Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship "high altitude" flight, bellyflop, hoverslam on 8 December?
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<minas_tirith> Lyneira, geraldbrent hi
<darsie> .
<minas_tirith> Hi darsie
<darsie> .
<UmbralDrone> ..
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<Mat2ch> Althego: I bet they waited for Elon to get back from Germany.
* Mat2ch looks at UmbralDrone
<Mat2ch> Where's your hive?
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<packbart> well, Elon's not building a factory in Germany anytime soon, either
<Mat2ch> woot?
<Mat2ch> oh, well, nothing to worry
<Deddly> What did I miss?
<Mat2ch> and welcome to Germany, where it's more important to save a few hectar of forest than the climate.
<Mat2ch> a court stopped the clearing of 82 hectar of forest (a timber to be clear), because of wildlife conservation
<Deddly> Haven't they done that at least once before?
<Mat2ch> They have
<Deddly> But it was overturned very quickly
<Mat2ch> but this is a new part for storage and pipelines
<Mat2ch> it's funny. Those people say that they want to preserve rare animals, but climate change will probably kill them in a few years anyway
<Mat2ch> so...
<Mat2ch> "But we have to at least try". No, we have to take care of the huge problem first that will kill 90 % of all animals probably
<Mat2ch> I see nobody of them protesting in front of the Brazilian embassy in Berlin, so...
<Mat2ch> (and I don't consider this politics, this is self-preservation ;P )
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<Althego> the live timer delayed
<Althego> something like 2 hours?
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<Mat2ch> 15:00 local time :P
<Mat2ch> which is 14:00 GMT+0 which is the start of the launch window
<Mat2ch> I hope we're going to see a crater. But I fear everything will go alright... :D
<Althego> hehe
<Althego> i doubt it would make a big crater
<Althego> more like a pile of steel on fire
<JVFoxy> Just found out about Yeager.. through a friend. Very much sad, :(
<JVFoxy> Mind you... impressive he made it to 97 years
<Althego> what, i didnt think he was still alive
<JVFoxy> Passed on last night
<JVFoxy> er well.. just yesterday. I don't know any more details. Suspect old age?
<JVFoxy> Any news on when the 15 turned 12km flight going to take place yet?
<packbart> in ~3h at the earliest, says the stream link
<JVFoxy> makes it 0530PST for me then.. arg. I keep trying to fix my sleep routine...
<Mat2ch> since they have to block the road, clear the pad, fill the rocket... in 5-6 hours maybe
<Mat2ch> the test window starts in three hours and then they usually need another three hours to go through all the checks
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<JVFoxy> guess I could push my routine back just this one..
<JVFoxy> forgot.. TX site right?
<JVFoxy> oh n/m.. says on stream info.. gotta wonder though, if this thing decides to south.. planned cratering site?
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<Althego> (local) leet time
<JVFoxy> colors or designs? kind of hard to figure colors if its in b/w.. derp
<JVFoxy> technically .. it is green. You weren't specific enough
<Althego> here there are green registration plates for those cars, so it is obvious
<Mat2ch> here they added an E to the plate and I don't like it.
<JVFoxy> we got stickers too.. its a power cord that wraps around in a circle, with 'OK' in the middle
<Althego> status: village cleared? people had to leave their homes at dawn because of a test? that sounds bad
<JVFoxy> derp... stream got pushed another few hours? Got it showing it'll start at 8am here now instead of 5
<Althego> and even after that it is going to take hours
<Althego> you could just sleep instead
<JVFoxy> is it sad I'm checking when the nearby coffee shop is going to open, right now?
<Althego> hehehe
<JVFoxy> half hour.... hmm
<JVFoxy> I know if i go sleep.. I'm going to be a serious grouch and wanna sleep in 50 times
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Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship "high altitude" flight, bellyflop, hoverslam on 9 December?
<Althego> what
<Althego> !nela
<Kerbot> Althego => Starship Prototype - Starship Suborbital Test Flight (12.5 km) - Tue Dec 08, 2020 14:00:00 UTC (L-00:23:19) - for info/stream
<Althego> it is a bit out of date
<Mat2ch> well, 16:00 UTC+0 it says now.
<Mat2ch> And youtube really needs a better timer. It says "live in 2 hours" when it's 2 hours and 59 minutes...
<Althego> i am never sure wheter it is rounding or truncating
<Althego> quite annoying
<Mat2ch> wellllllllllll
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<Mat2ch> uh, they are booming SN8 again
<Mat2ch> I hope just a safety check?
<Mat2ch> But that means that the road is not closed yet and they havn't started anything
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<umaxtu> booming?
<JVFoxy> guessing reference to tank pressure test
<umaxtu> ah
<packbart> I guessed it means they brought the crane out
<packbart> not watching any stream, though
* packbart made it to The Expanse Book #5
<JVFoxy> waiting on season 5 still
<packbart> I hope they leave out the boring stuff at the beginning
<packbart> and they'd need to cram 3 books into one season, I guess
<packbart> 4 even. I didn't know there was a Book
<packbart> #9
<packbart> unpublished, yet
<JVFoxy> didn't know about the books. Which is the story based off... the written or the series?
<JVFoxy> ok so the book then
<JVFoxy> the 'normal' way
<umaxtu> I like the books better
<umaxtu> Avasarala can swear there
<packbart> ah, ok, they roughly followed the book, it seems. I thought we'd been up to Season 5 already, covering Book #4. I was wrong
<packbart> yeah, I'm currently listening to the audio book series
<JVFoxy> ah
<JVFoxy> I read the first Eragon book.. it was a gift from co-worker ages ago.. then saw the movie. One of the times I got to compare to the two... other one was Golden Compass (I read all 3 books, though it took me a while to aquire)
<umaxtu> don't get me wrong, the actor that plays Avasarala does a fantastic job, but the character loses something without the potty mouth
<JVFoxy> you get a sense of her attitude in the series. I might end up a little turned off if she'd did fire her mouth off more
<Mat2ch> umaxtu: JVFoxy: Reference to the boom lifts. ;)
<JVFoxy> Mat2ch: ok.. what's the cherry picker boom cage thing doing? I'm not sure see connection with 'booming'?
<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: I call it "booming", because from the distance it looks like they are doing something with the boom lifts themselfs on SN8.
<Mat2ch> Think of it like "inspecting" or "repairing"
<JVFoxy> ok.. different kind of 'boom'... was thinking explody boom type
<Mat2ch> :)
<Mat2ch> it looks like they are inspecting the cableing?
<JVFoxy> mm.. inspeshhun
<JVFoxy> dang it.. didn't even get that right
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<darsie> Live in 61 minutes: Starship | SN8 | High-Altitude Flight Test
<JVFoxy> I'mma get coffee... kind of wanna be awake when this thing plays out
Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship "high altitude" flight, bellyflop, hoverslam
<Mat2ch> Comment from the Nerdle Cam stream: "Hello from Mars, please leave us alone."
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> Pad seems to be clear so far
<JVFoxy> Nerdle cam..?
<Mat2ch> but I saw a car driving back, maybe the last workers?
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<JVFoxy> ooh that cam
<JVFoxy> ok better run off do this coffee run before things start
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<Mat2ch> :D
<JVFoxy> and back
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<JVFoxy> spacex channel 'still waiting'..
