Deddly changed the topic of #KSPOfficial to: Kerbal Space Program official channel | versions: KSP1 1.10.1 | Rules: | "modcall" to call ops | Δv maps: | Starship 15km flight, bellyflop, hoverslam on Friday?
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<Althego> hah, i was waiting for this for so long. i like jixuan and sebastian, but cant understand their enthusiasm for hyperloop. and they basically committed suicide by going against thunderf00t. and now his reply arrived, they were slauthered without mercy
<Althego> (indeed there was no angela ziegler in the video :)
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<flayer> oops forgot to put the wheels in symmetry
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<Althego> ah because of horizon zero dawn i forgot about per aspera
<Althego> but i can buy it now
<minas_tirith> Althego, Earth is interesting
<minas_tirith> (band not game)
<Mat2ch> Althego: the internet has mixed feelings about Per Aspera
<Althego> yes i was just checking it
<Althego> maybe it is not that good
<Althego> but i though mars terraforming
<Althego> what coulg go wrong
<Mat2ch> everything!
<Mat2ch> That's something thunderf00t can debunk :P
<flayer> per aspera makes me consider building a new pc
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<flayer> i would like to do two things: limit where i can 'recover vessel' and limit my throttle to 3 settings (1/3rd, 2/3rd, full)
<flayer> any mods spring to mind?
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<FLHerne> If I add a command to LunchBot to define custom commands, will I be permabanned from this channel?
<umbralraptop> That, uh, seems like it could end badly
<umbralraptop> like, could you make the bot do something like "/msg chanserv ghost someop hunter2"
<FLHerne> I think that might be excessive
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