh, sorry
<Althego> you have uest markers here
<Deddly> Althego is on the ball :)
<astolfo> Yeah unfortunately thats a thing even in Oblivion and Skyrim
<Althego> you get descriptions too, but you get the markers on the map
<astolfo> Yeah markers make journal moot
<astolfo> Oblivion has quest arrows
<astolfo> though still to a lesser extent
<astolfo> For example "search" quests give you no hint
<astolfo> You have to search stuff yourself
<astolfo> But still its kind of modernized and claustrophobic still, even though its leagues above most other games in this regard
<astolfo> Morrowind offers the trve kvlt experience
<astolfo> Its great
<astolfo> You are not given any quest markers
<astolfo> Just descriptions of landmarks from npcs
<astolfo> And npcs hate talking to you too
<astolfo> Making them talk is a chore in itself
<astolfo> Much better than modernized games
<astolfo> And you are free to kill anyone
<astolfo> Including people that are key to the game story
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i dont think you can do that here
<astolfo> Yeah its hard to find games that offer a real trve kvlt rpg experience like Morrowind these days
<Althego> it had an interesting world with a backstory, that reveals itself slowly during the game. i liked the robots and the tactics you needed to employ to kill them easily
<astolfo> Althego, and there is no "design engineering" or "rail roading" about the descriptions or landmarks either. Everything looks normal and there is nothing that marks quest locations out as special to you.
<Althego> most characters were not too intersting. the wone i really wanted to kill i couldnt
<astolfo> Its a beautiful game really. The dungeons are rather complex and murderous.
<astolfo> No linear dungeons
<astolfo> Labyrinthine dungeons full of things living, dead as well as non-living that want to kill you
<astolfo> Amazing stuff
<Althego> there are no dungeuns, there are some places you can go, and those are quite dumb
<astolfo> And Morrowind dungeons are a piece of cake compared to Daggerfall
<astolfo> Daggerfall had *real* dungeons
<astolfo> People sometimes spent weeks to complete a dungeon there
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> must have been hard
<astolfo> Yes
<astolfo> Extremely complex dungeons whose topology was programmatically generated
<astolfo> So you can't use your memory to solve a dungeon again that you have solved before
<astolfo> Excruciating
<astolfo> Its like crushing death-doom metal incarnated in video game form
<astolfo> Althego, Morrowind is one of the few real rpgs
<astolfo> Its amazing stuff
<Althego> dont expect any of that for hzd
<raptop> The random generation was in the design phase, layouts are fixed (though the quest items can be in any of a bunch of locations)
<astolfo> I have yet to play Daggerfall myself so I might be wrong a bit yes
<raptop> Also, note that one of the more popular daggerfall unity mods shrinks most dungeons to being about the size of privateer's hold
<raptop> Because they were... rather too large
<Althego> played a lot of dungeons of moria back in the day. i liked how each scroll, potion and basically anything was random generated so you never knew what they did
<astolfo> I'd love the feeling of genuine excruciating crawl through a dungeon and a real feeling of finally coming out into the sun after blood and pain and near death experiences
<astolfo> In Oblivion dungeons seem too easy and mechanical
<astolfo> and have very little non-linearity to them
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<astolfo> raptop, next steps for me are Morrowind and Daggerfall
<raptop> hm
<Althego> maybe after i retire i get to play these classics
<astolfo> raptop, when did you play Daggerfall?
<raptop> Uh, on and off as a kid and at various points in the past few years
<astolfo> How many of the endings have you finished?
<astolfo> If I remember right, it had multiple outcomes
<raptop> never got to the endings >_>
<astolfo> Daggerfall would be fun. The stereotype goes that bretons are the most courtly/political of the races.
<astolfo> And I have heard there are multiple possible endings with this in mind.
<astolfo> raptop, though perhaps the trve kvlt elements in olbivion and skyrim are reduced, you have to say they are very atmospheric and gorgeous
<astolfo> raptop, did daggerfall have vampirism
<astolfo> It seems it did
<raptop> yeah, daggerfall and vampirism and werewolves/wereboars
<raptop> s/and/had/
<astolfo> Boars?
<astolfo> Pigs or bears?
<raptop> pigs
<astolfo> Interesting
<astolfo> I love their art
<astolfo> The werewolf is very beautiful too
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<Althego> hmm tech ingredients rocket engines
<Althego> not that i would try to build any, i would just explode with it
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