<Althego> pbviously
<Althego> just az 150k people
<Tank2333> maybe it fell over
<Tank2333> or they fighting of the Kraken
<JVFoxy> tank farm venting
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<Tristen_Simon> Hello everybody
<Mat2ch> Hi
<Mod9000> Hello, Mat2ch
<JVFoxy> yo
<Mat2ch> Hello Mod9000
<Mod9000> How are things?
<Mat2ch> :P
<JVFoxy> derp
<Althego> hehe
<JVFoxy> 10 minutes felt like its been a lot longer...
<JVFoxy> any word on when the actual window is? SpaceX just saying launch time TBD..
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<Tristen_Simon> I heard it was supposed to be in a few days
<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: iirc an hour
<Mat2ch> at least
<Mat2ch> But I can be wrong and they are faster at fueling now
<JVFoxy> ok.. try to stay up that long. Maybe this can be start of brute forcing my sleep routine back to somewhat normal
<Tristen_Simon> haha spacex ship go brrrr
<JVFoxy> brrr cuz of cold tanks? Maybe
<Tristen_Simon> it's weird how humans can understand rocket science, more or less Kerbals, considering they're pretty stupid.
<JVFoxy> long as its not brrrrrrrrt... this no A-10 gun
<Tristen_Simon> the brrrr is the sound it makes when it launches
<JVFoxy> Mind you.. who was it used those A-10 guns as engines for a rocket in KSP a while back?
<Rokker> A-10 ping
<Althego> argh
<Althego> i knew it
<Mat2ch> lol
<Mat2ch> helo Rokker
<Rokker> s
<Rokker> sup
<Tristen_Simon> Either Matt Lowne, or Nexter's Lab
<Rokker> are we all hyped for starship?
<Mat2ch> New piece for a museum coming up. Maybe a bit flattend.
<Althego> cant fuel it faster, because of the cold liquids
<Tristen_Simon> heck yes
<Althego> so it is impossible to launch in an hour
<Rokker> and mourning yeager :(
<Tristen_Simon> do they even have starship on the launchpad yet
<Mat2ch> uh
<Mat2ch> for WEEKS
<Tristen_Simon> oh
<Mat2ch> I have forgotton how long we are waiting for the flight now ;)
<Rokker> Tristen_Simon: its literally launching like within the next few hours
<Tank2333> hi rokker o/
<JVFoxy> oh for the love of... dang it google
<Tristen_Simon> oh cool
<Rokker> Tank wassup
<Rokker> long time no see
<Tank2333> nothing much...
<Tank2333> yeah
<JVFoxy> cursor over the link, shows youtube link like it should. Copy it, then paste shows long garbage..
<Rokker> oh btw JVFoxy a friend of mine is uploading videos of a livestream tour of the air force museum i did if you wanna check em out
<JVFoxy> Rokker: ya.. sad about Yeager too. Friend gave me a heads up. I had someone reply to a comment I made on youtube about him a few weeks ago. It was a clip of his cameo in The Right Stuff.
<JVFoxy> Rokker: sorry.. which one?
<Rokker> the National Museum of the USAF
<Rokker> in Dayton
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<JVFoxy> ah..
<Mat2ch> oh, in the NASA Spaceflight stream they just said that the target altitude of 15 km got lowered due to high wind zones there
<Mat2ch> so they stay below that to get a more predictable fliggt
<Mat2ch> *flight
<Tristen_Simon> We don't want them to lose control and spin like a helicopter and hit the ground at Mach 3 unlike how we do in Kerbal Space Program
<Mat2ch> SN8 venting
<Rokker> they lowered it to 12.5 sometime last week
<Mat2ch> And some kind of car just drove by
<Tank2333> still no official stream?
<JVFoxy> Rokker: just looking at some pics, was just curious. I'm not too big on fighter/air force stuff.
<JVFoxy> I mean. .there are some stuff, but .. eh I don't know these days
<Tank2333> JV how dare you
<Rokker> we have the fastest X-15
<Rokker> aka fastest plane in the world
<Rokker> shoo
<Tank2333> its more a rocket though
<Rokker> nah
<Rokker> its got wings
<Tank2333> does it lift off from a runway?
<Mat2ch> Then the Space Shuttle was faster. :D
<Tank2333> on its own power
<Mat2ch> stupid nitpickers here!
<Mat2ch> ;)
<Tristen_Simon> The space shuttle is technically a space plane and not a spaceship
<JVFoxy> Karmen Line...
<JVFoxy> Spaceshuttle: launches like a rocket, floats in space like a spaceship, lands like a plane... jack of all trades
<Tristen_Simon> Wasn't the space shuttle carried upwards into the sky by another plane?
<Tank2333> for testing yes
<Tristen_Simon> ah
<JVFoxy> shuttle transport plane.. it was drop tested, acted more like a glider.
<JVFoxy> first flights were with an aerodynamic fairing. Later ones, it was removed, and engine bells exposed to see what the drag was like
<JVFoxy> the fairing was kept for when the shuttle got transported during its operations
<Tristen_Simon> and then once that was done, it launched straight up, put a satellite into orbit, and came back down AND LANDED ON A RUNWAY?! That must've taken a freaking BUNCH of aero-braking.
<Tristen_Simon> Or parachutes
<Tristen_Simon> Depending on whether it moved relative to the Earth's rotation, or to the opposite.
<JVFoxy> flaming belly aerobraking.... (geez, almost was going to say aerobreaking.. that woudn't be good)
<Tristen_Simon> If it moved to the opposite, then there would've been more atmospheric pressure and drag, because the air and the atmosphere are moving one way, and the space shuttle is moving the opposite direction to it.
<Tristen_Simon> don't break the air that's not good
<JVFoxy> retro orbits aren't really done
<Tristen_Simon> what's a retro-orbit
<Tristen_Simon> it says it's a radiation disease
<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: except by Israel... :D
<JVFoxy> orbiting the opposite direction the planet spins..
<Tristen_Simon> oh
<JVFoxy> Mat2ch well right... forgot about them. Though its not like they much choice..
<Tristen_Simon> Mat2ch wait what
<JVFoxy> polar orbits are a touch retro.. only cuz it helps to move the orbit around so its somewhat in line with the sun
<Mat2ch> Tristen_Simon: that's the only way they can launch rockets from their country without going over another country
<Mat2ch> also SN8 is venting
<Mat2ch> but slowly
<JVFoxy> well you could launch straight up.. although its not exactly.. efficient.
<Tristen_Simon> oh
<Mat2ch> JVFoxy: I guess then going retrograde is more efficient
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<Tristen_Simon> If you want an orbit, use SRBs to get out of the atmosphere, then use LFE to get into orbit so that way you can control your thrust
<Tristen_Simon> and how elliptical of an orbit you want
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<Tristen_Simon> But, to escape Earth's Sphere of Influence, you're gonna want a few more SRBs to go after you decouple your LFE you used to get into orbit.
* JVFoxy pokes net connection
<JVFoxy> chances of them calling it off due to hydrolic issues?
<Tristen_Simon> That would suck
<JVFoxy> no.. it would suck if they launched and wings just flapped randomly
<Tristen_Simon> But, better to be safe than sorry
<Tristen_Simon> Then Starship gon go spin
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<Tristen_Simon> or just plummet back towards the Earth
<JVFoxy> I know the Atlas rocket for Apollo was somewhat rushed. They do pressure testing like they do today or..?
<Tristen_Simon> We need fins because it helps control the ship's steering and direction.
<Tristen_Simon> They do pressure testing a lot more seriously now and take the time to do it
<JVFoxy> not so much steering but I think more pitch, angle. Steering you would need to roll the body, have a tail fin
<Tristen_Simon> They won't release a launch date or launch at all if atmospheric pressure is too high
<Tristen_Simon> yeah that's what i mean
<Tristen_Simon> there's so many people here but barely anybody's talking
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<Tristen_Simon> i have returned
<Tristen_Simon> hello
<Mod9000> Hello, Tristen_Simon
<Tristen_Simon> halo
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<Tank2333> tristen welcome to irc
<Tristen_Simon> yes
<Tristen_Simon> I have a question
<Tank2333> this is the way it was and ever will be
<Tristen_Simon> How are Kerbals so stupid, but they're able to understand Rocket Science more than we can.
<Tank2333> behind the scenes its all different
<Tristen_Simon> wdym
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<Tank2333> wdym? is that a code for something?
<Tristen_Simon> what do you mean (wdym)
<flayer> Tank2333, you should have gone: "wdym? wdym?"
<Tristen_Simon> i gotta go
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<Tank2333> that was a fast goodby
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<Jebediah_Kerman> aloH
<sandbox> hola
<flayer> hey tristen
<sandbox> gone
<flayer> he's back
<sandbox> so it is
<Jebediah_Kerman> oy yos iS
<Jebediah_Kerman> beJ res odneignif yotsE
<Jebediah_Kerman> odneicid yotse euq ol sadneitne on etnemelbaborP
<Jebediah_Kerman> Translation: Hello. It is me. I'm pretending to be Jeb. You probably don't understand what I'm saying. (It's reversed Spanish)
<Althego> maybe try reversing it like this
<Althego> sᴉɥʇ ǝʞᴉl ʇᴉ ƃuᴉsɹǝʌǝɹ ʎɹʇ ǝqʎɐɯ
<Jebediah_Kerman> how do i do that
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<JVFoxy> lol.. RUD
<JVFoxy> crazy elon..?
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<Tristen_Simon> im back
<Tristen_Simon> flayer how did you do that upside down text
<flayer> i didn't
<flayer> Althego did
<Tristen_Simon> how tho
<Tristen_Simon> ok i'll see if it works
<Tristen_Simon> it does
<Tristen_Simon> Ok im switch to Jebediah_Kerman now
<flayer> just go /nick
<flayer> /nick jebediah_kerman
<Tristen_Simon> oh ok
Tristen_Simon is now known as JebediahKerman
<JebediahKerman> Yay
<flayer> hi jeb
<JebediahKerman> ɐloɥ
<Tank2333> Jeb, why do you always die first?
<JVFoxy> cuz he's a seat hog
<Tank2333> ^^
<JebediahKerman> ǝɯ ʎllnq noʎ ʎɥʍ
<JVFoxy> I try to give Val time on the seat as well
<JebediahKerman> sʇɥƃıɹ uɐɯoʍ
<Tank2333> wooaahhhh
<JVFoxy> no.. equal rights
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<JebediahKerman> ɹǝɥ ɹǝʇɟɐ pǝɯɐu uooɯ ɐ sɐɥ ʎllɐɔısɐq lɐʌ
<JVFoxy> I mean.. if it really gets me, I could dump them both into a pod somewhere on the runway, higher up other pilots
<JVFoxy> ... hire.. ugh brain work.. not
<JebediahKerman> noʎ ɹǝʇɟɐ pǝɯɐu uooɯ ɐ ƃuıʌɐɥ sɐ looɔ sɐ ʇou ʇnq looɔ ɐpuıʞ sı ɥɔıɥʍ 'lɐqɹǝʞ pǝzıuƃoɔǝɹ ʇsoɯ ǝɥʇ ǝq oʇ sı ʇǝƃ ı llɐ
<Tank2333> im out... to long
<JebediahKerman> ʇɐɥʍ
<Tank2333> i wont try reading that text, its too long and life is too short
<JebediahKerman> this is kinda like discord but it has less features
<JebediahKerman> oops
<JebediahKerman> sǝɹnʇɐǝɟ ssǝl sɐɥ ʇı ʇnq pɹoɔsıp ǝʞıl ɐpuıʞ sı sıɥʇ
<JVFoxy> Didn't Scott get a space body named after him?
<JebediahKerman> you know you can just look upside down
<JebediahKerman> ¿pıp ǝɥ
<JVFoxy> I can read it backwards, upside down.. its not /that/ hard
<JVFoxy> ya.. video was a while back.
<JebediahKerman> ¿ɯıɥ ɹǝʇɟɐ pǝɯɐu ʇoƃ ʇɐɥʍ
<JVFoxy> In recognition for his work as a popular science communicator, asteroid 33434 Scottmanley was named after him. The official naming citation was published by the Minor Planet Center on 18 May 2019 (M.P.C. 114954).
<Tank2333> nice
<JebediahKerman> ohhh
<Tank2333> he deserved it :)
<JebediahKerman> who's scott
<Althego> hehe
<JebediahKerman> is he a KSP developer or a kerbal
<Althego> no
<JebediahKerman> ok
<flayer> he's a spaceman
<Tank2333> a KSP player who doesnt know Scott?
<Tank2333> odd
<JVFoxy> his video on it
<JebediahKerman> I've only played it a few times
<deadmind> he is pretty much an honorary Kerman by now
<Althego> "hullo, it's scott manley here"
<Tank2333> ah i see
<Tank2333> Fly safe
<Althego> his name is in the game :)
<JebediahKerman> I only knew what KSP was about 6 months ago
<deadmind> i was watching scott manley videos before i even tried KSP, he kinda got me into it
<JebediahKerman> I didn't get the game until about a month ago on the XBOX One
<JebediahKerman> I'm hoping to get a gaming laptop to play KSP on instead
<JVFoxy> I found out about KSP through a friend who was over from Ireland, looking for work here. Back during 0.18
<Tank2333> i firt wathed some of his orbital mechanics videos and than some ksp serieses
<JebediahKerman> My uncle plays KSP and when he told me about it I really got into it
<Tank2333> nice
<Althego> cool uncle
<JebediahKerman> then i went in blindly and thought going straight up would immediately put me into orbit
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<JebediahKerman> but no, you actually have to do things
<Tank2333> sadly my nephew only played minecraft minigames...
<JebediahKerman> i'm even making a 2d remake of KSP with some people on Scratch
<Tank2333> before i played kerbal i didnt even know what "orbit" realy means :)
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<JebediahKerman> Here's the link to my KSP2D thing:
<JebediahKerman> My username is TwistenX
JebediahKerman is now known as TwistenX
<TwistenX> Now it's also my name here
<TwistenX> bro where did everybody go
<Althego> hehe
<TwistenX> wot
<Tank2333> the page does not load for me...
<TwistenX> slow internet? it work for me
<TwistenX> i'mma try again
<Althego> probably doesnt want to crawl through the undersea cable
<Tank2333> im in europe . maybe thats why
<TwistenX> here
<TwistenX> it's an international page
<Althego> yes, loads really slowly here too
<JVFoxy> he's reading off speeds.. I still remember when Apollo did that, it was read off as ft/s... brain can't figure that scale out yet other than for vertical speed in aircraft
<TwistenX> what
<TwistenX> are you talking about the physics and pressure project?
<Tank2333> my cat sunk into the ground
<JVFoxy> watching the stream, guys replying to questions
<TwistenX> we're doing m/s and km/s in the final project because that's what KSP uses
<TwistenX> Tank2333 yeah that happens sometimes
<Tank2333> why not cm/s or mm/s
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<TwistenX> because KSP used m/s and km/s
<JVFoxy> I know some m/s... but I'm better with km/s, knotts, km/h but when it comes to height, I can do feet, but km when it comes to orbital stuff
<Tank2333> i want farthons/y
* flayer lets some gas escape for Tank2333
<TwistenX> stop this no we're using m/s and km/s
<JVFoxy> too many different scales
<TwistenX> we're only using 2 scales
<Althego> only because of usa
<Tank2333> :)
<TwistenX> i live in USA
<JVFoxy> flying planes, we use knots.. but flying ultralights they use MPH.. seriousy.. even in Canada?
<Althego> but aviation uses strange units because of tehm
<TwistenX> we're pretty dumb for using the imperial system
<TwistenX> the metric system is easier and better
<Tank2333> ^ tell that rokker
<TwistenX> Rokker metric system better
<packbart> even the old empire can't make up their mind about metrics
<TwistenX> yes
<Rokker> no
<TwistenX> canada just uses both
<TwistenX> yes metric system is easier
<JVFoxy> you are what you are.. if it works for you.. then fine.
<Althego> one of my favorite examples, say you have hex keys (allen keys), what order they are in in imperial?
<Rokker> depends
<Althego> completely illogical
<Tank2333> but somehow even in germany we use inches for pipes.... dont ask why
<TwistenX> germany
<Althego> yes pipes are like that here too
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<Althego> legacy stuff
<Rokker> for my every day life, my foot is a foot long, my thumb is an inch
<JVFoxy> I live in Canada, my dad still uses F for temps, I'm more familiar with C... wee
<Rokker> very good for estimation
<deadmind> even subwoofer diameters are specified in inches
<TwistenX> i use fahrenheit
<Rokker> Fahrenheit is clearly superior to celcius
<packbart> double-decker buses per fortnight
<deadmind> i don't even know how much my 12" is subwoofing
<Althego> there was a mission about units :)
<Rokker> like thats indisputable
<Tank2333> Arent drill sizes just numbered ? like a drill number 5?
<TwistenX> imperial system is good for estimation and metric system is good for exact
<Rokker> I'm gonna point out that when canada converted to metric they almost killed a hundred people
<TwistenX> they're numbered by diameter in mm
<Althego> estimation is totally learned, so you can learn to estimate in any unit
<TwistenX> they also have a population of millions out of a hundred dead
<Rokker> almost*
<JVFoxy> ... I could see someone saying, "I only use the width of my finger to measure everything. I'm getting tired of all your scales"
<Rokker> TwistenX: why do you hate Air Canada passengers?
<Tank2333> Metric is good because it works in all scales with the same base
<Tank2333> or so
* Tank2333 feels sorry for starting a Metric war
<Althego> at least something is happening
<deadmind> snakes work in all scales
<deadmind> we should just use snakes/sec
<Althego> it is a pointless war, since metric already won
<TwistenX> Canada: *has 37.59 million population* Canada: *switches to metric system and 100 people die* Canada: "that's ok we still have lots of people" Rokker: "We're all gonna die!"
<Rokker> honestly I think people make a bigger deal about metric-imperial than it really is
<Althego> just backward places like usa keep hanging to imperial
<TwistenX> I started the war WDYM
<TwistenX> I said we're gonna used m/s and km/s in KSP2D and then this started
<Tank2333> TwistenX well i pinged rokker fully aware of what would happen
<JVFoxy> ... there was that UFO sim game.. they used their own esoteric scales
<TwistenX> Rokker i only been on wilson airlines
<Rokker> if metric users were really concerned about ease of use and stuff then yall would stop using km/h
<TwistenX> i've only been on a commercial airline once
<Rokker> thats a sad existence
<TwistenX> like, 6 years ago, when i went to Texa
<Rokker> go ride some planes
<TwistenX> Texas*
<Rokker> also
<TwistenX> but there's a travel ban
<Rokker> the aviation industry uses imperial
<TwistenX> and they're really expensive
<Rokker> internationally
<TwistenX> metric still better tho
<Rokker> then why don't planes use it
<Rokker> checkmate
<TwistenX> cuz they're dumb
<TwistenX> checkmate
<Rokker> planes are smarter than y
<Tank2333> Rokker napolion tried to get rid of the 60 seconds minute, but it was too much
<Rokker> u
<TwistenX> planes don't understand rocket science
<Althego> yes i think that can stay
<TwistenX> checkmate
<Althego> annoying to use
<Althego> but it is too hard to change it
<Rokker> napoleon tried to get rid of russia too, look how that worked out for him
<JVFoxy> rocket planes.. or aka superplanes
<TwistenX> russia
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<Rokker> metric is for countries that don't know how to land people on the moon
<Tank2333> in russia russia gets rid of you
<TwistenX> i tried to show people the progress i'm making on my KSP2D but it ended up starting Metric/Imperial Warfare.
<packbart> so, like the US? they don't know how to land on the moon anymore, either. scnr :)
<packbart> the knowledge is gone by now
<TwistenX> NASA just gave up on space
<Althego> and by the speed sls is developed, china will be there fastser in this round :)
<Tank2333> TwistenX often things end up in a metric war
<TwistenX> they just decided that it's Elon Musk's responsibility now
<packbart> I say, SLS is not supposed to fly ever
<JVFoxy> there's no pressure like with moon race.. derp
<Althego> but elon may skip the moon and go to mars directly
<TwistenX> Now it's a Mars race
<TwistenX> U.S.A. vs. China
<JVFoxy> moon not worth it? riiiiight
<Althego> and let the lobby people do the lobby launcher and lobby lander for the moon
<packbart> there's not much to do on the Moon
<JVFoxy> rather see us do moon as a learning step before mars
<TwistenX> Falcon Heavy vs. Falcon 9 (Made in China version)
<Rokker> REEEEE
<TwistenX> how fast does the earth pull you down?
<JVFoxy> how many inches? all of them
<Rokker> this naval trainer seems very interested in this launch
<Tank2333> i guess all the plans for the artemis programm will be shuffled again with this new administration, SLS will be new designed to use MEthan! for Mars! by 2026
<TwistenX> 21360 inches/h
<Rokker> thats definitely not right
<TwistenX> then you need to have a equatorial speed of 21360 inches/h for a low-earth orbit
<Rokker> 1.1 million inches per hour
<TwistenX> earth's gravity is 386 inches per second
<Rokker> ur wayyyy off
<TwistenX> 386*60=21360
<Rokker> what
<Rokker> thats not how math works
<Althego> wrong units
<TwistenX> i used a calculator wdym
<Tank2333> lol
<Althego> cant be inches per second, that is speed
<Rokker> 7.8 km/s
<Rokker> right?
<Tank2333> yeah
<TwistenX> oh im stupid i had to do 386*60*60
<TwistenX> bruh
<Althego> !calc 386*60*60
<Kerbot> Althego => 1389600
<Althego> behold
<TwistenX> woah there's a calc command?
<TwistenX> poggers
<Althego> not that it sees much use here
<Tank2333> we had muh more fun things in here back in teh old days
<TwistenX> ok
<Rokker> the wb-57 is gonna be watching the launch
<Althego> so what are they doing now? poking around a huge shiny metal rod
<Althego> just let it fly
<Tank2333> i guess no launch today?
<TwistenX> Hey, Vsauce! Michael here. Red was not An Impostor. Or was he? *Vsauce theme*
<Rokker> they are unhooking the flaps
<TwistenX> hi herbert
TwistenX is now known as herbert
<herbert> eeeee
<herbert> e
<packbart> miles per megadarwins per minute
herbert is now known as ReliantBetterThanSwivel
<ReliantBetterThanSwivel> ok
<Tank2333> wtf is "a" darwin
<ReliantBetterThanSwivel> SWEAR WORD
ReliantBetterThanSwivel is now known as ReliantBetterSwivel
<ReliantBetterSwivel> ok does this nick better
<Tank2333> im sorry my lord for that i have have sinned,
<ReliantBetterSwivel> Now, it's time for you to PERISH
<ReliantBetterSwivel> also
<Althego> the hubble constant has a strange unit
* Tank2333 perrishes
<ReliantBetterSwivel> "Reliant" is better than "Swivel." -ReliantBetterSwivel
<Tank2333> Althego isnt that the expanding universe acceleration thingy?
<ReliantBetterSwivel> how do you do those star thing
<packbart> I like the Pug from Missing History
<ReliantBetterSwivel> bro my cat just kissed me'
<Mat2ch> oh no, they are booming it again :P
<Althego> that is a kiss of death, the cat wants to kill you
<ReliantBetterSwivel> kerbal-boom
<ReliantBetterSwivel> u o
<ReliantBetterSwivel> but it's sleeping on my lap and purring
<Althego> i almost always use the swivel, because it swivels :)
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<ReliantBetterSwivel> what does swivel mean
<ReliantBetterSwivel> I like "Reliant" because it's reliable XD
<ReliantBetterSwivel> and because it has more thrust
<ReliantBetterSwivel> and oxidizer usage
<Althego> it is slightly ebtter just by engien paramters
<ReliantBetterSwivel> ye
<Althego> but the lack of gimbaling makes it a lot worse in practice
<Althego> i am not going to put fins on a rocket if i can avoid it
<ReliantBetterSwivel> y tho
<Tank2333> oh the LV-T30
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<Tank2333> wich version did they name the engines?
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<Althego> in star trek 2 there is a battle between the reliant and the enterprise :)
<mrBlaQ> enough with the cranes just launch the dang thing
<mrBlaQ> something's gotta blow
<Althego> the nameing happened years ago :)
<Tank2333> i know, i do feel old but i would like to know how old :)
<Althego> i started without names too
<ReliantBetterSwivel> LV-T30 is Swivel
<ReliantBetterSwivel> LV-T45 is Reliant
<ReliantBetterSwivel> I literally have the name of every stock KSP part written down for KSP2D
<Tank2333> LV-T30 "Reliant" Liquid Fuel Engine
<Tank2333> from the wiki
<ReliantBetterSwivel> oh dang it i mixed it up
<ReliantBetterSwivel> fricc
<ReliantBetterSwivel> did you guys check out the KSP2D soundtrack
<JVFoxy> reliant.. swivel... bells on those makes me think of two versions of raptor engines
<ReliantBetterSwivel> Reliant and Swivel do sound like engine names
<Althego> i think of star trek and an old game (swiv)
<JVFoxy> vector is the shuttle main engines
ReliantBetterSwivel is now known as Kerbodyne
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<Kerbodyne> and kerbodyne engines and fuel tanks
<Kerbodyne> there aren't any ore engines tho
<Kerbodyne> there's ore tanks
<Kerbodyne> no ore engines
<Tank2333> ore?
<Tank2333> like iron ore
<Kerbodyne> Yeah, ore is a material in KSP
<mrBlaQ> is that a flight qualified tie down strap on the port flap
<JVFoxy> lol... ore engines
<JVFoxy> was that mood dust powered engine, but its a mod
<Kerbodyne> y do we get ore tanks but no ore engines
<JVFoxy> .. moon.. ugh this whole thing is a mood but anyways
<Tank2333> Kerbodyne what would thos ore engines do?
<Kerbodyne> IT'S THE MUN
<packbart> well, you could patch the nuke engine to "burn" ore
<Kerbodyne> They'd probably be turned into solid fuel or liquid fuel maybe?
<Kerbodyne> OH
<JVFoxy> iron fusion.. ya considering the sun can't fuse heavy metal elements.. think we can?
<Tank2333> Go to Cern for that
<JVFoxy> fuse lead.. make gold
<Kerbodyne> What if Ore Engines burn the ore in the Ore Tanks and it gets transported to the SRBs with a Fuel Transporter?!
<Tank2333> that is devils work
<JVFoxy> I wanna see solid fuel tanks
<Kerbodyne> yes
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<Kerbodyne> SFTs
<JVFoxy> stackable SRBs
<Althego> so everyday astronaut started his stream too
<Kerbodyne> Kerbot
<packbart> the sun could fuse iron, iirc. it's just doesn't make a profit
<Kerbodyne> well yeah the Sun don't need profit
<Kerbodyne> it's just gonna kill us all in 5 billion years
<Tank2333> packbart when it fuses iron its more like an investment in the future
<packbart> entropy is going to kill us all, eventually
<Tank2333> for more profit
<Tank2333> now im sad
<JVFoxy> death taxes entropy...
<Tank2333> didnt know that
Kerbodyne is now known as LV-T30_Reliant
<LV-T30_Reliant> Finally I got this nick to work
<LV-T30_Reliant> Why am I changing my nick so much
<JVFoxy> bored?
<LV-T30_Reliant> yeah
<Tank2333> fidn a job
<LV-T30_Reliant> Im 13
<LV-T30_Reliant> wdym
<Tank2333> even better
<Tank2333> the arly bird...
<LV-T30_Reliant> u wot m8
<Tank2333> early
<LV-T30_Reliant> i have school
<Tank2333> onyl because you have no job
<LV-T30_Reliant> BRO IM 13 I CANT HAVE A JOB
<Tank2333> work for my retirement! now!
<LV-T30_Reliant> nah
<LV-T30_Reliant> i don't want to
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<Tank2333> what about the american dream?
<LV-T30_Reliant> keep dreaming
<LV-T30_Reliant> it's not happening
<Tank2333> wash some dishes and become a millionare
<LV-T30_Reliant> imagine that happens
<Tank2333> ive seen that,
<Tank2333> in the movies
<LV-T30_Reliant> wot
<Tank2333> its real
<LV-T30_Reliant> in movies
<LV-T30_Reliant> bru
<Tank2333> well elon musk kinda did it
<Tank2333> :)
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<LV-T30_Reliant> elon musk didn't become a millionare by washing dishes
<JVFoxy> so.. 3pm I hear?
<LV-T30_Reliant> ok
<LV-T30_Reliant> ...
<Tank2333> he was behind paypal and sold his part of it and with that he started making rokets
<LV-T30_Reliant> ah
LV-T30_Reliant is now known as yes
<yes> or no
<yes> or no
<yes> #kspofficial
<Mat2ch> no
yes is now known as no
<no> or yes
no is now known as _
<_> ok
<_> i gtg
<_> bye
_ has quit [Quit:]
<Mat2ch> uh, well
<JVFoxy> wasn't expecting this big of a delay. Bad enough i didn't sleep yet
<Althego> there is always a delay
<JVFoxy> spacex said 8amPST.. coming up to 11am. Now they pushing till 1pm
<JVFoxy> lol.. 114k still waiting on that channel
<JVFoxy> but anyways
<JVFoxy> I'mma rest a little, otherwise I'm going to be too out of it by the time they test
<Mat2ch> Have a good sleep
<JVFoxy> thanks.. will try
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<Althego> after hours of delay, it is going to happen on the next day :)
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<Tristen_Simon> I have returned.
Tristen_Simon is now known as TwistenX
<TwistenX> Wanna start another Metric/Imperial War? :D
<TwistenX> Tank2333 You there?
<TwistenX> Mat2ch?
<TwistenX> Rokker is back!
<TwistenX> helo?
<Tank2333> damn did i miss it?
<TwistenX> miss what
<Tank2333> Starship
<Tank2333> hop
<TwistenX> idk
<TwistenX> i was doing schoolwork
<TwistenX> IDK if it's launched yet
<Tank2333> no
<TwistenX> hold on brb
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<UmbralDrone> ...
<Tank2333> hi raptor
<UmbralDrone> hi
<Mod9000> Hello, UmbralDrone
<Rokker> Tank2333: no
<Rokker> still waitinf
<Tank2333> yeah
<Rokker> Tank2333: we have at least an hour until the observation plane takes off
TwistenX has joined #KSPOfficial
<TwistenX> K, I'm back
<TwistenX> So, Starship hasn't launched yet?
<Tank2333> i see
<TwistenX> BTW, what is Starship's mission?
<Tank2333> fly to around 12km and land
<TwistenX> Oh
<Tank2333> not sure if it will belly flip
<TwistenX> That's just 2km above the atmosphere
<Tank2333> 12... not 102
<Tank2333> the karman line is around 100km
<Tank2333> playnes fly around 10km for cruising
<TwistenX> Why is Kerbin, like 10x smaller than Earth, but it's atmosphere is only 0.5x smaller
<Tank2333> because its a game
<TwistenX> The karman line is the absolute VERY end of the atmosphere
<Tank2333> not in reality
<TwistenX> 10km is just the end of the main part of the atmosphere
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<TwistenX> Where most of the O2 is
<Tank2333> the higher you go the thinner the air gets, but at 100km its so thin you can call it space
<TwistenX> At the Karman Line, there's only about 1 O2 molecule every cubic meter
<TwistenX> At 60m, sea level, there's about 1 million ever cubic centimeter
<Tank2333> well the iss is around 400km and it still has to fight the drag and the russians have to boost it up from time to time
<Tank2333> its just not a hard line
<TwistenX> Anything above 30km is pelted with radiation because that's where the Ozone Layer is
<Tank2333> ozone is the result of radiation
<TwistenX> The layer keeps us safe from it
<TwistenX> Ozone is radiation
<Tank2333> no
<TwistenX> hence the name
<Tank2333> ozone is o³
<Tank2333> 3 oxigen atoms
<TwistenX> Trioxygen
<Tank2333> kinda
<TwistenX> That's literally it's name
<TwistenX> Here's what Google says
<TwistenX> Ozone, or trioxygen, is an inorganic molecule with the chemical formula O ₃. It is a pale blue gas with a distinctively pungent smell. It is an allotrope of oxygen that is much less stable than the diatomic allotrope O ₂, breaking down in the lower atmosphere to O ₂.
<Tank2333> when UV hits o² it splits up and when reforming it sometimes forms with 3 atoms
<Tank2333> or so
<TwistenX> I guess ozone is also kinda why the sky is blue
<TwistenX> it takes part in it
<TwistenX> but it's mainly O2 molecules taking in blue light from the sun
<Tank2333> i dont think so, that has more to do with how light gets absorbed by the atmosphere
<TwistenX> yes
<TwistenX> the O2 molecules take in the blue light while the rest are ineffective
<TwistenX> thus, making the sky blue
<Tank2333> blue mainly does get scattered farhter because it ha more energy so that is what we see
<TwistenX> The more the energy, the slower the light moves
<Tank2333> if O2 would absorb blue the sky would be green :)
<TwistenX> Purple light moves the slowest, and Red light moves the fastest
<Tank2333> fast?
<TwistenX> Ye
<TwistenX> Different colored lights have slightly different speeds
<Tank2333> but red has the lowest energy density
<TwistenX> they're off by about 1 hectometer or decimeter
<TwistenX> It has the lowest density, which makes it move faster
<TwistenX> the lower the energy and density, the faster it moves
<TwistenX> Red: Lowest energy and density/fastest colored light. Purple: Highest energy and density/slowest colored light.
<TwistenX> How do I remember this, this is from 5th and 6th grade
<TwistenX> I'm in 7th grade now
<TwistenX> White light has the absolute least energy and density, so we see white light first before anything. Black light is the has the absolute most energy and density, so we see black light last.
<Tank2333> black light?
<Tank2333> you mean the absent of light
<TwistenX> Yeah
<TwistenX> It's just darkness
<Tank2333> how can that has energy
<TwistenX> Darkness is the densest
<TwistenX> Nothing can't have energy
<Tank2333> but no photon no energy
<TwistenX> it's still has matter, right?
<Tank2333> no
<TwistenX> wait what
<Tank2333> it is light
<TwistenX> oh
<Tank2333> light has no mass, thats the trick
<TwistenX> light has no mass and no matter
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<TwistenX> that's why black holes exist
<Tank2333> kinda
<Mat2ch> TwistenX: na, metric always wins. :P
<Tank2333> ...
<TwistenX> Yesss Mat2ch
<TwistenX> although, it's velocity also counts for creating black holes
<TwistenX> If it's velocity is higher than the velocity of the gravity of the object, light can move
<Tank2333> that makes no sense to me
<TwistenX> But, black holes are SOOOO massive, not even light can escape it
<TwistenX> Hold on, I'll explain it.
<TwistenX> First, know these words;
<Tank2333> what do you mean by velocity of the gravity
<kubi> speed of light?
<TwistenX> How fast the object's gravity is pulling them
<TwistenX> Earth's gravitational velocity is approximately 9-10 m.s
<TwistenX> *m/s
<kubi> eh?
<TwistenX> However, the black holes escape velocity is so high, that it's faster than light speed
<Tank2333> yes
<TwistenX> So, that's what makes black holes, black
<kubi> is that Earth flat that has 9-10 m/s grtavitational velocity?
<Tank2333> and the time stays still at the event horizon
<TwistenX> kubi Yes, that's Earth's average gravitational pull speed at sea level.
<TwistenX> Tank2333 yes
<kubi> what is the pull speed?
<Tank2333> 9.82
<Tank2333> i think
<kubi> and what is that?
<TwistenX> 9.807 m/s
<TwistenX> That's how fast things fall on Earth
<TwistenX> On avergae
<kubi> really?
<TwistenX> Yeah
<Tank2333> how fast thing accelerate
<Tank2333> everysecond it gets 9.81ms/s faster
<TwistenX> Every second, while falling, you'll gain a velocity of 9.81 m/s faster.
<kubi> so, it is m/s2
<Tank2333> m/s /s
<kubi> that is the "speed of changing the speed", not how the fall
<TwistenX> If you start at 1 m/s, then after 1 second, you'll be falling at 10.81 m/s
<Tank2333> its linear
<TwistenX> Gravitational acceleration
<kubi> so, there is no such thing "gravitational velocity"
<TwistenX> However, air resistance effects your velocity
<kubi> unless you talk about the propagation of gravitational force
<TwistenX> That's just how I say "Gravity speed"
<Tank2333> i think he misspoke
<kubi> I think many things...
<TwistenX> I just call it that
<Tank2333> im a working man, i dont think anymore
<kubi> but physics is not really about beliefs (at least on our level)
<TwistenX> Well, yeah. I guess it's gravitational acceleration and not gravitational velocity.
<Tank2333> the new star trek shows tell me otherwise
<Tank2333> everything is about emotion
<kubi> well, that is not star trek anymore
<Tank2333> true
<kubi> whatever the title says
<kubi> but this is my belief :)
<TwistenX> But in space, outside of anything's SoI, there kind of is De-gravitational velocity
<TwistenX> Because you're not accelerating
<Tank2333> its not startrek, its action soap opra
<kubi> not accelerating?
<TwistenX> In Zero Gravity, you can't accelerate by something's gravity
<kubi> in theory or in practice?
<Tank2333> well you are kind of always accelerating towards something
<TwistenX> In practice
<TwistenX> Acceleration is gaining speed
<TwistenX> I'm pretty sure this is theory though
<Tank2333> you mean like lagrange points?
<kubi> in practice, the gravitational force is negligible "far enough" from any other objects
<TwistenX> Yeah, kinda. I'll explain
<TwistenX> This say this...
<TwistenX> You are outside of Earth's Sphere of Influence and are traveling at 8km/s.
<kubi> acceleration is the vector (scalar and direction) of the velocity verctor's change
<Tank2333> this feels like how my nephew tells me about how important protein shakes are for muscle building
<kubi> :)
<TwistenX> You won't be able to gain speed without being pulled by another object's gravitational pull, or using, say, a jetpack, or pushing off something.
<kubi> then tell him that it is more important to move your fat bottom instead of typing on your phone
<Tank2333> TwistenX well but at the end we are accelerating towards "the big attractor" if you want it or not
<TwistenX> So, in zero gravity, you can only gain acceleration by external forces or gravity.
<Tank2333> Kubi, he is 14 now and he has quiete the body, with sixpack and all
<kubi> what is Earth's sphere of influence?
<TwistenX> 9.2 lakh km
<kubi> ah, cool, so he might be right then
<TwistenX> I don't know what "lakh" means
<TwistenX> This feels like a Vsauce video
<UmbralDrone> 10000, typically as a unit of money
<kubi> so then we do not know what sphere of influence is
<Tank2333> he dreams of being a world class box champion
<UmbralDrone> er, wait, 100000
* UmbralDrone pokes India with a stick
<TwistenX> We know what it is, we just don't know how to measure it
<kubi> umm
<TwistenX> It can be measured in any form you want
<TwistenX> Anything can
<kubi> so you define it as a distance
<TwistenX> You can measure by km, or inches, or hydrogen atoms, or lightyears, or just units.
<kubi> and beyond that there is no gravitational force from Earth>
<TwistenX> Yeah, it's just called; "1 Earth soi"
<Tank2333> so than lakh is not big enough to count my money... sad
<TwistenX> Like how we have "1 Earth radius"
<kubi> hmm
<kubi> so what is that theoretical distance where we can say there is 0 force from another body?
<TwistenX> So, it's bigger than the amount of money on Earth
<kubi> and 1mm below that how much is the force?
<Tank2333> 1 picomenter
<UmbralDrone> kubi: depends on how much precision you want
<Tank2333> all of ti
<Tank2333> it
<kubi> so, we say, we neglect the force?
<kubi> we can neglect anything
<TwistenX> It would effect you about probably 1*10^10'000'000 less than it does at surface.
<kubi> even the one here and now
<TwistenX> yes
<Tank2333> 10E-7 is not that much though, ive seen worse
<TwistenX> We have an operator in this conversation, wow.
<TwistenX> yeah
<kubi> smooth operator
<Tank2333> dum dum da da dum da dum dum daradum dum
<TwistenX> Tank2333 wot
<Tank2333> smooth criminal
<Tank2333> RIP micheal
<TwistenX> rip
<TwistenX> f
<Tank2333> f
<kubi> or a linear operator
<UmbralDrone> aaaaaaa
<TwistenX> kubi wot is a linear operator
<Tank2333> sounds like a coding thing
<TwistenX> It does, and I cde
<Tank2333> something with class
<TwistenX> code*
<Tank2333> or in a libary
<TwistenX> ye
<TwistenX> Okay, what science should we talk about now
<Tank2333> maybe something with a framework
<UmbralDrone> I want to say an operator A such that when applied to functions b and c, A(b*c) = A(b) * A(c) and A(b+c) = A(b) + A(c)
<Tank2333> IM OUT
<TwistenX> How do you not understand this
<kubi> a nice, well behaved, linear one, isn't it?
<TwistenX> I just need to know what b or c is and I need to know how I'm supposed to answer it
<UmbralDrone> so eg: a derivative d/dx is a linear operator
<TwistenX> yes
<TwistenX> Hey guys let's talk about atmospheric science
<Tank2333> air is thinner than wat
<Tank2333> water
<TwistenX> Yes
<TwistenX> Because air is gas
<TwistenX> Water is liquid
<kubi> ummm
<kubi> is that true?
<TwistenX> Solid are thickest, liquids are medium, and gases are thinnest.
<Tank2333> TIL
<TwistenX> Well, yeah
<Tank2333> wow
* Tank2333 mind blown
<TwistenX> I dunno about plasma tho
<UmbralDrone> plasma densities are all over the place
<TwistenX> Electricity, Fire, Cells
<TwistenX> Radiation
<Tank2333> 3 words yes
<TwistenX> 4
<kubi> d/dx(a(x)*b(x)), would it be d/dx a(x) * d/dx b(x) ?
<TwistenX> yes
<kubi> I do not think so
<TwistenX> The Sun is literally a burning, exploding ball of plasma and gas
<Tank2333> Math is for losers
<UmbralDrone> hm
<Tank2333> Meth is for winners....
* UmbralDrone may be misremembering the definition
<TwistenX> Also for people who plan on getting a job
<kubi> d/dx ( a(x) + b(x)) = d/dx a(x) + d/dx b(x), for sure
<Tank2333> i have a job
<TwistenX> is it drug dealing
<Tank2333> no
<TwistenX> Are you sure about that
<Tank2333> yes
<TwistenX> HMMMM
<TwistenX> I dunno, I think you're sus
<TwistenX> Guys vote Tank2333
<TwistenX> *Vote*
<Tank2333> sus? like suviet Union?
<Tank2333> soviet
<Tank2333> lol
<TwistenX> Bro, the Soviet Union was U.S.S.R
<kubi> I think d/dx(a(x) * b(x) = a(x)*d/dx(b(x) + b(x)*d/dx(a(x)
<kubi> ... with properly closing the parentheses where I missed them :)
<kubi> d/dx(a(x) * b(x)) = a(x)*d/dx(b(x)) + b(x)*d/dx(a(x))
<TwistenX> The United of Soviet Socialist Republics
<TwistenX> The Susviet Union
<kubi> or, in short: (a*b)' = a*b' + b*a'
<TwistenX> I gtg
<TwistenX> bye
TwistenX has quit [Quit:]
<Tank2333> i work in a fatorie with big machines, only simple math requeired and mostly not even that
<Tank2333> damn he is a fast leaver
<Tank2333> anyway i have to go too, good night all
<kubi> I hope we will no quoted as the source of gravitational velocity tomorrow in the physics exam
<Tank2333> well he brought it up so...
<Tank2333> this was exactly how my nephew spits out facts he learned in youtube videos :)
* Tank2333 feels like that sentence was not well structured
<Tank2333> anyeway im out now
<Tank2333> for real
Tank2333 has quit [Quit: Good night!]
<Neal> so how about that 6am launch eh
<Neal> is it supposed to launch any time soon?
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<kubi> 6am lunch?
<kubi> nah, breakfast maybe
<UmbralDrone> .nextlunch
<LunchBot> UmbralDrone: Gumbo.
<UmbralDrone> hm, that would be tasty
TwistenX has joined #KSPOfficial
<TwistenX> helo
<UmbralDrone> EHLO
<TwistenX> yes
<TwistenX> dang it Tank2333 is gone
<TwistenX> kubi is still here tho
<TwistenX> nobody is talk
<FLHerne> All watching SN8 news
<kubi> well
<kubi> space is silent
<TwistenX> What is SN8 news
<TwistenX> Are they recording Starship launch?
<TwistenX> How is there 126 users but nobody is talking?
<kubi> about?
<TwistenX> Anything.
<TwistenX> Nobody's saying anything at all.
<TwistenX> Except me and you.
<kubi> nothing more to say
<kubi> maybe
<TwistenX> Then why are they still here?
<kubi> waiting for something to say
<TwistenX> Hm.
<umaxtu> heres a conversation starter, Chicago or Detroit style pizza?
<FLHerne> TwistenX: A lot of people leave IRC open basically 24/7
<FLHerne> And look in whenever they've got time
<TwistenX> Hm
<kubi> or a BNC that keeps it open
<TwistenX> Has SPACEX decided on an exact launch time for StarShip?
<FLHerne> NASA's observation plane is taking off at 1530 CST, so probably about 1645 at the earliest
<FLHerne> Sorry, 1615
<TwistenX> So, 1:30pm PST and 2:15pm PST? (I live in Washington, so I used Pacific Time.)
<kubi> whatever
<kubi> but what about the pizza?
<TwistenX> I don't know. What even is the difference?
<kubi> or what those 3rd world cities have to do with pizza
<TwistenX> I've never had pizza in a state that's not Washington, Idaho, or Oregon.
<kubi> oregano is OK for a pizza
<kubi> but how would you use the other two?
<TwistenX> I don't know.
<TwistenX> To me, pizza is just pizza.
<TwistenX> Wait, why does IRC used Military Clocks?
<TwistenX> Like saying 13:02 instead of 1:02pm?
<FLHerne> Quicker to type :p
<TwistenX> Hm
<FLHerne> Also, I'm English and I think we just use 24h time more
<FLHerne> All rail/bus timetables are in 24h
<TwistenX> I'm American and I use am/pm.
<umaxtu> Chicago style is definitely different from other pizza. Detroit is just deep-dish
<TwistenX> Oh, deep-dish is good.
TwistenX has quit [Quit:]
<Mat2ch> Tank farm is venting
<Mat2ch> so maybe they are propellant loading
<FLHerne> I love that someone felt this needed addressing
<FLHerne> (a) it's obviously a joke, and a good one
<FLHerne> (b) someone takes SpaceX's Mars plans seriously enough to consider that it might not *always* be a joke
<Althego> they managed to do this test so slowly that i am going to go to bed before it happens
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<Althego> i could try to run horizon zero dawn quests for a few hours
Azander has quit [Quit: Smile! IT makes people wonder what youa re up to.]
<FLHerne> WB-57 is flying
<Althego> but i dont really see the refueling
<FLHerne> They wouldn't be sending the observation plane down if they weren't planning to fly in an hour or so :p
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FLHerne has quit [Quit: There's a real world out here!]
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FLHerne_ is now known as FLHerne
<Mat2ch> We have ice forming on the LOX tank!
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<umaxtu> no ice on the nose yet
<Mat2ch> that seems to be starting now
<packbart> SpaceX stream about to start
<Althego> siren
<Althego> something is happening then
<packbart> (again)
<Mat2ch> waiting
<Mat2ch> again
<Mat2ch> :D
<Mat2ch> Official stream is live
<Mat2ch> With countdown!
<Althego> hah
<Mat2ch> 3:30!
<Althego> i guess the whole flight will be less than 2 minutes
<Mat2ch> but will it end with a bang?
<umaxtu> probably
<Mat2ch> T-3:00
<Mat2ch> T-2:30
<Mat2ch> T-2:00
<Mat2ch> to 'plode or not to 'plode, that's the question of the day!
<Mat2ch> T-1:30
<Mat2ch> T-1:00
<Mat2ch> We are still going!
* Mat2ch is hyped
<Althego> tenth in the counter :)
<Mat2ch> oh yes
<Mat2ch> not well fitting there. Not tested ;)
<Mat2ch> T-0:30
<Althego> didnt test the test
<Althego> i started smiling
<Althego> waited for this for so long
<mrBlaQ> water system!
<Althego> abort
<Althego> which means nothing is going to happen today
<mrBlaQ> ope
<Mat2ch> Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
<mrBlaQ> no ignition
<mrBlaQ> ok who did it. who's at fault
<packbart> Kerbalism
<packbart> engine ignition failure
<Mat2ch> Standing down for the day.
Cranium has quit [Read error: -0x7880: SSL - The peer notified us that the connection is going to be closed]
<deadmind> they forgot to plug in the joystick before launching ksp
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